Here is the last chapter... I hope you like it xx :) Please read and review!

Her funeral is packed, as everyone had expected it to be. In the back it is standing room only and even then there are people who are squashed into the hall. Some of them are important, former colleagues of theirs and Pete's, the new head of Torchwood.

Some are friends, like all of their neighbours and half the school's PTA. Some are family, Donna and Jack and John and all of their children.

Everyone cries, even Donna's youngest, but that's because she wants to go play with her big cousin's instead of any particular understanding of the situation.

They lower the coffin into the ground, playing Rose's favourite song, which should actually be played yet, since it wasn't written for another hundred and forty years.

But Rose never had been that good at keeping continuity.

Her gravestone was laid alongside her husband's, matching and side-by-side.

The inscription read 'Never Stop Running'.