Title: Shadows Surround Us
Tagline: Everyone has fears. Some big, some small, and some the stuff of horror stories. So when you meet your worst nightmare, you have two options: stay frozen in fear as it comes to life or do whatever it takes to stop it from seeing the light of day.
Full summary: Rukia is plagued by nightmares that feature Renji's death, and when a new threat enters the Soul Society, it appears that the dreams may actually become a reality. With everyone falling victim around her, Rukia fights to save her childhood friend, much to Renji's dislike. Renji, on the other hand, stuggles to come to terms with everything going on around him and feels the every present urge to let Rukia know how he feels before she is taken from him once again, this time maybe for good. Can Renji and Rukia come together to defeat the monster that has targeted the Soul Society?
World: Bleach (mostly canon with a few personal tweaks)
Pairings: Mainly Renji x Rukia with some Ichigo x Orihime sprinkled in for flavor (because I am a hopeless romantic, that's why)
Genre: Action, Suspense, Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: T
Warnings: Descriptive use of gore and violence, slight romantic situations (Sorry guys, no straight out lemons), some language. With spoilers, I think I managed to avoid giving away too much for those of you just getting into Bleach, but just to be on the safe side, read/watch through the battle between Ichigo and Aizen at the end of the Winter War.
Disclaimer: Alas, I do not own Bleach or its characters. That privilege goes to Tite Kubo, and God bless him for its creation. I own only the idea for this story and nothing more. (Please don't make me say this every chapter. I promise you, my lack of ownership involving Bleach will not change.) Also, if anyone tries to "borrow" this plot/story as their own, please let me know.
A/N: I've noticed there are not many multi-chapter fics for this pairing, but I do hope you will give this story a chance, as I have worked really hard on it. It is my first Bleach fic, but I love how it is turning out and I am very proud of it. It is my baby, so be gentle. This fic takes place sometime after the Winter War. I take creative liberty with this fan fiction to tweak the original canon of the story, particularly after the War. For the purpose of this story, Ichigo did not lose his Shinigami abilities. This won't come into play until later chapters, but just for clarification I understand that he did, if fact, lose them in the original story. However, in this he did not. Hopefully no one gets confused. I tend to be rather wordy (if you could not tell from the exceedingly long Author's Note) so if length bothers you, I apologize. I just can't help myself.
I plan on using Captain/Taichou interchangeably as well as Lieutenant/Fukutaichou, depending on what sounds better to my ears in that instance. I also cannot for the life of me figure out the accents over certain letters, so I will probably not use any, resorting to the elongated spelling on a lot of the names. Hope no one minds! Also, please no flames. Downing a story without a reason makes me sad. If I am wrong with something, say it nicely. Thanks!
Chapter 1
"Never look away - Not from nightmares or the truth." Tite Kubo
In the pitch-black darkness that surrounded her, Rukia struggled to see anything. Her body was illuminated in a pale light from somewhere above her, making her alabaster skin glow. It was cold. Freezing. The icy wind nipped at her skin as it blew around her. All she could see was the pool of red she stood in as it dyed the snow beneath her feet.
There was so much blood.
When did I get hit?
Pain stung her right side. She reached down, her fingers finding jagged flesh from where a zanpakuto had ripped through the muscle and tissue. It wasn't deep, but the blood seeped out of the wound without any sign of slowing. She gritted her teeth as she pushed the skin of her side together and applied pressure in an attempt to stop the bleeding. The pain was strong, but manageable at the moment.
The raven-haired Shinigami glanced around quickly. Her eyes scanned the area, but all she could see was her breath in the frosty air. Not another person in sight. She could sense no other reiatsu either.
Someone has to be here, she thought to herself, I certainly didn't cut myself.
At the thought of her zanpakuto, Rukia reached for the familiar hilt that seemed to always adorn her left hip. Her eyes widened when she found no sword.
Where is Sode no Shirayuki?
No matter. She was a kidou expert and the absence of her zanpakuto would not affect her fighting ability. But something itched at the corner of her mind, sending up red flags with the thought of using kidou. With doubt creeping into her head, she closed her eyes and reached out with her reiatsu to explore the surrounding area.
Nothing. She could not feel her spiritual pressure at all.
Rukia had to push away the panic that flooded her body. She had to steel her nerves, just like Nii-sama always did. She would not let the emotion overtake her.
As she struggled to compose herself, a chuckle floated through the air, turning her blood cold. She was not alone.
"Defenseless? How pathetic."
The voice sent a chill running down her spine. She frantically peered into the darkness surrounding her. There was no one there, but she was certain…she had heard a voice…
"Show yourself," she demanded, her voice cutting through the silence. It seemed to echo off of the black surroundings.
The unseen attacker chuckled again, this time with more mirth and amusement. It sounded almost giddy at her demands.
"My, aren't we feisty?" the voice teased. Rukia didn't know if her mind was playing tricks on her in the dark, but it seemed to be coming from somewhere closer than before.
She couldn't stand it. She turned, her steps being quick and jerky. Where was he? Anywhere she turned, all she saw was the darkness. It frustrated her beyond belief.
As she stepped, she realized she could hear the crunch of snow beneath her feet. A smirk pulled at her lips as she lowered her gaze.
Ah. The snow.
She stilled her movements and focused solely on her surroundings, listening for any crunch of ice or movement of fabric. She'd always had excellent hearing. If this guy so much as made a step in her direction, she would here it now that she was focusing and not letting the fear make her careless.
As she stood, she trained her ears on any noise, no matter how small. She brought her breath to a steady rhythm and closed her eyes.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
"You can't save him," the words came in a whisper and Rukia gasped as she felt the hot breath of another against her ear. She turned, punching the air behind her only to punch at nothing. This time, the voice cackled. She clutched her side tightly as another spark of pain radiated from the cut, her fast movements reminding her that she was injured.
"Bastard," she muttered under her breath, eyes narrowing in hatred and confusion.
How did he get so close to me?
That voice…a different one. She knew who that was. Her head snapped to the left and she was surprised to see another illuminated area in the dark. Within the light stood a very familiar face.
Indeed, it was her childhood friend. The tall Shinigami stood still, shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he unsheathed Zabimaru. His eyes found Rukia's and he took a tentative step in her direction. He eyed her wound, cursing under his breath as he surveyed the damage.
The unknown voice replayed in her mind at the sight of him.
You can't save him…
Fear gripped her heart as she realized the danger of the situation. She was unarmed. Her enemy was not.
"Renji, run!" she cried out to him, her voice panicked and pleading as she advanced towards him.
The man did not move, confusion etched onto his features.
"Rukia, what the hell is-"
His question was interrupted by a zanpakuto being slammed through his chest, just beneath his ribs. A strangled cry reach Rukia's ears as he arched his back in pain; she watched the redhead's blood drip from the tip of the sword protruding from his body. Zabimaru fell from his hand with a thud.
"No," she exclaimed.
Rukia could only watch as the bloodied steel was yanked from his flesh roughly. Renji groaned in pain as he swayed, his legs giving out on him. He sank to the ground as Rukia finally reached him.
She glanced around, trying to find any sign of the attacker. Again she was met with nothing.
"Where are you, you coward?" she roared. No one answered.
They were alone.
Renji coughed, shaking violently as blood splattered the snow. Rukia was pulled from her rage by the sound and kneeled next to her friend. Moving quickly, she pulled Renji to sit in front of her with his back pressed to her chest. Her arms wrapped around his shuddering form as she silently rocked. Her fingers ghosted over the gash in his chest and Renji all but screamed in agony. She quickly recoiled her hand and pulled him closer.
"Shhh, I'm here. It's alright. You're going to be alright," She cooed, running her fingers over his scalp in a soothing manner. The hair tie had broken, spilling his crimson locks over the snow around them.
But he was not going to be alright. He was losing blood at an incredibly fast pace, and the placement of the wound was bound to have punctured vital organs. She didn't have to be in the 4th Division to know that the man that she was holding against her was dying.
"Ru-Rukia…" he whispered, his voice laced with pain. She turned him slightly in her arms to where he could see her face.
"I'm right here Renji. I'm not going anywhere," she assured him. Her attempt at a smile failed miserably as her face contorted in anguish.
Renji's warm eyes found her violet eyes and his lips relaxed into a smile. His hand reached up slowly, cupping her cheek weakly. She placed her hand over his to assure it stayed against her skin. His smile widened at the contact, a deep sigh leaving his body.
"Rukia, I'm s-sorry. I-I…"
"Shut up, idiot," she interrupted, her eyes boring into his. "You have nothing to be sorry for." The man was dying, and he was apologizing. She would never hold something against him, so why he apologized now was beyond her. Tears burned behind her eyes as she watched him struggle to breathe.
He chuckled, though the act caused him to wince in pain.
"Just l-listen…" he instructed. Rukia nodded in understanding. She would not interrupt him again.
He took a deep breath, not being able to get enough oxygen into his lungs. He was fading fast. His thumb rubbed the soft skin of Rukia's cheek as those tears she desperately wanted to hold back began to flow.
"I-I'm s-sorry that I…I never told you…i-if only I…" Renji fought to get the words out. She waited patiently, knowing he only had a few moments left to say whatever was on his heart. She leaned closer to his face, making sure she caught every word that passed his lips.
"I-I…" he didn't finish, choking on the blood that rushed to his mouth as he coughed violently.
Her heart broke as he struggled to regain his voice. His inability to speak was tearing her apart. A sob escaped her and she clutched his kosode tightly, closing her eyes as the tears burned paths down her frozen cheeks. She pressed her forehead to his as she stared down at him through watery eyes. He only smiled.
He sighed heavily, and all the air left his lungs. With his last breath, he whispered her name, his breath caressing her cold skin.
His hand slipped from her grip, landing in the snow beneath them.
He was gone. She had failed to save him.
The raven-haired Shinigami took a sharp intake of breath before her body was racked with sobs. Everything around her was forgotten. Her injury. Her fear. Nothing else mattered but the fact that her best friend was dead and she could do nothing to bring him back. She pulled the man's head against her chest as she keened, feeling as if she would break if she ever let him go. With a heavy heart, her head fell back to where she faced the sky, a cry ripping from her throat.
Rukia sat straight up as she jolted awake. Her hand flew to her chest as she gasped, taking in her surroundings with urgency. She was in her room. In her bed. From where she sat she could see her wardrobe, her bookshelf, and the chair that sat in the corner of the sparsely furnished room. The door was still slid shut. Moonlight washed the room in a pale blue, but it was just as she had left it.
She ran a shaking hand through her sweat-drenched hair. She cleared her throat, wincing at the rawness of it. She must have cried out in her sleep. Luckily, it had not appeared that she had woken anyone.
It was only a dream. A nightmare. The third one this week.
Swallowing, she lowered herself back down to the mattress. Rolling to her side, she sighed heavily. It had felt so real. Everything about it had been so vivid. The scene of Renji's death replayed in her mind. The way he had yelled in pain. The way his blood stained his skin. The way his eyes had looked up at her with a sadness she had never seen, even as he smiled. She shook her head quickly to chase the image away. It wasn't real.
It was the same dream every time. She'd find herself in a snowy field, surrounded by darkness. Her right side would bleed. She touched the skin as she thought of the wound, feeling nothing of the injury in the dream. She'd hear that sickening voice, a slight echo in it as the unknown man spoke. She'd hear Renji call out to her, and then watch as he was pierced through the chest. He would die in her arms, struggling to tell her something that he never could get out in time.
How many times would she have to relive this pain? How many times would she be forced to watch her best friend die in her arms?
Quietly, she slipped out of the bed, her feet hitting the wooden floor lightly. She walked over to the wardrobe and pulled the door open in one swift motion. Reaching to the top shelf, which was a struggle for the petite Shinigami, she grabbed onto a furry foot. Pulling the item down, she glanced over the object in her hands. A pink stuffed Chappy.
It was a present she had received from Renji years ago. She had slept with the stuffed bunny almost every night, loving the thoughtfulness of her friend. She had only stopped when she discovered a rip in the stitching. Uryu had fixed it for her – the Quincy had always been amazing with a needle and thread - but she was so afraid of the toy ripping apart that she retired it to live in her wardrobe. For almost a year she had slept without it.
Tonight, she didn't care if she might possibly rip it. Her Quincy friend would surely fix it once more if need be.
She held it to her chest, squeezing the plush toy against her and breathing deeply as she walked back to her bed. She lay back down, pulling the covers up to her ears and cuddling the Chappy bunny. Its soft fur tickled her skin, but she relished in the feel of it against her. It comforted her.
She looked out the window of her room, her eyes falling on the small garden that grew just outside. She had planted that garden herself, smack dap in the middle of the courtyard the building of the Kuchiki mansion enclosed. Nii-sama had almost developed a hernia when he found out.
"You are a noble now, Rukia. You do not do such work anymore," his stoic voice had insisted. He refused to touch her until she washed the dirt from beneath her fingernails.
She didn't know what the big deal was. It was just dirt. So what if she planted a garden? The Manor was filled with gardens. This one just happened to be hers. Even if it wasn't the most spectacular of gardens, and surely couldn't hold a candle to the official Kuchiki garden her brother loved to visit, but it was hers. She may not always be welcome amongst the noble family, some members still not happy with the adoption, but they couldn't take the garden away from her. And her brother cherished all gardens, including this one. She knew her brother enjoyed the brilliant colors when the flowers bloomed in spring. She had seen him sit on the stone bench within the plants, smiling ever so slightly. Well, as much as a smile as Byakuya Kuchiki allowed. She enjoyed making him smile.
Renji had, of course, scoffed at the garden.
"Who needs a bunch of stupid plants?" he had asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest and sneering at the idea. Yet he also sat in that garden when he would visit her on the odd day off that Nii-sama would give him. He'd take in the beautiful mixture of aromas and sigh, his face relaxing into that ever present smirk.
She laughed slightly at the memory, her eyes growing heavy with exhaustion. That's how she wanted to picture Renji. Smirking, arms crossed and his scarlet hair piled up on top of his head in a high ponytail.
She slipped back into sleep, her body giving into her fatigue as she relaxed her muscles within the warmth of her bed.
Renji sat with his back against her door, silently listening for any movement from within Rukia's room. He had been in the office he shared with Kuchiki-Taichou at the Kuchiki Manor. For the life of him, he did not see why his captain needed two offices, but he had to admit the office in the estate was far more comfortable, decorated with plush furniture. On this particular night, he found himself sitting at his desk stacked high with paperwork. Oh, how he hated paperwork. Byakuya seemed to love giving it to him though, judging by the empty desk of his captain.
He had planned on finishing it tonight, but as the hours dragged on his ability to remain sitting upright had diminished. The words on the pages, all of them boring reports from minor missions, began to blur. His head started to feel heavy and he couldn't push away the sleepy haze that surrounded his mind. One way or the other, he had ended up with his face on the desk, sound asleep.
That is, until her heard Rukia scream.
He jerked awake, pausing briefly in his dazed condition. Once he had realized what he had heard, he searched for her with his reiatsu, finding her wintery, floral energy to be distressed. Flinging the door open, he spirited down the corridor towards her room. It lay directly across the courtyard. He had half a mind to run straight through the garden until he remembered how much Rukia loved it. She'd kill him herself if he so much as trampled one flower. Instead he stuck to the halls. As he neared, he reached out once more with his reiatsu, finding her familiar energy quickly. When he realized it had calmed down and was now at a normal rate, he slowed down to a walk. He came to a stop outside of her door, struggling with the desire to push the door open and make sure she was still alive. It would be easy enough. Just slide the door aside and stick his head in. He could do it in seconds. But he remained where he was, just listening. This was not the time or place to check up on his friend. He heard her sigh and the relief washed over him like a cool summer breeze. She had been dreaming obviously.
Still, Renji refused to budge from his spot. Instead, he eased down to the ground and waited.
I'll just wait until she falls back to sleep, he told himself over and over, but he knew he would not keep to that idea.
She had fallen asleep ten minutes ago, and yet here he still sat. Was he insane? If she knew he had sat outside her door at this God-forsaken hour, she would undoubtedly call him a pervert. He could hear her now, berating his integrity and questioning his character.
A low chuckle rumbled through his chest at the thought. She sure was a little spitfire.
Finally convinced that she was indeed fine, the redhead stood. Pulling his lithe body this way and that, Renji stretched his sore muscles. His body protested the motion, stiff from remaining in one spot for a while. Still, it felt so much better to stretch.
He was tired. Dog tired.
So much for catching up on paperwork.
"Good evening, Abarai-Fukutaichou." The smooth voice of Kuchiki-Taichou startled Renji, causing the taller man to flinch. The man that he called Captain was insanely gifted with the ability to mask his reiatsu. He would have admired the technique if he didn't loathe the fact that Byakuya seemed to insist on using it to sneak up on him. Nevertheless, he turned to face the dark-haired Shinigami, bowing his head slightly.
"Good evening, Kuchiki-Taichou," he replied, doing his best to keep his voice even.
"May I ask what you are doing out here so late at night?"
It wasn't like he had a choice in answering. Renji knew he would have to answer truthfully. Byakuya always had a keen eye for knowing when he lied.
"I was finishing paperwork and heard Kuchiki-san cry out. I came by to make sure she was safe," he answered as politely as possible. Byakuya was a stickler for the titles, despite knowing Rukia and Renji's long history. Even after the Winter War, the man still insisted they use the "respected ways of tradition." Rukia hated hearing her friend address her as such, but if Byakuya was there, he did. It saved a lot of trouble with the dark-haired man.
"I see," Byakuya relied softly. "Well, I thank you for your concern. It seems she is indeed safe. Goodnight."
It was not a suggestion. It was a dismissal. Renji bowed again, biting his tongue to refrain from making a smart comment of how it had been him that had responded so quickly to Rukia's cry while her precious Nii-sama leisurely walked here. He swiftly turned and marched back towards the office to gather his things. Before he could get too far, however, Byakuya changed his mind.
"Sir?" Renji spoke, turning to glance over his shoulder. The older man stood by Rukia's door still. The moonlight illuminated his face and made the kenseikan practically glow. In the briefest of moments, Renji could see his hesitation.
Byakuya never hesitated. Ever. Around his Lieutenant he had never shown anything but the perfect image of control. Control over his reiatsu, control over every mission, and certainly control over his emotions. But tonight, he had slipped ever so slightly.
It was a rare moment that Renji just so happened to witness. It was almost as if they were equals in that span of time, though it lasted only seconds.
After his pause, in which he seemed to be internally battling something, he composed himself once more. Meeting Renji's eyes without wavering, he spoke.
"Rukia has been plagued by nightmares as of late. This is the third one in the span of a week."
The taller of the two nodded, showing that he had indeed heard the older man.
"I have tried to ask what has been disturbing her, but I'm afraid my conversation skills are lacking," Byakuya continued. Renji had to bite back a snort. His conversation skills were more than lacking. Renji wondered if he even had the ability to talk about personal feelings outside of missions. Talking to Byakuya was like talking to a brick wall. Scratch that. A brick wall was better company.
"Seeing as she is suffering, I ask that you try to gain knowledge of what it is that has had her waking in distress night after night."
The redhead blinked at the request, shocked.
Did Kuchiki-Taichou just ask me for a favor?
He bowed once more, lower than the others.
"I will try Taichou," he replied as he glanced upwards at the man.
The dark-haired Shinigami nodded once before turning away and walking in the opposite direction, his black shihakusho rippling from the movement. Renji had to shake himself from his stupor as he watched the white haori and wildflower light silk scarf trail in the breeze created by the captain's movements. He knew he must still be feeling the effects of his dozing from earlier, because if he didn't know any better, the corners of Byakuya's mouth had slightly lifted as he turned his back on the taller of the two.
You've got to be kidding me…did he just SMILE?
He straightened swiftly and walked back to the office, doing his best to hide his excitement. That was the closest he had ever come to feeling like a comrade to Byakuya and not just a lower seat. His captain was strict. He never allowed Renji to see the inner workings of the man who he wished to surpass one day. Until now.
When he finally returned to the office, he allowed himself to laugh. If he hadn't seen it himself he would have never believed it. Byakuya smiled. If he wasn't so overcome with giddiness he would have been terrified. It was just…creepy. Exciting, but freakin' creepy.
"Well I'll be damned…" he chuckled, gathering his stuff.
As he exited the room once more, he allowed his eyes to drift across the courtyard to Rukia's door. It remained shut, as it had through the entire exchange with Byakuya. His gaze traced the panels of that door before he forced himself to move. He didn't want to test his captain's patience. He could ask Rukia in the morning what had woken her with a fright, after he himself got some much needed sleep.
Well? *goofy smile* What did you think? I'm really curious to see, since this has taken up about 3 months of my life.
Review, please and thank you?
Much love,