Warning: Sexual Themes, Mild Gore

At the Common Room, Gryffindor Tower: Ginny

Ginny secretly watched Harry as he sat with her brother. As the school year went on, Harry had opened up much more to his friends and even others now that he was properly teaching everyone how to defend themselves. Harry seemed a little more at peace with himself, but she could still see the slightly crazy gleam in his eyes; and Harry would still disappear quite often. It had taken the fourth year a while to figure out why he was always disappearing, but she eventually realized what was going on.

Ginny looked down at her copy of the Daily Prophet. She quickly glanced back up at Harry to gauge his reaction. Hermione had told her about Harry's laughing fit the previous night. Apparently He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was in a good mood; and for good reason. Ten of his most faithful and dangerous Death Eaters had escaped from Azkaban last night. Ginny's searching eyes found Neville.

Several of the other students were watching the Gryffindor. Some were pointing and whispering. Ginny was all too aware that even she was being watched. Her uncles had been murdered by one of the escapees. It had happened long before she was born. The twins had been named for them. This was going to get awkward if everyone kept this up. Ginny sighed and grabbed a bagel. She didn't want to stay in the Great Hall.

Ginny let her feet carry her back to the Gryffindor Tower. It was a long walk. She let herself think on Harry's behavior. Ginny had been giving Hermione was advice on it, considering at one point the Dark Lord occupied her head. She had caught Harry several times in the throes of self-passion. Calling out to You-Know-Who. What confused Ginny was Harry's behavior in between. Either Harry forgot that he wanks off to You-Know-Who or Harry has chosen to ignore it. If Harry was hiding it, then he had to be the world's best occlumens. More than once Ginny had subtly called the older Gryffindor out on it, but every time Harry managed to skirt around the subject. The upside, was that he hadn't told Hermione about her snooping. Hermione just thought that Ginny was trying to be helpful.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia," Ginny said to the painting of the Fat Lady. The portrait swung open. When Ginny reached her desk she hesitated. Steeling herself, Ginny wrote a short letter. She placed the letter on the plate in her desk drawer and lit the letter on fire. It would find it way to the receiver.

Ginny followed Harry to the seventh floor. No matter how hard Harry tried to hide his obsession, he couldn't kick his habits. All day long, Harry looked fidgety and restless. Ginny was fairly certain that it had started yesterday. Since early September, Harry had been able to hide his arousal very well, but judging by the way he was walking, Harry was at his limit. Ginny waited for about five minutes before she entered the Room of Requirement.

Harry was on a lush looking bed, that had black sheets and a silver comforter. His ass was in the air and he had three fingers rhythmically moving in and out of his hole. Ginny was glad that Harry was facing away from her, because she was blushing. It still took her by surprise to see him like this. Ginny took a deep breath and waited.

"Ah! Please…" Harry was moaning as his back arched. "My lord… I want you so bad…"

Ginny wondered what Harry was seeing. Harry was looking up, almost like someone was standing before him. It shouldn't be long now, Ginny thought. Harry's body started to tense. It was cruel, she knew, but she spoke in a loud clear voice.

"Do you see him?"

Harry froze, and for a moment he didn't move at all. Then suddenly, Harry whirled around, his wand trained on Ginny. His green eyes flared with rage. It would have been terrifying if Harry hadn't been naked and hard. Ginny simply put her hands up in a gesture of surrender. The Room of Requirement provided her with a chair.

"He touched me too you know." Ginny started cautiously. "Even at our age, he was a force to be reckoned with. I fell for him hook, line, and sinker. Lord Voldemort made quite the impression on me, Harry. And I know that he has branded himself into your very soul.

"A year ago, you would have cursed me if I told you that you would be masterbating to the Dark Lord, but here we are. I just want to know how you really feel Harry. What is it that you really want?"

Harry's green eyes narrowed, and Ginny knew she had only a second before he threw a curse at her. Ginny forced herself not to flinch or blink when the spell left his lips. Ginny took a shallow breath in when the spell whizzed past her ear. It was good to know that despite his anger Harry couldn't bring himself to hurting her.

"Are you saying that you side with the Dark Lord?" Harry asked. His voice was as hard as steel.

"I'm saying that you don't have to feel pressured into doing something you don't want to." said Ginny, and Harry glowered even more. Then suddenly he visibly shuddered and he came. Ropes of cum sprayed across the bed and fell onto the floor. Harry sank to his knees; his body twitched. Then Harry glared down at bed. Ginny briefly wondered who was unfortunate enough to have Harry's rage directed on them. "I won't tell anyone about this," Ginny gestured to the room, "but I want you to take a leap of faith, and trust me, Harry. Meet me at the bear painting tomorrow night, and I'll give you some answers."

Ginny waited for Harry to say something. She ignored the fact that he was getting hard again. Harry seemed pensive for the moment.

"What makes you think you can trust me?" he finally asked.

"Because, if you sell me out, I'll sell you out. Sure, I'd probably be disowned for being a follower of the Dark Lord, but what will people say about the 'famous Harry Potter' when they learn that he fucks himself while wishing it was the Dark Lord?"

Ginny and Harry stared at each other for a long moment.

"If you trick me, Ginny, then I will kill you." Harry's voice was deadly serious. Ginny didn't doubt for one moment that Harry would do it. "Now leave!"

Ginny left without further prompting. She was done with spying on him while he masterbated. At least the plan was going good so far. Whether it worked or not depended on what would happen tomorrow. Hopefully she was right about Harry.

Ginny waited patiently next to the bear painting. Occasionally, the bear would growl at her because it thought that Ginny was too close to her cubs, but Ginny ignored the bear. Harry's dark hair came around the corner, and Ginny felt a rush of relief fill her.

Harry came up to her. His eyes were hard, as though he was daring her to betray him. Ginny did a quick scan of the hallway and pulled open the bear painting. Behind it was a passageway that would lead them to the first floor. Ginny motioned Harry to follow her to the girl's bathroom. Harry didn't even give her a questioning glance when the entered.

"Open the Chamber of Secrets, and be sure to ask for stairs." Ginny said while watching for Moaning Myrtle. Harry hissed at the sink, and it opened up into the only entrance to the Chamber. "Be sure to close it behind us. Once we reach the Chamber, I'll tell you everything."

"I would have figured that the Chamber was sealed." Harry said in what could have been irritation.

"You have to be a Parselmouth to be able to seal it off completely. Slytherin made sure of it. Besides, you have to be able to open it if you want to seal it." explained Ginny. "Not even Dumbledore could find the… key so to say."

"So, you really follow the Dark Lord?" Harry asked. Ginny thought for a moment.

"Can you imagine being an eleven year old girl. The only daughter of the Weasley family. Having to live up to six older brothers. You always feel inadequate when they step into the room. Then Ron became friends with one of the most famous wizards of our generation. It was just one more person I had to be compared to. Then, of course, when I first saw you I fell in love. It was naive, but my feelings were pure enough.

"You didn't like me the way I liked you though. Then Tom Riddle happened. He manipulated me. He was sweet about it though. He always made me feel special. Made me feel important, like I could take the world hostage and the world would look up to me. Then, he stopped being sweet and Tom became… demanding. It was like I was the ruler of the world, but he controlled the universe. I realized that compared to Tom, my brothers and I were ants in the shadows of his boots. I decided that I would aspire to be like him."

Harry was quiet for some time. "Do you agree with his views on blood purity and his campaign to purge the world of muggles?"

"No, I don't agree with Tom on that front. We used to argue about the usefulness of muggles. I thought they could be used, he didn't. I told him that I would find solid evidence to their usefulness. He didn't take me seriously."

"I'm sure he didn't. So, do you follow the Dark Lord?" Harry asked.

"I'll answer you when we reach the Chamber." said Ginny. It was a short walk. These caverns were all too familiar to Ginny. They past an old snake skin that looked as though it would start to rot. They moved the blockade of boulders. The came up to the true entrance of the Chamber of Secrets. "Open it, and I will tell you everything."

Harry stared at Ginny for nearly a full minute before he opened the Chamber. The smell of overripe fruit hit them. The basilisk's carcass hadn't started to decay yet, but the magic that coated the serpent was starting to fail.

"I didn't know that magic could rot," Harry observed the giant snake.

"Usually, magical beings and creatures are buried or cremated so their magic doesn't foul the air. It's how poltergeists are made. The emotional impressions of the surrounding area and rotting magic form a sentient being." Ginny explained.

"So my question," Harry demanded.

"Yes, I follow the Dark Lord. When I reach the age of seventeen I'll be marked." Ginny answered honestly. She wasn't sure of Harry's expression, but he wasn't yelling at her so that was a good sign.

"He nearly killed your father over holiday break."

"I've known Tom Riddle since I was eleven, Harry. He talked me into releasing a fifteen meter basilisk into the school so it could kill all of the muggleborn children. I can only imagine how much worse Tom became when he began his hostile takeover as Lord Voldemort. My uncles were tortured, mutilated, and ripped apart until they were unrecognizable by his order. The only reason my father wasn't brought back to him and tortured more was because I begged the Dark Lord to make my father's death as quick as he could. I know him well enough to know without a doubt that when he wants something he will do anything to have it"

Harry was watching her closely again. "So you're afraid of him."

"Yes and no. I'm afraid of his moods. I'm afraid of how violent he can be, even towards his own followers. I'm afraid at how easily he got me from begging him to spare my father to making my fathers death quick and painless. But I believe he can change things. For better or worse, I don't know yet, but compared to how things are, we are better off with someone like Tom."

"Does he know that you call him Tom?" asked Harry. There was something in Harry's voice that made Ginny shiver. It was a mixture of jealousy and loathing.

"The only reason I call him Tom is because I thought you might be more comfortable with it, that and the fact that no one would figure out that we were talking about the Dark Lord. I'm also feeling a bit nostalgic." said Ginny carefully. Harry hummed; he still looked irritated. "Help me skin the basilisk." Now that made Harry do a double take.


"I was told that I needed to save all that I could from the basilisk before it's magic dissipated and rotted completely. The most important things we need are its skin, eyes, and teeth. There should be a venom sack. If it's still intact, we'll need it. The heart too. Oh, and if it has any eggs we have to bring those along as well." Ginny listed off the things they needed to harvest.

"Did he really put you up to this?" Harry asked in disbelief. Ginny gave him a magical knife that would cut through the basilisk's skin.

"Was there anything else you wanted to ask me?"

"Tell me everything you know."

Ginny paused at his request. "What do you mean everything?" Ginny could almost see Harry's anger.

"Who is the boy with brown hair? The one that has a scar on his chest." Harry was trying to sound casual, Ginny could tell that she need to handle this with care.

"It could be anyone of his lord's followers. I don't know all of them personally; not with the task that I have been given." said Ginny. Harry's eyes tightened.

"The followers that he takes to his bed. Do you know any of them?" he asked. Ginny was slightly confused at where Harry was going with this line of questioning.

"Our lord takes who ever he wants to his bed. It shouldn't matter who it is-" Ginny was cut off by Harry who was now holding the magical knife to her throat. His eyes were crazed with hatred. Ginny felt pure, undiluted terror run up her spine.

"Are you one of the ones that he likes to take to his bed?!" Harry snarled. "Surely he wouldn't let just anyone call him by his real name!" The knife's blade just barely broke the skin.

"He would kill me if he found out I was calling him by that name! He used to kill anyone that even mentioned that name in his presence!" Ginny was yelling at Harry. "I don't keep track of who he takes to his bed because it's not my business to know who he's slept with! All I know is that he'll take someone to his chambers keep them there for a week or two and then they end up as everyone's bitch! Hell, the last three people who have slept with him nearly bled to death! And no one can find Sophie Delean!"

Harry glared at Ginny once more before lowering the knife. Ginny resisted the urge to punch her once savior. He still seemed skeptical of the youngest Weasley. That was when she noticed that Harry's pants were tented. Ginny sighed irritatedly.

"Come with me," she told him. She led Harry to the mouth of Slytherin. "He told me that the Chamber used to be much larger, but it had been flooded a long time ago. We're standing on the highest level of the chamber. There are several rooms in the entirety of the chamber, but he could only find one. If you're less irritated when you're finished, feel free to help me."

Ginny pushed Harry into the only room that she knew of. The door was wooden so she would probably hear everything. Ginny scowled as she got to work on the skinning the great serpent. Ginny had to tune out Harry's lascivious moans.

Ginny was half done skinning the serpent king when Harry came out of Slytherin's mouth. A grotesque image of Harry being reborn entered her mind. Harry looked pleased, and he reeked of sex. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and dreamlike, "Won't people wonder where we've gone?"

"I do plan ahead, Harry. We left the common room at different times, and the hallway was abandoned when we went through the painting, and Moaning Myrtle wasn't in the bathroom. No one knows that we disappeared together." Ginny said while wiping fresh blood from her brow.

"How is the blood still fresh?"

"The body is being preserved by a magical barrier. The same thing happens when wizarding folk die. Muggles mistake this for vampirism from time to time."

"Why did you join him?" Harry asked suddenly as he finished with the skin and Ginny was pulling out the basilisk's heart.

"I thought I explained earlier."

Harry laughed, "You told me why you could follow him, not why you do follow him."

"You mean aside from the fact that I would prefer a dictatorship over the ministry?" Ginny said with sarcasm. "For one, the ministry would be better, and for two, I owe our Lord a lot. Even if he doesn't realize how much his younger self did for me."

"So, how do you plan on getting all of this stuff back to our lord?" asked Harry. The use of "our lord" did not go unnoticed by Ginny.

"I put it in a charmed bag and send it off with an owl. When the owl is a good distance away from the castle, a portkey activates and the owl appears wherever the Dark Lord happens to be." Ginny explained. She was getting tired of his roundabout questions. "You want to see him?"



"I'm going to take your advice and be better than what I used to be."

Ginny tilted her head in confusion. "When did I say that?"

"I read between the lines. I assume that you can communicate with him somehow." the challenge was clear in Harry's voice. This Harry was different than the one from earlier. Before he was indecisive and needy. This one was confident and bold. Ginny wondered if that's what happened from prolonged masterbation, but she shook her head at the thought.

"I only communicate through letters, and that has only been recently. I have only met with him once. That was before we went to Grimmauld Place.

"I want to send him a letter," Harry said it with such confidence that Ginny had to do a double take.

"Are you sure? This is the guy that murdered your parents and has essentially made your life a living hell." Ginny argued.

"Are you saying that I shouldn't go to him?" Harry's voice took that hard edge again. Ginny stopped harvesting the half formed eggs with the basilisk's body to look at Harry. His green eyes were burning again. There was no doubt in them.

"If you betray any of this information, Harry, I will kill you. I don't care if you're my brother's best friend, or if you're my friend." Ginny wasn't surprised that Harry kept glaring. "Write a letter to him, and I'll send it off when we get back. Just help me finish first."

Ginny thought long and hard as she sent her letter and Harry's letter through the fire. The redhead actually jumped when she got a letter in return almost immediately. There were two letters. One for her and one for Harry. Hers was a bit of a shocker, but her next move all depended on Harry's reaction. Ginny prayed that it was what her lord expected.

Harry was sitting impatiently next to the fire. His fingers twitched and his eyes darted about the common room. Ginny was beginning to get very annoyed with Harry's libido. Hopefully it would be taken care of soon. Harry locked his eyes with Ginny's.

"Here, it came just moments ago," Ginny handed Harry the letter, and the fifth year ripped it open with unsteady hands. His eyes flitted across the page as though he was following a snitch. When Harry was finished he put the letter down, his lips were trembling. He took a deep breath.

"Take me to him," he whispered.

"This weekend, we'll sneak away during the Hogsmeade trip. We will have only one shot at it, Harry. We have to make it count. You have to do everything that I tell you to do, Harry."

Ginny wasn't sure if Harry's lust hazed mind that made him agree readily without complaint, but Ginny took it as a gift.

Harry was unusually calm Saturday, Ginny observed. It was as though nothing was bothering him and all was right in the world. He followed all of her directions without a flaw. Finally, when the two of them were alone Harry seemed like he was gitterish.

"When we get there, remember to be respectful. Not even his most faithful followers are exempt from his wrath." Ginny paused. "And no matter how much you want to curse any of his followers, don't. Most of them have no room for compassion for a bunch of kids. Just try not to be your normal brandish self."

"What else am I supposed to be?" Harry asked sarcastically.

"A Gryfferin," Harry laughed at the comment, but became deadly serious when a portkey popped up out of thin air in front of them. The two Gryffindors placed a hand on it instantly. In the next second, Ginny could feel a tugging on her midsection and the sensation of being in a straw. In the blink of an eye, Ginny and Harry were sitting in the foyer of what looked like a mansion.

Ginny dusted herself off and Harry followed her example. There was movement in the corner of the room. Ginny recognized Nagini, Voldemort's familiar, sitting on the floor; staring unnervingly at them. The snake didn't make a single noise, but slithered out of the room. It looked back once to make sure they were following.

As Ginny walked through the mansion, she could feel unbridled confidence surge within her. She could feel who she really was take a firm hold on her conscious. Ginny sighed at the feeling of being within her own skin again.

Nagini lead them to what was a ballroom. The snake stared at Ginny. The redhead imagined that it was to get her to open the door. Ginny obliged the snake; she knew all too well what the serpent could do.

Ginny pushed the doors open. At the end of the room sat Voldemort in a pitch black throne. When Ginny reached the middle of the ballroom, she got down to her knees.

"It is an honor to serve you, my lord."