I know this has been done a hundred times, but it's different than the others. Some characters will be OOC.

Nina looked at her wristwatch and sighed. "Where is he?" she thought. Nina leaned back in her seat, her hand playing with the the water filled wine glass. She looked around watching couples, families, friends eating dinner and enjoying themselves.

A waiter walked up to Nina's table. "Are you ready to order?" he asked. "No, my date should be here soon," Nina told him. The waiter nodded and left to serve another table in his section. Nina occasionally took sips of her water to pass the time. Nina looked through her clutch purse and pulled out her iPhone. She unlocked it and saw that there were no new messages.

Finally, over an hour late, Fabian walked into the restaurant. He was dressed nicely in a fancy black suit, a white dress shirt, and red tie. But what was peculiar was his tie was loosened with the first few buttons of his shirt were undone, half of his shirt was untucked, and his hair was a little messy. And not in a cute way. He made his way to the hostess. The young, beautiful, blonde hostess smiled when she saw Fabian coming her way. Fabian flashed his amazing smile, causing her heart to leap.

Nina turned around in her seat to see Fabian chatting with the hostess. The hostess giggled at something Fabian said and it was obvious he was flirting with her. Jealously took over Nina as she sat properly in her seat, taking deep breaths, trying to relax. She absentmindedly tapped her foot as she waited for Fabian to arrive at the table. After what seemed like hours, Fabian made his way over to Nina, fixing his shirt and tie.

"Hey," he said, kissing her on the cheek. He took his seat across from her and began going through the menu.

"You're late," Nina stated.

"I know," Fabian admitted, "But I was having some trouble getting here."

"Why? What happened? Did you get in a fight with your clothes and they won?" Nina growled.

"Why are you so upset?" Fabian set down his menu, looking bored.

"This is the fourth time you've been late this month and you've been using the same excuse!" Nina snapped. "What are you doing that's taking up so much time?"

"Nothing," Fabian replied. "There was just traffic."

"This restaurant is within walking distance from our school, there couldn't have been much traffic. Besides, we were suppose to meet up in the foyer before our date, which you didn't show up to, obviously. I'm just so tired of you lying to me."

"I'm not lying to you!" Fabian defended.

"Well, you're not exactly telling the truth," Nina shouted.

"You're making this more than it really is," Fabian said.

"Really? I am? Well I wouldn't if you..." Fabian stopped listening to Nina and turned his attention back to the hostess. She was leading a family of six to a table nearby. When she saw Fabian looking at her, she flashed a flirtasious smile and walked back to her station.

"Fabian!" Fabian looked back at his angry girlfriend. "Are you even listening to me?"

A few people in the restaraunt began turning their attention to the bickering, young couple. Fabian took note of this before speaking again.

"Look. We came here to enjoy our two anniversary. If you want to spend it arguing over something that's not a big deal, then it's fine by me. But I want to spend it having a nice dinner with my girlfriend," Fabian said, calmly.

Nina sighed and was silent for a moment before saying, "You're right. Let's just enjoy our anniversary." And for the rest of the dinner, Nina and Fabian carried on normal conversations and shared a few laughs and didn't bring up Fabian's reoccuring tardiness and excuses.

But one thing's for sure, Nina was not going to let this go.

Hey yeah yeah yeah yea hey yeah yeah. If we give a little love maybe we can change the world. I said, "Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah hey yeah yeah." Sing it if you're with me all you boys and all you girls. Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah. Let me see you put your-

Nina's hand lazily flopped over her alarm clock, stopping the music. A groan was heard from the other side of the room as Nina sat up.

"Do you have to wake up so early on a Sunday morning?" Amber complained still laying in her bed.

"Sorry, I forgot to turn off my alarm," Nina apologized. But by the time she finished her sentence, Amber had already fallen back asleep. Nina quietly got out of bed and made her way downstairs to the kitchen where Eddie was making pancakes.

"Morning," Eddie greeted.

"Morning. Didn't expect to see you up so early," Nina said getting a pitcher of orange juice out of the fridge.

"Well you kind of have to if you're going to make yourself breakfast."

"All of that's for you?" Nina said in disbelief. She pointed to the tall stack of pancakes that were in Eddie's hand.

"Yeah. Why? Did you want some?" Eddie asked pointing to his plate.

"No. I'm just saying it's a lot of food," Nina replied.

"Well, I'm a growing boy. Well, man," Eddie said.

"You keep telling yourself that, Eddie." Nina patted Eddie on the shoulder and walked to the other side of the kitchen to get the cereal. Eddie made his to the dining room and sat down.

"So why are you up so early?" Eddie questioned.

"Alarm went off. Not tired."

"Ah," Eddie replied. Nina walked into the dining room, with her bowl of Bran Flakes, and sat in her usual spot. Eddie sprayed whipped cream all over his pancakes.

"That is repulsive," Nina commented.

"What you've never had whipped cream on pancakes before?" Eddie questioned.

"I have, but not that much. Usually I put whipped cream on my pancakes with strawberries or something, but not smothered all over with syrup," Nina explained.

"Well, you're missing out," Eddie said with a mouthful of pancakes. For the majority of breakfast Nina and Eddie discussed school, or how much they hate school on Eddie's account, and other random topics until some of the other students came in.

Soon, everyone was at the table eating breakfast, except for Fabian.

"So what do you guys think about me becoming a ninja?" Alfie asked.

"Depends. In what world would you qualify as a ninja?" Nina questioned.

Alfie scoffed. "Ours, obviously." Suddenly, he gasped. "I got it. Ninjas on Mars."

"Why?" Joy pondered.

"To fight off all the alien ninjas," Alfie said as if it was obvious.

"Sometimes I wonder what goes on in his head," Mara commented. Jerome laughed.

"It's probably full of ninjas, aliens, and Amber," Patricia stated.

"Can't argue with you there," Eddie said and took a bite of toast. Fabian walked into the dining room, yawning. He sat down in his spot and grabbed the pitcher of orange juice. He was pouring himself a glass when he noticed everyone was staring at him.

"What?" he asked. He set the pitcher back on the table.

"Why are you so late?" Jerome questioned.

"I fell asleep pretty late last night," Fabian responded.

"How come?" Mara pondered.

"I uh had trouble sleeping," Fabian lied.

"That's funny 'cause you didn't come back to the room till like one in the morning." Eddie pointed out.

"Nooo. You were with Patricia the majority of the night and when you came back in I was in the bathroom," Fabian replied. Luckily, the part about Eddie and Patricia was true, the bathroom not so much.

Eddie nodded believing Fabian. But Nina, on the other hand, didn't buy it, but remained silent.

"Anyway. On to more important matters. Nina, you and I are going shopping today," Amber stated.

"Can't Ambs. I have a ten page report due tomorrow and I'm no where near finished," Nina explained.

"Awww. Well, do any of you girls want to come with me?" Amber asked.

"I'll go," Mara answered. "I need some new shoes."

"I'll go too," Patricia volunteered. "There's this sick new t-shirt at Hot Topic and it's half off." [A/N: I know there isn't a Hot Topic in the UK, but just pretend]

"Wow. Who'd ever thought we'd hear Patricia Williamson talk about clothes or go shopping voluntarily," Jerome stated. Alfie chuckled.

"Shut up, weasel," Patricia told Jerome. Jerome making a face, mocking Patricia. Alfie and Eddie laughed. Nina smiled in amusement.

"Well, we better get going if we're going to get to all the good shops," Amber said, standing up.

"I'm beginning to regret this already," Patricia groaned but followed Amber and Mara regardless.

Nina sat on her bed typing ferociously on her laptop. It's been hours since she started her report and she was now on page eight. "Almost finished," she thought.

Nina looked at her alarm clock. 4:46. "Wow. Time flies." she thought, Not only has she been typing for a long time but Amber, Mara, and Patricia still weren't back from shopping yet.

When Nina finished typing the eighth page of her report, she decided to take a break. Nina got up slowly off her bed and stretched. She walked to the kitchen where Trudy was making supper. Trudy greeted Nina with a smile which Nina returned. Nina grabbed an apple out of a bowl and took a bite. There was silence in the kitchen, except for the occasional sounds of Trudy chopping various vegetables.

Nina broke the silence by randomly saying, "Hey Trudy, I'm going to go for a walk. I'll be back before supper."

"Alright. But don't go too far," Trudy cautioned.

"I won't," Nina replied and exited the kitchen.

Nina walked around the vacant campus enjoying the scenery of Liverpool. The temperature was nice, but still a little chilly. Nina desperately wished she had brought a jacket so she wasn't just wearing Nike shorts and a t-shirt.

Nina realized she was near the school when she saw the familiar landscape. She rounded a corner and stopped dead in her tracks. There, less than thirty yards away, stood Fabian and a blonde girl kissing. Correction, making out (or snogging for those who are British). Fabian and the girl didn't seem to notice Nina, fortunately, which Nina used to her advantage.

She quietly turned around and headed back to the house. Nina sighed. She wasn't angry nor was she going to cry. She wasn't sad, she wasn't hurt. She was tired. Tired of all the pain, confusion, and suffering Fabian has caused her for the last two years. Tired of the lies and endless excuses.

Nina looked around as she walked and saw a tree. But not just any tree. She abandoned her path to the house, and walked over to the tree. She knelt down and looked at a specific spot. There craved in the tree was N plus F in a roughly carved heart. Underneath, had the words "FABINA FOREVER!" 'Amber must've found the tree,' Nina thought.

A stray tear escaped from Nina's eye and fell down her cheek. She wished things could be different. She wanted what Amber had. Her knight in shining armor. Sure Alfie had his flaws, but he made Amber happy never the less. But where was Nina's knight? Her prince charming? All the things that the fairy tales promised. But then again, those were fairy tales and this is reality. And in reality, not everyone gets a happy ending. Nina sighed and stood up. She continued her path towards Anubis House wondering if she'll ever get her fairy tale ending.

Nina entered the house where Alfie was walking out of his room.

"Hey, Nina!" he called and ran up to her. Nina, who was about to head up the stairs, stopped and turned to Alfie.

"Yes, Alfie," she aspirated.

"Which ones are better: ninjas or vampires?"

"I don't know Alfie. Ninjas," Nina guessed, not really wanting to speak to anyone. She slowly began ascending the stairs.

"That's what I said," Alfie exclaimed, but Nina ignored him and continued walking upstairs. In her room Nina fell back on her bed and let out a frustrated scream.

Nina walked in her room, dressed in jeans and and old band t-shirt, towel drying her hair. Amber, who had finally returned, sat at her vanity painting her nails. Amber's side of the room was covered with shopping bags and shoe boxes in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Nina wondered how Amber managed to get all this stuff in a cab with Mara and Patricia.

"Hey," Nina greeted. Amber turned around and faced Nina.

"Hey. Have a nice shower?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, I guess. Have fun shopping?"

"I would've had more if Patricia wasn't complaining the entire time. She even threaten one of the clerks at this one shop because he was taking too long to find a dress in my size," Amber told Nina.

"Don't you already have like a million dresses?" Nina sat down on her bed, towel in her lap.

"Nina, you can never have too many dresses," Amber stated. Nina rolled her eyes, playfully.

"Well I'm going to ask Trudy when supper will be ready." Amber stood up and began walking with her freshly painted toes raised. She blew on her fingernails as she shuffled her way to the door. Nina looked at Amber with an amused looked on her face. When Amber reached their bedroom door, she looked at Nina.

"Nina, could you..." Nina got up and opened to the door. Amber smiled gratefully and shuffled out of the room. Nina shut the door behind Amber and sat down on her bed then grabbed her laptop. She was about to finish writing her report when a video chat request popped up. Nina smiled as she read the screen name: Mustache_Freak(:

Nina clicked 'Accept'.

"Hey, Nikki!" she greeted. A beautiful, brown hair, brown eyed girl appeared on Nina's screen.

"Hey, Neens!" she smiled. A pretty girl, with bright red hair and big brown eyes's, face appeared in the screen.

"Hi, Nina!" she said and sat down next to Nikki.

"Hey, Catherine," Nina replied. "So what's up?"

"Well, we've been talking and we've decided that it's time to put out an album," Catherine explained. "A record company already wants to sign us and we discussed it with Sara and Tamie and they agreed. I mean it's been over two and half years since we put out anything, Nina. My dad says people are starting to think we're dead."

Nina giggled at Catherine's last statement.

"So what do you say?" Catherine asked. Nina was silent as she thought about whether or not to take the job. After about a minute Nina said, "Yes."

"You'll do it?" Catherine got excited. Nina nodded.

"Yes!" Catherine cheered.

"Uh, I would reconsider that desicion before Cathy leads a parade," Nikki commented.

"Why?" Nina wondered.

"The record company is international, like INTERNATIONAL," Nikki explained. "Which means North America won't be the only place that'll know about us. Our music will also be sold in Europe, parts of Asia, Australia, South America. It's going to be a huge thing. Your school life in England is going to change drastically. The question is: Are you ready for that?" Nina remained silent, thinking over what Nikki had just said.

"And just so you know, whatever you decide we will support you one hundred percent," Nikki quickly added. Catherine nodded. After a few moments, which felt like hours to all three girls, Nina answered.

"Let's make an album," Nina grinned.

"YEAH!" "Yes!" Catherine and Nikki cheered and they high-fived.

"Okay, so the main studio's in London, but they have a smaller studio in Liverpool, near you're school. So it'll be convent for you. We'll be flying in probably next week," Catherine said. "We'll most likely be staying for two maybe three months." Nina nodded.

"And we'll try to do as much stuff without you, you know because of school and everything. But you're going to have to meet up with for writing and recording, meetings, all that stuff," Nikki added. "And you'll need to be in London time to time."

"And Richie will send you the contract in the mail," Catherine stated.

"Richie?" Nina questioned.

"The guy who owns the record company. His name's Richard but Cathy calls him Richie to annoy him," Nikki explained. Catherine giggled.

"But anyway. So you'll have to read and sign the contract while you're at Anubis. And be sure to read carefully, we don't need a repeat of what happened last time," Nikki reminded.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault. Those shrimp were huge!" Nina cried.

"You're just lucky we were able to get the songs on the EP without all that autotuning and remixing crap," Nikki replied.

"Okay," Nina sighed. "I'll read carefully. Don't worry."

"NIKKI!" Nina could her a woman yell on Nikki's side of the video chat. Nikki looked back before turning to her webcam.

"My mom's calling me. I'll talk to you later," she said.

"Tell her I said hi," Nina requested.

"Kay. See you in a week," Nikki replied.

"Bye!" Catherine waved before Nikki ended the chat. Nina sighed and closed her laptop. She closed her eyes and leaned back on her headboard.

"We're making an album," she said to herself.

A/N: Catherine is played by Ariana Grande

Tamara aka Tamie is played by Cymphonique Miller

Nicole aka Nikki is played by Victoria Justice

Sara is played by Janel Parrish