The Academy Life Of Sakura Haruno
Chapter 1: The new girl
Sometimes I like to ask myself, why me? Of all the people in the ninja academy, me, Sakura Haruno, was blessed with a giant forehead. My mom told me if I got bangs it will help cover it up. But people made fun of me even more.
"Hey look its the forehead!" Ami called out. A bunch of people burst into laughter, I could feel hot tears form in my eyes, until Iruka sensi walked in.
"Alright class take a seat." I sat in the back corner, by myself as usual. Nobody wanted to sit by me or let me sit by them in that case.
"We have a new student," A really pretty blond haired girl with cute aqua eyes smiled confidently at the class. "Why don't you introduce yourself?"
Her smile slowly faded, "My names Ino Yamanaka, I used to live at the other side of town until me and my family moved here." A bunch of people began whispering.
Then Iruka sensi scanned the room. "Alright Ino for today why don't you sit in the back next to Sakura." He pointed where I was, I gulped. People began whispering again. "Oh no the new girls sitting next to the forehead!"
"I feel for her!"
I put my head down as Ino sat down staring at me and then began taking notes on what was on the board.

Finally class ended and we went to lunch, Ami shoved me against the wall, "Ugh forehead! Your big ugly foreheads in the way!" Her friends started giggling, "Good one Ami" and with that they all walked away. I curled up in a ball and began crying. A few people were staring but I didn't care, sometimes I wish I could just run away. I hate Ami, I hate this forehead, and I hate this school!

"Sakura? Is something wrong?" I looked up it was Naruto Uzamaki, I got up imediently, "No everythings fine Naruto." I remembered what happened to him with those bullies how they tricked him, and if it wasn't for Shikamaru ratting them out, he would have been killed.

"Hey Naruto! Are you coming or what?!" We both looked up, "Yeah I'm coming!" He called back to Shikamaru and ran over and with that they headed outside with Choji and Kiba. I was left their in the hallway, I had 3 choices:

outside and eat with the others and try making friends with Ino

the above+punch Ami in the face

Oh who am I kidding I don't have the nerve for any of those things!