This is a prompt from my lovely Vorbarra who has a wonderful imagination, and is allowing me the pleasure of writing the wonderful story. Please review we would love to know what you all think. This is a work in progress and we haven't yet decided how many chapters but it WILL be updated at least every week.


Alex Shepard pushed away her food and sighed heavily, even though she had already done it several times that hour she checked omni-tool for any messages from a certain Turian. Ever since that one night where she and Garrus threw caution to the wind and followed their hearts, (and hormones) her emotions had been in a daze. The collecters were shortly defeated after and she quickly made her way back to the Alliance. After spending six months or so in solitary confinement, more or less, everything went wrong.

Just as she was beginning to go insane from the lack of contact from anyone, the Reapers descended and literally blew her life apart. She then spent the next few weeks picking up what was left of her crew. Thankfully she found Garrus fighting on one of Palaven's moons, the situation didn't allow for any deep meaningful conversations and it turned out that she had just as little time or privacy when they went back onto the Normandy. It seemed that, that particular subject would have to wait.

She knew that she cared about Garrus deeply, scared to admit it was love but that was probably the closest word that she could use to describe her feelings. But she had no idea how he felt toward her and the whole 'worlds being destroyed thing' got in the way a bit.

She sighed again and dramatically banged her head against the table. Here she was sitting in the Allience outpost on the Citadel waiting for the bloody council to summon her and make up their mind about what they want her to do, and all she wanted to do was run back to the Normandy and hear Garrus mutter about his calibrations.

After a minute or two she could hear a couple of people talking in a hushed tone. Her biotics gave her an edge over most normal people, using her long hair (which she absent-mindedly grew longer for Garrus) as a cover she raised her head slighlty so she could hear better.

'Did you hear about the Commander and her Turian crewmate?'

'No, I thought she was with Cerberus, they don't like aliens.'

'They might not, but she does if you get my drift.'

'Oh Goddess, I never knew.. That's uh, well that's interesting.'

'Aniah? You ok? You're blushing.'

'Well Shepard is a powerful woman, it's certainly very attractive.'

'Ah my Asari beauty, she likes them spiky not soft.'

Shepard blocked them out after that, bloody rumours mills. Discussing her personal life, some poeple. She rose to her feet and walked stifly past the couple. Glancing down it looked like they were very high up in their respective commands, and they have nothing bettter to do than to chat and speculate about her business. She was just about to tell them both to 'go to hell and shove it,' when her omni-tool bleeped. To her dismay it wasn't who she thought. It was the council, time to go find out why this shit was taking so long.


'You want me to what?' You're fucking joking right?' Shepard managed to restrian stomping her foot but she couldn't help the pathetic whine that entered her voice, she hated herself for it but what the council where asking for was ridiculous.

Valern's eyes narrowed, 'Your brash language and attitude reminds me why I was agaisnt having you in the Spectres, nevertheless you are a Spectre Commander Shepard you answer to no-one but the Council, and the Council is telling you that you have no choice in the matter this isn't debatable.'

Fucking Salarians Shepard thought treacherously. There must be some way out of this.

'I can't waste my time babysitting a head-strong Turian who suddenly thought it would be a fun idea to travel with Commander Shepard, I have a galaxy to save and it looks like I'm going to have to smash some heads together in order for everyone to play nice. I'm having enough trouble trying to figure out how to get this damn weapon built anyway! This is totally inconvieniant.' She paused for breath, 'you are hindering me not helping me.'

Valern rolled his eyes and threw up his hands, the Asari counciller Tevos simply gave him a pointed look. She turned to Sparatus, 'this was your idea, what do you wish to do? Shall we continue?'

Shepard's omni-tool bleeped, her heart rate rose as she looked at the sender. Garrus.

Message from Vakarian 13.23

so what's happening? You been a while. Bit concerned.

Shepard knew the council were watching her and she could feel Valern's anger when she ignore them to reply to him.

Message to Vakarian 13.25

I'm fine apart from being screwed by the council. Bunch of reapers. Want everything. Even a gal's dignity.

Seconds later a reply came through. She could hear the councillers talking amongst themselves but she didn't care.

Message from Vakarian 13.25

Ha, know the feeling. See you soon?

Message to Vakarian 13.26

Couple of hours max. See you then x

When Alex put a little 'x' at the end, it meant that the conversation was over, otherwise they would just keep talking. As much as she wanted to she knew that if she ignored the Council any longer there would be hell to pay.

'Finished?' Valern asked.

'Yes thankyou,' she snarkily replied.

'Important enough to be incredibly rude?' He replied.

Shepard allowed a smirk fly across her features, 'incredibly so,' she was crying with laughter inside and it was hard to keep a straight face.

Sparatus pointed a talon at Shepard, 'like Valern said, you are an instrument of the Council. And we are telling you that you will have him aboard the Normandy. You talk of us hindering you but you haven't even asked for the Turian's proffession, we know you like to choose your own team Shepard, but we are helping. More than you think. You weren't picky when you teamed up with Cerberus.'

And with that final point Alex knew that no matter what she did, she would be leaving with another crewmember that evening. Resigned to her fate she turned to Tevos.

'So what does this miracle Turian do?'

'He's from the Committee on Paleotechnology, somewhat an expert on Prothean technology.' Tevos replied.


'I already have an expert, Liara T'soni. There is no need for me to have another.' Shepard turned and walked away from the Council, she knew she'd get it in the neck later but she didn't care. She was a more 'say things first, think later' kind of gal.

Sparatus shouted as she left, 'this is not debatable Commander Shepard, either you have him onboard your crew or we will revoke your Spectre status!'

Fuck, dirty bastards.

'Fine have it your way,' she called over her shoulder. Fucking imbeciles.