Kagome sighed as she stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to turn. She carried a heavy plastic bag in one hand, filled with groceries for tonight's dinner. She alternated the bag between hands whenever the other grew tired of holding its weight. A few people joined her on the street corner, eager to continue, but thwarted in their endeavors by the heavy rush hour traffic. She looked up at the cloudless blue sky above her and gave a small smile.

It had been four months since she and her father had come back home and summer was in full swing. It had been a rather hot summer so far, and there was some concern about the crops. Kagome paid little attention to it all though, her only concern was the empty sky above her. She had managed to find a used telescope for a good price, which she had eagerly purchased, and setup. Since coming home she had taken to astronomy, though an amateur, and spent most of her nights stargazing.

The light turned, and the crowd began to cross the black paved street, Kagome followed silently behind them. It had taken some time, but Souta and Ryo had begun to build a strong relationship, and now spent hours at a time together. Ryo would often help practice soccer, and Souta enjoyed showing his father video games, which did not come easily to the older man. His movements with the controller alone often earned a laugh from the children.

Things were going well for her family and Kagome was glad that she had been able to witness it all. She was happy, for them particularly, but buried deep within her Kagome hid her depression. She loved her family, without contest. Yet, she could not help but yearn for more in her life, for a world she had once known but left behind. She had even tried returning to the feudal era, but it seemed that during her absence the well had either sealed itself or lost its magic.

She had not cried since the day she left them all behind in Radiant Garden though, and had no intention of starting now. She had made her decision, and though she was not entirely happy with it, there was no going back. She had hoped that Riku would beg for her to stay, give her some reason, but he had not. She did not blame him; after all she had only really known him a few short months, though the time they spent together seemed much longer. She had needed to be here for her family though, so perhaps he was right. All the same it only hurt her more, and he had not been completely right. Kagome reached the endless steps pf her family shrine, and began the long and tiring trek up.

That evening, after dinner, Kagome was next to her telescope, gazing fondly through the lens at what lay beyond. She was interrupted when a soft knock resounded from her door. Glancing over her shoulder she called out, "Come in."

The door swung open to reveal Ryo. He watched his daughter for a time as she engaged in her newest hobby. She paid him little mind though, so at he decided to ask her, "Dessert is ready, would you like any?"

Kagome shook her head but did not turn away from the telescope, the movement causing her long dark hair to sway back and forth. "No, thank you. Maybe later. You can tell mama to go ahead without me."

Ryo sighed before boldly stepping into her room and sitting on her bed, which still bore the pink comforter he had bought for her birthday shortly before he left. "I am worried about you Kagome." He confided quietly.

His abrupt statement caught her attention and she turned to look at him. "Why?"

Patting the spot next to him as an indication that she should join him there, he elaborated. "You seem so distant now Kagome. You may have come back physically, but your mind is still back there."

Kagome opened her mouth to reply but quickly shut it. She was not sure what there was to say, if anything. Perhaps she had been spending more time on her own, and she certainly did miss her friends. So she chose to remain silent, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with her father's observation.

"I am not saying you should forget what happened to you or the people you met, but you are in a rut Kagome. Your other worries for you too, after all you have made no move to get any sort of job or apply for college. You are letting life pass you by Kagome, and it pains me to watch my own daughter, who is so young allow it to happen."

Dropping her gaze to the hem of her shirt and plucking at a lose string Kagome said quietly, "I miss it there."

Ryo nodded before asking her another question. "Do you regret coming back with me?"

Kagome's head shot up to met his gaze as she shook her head vigorously. "No, not at all. I am glad I was here for when you came back, and to see Souta learn who his father is. It's just now; I am not quite sure what to do with myself."

Ryo considered her words for a minute and only gave a low hum in thought. "If this were a perfect and an ideal world what would you want?" He asked her at length.

Kagome looked confused for a minute as she mulled over his question. "Well, I suppose I would like to have both. The grass may not be greener on either side, but each side offers something different. I wish I could live there, but have my family with me."

"Ah, the obstacle which has plagued females for centuries." He mussed with light humor.

Kagome sent him a questioning look and with a sheepish smile he explained. "In many patriarchal societies, it is common for a young woman to move into her husband's house, and leave behind her family. It is difficult, especially for younger girls who have never spent much time, if any, away from their family."

Kagome gave a light blush, "But I am not being married away." She argued his point.

Ryo chuckled, "No, perhaps not. Though that friend of yours, Riku I think? He seemed to be a fine young man." He teased her in a thoughtful and innocent manner.

Blushing wholly now past her ears and throat Kagome shifted to look out the window once more. "Dad!" She scolded with embarrassment. Though she agreed, and longed to hear those words spoken, she had not expected them to come from her father. She had tried not to, but she had compared her relationship with Riku, with the relationship she had once had with Inuyasha. Though she and Inuyasha had never had a real relationship, he had been her first love, and she would never forget him. She was not a stranger to crushes either, people she had sworn she had loved more than herself, over the years, only to move on when those feeling were not reciprocated. With Riku though, everything was, or had been different. She wondered sometimes if she was really beginning to understand what love was, because her feelings for Riku were so very different than anything she had ever felt before.

Riku made her feel complete; he was so much more than she had ever hoped for. She was content and passionate about him all at once and only wished him to be happy and satisfied. He knew her like no one else had, and Kagome liked that. She had been drawn to him, on a different level than the silly infatuations she had held before. Whatever the difference was, it was unlike anything she had felt before, and she knew what they had been special.

He laughed, a rich sound that comforted Kagome. "Forgive me. You two seemed rather close though, and I am sure you miss him very much. I must say though that he would be the only man I would dare part with you for, at this moment." Kagome looked up again. "He cares for you deeply, and is fiercely protective, as he showed when he came to your rescue at the castle in The World That Never Was. Not to mention that he followed you into a portal that could have meant your death without a thought."

Kagome blushed once more, but did not turn away as Ryo continued. "I am a selfish man, Kagome. I have missed out on so much of your life, and I wish I could keep you here forever. He is an honorable and good sort of boy though, who I am sure would take good care of you, and one I would be proud to call my son."

Her eyes softened at the confession her father made, and it made her heart ache even more for Riku. "Then what do you propose I do?" She asked him softly.

Ryo shook his head though. "I cannot tell you what to do Kagome. That is something you must decide for yourself. As cliché as it may sound I believe the best thing to do in these sort of situations is to follow your heart." He was sure he was simply reciting one of his wife's romantic comedy movies, or chick flicks as he knew them, verbatim. However he could not think of anything more fitting at the moment. Idly Ryo decided that the next movie they watched would be either an action or a suspense film.

Kagome nodded, and looked down once more as she considered her options, though she really had none. "What would you do?" She asked instead, hoping for a different answer.

"Well," Ryo began as he leaned back. "If I was separated by the universe itself from your mother..." Kagome scoffed at this. "I think I would do anything in my power to get back to her."

"Easier said than done." Kagome grumbled. Kagome agreed with his answer though, if it were in her power she would move heaven and earth to be back by his side, even if he had been distant her last few days there.

With a click of his tongue, Ryo chastised her. "I am sorry Kagome, nothing ever comes simply. I wish I could help you more, but I cannot. I think I figured out the last details of a more permanent gate system, but I lack the materials once again. I may one day be able to allow you travel to another world, but that is not this day. First I need some large amount of one element or another which could withstand long term use, and perhaps a very large supply of warp stones. I think then I could allow people to travel freely between worlds, without spending time with a Gummi ship. Unfortunately those supplies are rather scarce here."

Kagome nodded, only half listening, as he rambled on about the new specifications he had decided on that would improve his prototype. However he said one world that for some reason stood out and caught her attention. 'Warp stone? Why does that sound familiar?' She wondered. She chanted the word over and over again in her mind as she tried to remember. 'Twilight Town? Was that where I heard it? Let's see where could I have been, and why does it seem so important, the stupid thing keeps nagging me!' Unknown to her father who was still discussing his plans for intergalactic travel, Kagome became frustrated by her lack of memory. However, it came to her soon enough and with a joyful cry Kagome sprang to her feet, startling Ryo into jumping.

"What? What is it?" He asked as he tried to calm his heart.

Kagome was already half buried in her closet as she dug out the satchel she had taken with her from Radiant Garden. She mumbled to herself as she ignored her father's question in lieu of finding the bag. With yet another triumphant noise and a bright smile Kagome found her prize, and picked her way through the mess she had created. Dropping the bag suddenly she jumped back onto her bed next to her father and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you! You are brilliant! You really are the best Dad!"

Glowing under her praise despite his confusion Ryo nodded. "Thank you, very much; I am not sure what it is I have done though."

Pulling away Kagome gave him another thousand-watt smile as she retrieved her bag from the floor and digging though it's contents. "You gave me an idea! When I was in Twilight Town, just before I met up with you I sort of made a bet with a girl. I ended up winning, and as part of the prize she gave me this!" She exclaimed with great joy and pride as she thrust her hand into the air before him, holding a small warp stone.

"Ah, I see! So what will you be doing?" He asked her, his face not betraying any emotion as he waited for her answer.

Kagome's shoulder slumped as she deflated with his question. "I am not sure." She answered miserably.

"Why not? I thought you wished to return to your friends?" Ryo asked.

She shifted her position as she brought one leg up under another. "Well, I'd like to. But I don't know that I could leave all of you again. Let alone what mama would say. I may not see you all again for some time if I leave." She told him dejectedly.

"Kagome, if this is what you want, than go for it. We will support you, even if it is from across the universe. We both knew from the time that you were born that you were special and would do great things. Though that may have been partly your grandfather's influence." He teased her lightly. She gave him a look that showed she was not amused and so he continued on. "I doubt it will be too much trouble, your mother will be happy that you came back at all to spend time with us, I am sure, just let me handle her."

Kagome gave him a soft smile. "Thank you Papa."

Sora climbed up the long marble staircase, his rushed footfalls deafened by the plush red carpet draped over the steps

Sora climbed up the long marble staircase, his rushed footfalls deafened by the plush red carpet draped over the steps. He took them two at a time, eager to get to his destination, though his movements were not as free in his current attire. Instead of the usual clothes he had been given by the three good fairies, he now donned formal attire of the court.

He wore a white shirt now, which was tucked into a fitted pair of black pants. Over the white shirt he wore a black blazer of sorts, which was unlike any he had ever seen before, suited as it were for the courts of Disney Castle. It was cut short in the front, but draped a little further down in the back, though it was not split to resemble coat tails. The sleeves puffed out over his shoulders, decorated by a golden thread, before continuing on in a narrow fashion down to his wrist. As if that were not bad enough he had been forced into shiny black shoes which had already given him four blisters, and even a vest made of plum brocade and silk, which held the same ornate gold thread running through it in some fancy pattern he had not paid much attention to.

He felt ridiculous, he looked like a clown in his eyes, but Kairi assured him he looked handsome and said it was a nice change. So, begrudgingly he had accepted the new clothes, after all it was only for this one night, and there really was not any way around it. Tonight was important, and he would have to look presentable, no matter how many blisters presentable gave him.

The King had come to the conclusion that the laws of silence between worlds could no longer hold under the constant threats of heartless. So he had decided to make some changes to the laws and court systems dictating that all words remain ignorant of each others existence. Though they did not plan to let all of the residence of said worlds, become informed of just what was out there, he had invited dignitaries from each world tonight to a ball of sorts to begin the transition, as the changes would be in their hands.

So two weeks ago, he and Kairi and Riku had been brought to the castle to make plans and preparations, which had all come down to this night. He now hoped to find Riku, who was once again alone in his room. While he hoped to see Riku also donning some pompous and ridiculous royal garments, maybe even worse than his, he also wished to discuss that which he had been delaying. Sora could no longer take it though, no matter how much Kairi asked him in that gentle voice of hers, to leave him alone, he could not anymore. Tonight, he would confront Riku about Kagome.

He had accepted Riku's decision, no matter how much he disagreed, and had tried to support him these last four months, but his friend was indifferent and distant. In truth it was like he had lost his best friend to the darkness once again. He had allowed it, and given him some space thinking it was what he needed in dealing with the situation, yet instead Riku buried himself in anything he could, trying to forget.

This had been what Sora feared, and it was time he did something to snap his best friend out of it. Topping the long staircase in the halls of Disney Castle, Sora paused for a minute as he tried to roll his shoulders to free up his clothing a little, but was thwarted in his attempt. With a glower he strode down the hall, grumbling about the wretched suit he wore and counting down the minutes until he could change.

Knocking loudly, Sora stood before Riku's door, he would have barged in unannounced if it had not been locked. He tapped the tow of his shoe impatiently, the sound echoing down the long empty corridor. He raised his fist once more to knock, even louder this time, when the door was flung open. Lowering his hand Sora felt himself begin to pout as he took in Riku's appearance.

The older youth was dressed in a similar manner, though in some ways it could be considered far more elaborate and demeaning to masculinity, Riku once again proving himself over Sora, pulled it all off flawlessly. No matter how feminine the fabric or details, or how tight the fit and glittery the accessories, Riku made them look princely, making Sora huff.

Riku wore the same white shirt, as Sora, his was tucked in neatly into slacks, which were wider cut than Sora's through the legs, but were as fitted at the waist and hip as his. The color was a richer blue than navy and could only be described as indigo. His feet were also covered in polished black shoes, though the toe was slightly more pointed on Riku's pair. Unlike Sora's overcoat, Riku's was made of a softer fabric, and almost reminded him of velvet, it too was a rich indigo color. The cut was the same as Sora's with a hem which was longer in the back, and silver embroidered sleeves which puffed over the shoulder. However, Riku's was tailored to have wide cuffs which were not only embroidered like the sleeves, but also had ornate silver buttons which fastened loosely. The same buttons closed the jacket in the front over a black cummerbund of sorts which looked more like a sash that had been made embroidered just as the sleeves and cuffs. Currently Riku was fiddling with a tie around his neck made out of a silver and black ribbon, which did not tie in any conventional knot.

"Do you have any idea how you are supposed to tie this thing?" Riku asked him in desperation.

Sora blinked looking at the odd necktie. "Nope, not a clue."

Riku sighed and stepped back into the room, leaving the door open for Sora to follow. "Figures. Why couldn't it be a normal tie?" He grumbled before glancing at Sora. "How did you get away without one?"

"Luck." Sora replied with a shrug.

Riku gave him an even look as he sat down on the room's bed, the ribbon hanging around his neck. "Next time share the luck would you?"

Sora gave him a cheeky grin. "I don't know."

Riku scoffed, but did not argue further. "So how are things going? Is everything almost ready?"

"Yeah," Sora nodded. "Just some final adjustments and the kitchens are already laying out the food, so really, anytime now."

"Alright, well, I will be down soon. Was there anything else you needed?" Riku asked.

Sora was quiet for a minute as he reconsidered his approach. "It's been four months you know." He told him solemnly.

Riku nodded, and let his head hang a little lower. "Yeah, I know."

"Aren't you going to look for her?"

Riku shrugged. "I really have not made up my mind." He confided. "A part of me is still convinced that she is better off where she is and it is better to make a clean break and not confuse either of us any more."

"Was it really a clean break though?" Sora asked him, from what he had seen it was more awkward and messy.

Frowning Riku agreed, "I guess not."

"So what now then?" Sora asked, hoping to get Riku to make some sort of decision. Riku had never been one to sit on a fence, and Sora was not about to let him start.

"Everything is about to change. That is what tonight is about right? With heartless and nobodies still out here, and the occasional Kuja, we cannot allow life to continue as it has, and you and I will be playing a large part in that. I doubt we will get to spend much time in any one location, and that would not be fair to anyone. So I guess if we do find her world, I will let things happen however they are meant to happen." Riku explained softly.

Sora sighed. "I don't like seeing you unhappy."

Riku gave him a crooked smile in return. "Thanks, I will try not to be so depressing. To be honest, I kind of hoped she would change her mind; she was always so stubborn that I thought she would just ignore what I told her. When she did go, I thought it would only be for a short while, that somehow she would be back within a week. It just took a while for me to get it, to realize that she is gone and that she is not coming back."

"I think if she were going to come back on her own she would have a long time ago. Kagome was always just as impulsive as you are."

"And as rash as you are." Riku returned.

Sora only laughed. "True." He paused for a moment to gauge Riku's thoughts before he added, "we all miss her you know."

Riku nodded, "I know."

Sora moved to sit beside Riku on the bed. "Kairi still says you can come down with us, or she could find you a different date for the night. She really does not want you to be on your own."

"It's what I know best though." Riku replied quickly, and Sora knew better than to argue. "I will come down later on my own, don't worry. You two should have fun on your own without a third wheel."

"It was always the three of us though." Sora mussed.

Riku looked him in the eye with a meaningful look. "Not anymore though. It is about time you two had your own time. We have to grow up sometime, we all knew one day we would split up into some sort of pairs, and it is not fair for you two to keep waiting, not after everything you have both been through."

"I still wish we would not have to leave you all alone though." Sora said.

"This is a ball, I won't really be alone." He assured his friend, though they both knew it was easy to be alone in a room full of people.

"Fine, knowing you there will be a flock of girls to fawn over you." Sora chuckled. "Just don't make Kairi wait too long, or she'll worry even more."

With laughter in his eyes Riku said, "Speaking of Kairi waiting, you better not do so yourself. I don't think she would be too happy."

Sora's face paled before he gulped in fear. "Yeah, good idea. I better go then. Good luck with that tie." Sora then quickly left, rushing to meet with his girlfriend before her anger got the best of her.

Riku watched him leave with a heavy gaze, waiting until the door clicked shut before he let out a defeated sigh. He stood up and walked closer to the wide window of the room he had been given. It overlooked the courtyard below him, and he enjoyed the view. During his time with the King, he had come to respect the small mouse greatly. He had never once given up on him, and it meant a great deal to Riku, to have at least one person who believed in him, even when he did not believe in his self.

He had wondered what kind of castle the King lived in, what his world was like, and he found that he was not disappointed in the least now that he was face to face with it. It was very different than any of the other worlds he had spent time in, and that was what he liked best about it. This world did not bring any bad memories to mind, he felt almost free of the lingering darkness in this cheerful place. He only wished that he was free of the memories of her.

Perhaps he could have forgotten if it were not for Sora and Kairi, who were always worrying over him, and insisting that it would help if he talked about it. He did not want to talk about it though. He was doing fine on his own, though the wounds were still open they had begun to heal, yet whenever his friends began to meddle it was like pouring salt or sometimes even vinegar into them. He knew they meant well, and he was grateful for their support, but even still, they were doing more harm than good. It seemed that they were beginning to clue in though, and he thanked his stars for that.

She would have loved this though, of that he was sure. She would have loved to have seen the gardens and stayed in the castle and attend a ball. She would have looked lovely, he was certain of that as well. She was gone now though, and he could blame no one but himself for it, though he still felt it had been the right thing to do. She was safe, and she was with her family, she had been there when her father had returned to her mother. It may not have been much, but there was little that he could give to her, and so he had done so, though she may never know just what it had meant.

Reaching up to drag the ribbon from his neck Riku curled his lip at it. Perhaps he should change before going down, Kairi and the Queen had insisted he wear this particular outfit, and so he had agreed, knowing better than to argue. This tie though was a joke. Not to mention the cummerbund looked more like a sash fit for a gown. Perhaps he would give another look through the array of garments that had been left for his perusal, he was sure he could do better.

He was distracted however, before he could even turn around, by a silver light reflecting against the window pane. With hard eyes he spun around to face the disturbance behind him. There was a swirl of silver light forming what looked much like a portal akin to those Kuja and even Organization XIII had once used. Rolling his shoulders back and shifting his legs apart, Riku prepared for the attack. He was unsure of what it was, but he had only had bad experiences with such magic. Summoning his Keyblade he took a few steps closer and prepared to strike the moment anything stepped out of the portal.

It seemed like an eternity as he waited. The tones and tints of silver mixed around in a taunting fashion shielding their secrets from him. Then something fell to the floor just before the portal, and the colors dissipated. He raised his sword to strike the fiend before it had a chance to catch him off guard and took a hasty step forward. As the lights receded he was given a clearer view of what had been left behind however, and he paused mid strike at the crumpled form at his feet, staring with wide disbelieving eyes.

Heather blue eyes stared up at him in shock and fear, making his heart ache, and so Riku lowered his blade, before dismissing it all together. He stared at her with hope wondering if his mind had resorted to illusions now. "Kagome?"

Tears welled up in those eyes then and she flung herself up into his arms with such force that she knocked them both back to the floor. Her head was pressed into the curve of his neck and shoulder, which was beginning to feel rather wet. Quickly Riku brought both of his arms around Kagome and pulled her close breathing in the scent that he had not noticed until it was gone.

"Riku." He heard her whisper, and he only nodded into her silky locks. After a moment she lifted her head to look in his eyes, as if searching for something, and Riku stared right back, hoping she found whatever it was she wanted. Apparently she did, as abruptly she lowered her lips to his and kissed him fervently. Riku welcomed the contact and took hold of her shoulders as he kissed her back, taking the lead.

He would have been content like that for some time yet, but his mind was buzzing with thoughts and questions, and so he tried to untangle them from their position on the floor. After a moment she cooperated, and they rearranged themselves on his bed. He held both of her hands in his as he took her in, trying to notice any difference from when he had last seen her, and found none, but the beginning of dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep.

"What are you doing here?" He asked first, trying to not overwhelm her with everything he wanted to either ask or say.

She gave a small laugh. "I did what I needed to back home, and I decided it was time to come back."

He shook his head, wanting to curse her and praise her. "But how? I thought there was not any way back for you?"

"Do you remember the struggle tournament in Twilight Town?" She asked and he nodded in agreement. "Well, when you defeated Locke and I won the bet with Terra, she gave me a warp stone. I only remembered I had it a few days ago, and then I was certain that I could get back."

"So you are back for good?"

She nodded with a smile. "Yes, I am here to stay, hopefully I will be able to find someone kind enough to give me some food and shelter until I can take care of myself. I was not really able to plan the trip much." She glanced about the room then. "Where are we anyway? I don't remember anyplace looking like this in Radiant Garden. Are we somewhere on one of the Destiny Islands?" She asked perplexed.

Riku shook his head. "No, this is my room in Disney Castle. Since you left the King has decided that we cannot keep pretending that other worlds do not exist, and that there is a threat to us all still lurking out there. He is making some changes and putting together an organization of sorts to handle it all, and he is starting by throwing a ball tonight to start off and introduce everyone. The following few days will be dedicated to the practical part of establishing everything and training everyone."

"Wow." Kagome gaped at the information; it had not been what she expected. "So is everyone here?" She asked.

"Yes, Sora and Kairi are downstairs. The committee from Radiant Garden should be down there as well, they are also playing a large roll in organizing all of this. You will probably recognize many of the guests from our travels s well." Riku answered.

Looking down at his clothing Kagome let out a giggle. "Nice clothes."

Riku flushed slightly. "I was thinking of changing. The Queen and Kairi insisted I wear this, but I think the tie and cummerbund are the worst of it. So maybe if I compromise they will be satisfied."

"Sounds good. Though it is not exactly anything I would choose, you do look nice." She complimented. She was surprised actually, she would have never thought any self respecting man could pull off an overcoat like that, but somehow Riku managed to do just that. "Is there any way I can come?" She asked, hoping it would not be too rude to invite herself. She was anxious though to see everyone again.

"I doubt anyone would mind." Riku told her with a smirk. She had been sorely missed, and if she appeared tonight would certainly have quite the fanfare. "You will need to change though, it is a formal event."

Kagome frowned. "How can I get clothes without anyone knowing? I would like to surprise them."

Riku considered this for a minute before helping her to her feet. He led her out his door and down the never-ending corridor about five doors. He opened the door which had not been locked and pulled Kagome in after him. "This is Kairi's room. The Queen and Daisy sent up an entire rack full of clothes and such for her to choose from and I doubt anyone has collected it yet. Do you think you could find something here?" He asked as he spotted the rack he spoke of and gestured to it.

Kagome smiled at the idea, "Yeah, I think that will work." She assured him. "Go ahead and finish getting ready, I will meet you out here, as soon as I am done."

Nodding Riku left her to it, and Kagome turned to see what her options were. A long rack had been pushed into the corner of the elaborate room, from it hung numerous ball gowns. There were also several boxes on the floor next to the rack of formal dresses, containing everything from shoes to undergarments, to hair accessories. Kagome eagerly pulled the rack out from the wall and began to search through the line for a dress she liked, hoping it would also fit her.

Though the dresses were all cut in a different manner, it was clear that pastels were the current trend at Disney Castle. Kagome had never been overly fond of pastels, but felt that they were better than neon colors, heaven forbid she ever see a formal gown in a neon yellow or pink. The thought made her cringe, and so she refocused at her task at hand. Finding a few choices, Kagome pulled them from the rack and set them aside, laying them across Kairi's bed.

Next Kagome found a strapless long-line bra and a light crinoline which was made to give the dress some body. She quickly put these on before turning to have a look at the dresses once more. She decided that one dress was too small without having to try it on, while another was a color that would wash her out. With a sigh Kagome picked up her favorite of the two remaining dress. It was a soft aqua color, which was richer than the rest of the washed pastel colors. The gown was strapless, though the neckline was curved in a sweetheart manner. It was fitted to about the hip, where the dress flared out in layers of fabric, which were meant to twirl while dancing. It was far simpler than some of the other dresses, and was accented by only a hint of embroidery at the top of the bodice. There were also hints of rhinestones and crystals which glittered in the light of the room. To Kagome it was magnificent.

Stepping into the dress Kagome struggled to zip it up in the back on her own, and was sure that she looked a fool trying to do so. It was during one of her twists, that the door opened, and Kagome gasped as she turned around to hide her back from the intruder. Kairi stood at the open door gaping at her in disbelief, and Kagome gave her a nervous smile. "Hello Kairi, miss me?" She greeted, hoping it was not too odd to find an old friend in your room trying on gowns given to you by a Queen.

"Kagome!" The girl exclaimed, rushing forward to greet her friend, she was remarkable quick despite the gown she wore. Kairi was dressed in a lovely lavender gown which had small cap sleeves and a square neckline. It too, was fitted through to her waist before the dress flared out around her. Kagome wondered if the dress was capable of standing on its own. It was more elegant than Kagome's own, and split at the waist to reveal an elaborately embroidered and beaded panel of violet beneath.

Hugging the other girl to her, Kagome smiled. "I hope you don't mind, but I needed a dress." She told her as they broke apart.

Kairi grinned, "This is great! Have you seen Riku yet?"

"Yes, I have."

"I have to tell Sora! Oh, and everyone else! They are going to be so happy to see! Oh Kagome it is so good to have you back!" Kairi said cheerfully.

Kagome shook her head fiercely before Kairi could abandon her and spill her secret. "No, no, I want to surprise them!"

Kairi gave her a wicked grin in return obviously taken with the idea. "I will help you get ready then, and you and Riku can make a big entrance later! Don't worry I won't tell a soul!" Kairi assured her.

"Thank you." Kagome acknowledged her friend gratefully. Kairi then finished zipping her up before leading her to a small vanity. Kairi helped her apply some light make up, and pick out some jewelry and shoes before working on her hair. She swept up Kagome's thick dark locks in several twists with a beautiful silver clip. She worked fast and soon Kagome was ready in no time at all.

Thanking her again, Kagome let Kairi go back down to the party, promising to hold to her vow of silence and make sure to keep the others busy for now. Kagome then left to find Riku, who by now was waiting in the hallway for her. He had changed into a black vest, which lay hidden beneath his jacket for the most part. He had also found a traditional necktie which was tucked into the vest neatly. It was made of fine silk, and was a dark silver color, more platinum than anything, but it accented the rest of his ensemble well.

"That is much better." She said with a smile as she took his form in. She could not deny, however bizarre the trends of the palace, he looked strikingly handsome.

"You look beautiful." He answered sincerely, making Kagome blush.

"Thank you." She answered meekly.

Riku offered her his arm, "Shall we go?" He asked her.

Kagome giggled at his behavior but took his arm nonetheless. "Yes."

The ball itself was being held in the grand ballroom, which was just as large as the audience chamber. However it was not on the ground level and so after entering through the wide double doors a long staircase led to the ballroom floor. Plush red carpet had been rolled out over these stairs as well, leading all the way to the back of the room to the thrones where the King and Queen sat. Sora and Kairi stood some distance from the magistrates but were considerably near the front of the room nonetheless. Kairi had been unusually happy since she had returned from her errand upstairs, which had taken longer than she had said it would. When he questioned her about it she only said that something else had been brought to her attention and that it was nothing for him to worry about. She had said it all with a content little smile which proved to him that she was up to something, and so Sora felt slightly weary.

The committee stood near them as the guests had entered, greeting friends old and new as the ball had begun. A herald announced each arrival and declared their home world with bravado, though it soon faded into the background as the orchestra began to play. Sora had begun to wonder if Riku would show up as most everyone had already arrived, but Kairi had assured him with that same knowing smile. It made him uneasy, and he could not help but wonder what it was she knew or what she was up to. What bothered him the most though was that she had not allowed him in on the fun she was planning, really he could use a distraction now with all of this formal junk.

The King had already greeted everyone and thanked them for coming, hoping that they would all enjoy themselves. The orchestra changed the music to a waltz as the dancing began and all around people seemed to be having a gay time. Sora though still huffed in a corner waiting for either Riku to show up or for Kairi's schemes to come to light. His ears caught the sound of a thick, proud voice over the music thought he specifics of what were being said were lost to him. Determining the voice as being that of the herald, Sora turned his eyes to see who had arrived late, hoping it was Riku at last. He had always known his friend licked to make an entrance. He was pleased to discover that he was right, but was stunned to see Riku enter with not only a smug smile, but a beautiful woman with wavy blue-black locks on his arm.

"Kagome?" Sora whispered in a daze. He watched the handsome couple descend as though it was a dream, and distantly he noted that a murmur had begun to spread through the crowed as some couples had stopped dancing all together. He heard a giggle next to him and turned with a dumb look on his face to see Kairi with a mischievous grin on her painted lips. "You knew about this?" He asked incredulously.

She only spared him a glace before returning to watch Riku and Kagome finish their descent. "I found her upstairs when I was running my errand, that's was why I took so long. She wanted it to be a surprise, sorry."

Shaking off his amazement and confusion Sora grabbed hold of Kairi's hand and pulled her through the crowd to greet Kagome with the others who were quickly assembling around the couple. Kagome was being passed through the committee at the moment of their arrival. She seemed happy though slightly overwhelmed as she was pulled from one embrace into another before she ever knew who each was. Stepping up to her side he quickly pulled Kagome next to himself and gave her a moment to right herself. "Let's give the lady a moment to breathe why don't we?" He suggested and he noticed the embarrassed looks that came over most of the committee, sans Cloud and Leon.

Kagome gave him a bright smile in return. "Sora!" She exclaimed before wrapping her arms around him. "It is so good to see you!"

"Nice to have you back Kagome." He returned before stepping back and gesturing to Riku. "The zipper on someone's grumpy pants got stuck while you were gone." He told her.

She laughed, while others gave him a peculiar look for his choice of phrase, though he was not bothered by it at all. Before anything else could be said the crowd parted to reveal a small King and Queen. Everyone gave them a bow, as this was a formal occasion before waiting for them to speak. The King was the one to step forward, as he was the one who had known Kagome. "It is nice to see you again, Kagome. I thought I heard you had returned home?"

She gave him a smile and a nod. "Yes, I did. I took care of what I needed to already and decided to return. I hope you do not mind my intrusion." She commented bashfully.

The King shook his head, "No not at all. You are welcome to stay here. I will make sure that you are given a room when the night is through. We would love it if you would join us in the talks tomorrow." He added, assuming she had been filled in to at least some extent.

"Thank you very much your majesty, I would love to." She replied politely.

He nodded, with a content look on his face before looking just past him to his wife. "May I present Queen Minnie, she has been eager to meet you."

Kagome bowed. "It is an honor to meet you your majesty." She answered.

"It is nice to meet you as well. Perhaps you would join me for tea tomorrow? I would love to have an opportunity to talk to you." Minnie offered kindly.

Kagome gave another bow, though it was shallower this time. "I would love to your majesty." She agreed.

"Well, enjoy yourself tonight Kagome. I hope you enjoy your stay here." King Mickey said. Kagome thanked him before the King and Queen returned to mingle with the other guests.

Kagome continued to greet her friends, as the night wore on, though after some time the crowd began to disperse until only Sora, Kairi, Kagome and Riku remained. They stood off to the side watching as the night progressed, Kagome and Riku sipping on punch while Kairi watched those who were dancing with longing in her eyes. She kept shooting looks to Sora in hopes that he would pick up on her hints, but was thwarted by Sora's obliviousness. Her frustration mounted until she turned to him in a huff. "Are we going to dance at all?"

Sora blinked widely at her sudden outburst, wondering where all of this had come from. She had never mentioned anything to him about dancing. "What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

Kairi took a deep breath as she calmed herself, though it did not help much. "This is a ball, Sora!" She stated the obvious. "That is what people do!"

"Oh." Sora had known that dancing was involved, though he was sure it was not a requirement. All the same, it seemed to mean a lot to Kairi. "Do you want to dance?" He asked hoping that was what she was really getting at. Honestly, if she wanted to dance, why didn't she just say something?

"Yes!" She exclaimed in annoyance, the whole moment having been ruined. Getting the point Sora took Kairi's hand and lead her to the dance floor, though Kairi had to show him the ropes, and he looked nervous about where to put his hands.

Kagome giggled at the couple, enjoying the free entertainment. She felt her empty glass of punch lifted from her hand and watched as Riku took care of it for her. She smiled at him before returning her gaze to her friends who were trying to be as graceful as they could on the dance floor. Kairi was doing well, she thought, especially considering she had Sora as a partner. It was clear that though he was good with a sword he had two left feet when it came to dancing.

Riku returned, though Kagome paid him little mind, still entertained as she watched Kairi begin to lead Sora across the dance floor instead. When Riku took her hand however she glanced back at him in surprise. He only smiled at her as a question formed in her eyes.

"I believe I owe you a dance?" He questioned, though it was really more of a statement.

"Hmm?" Kagome wondered as she tried to remember what ever it was he was thinking of. Thinking back on their time together she remembered the promise he had made her in Sherwood Forest. Smiling back at him she nodded. "Yes, I believe you do."

"Well, shall we then" He asked. He did not wait for an answer and instead twirled her into his arms and into position for the waltz with ease.

Kagome was startled at first but then laughed in delight. "You've been holding out on me," she teased. It was clear Riku was a good dancer, and knew well enough what he was doing, unlike his best friend.

Riku gave her a crooked smile. "I said it was not that I didn't know how to dance, only that I did not care to." He glanced at Kairi and Riku, who were currently behind Kagome, and winced.

Catching his look Kagome chuckled in amusement. "Maybe you should give him some pointers?" She suggested, feeling bad for Kairi.

Riku considered this, before Sora stumbled once more, and Kairi let out an exclamation of pain. He snickered and said, "Maybe." After all it was more entertaining this way.

After a few songs Riku pulled Kagome away to one of the open terraces, there were four doors leading in and out of the ballroom, letting in fresh cool air. The gardens, which lay beyond had been made open as well to the guests, and Kagome voiced her interest, and wish to get away from the crowd if only for a moment. They walked the lit paths in companionable silence, their hands linked. Kagome's attention however, after a time diverted from the beautifully manicured gardens to the starry sky above.

"You know, I never realized until I went back home," She began. "The stars are different between here and there. I never once recognized any of the constellations."

Riku watched her as she talked, unsure of how to reply, so he supported her in silence.

"It makes me feel so far away from everything, knowing that I am not even under the same sky as my family, or watching the same sun rise each day. I would feel that way wherever I was though. No matter which world or time, I chose I would have to leave something behind."

"Do you regret it?" Riku asked.

Kagome looked at him before shaking her head slowly. "No, you were right, I needed to go back, but in the end my place is here. Maybe someday I will see them again, but until then I know they are alright, and that makes me happy, because I have a new family here. One I would not trade for all the worlds."

He squeezed her hand, "I will help you. I will make sure you see them again. After all, I have only met your father; I would like to meet the rest of your family."

She smiled brightly, grateful for his words. "Mama will love you, and I think Souta will to, just be careful of Grandpa." She said with a silent laugh.

Riku did not question this, and decided he would ask when the day came that he really did get to meet her family. A quick movement drew his attention to the sky and he pointed it out to Kagome. "Look a shooting star. Make a wish."

Kagome scrunched up her nose, closing her eyes as the star passed above them. Riku could not contain his curiosity under the circumstances and asked, "What did you wish for?"

With a shrug Kagome stopped, and shook her head with her lips closed tightly, denying him. Riku gave small laugh as she scoffed at her behavior. "What? Afraid it won't come true of you tell me?" He thought she was a little old for such games.

Kagome laughed with him then. "No, I just couldn't think of anything." She answered with a small smile on her face. She looked up at Riku in contentment, though there were many things she could have wished for in that spilt second, none of them seemed important. She was happy, just as tings were.

"I am glad you came back Kagome." He said lowly as he leaned in closer to her, his breath fanning her lips.

"So am I." She answered before meeting him the rest of the way in a slow kiss. Riku took her into his arms and kissed her as tenderly as passion would allow, and Kagome let him do just that.

"Are you sure about this Kagome?"

"Yes, I am. I believe this would be the best solution for everyone. I would be happy to see this jewel finally do some good." Kagome affirmed from her seat across from the King in the castle library. Her hand resting on the sacred jewel strung about her neck. It had been a month since she had shown up unannounced the eve of the ball. She had been given residence here at Disney Castle and had been asked to become an advisor to the King and companion to the Queen. Kagome had gratefully accepted the generous offer.

Riku had also come to live in the castle, while Sora and Kairi visited frequently. Riku had become essential to the New World Order, as it was called. A committee of citizens from every known world had been created following the ball, and Riku had been at the head of it all, answering only to the King himself. He was often away meeting with the dignitaries and making exchanges, leaving Kagome to her own devices in the castle. She occasionally accompanied him but was content to allow him space.

Recently she had recalled the second prophecy of the Ancients and somehow it had all clicked. She had not known what a cornerstone was before moving into the castle, but now that she knew she was sure that the sacred jewel could become another cornerstone. Now, she was presenting her idea to the King, hoping for his consent. When he nodded she continued. "I am not sure which world we should gift the cornerstone to, but it stands that no matter the choice, it will be far easier to hide, and keep safe than your own, as the sacred jewel is much smaller. Hopefully it will bring some reprieve from the fight against the heartless."

The King nodded once more as he considered her idea. "Good work Kagome. I think this is a marvelous idea. I will consent to this and allow you to take charge of the project, you may ask for help as you need it. I do think however, that we should present this to the New World Order Committee, as it will be of utmost importance not only to all worlds but as to where we will place the new cornerstone."

Kagome nodded with a smile at the small and gentle King. "Thank you, your majesty; I think that is a wonderful idea. I will draw together some plans to present at the next council meeting."

"Very well. Was there anything else you wished to discuss Kagome?" The King asked.

"Not today sire, thank you for your time."

"Anytime, Kagome, you are now one of my trusted advisors and a member of the court. Whenever you wish to talk I will make sure to set aside some time for you." The King replied.

Kagome smiled. "Thank you very much. I heard though, that Riku should be returning soon, so if you do not mind, I would like to welcome him back."

The King gave her a grin. "Of course."

"Thank you again." Rising from her seat Kagome quit the library and turned right down the long corridor. She walked briskly towards the castle Gummi hanger, eager to greet Riku. He had been gone for two weeks this time, making several trips. Kagome hoped to share her good news with him. She had been up all night, her mind racing as she thought out her idea, trying to decide how best to explain to the King. The lack of sleep was beginning to catch up with her, but she had to see Riku first.

She never made it to the hanger, as Riku was already making his way up the corridor from the hanger himself and soon met up with Kagome. He immediately swept her up into his arms, securing her tightly against his own frame. With a few soft spoken words between them Riku claimed her lips for his own, the firm action of his slightly rough lips against her own made Kagome's eyes flutter closed, as she released a deep sigh of appreciation. One of his hands was wrapped around her neck, cradling her head, and as his thumb rubbed circles near her ear Kagome tilted her head into the gesture, pleased with his attentions. She became more certain every time his lips met hers that she would never grow tired of his kisses.

After withdrawing, Riku gave a small smirk of appreciation at his work upon her swollen lips before taking her hand in his own and leading her down the hall. "I have good news." He told her with a smile.

"Really," she asked brightly. "What a coincidence so do I!"

"Oh, why don't you go first then." He bid her, unable to contain his smile.

Knowing better than to argue with him over something so trivial Kagome agreed. "I found a way for us to create another cornerstone, which will hopefully help keep the balance, and decease the number of heartless attacks. The King has placed me in charge of the project, and I will be presenting the idea to the committee in the next meeting."

"Another cornerstone? That sounds great; it would be nice to lower the activity a little. We are busy enough with this New World Order as it is, fighting heartless and nobodies on top of that is a bit much." Riku said.

Kagome swatted playfully at his arm. "Sora is the one doing nearly all of the fighting you know, why are you complaining?"

"It still would be a nice change of pace." He told her before changing the subject. "I saw Jack, while I was gone."

"Did you?" She asked, curious how he was after all of this time.

"Yes, I gave him an entire case of rum for his help during our search. I think he nearly cried." Riku told her with a laugh.

Kagome giggled as well. "Well, I am glad we finally repaid him, he deserves it. What else did you do? You said you had good news?"

Riku nodded. "I also made a trip to Snow White's world, and I thought you would be happy to know that she is back on her feet. The spell was broken by a prince, who she is now planning to marry shortly."

"Oh! That is good news!" Kagome exclaimed in delight. "I am so glad to hear that! I was worried!"

Riku smiled, "She said that she would love it if we could attend. But that is not all, and I saved the best news for last." Riku told her as he came to a stop in the hallway. He dropped her hand in order to free his own.

"Hmm? What is it?" Kagome wondered, thoroughly confused.

Reaching into his pocket Riku pulled out a deep blue-gray stone. It was rather dull in appearance, but the color was unlike anything she had seen. Looking closer Kagome could see specks of gold, and silver, red, and green mixed into the stone. "What in the world is this?"

Riku gave her a smile, hardly able to contain himself eager as he was to share the news. "The dwarfs recently discovered this in the mines. There seems to be a vast deposit of it in the south slope of the mines. I brought this to Cid, and we ran a few tests on it. Turns out this is an alloy of gummi material and orichalcum, we think it may be of use to your father's invention. It should hold up, which means that your father can finally build those gates as he wanted, to allow quicker and more direct travel. You may be able to see your family sooner than you thought!"

Kagome gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She stared at the stone as if it were a dear friend who had been missing for years. "Oh, Riku! This is wonderful!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around his neck in an embrace, overwhelmed with joy. Riku laughed with her and spun her around in the wide hallway of the castle.

As the laughter died down, Riku came to a stop, and simply held Kagome in the hallway, content to remain there for some time still. Kagome was overwhelmed by everything that had happened today alone, and calmly laid her head on his shoulder, his presence comforting enough to persuade her to sleep. Outside, the sun came out from behind a cloud, allowing rays of light to streak through the long corridor, and warm the couple.

"Are you happy here Kagome?" He asked at last.

Kagome nodded while at the same time stifling a yawn. "Yes, I would be happy anywhere, as long as I could be with you. I love you Riku." She whispered to him, as she started to drift off to sleep. She recalled speaking with Jane in Deep Jungle, about why she chose to remain in the jungle with Tarzan. Jane had said it was because she belonged there, that her place was with Tarzan. Her place, she decided, was at Riku's side.

Riku gave a content smile and rested his head on top of hers. He too was happy, and he could not ask for more. He had struggled through the last few years, and had taken the more difficult path, but in the end it was all worth it, because it had lead him to Kagome. "I love you too, Bright Eyes." He told her earnestly. Noticing Kagome seemed ready to drift off to sleep, Riku lofted her into his arms, he would take her to her room before meeting with the King. Until Riku was ready, the worlds could wait.

It was the King who had once told him, "The light'll never give up on you. You'll always find it even in the deepest darkness! But you have to open your eyes to see it!" He had taken those words to heart, as the King had never given up on him, and had never steered him wrong. He had taken off the blindfold and faced himself. He had opened his eyes, and he had found the light, his light. That light had helped him escape his darkness, and the darkness helped him face the brightest of lights. His heart was not so weak anymore. Looking out at the glaring sun, Riku squinted but made no move to hinder its effect. Glancing down at Kagome, he gave her a smile, though she could not see it. "Thank you Kagome, thank you."

The End