"Obviously, blue is the perfect color."

"Uh-huh. How so, Fearless?"

"Well, it will represent calm, ocean-y goodness."

"Calm, ocean-? No way. Red."

"Red is an aggressive color and it will do nothing to stimulate a relaxed environment."

"One, it's focusing and dynamic. Two, it's her favorite color!"

"… I'm not even going to go there."




"It's the most logical choice. It's calming, inspiring and it's perfect for creating peace of mind. Also, purple is her favorite color."

"You guys are so shallow."

"And what color would you prefer, Mikey?"

"I would obviously choose the color that makes her happy. You guys can't just impose your opinion on her."

"Well, we can't exactly go ask her."

"Nope, which is why, my dear boring brothers, we must paint it all orange."

"Oh no-"

"Absolutely not."

"It's a room we expect her to sleep in – orange would keep her awake."

"Orange keeps her happy!"

"Well, blue keeps her calm and tranquil."

"Purple inspires her to think creatively."

"She's gonna sleep, not invent stuff and red would make her feel safe! Plus, she's a girl."

"Are you saying red is a girlish color, Raphie?"

".. No!"

"Let's think about this for a moment. We have to be able to agree on this like grown-ups."

"As if we'll ever grow up."

"Dudes, would you want to?"

"Let's take a vote."





"That solved everything."

"It's scientifically proven that orange is the most awesome color in the world."

"And by scientifically proven, you mean in no way empirically supported."

"What about a totally different color?"

"… I can't think of any."

"Black and white is out."

"Grey and brown would be boring."

"Obviously orange would be best."


"Fine! Then what are we supposed to- Sensei!"

"I find it most admirable that you have decided to surprise Miss O'Neil with a nursery, however I am slightly concerned with the speed of your progress."

"Sensei, this is the most important decision we've yet have to make, only second to naming her."

"Leonardo, that was never your decision to make."

"Nevertheless, we had nothing but great suggestions. Sensei, she will stare at this color for many years to come. It will shape her, inspire her, mold her personality. I read it in a parenting book."

"My sons, there is such a thing as being too pedantic."

"We can vote again with Sensei here!"





"C'mon, Sensei, choose wisely!"

"Meaning red."

"Purple is the-"




"… green?"


"Donnie, google it."

"On it. Here we go - nature, growth, balance, freedom, protection from fears and anxieties."

".. It's perfect."

"Very well. But might I remind you that you have only fifteen minutes before April and Casey returns from the hospital."

"Pssh, we're ninjas, Sensei, we've got this. Donnie, fill the hydro blasters with green paint and take cover."

"Aye, aye, Captain."