Hahahaha...guess what? I am not dead!

Anyways on to the chapter.

'This is not good.' Naruto thought as he stood behind Kiba, he could smell who it was too. Kyuubi and Deidara, he was not ready to face them; he was not ready to fight them either. But he couldn't let Kiba be hurt because of him. He'd rather die than letting anything happen to him. He didn't notice when his eyes started glowing but he felt it when his body started turning hot; he looked down at his hands and was shocked to notice flames licking at his fingers; he screamed bloody murder and Kiba moaned in pain due to the pitch and volume his sensitive ears hurting painfully.

"Naruto! What's wrong?" Kiba asked as he placed both his hands on his ears trying to block out Naruto's scream,"Foxy?"

"Naruto,"A silky voice called out and Kiba looked up and saw a blond man standing in front of Naruto, in his shock Naruto seems to have stopped screaming and looked pale as he said,"Dei-nii?"

'Shit! Where the fuck is Sasuke?' Kiba thought as he was restrained by a bulky figure, he looked behind him and saw red eyes staring down at him.

"We are here, to take you with us."Deidara said urgently,"Come with us! Hurry!"

Kiba struggled violently and tried speak but the vampire behind him was strong, suddenly he stopped struggling because, these were Naruto's big brothers. He had heard about them, they were the only ones who gave a fuck about Naruto. Although he was not too fond of them, it was Naruto's decision, if he wanted to go with them then fuck Sasuke, he could do whatever he wanted. Even though Kiba personally felt it was a bad idea.

"We don't have time Naruto."Deidara hissed,"They will be here any minute now. We will hear you out later, I know you were tricked by that Uchiha, we are not angry with you. Come hurry."

Naruto hesitated and Deidara grabbed him and started pulling him along.

"What do you want me to do with this one?"Kyuubi asked.

"Knock him out him! We'll take him as a bargain chip."

As soon as Kiba heard that he started struggling with his full strength and Kyuubi hissed surprised,"Fuck he's strong!"

"He's a werewolf representative, of course he's strong! Bite him, your toxin should knock him out for a while."

"No!"Naruto struggled suddenly snapping out of his guilty daze,"Don't hurt him. Kyuu-nii, Dei-nii I beg you. Please don't hurt him!"

"We won't."Kyuubi assured him,"He'll just feel sick a little sick, his werewolf immunity won't let us kill him."


That's all Kiba heard before he felt a painful sting in his neck and everything turned dark.

"This was unexpected."Itachi muttered as he tilted his head to the side,"Inuzuka didn't put up a fight as we expected. So they had time to get away with Naruto-kun."

Sasuke didn't say anything his expression was blank but his aura was so cold that no one approached him, actually no one had spoken a word apart from Itachi while the guards scattered around and tried to search for the fugitives. What was even more unexpected was that they took Kiba as some sort of bargain chip.

"Neji?"Sasuke asked plainly and Neji gave him a glance before saying cautiously,"They are almost out of the forest, we can trace them up till the forest but as soon as they enter an unrecognisable city or village I won't be able to trace them."

"It's too late for us to go after them, the tunnels below are complicated as only the two Uzumaki's know the route. We can track them through the tree roots but as Neji-niisan said we can only trace them till they are in a forest we've been into before."

"Can you see them like you did?"Gaara asked Shikamaru who shrugged.

"No today, we need to wait 24 hours before I am able to use that spell again."

"What do we do till then?"Neji asked and although it seemed like a general question it was directed towards Sasuke. Who was staring out in the forest.

"I can't wait that long."Sasuke said finally,"I don't trust them, with Naruto."

"He went with them willingly,"Ino scoffed,"he has no shame."

"Not the time."Neji snapped,"Sasuke we need a plan, we need to get all of them so we can prevent any future rebellion. They are smart we can't go in without a solid plan to corner them."

"They have a sister right? A little sister who escaped before?"

"Yeah, Karin I think."Ino frowned,"I saw a portrait of her. I saw portraits of all of them you burned except that half-breeds."

"That's because Sasuke has all of Naruto-kun's portrait decorating his study room."

Ino felt a vicious pang of jealousy at that, that half breed had the affection of the best man she had ever known and he threw that away. She couldn't comprehend this.

"I think we should let them go Sasuke."Sakura advised softly,"He went with them out of his own free will, you can't force him to come back. He's made his decision to leave you, he's not worth it."

Itachi frowned lightly before glancing at Sasuke who seems to have not registered Sakura's words, instead he said,"Shikamaru, as soon as you are able to cast that spell for me. Do it. I want to see where Naruto is and how I can get him back. Neji I want you to track Naruto's little sister. They aren't the only one who know how to use a bargain chip."

"Sure."Shikaru bowed slightly before making his way inside and others followed the suit except Sasuke, Itachi, Sakura and Ino.

"Sasuke, please."Sakura begged and Sasuke blinked at her,"Please he's not worth it. You can- he doesn't deserve your affections, he betrayed you!"

"I don't really care, he can cut me open in thirty different ways but I'll still want him. He must have reason to go with them and also there is a reason why Kiba let him go with them. But frankly I don't care of the motives. I am going have Naruto with me one way or the other. He is mine."

Sasuke looked at the forest again and his eyes turned red,"He belongs with me."

'Sasuke is not going to like this.' Kiba thought as he woke up, feeling feverish, his ears perked up at the heightened voices coming from outside, he sat up and found his hands were bound by chains and he was on cot on the floor.

'Dei-nii. I don't think you understand the gravity of what he's done."A annoying voice yelled and it put Kiba on the edge immediately,"He let that monster outside. He's the reason that father is dead! He's the reason why we are in this situation!"

There were no words of defense from Naruto but he recognised the next voice as the red haired brother of Naruto, Kyuubi as he spoke,"He didn't know. Naruto wouldn't have done it if he'd known who the man was or what he was capable of."

"Well him being locked in a tower should have given the dimwit a clue."A feminine voice snapped and Kiba couldn't help the vicious growl that emanated from his throat at the harsh words. They were is blood? His siblings? What a joke!

There was silence in response for his growl and suddenly the door banged open and Naruto entered and threw himself on Kiba,"Oh thank God. I thought- Kiba I was so worried that- Oh thank you!"

Kiba rubbed his cheek against Naruto's a classic wolf method for assurance, his brown eyes then focused on the audience he had and he glared at them with pure hatred in his eyes.

"The little puppy has claws."Kyuubi said and looked at him with fascination,"Kiba is it? I was about to throw you as soon as we entered a city but Naruto was too worried about you, so we brought you here."

"And where is here?" Kiba asked as Naruto asked,"Where is the key?"

"Naruto,"Deidara said,"You know he's an enemy right? We can't let him go."

"He might be your enemy but Kiba's my precious friend and I won't let you treat him this way. He's the leader of a tribe, taking him and harming in this way will be asking the wolf tribe to be our enemy, you can't afford that."

Kiba was surprised by the coldness and utter lack of respect in Naruto's voice and it seemed so was everyone else. He soon realized why it was, Naruto was worried that they will kill him. Which is not exactly jumping to conclusions because Uzumaki clan very much believed in supremacy of pure blood vampires and despised everything non-vampire.

"I won't run away,"Kiba said and Deidara tilted his head to side,"I won't try to escape, so if you could release me."

"Now why would we believe that?"Deidara asked kneeling down in front of Kiba, ignoring Naruto's stiff body shielding the wolf.

"Because you are not stupid and neither am I,"Kiba drawled and tilted his head to side,"I could have fought you. And me fighting you would also result in Naruto fighting and you wouldn't have been successful in escaping, I could have put up a decent fight,"he turned to Kyuubi,"Your brother would know that."

Kyuubi didn't say anything but his eyes glinted in a way that reminded Kiba of the eldest Uchiha, he ignored that and turned back to Deidara who's blank face could give Sasuke a run for his money,"I didn't resist because I wanted Naruto to make his decision, whether I think it was a good decision or not, doesn't matter. I would have supported him no matter what decision it led to, my royalty is not to the Uchiha. I am here as Naruto's friend nothing more nothing less. I haven't done anything against you, I deserve to be treated as such."

He tilted his head high over Naruto's should and stared into the Uzumaki's eldest eyes, hah! This was nothing compared to be stared down by Sasuke, like you are dirt stuck at the bottom of his shoe.

"Would you be loyal to us?"Deidara hummed and Kiba stiffened when the man came too close,"Will you help us fight Sasuke?"

"No."Kiba said,"I won't lie to you. I hate lying- I will be neutral. The one I will be fighting would be the ones who pose a threat to me and Naruto." His eyes flickered to Sasori, Shion, Hana and Hiro before meeting Deidara's,"Even if it's the Uchiha."

"My brother managed to earn the loyalty of a werewolf leader, in just a few days"Deidara eyes bored into Kiba's,"What's it about him?"

Kiba didn't respond, he turned to Naruto who seemed to be staring at Kiba also with big blue eyes that shimmered beautifully with the tears that seems to be in Naruto's eyes. If there was anything Kiba had it was loyalty to his friends and Naruto, he was the best friend material. He'll take care of Naruto.

Until Sasuke finds them.

He gasped when Deidara closed in on him, for moment he thought the guys was going to hug him but then he felt the lock click and the chains were coming off.

"Dei-nii!"The small girl yelled,"What are you doing?"

"Calm down Hana,"Kyuubi ordered and then turned back to Deidara,"You sure, Dei?"

Deidara was staring down at Kiba with a level of intensity that frankly made Kiba very nervous,"Yes."

'Naruto. Naruto. Naruto.'Sasuke repeated the name in his mind like a mantra, did Naruto thought he will be able to run away from him? Foolish little boy. Sasuke always believed in persuasion rather than coercion, but he was no stranger to it and now he complatating a plan of action which will get rid of all the pest with only and Naruto remaining in their own little world.

Should he lock Naruto up? As soon as thought it crossed his mind he shook his head,no he could never do that to Naruto, but will be a little forceful from now on. He had given Naruto more than enough time to adjust to everything.

Now he was out of patience, it was time to make his move.

"Why does he keep running away from me?" He asked Itachi,"Does he not realise how much I love him?"

"I am not sure brother."Itachi replied softly,"You're better off asking that him yourself."

"It's been only a few hours and I already feel like I am going insane,"Sasuke confessed,"I want him in my arms, I want to bite him, kiss him, take him in every possible way that he forgets anyone and everyone except me."

"Sasuke,"Itachi said cautiously,"You sound insane."

Sasuke grinned his eyes red,"I am insane."

"Sasuke,"Neji called and they both turned to him,"Shikamaru says he's ready with the spell and we have also captured princess Karin."

"Good, get Kakashi to restrain her."Sasuke waved,"I want to see my angel."

Sasuke is so going to kill whoever touches Naruto!