Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basuke belongs to Tadatoshi Fujimaki

Those Days, Those Happy Days

Akashi Seijuro glanced at the silver watch strapped around his wrist. "You're late."

Aomine Daiki strolled over casually, dragging Momoi by the hand behind him. He yawned then took his seat at one of the two available chairs by the table. He yawned again. "Sorry. Traffic." He said in his trademark drawl, not sounding the least bit apologetic.

However, not a single sane—or in the Generation of Miracles' case, less-than-sane—person in the room believed him. Everyone knew that if there was one reason to Aomine's shameless tardiness—admittedly it was the only reason—it was because Aomine overslept. Again. But since everyone was used to it by now, no one really bothered telling him off. Everyone knew he was lying and Aomine knew that everyone knew.

But it didn't matter. All was good.

Murasakibara looked over at Momoi who took her seat beside Aomine and snapped a Pocky stick in two, wondering briefly how long did it take this time for the girl to wake him up.

Aomine stretched his arms lazily above his head, almost knocking down a waiter who had his hands full with a stack of empty dishes. He looked around the table. "Eh? Where's Tetsu?"

"Actually, I'm right over here."

Aomine jumped with a yelp as he whipped his head to the seat next to him. Sure enough, Kuroko was staring up at him in all innocence. "When did you get here?!"

Kuroko Tetsuya blinked. "I was here from the very beginning."

A groan escaped Aomine's throat and he buried his face into his hands, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. Midorima smirked, Kise guffawed, Murasakibara raised an eyebrow and ripped open his second box of Pocky since arriving at the restaurant and even Akashi looked amused.

"Tetsu-kun~!" Momoi bolted from her seat at Aomine's left to his right. Before anyone could even register what was happening, she already had her arms wrapped around Kuroko, pressing her entire body—entire body—against his thinly sick frame, squeezing him till the point his face turned as blue as his hair.

"Mo-moi-san, please-let-me-go."

All eyes turned to Aomine, anticipating a reaction from him towards his fiancée's display but he remained unperturbed, instead stuffing his face with complimentary fries from the restaurant. When he finally realised the all the attention directed towards him, Aomine raised his gaze to meet his former teammates'. His followed their eyes to Momoi who was still squeezing the life out of poor Kuroko then returned his gaze back to the others, more specifically Midorima since they were seated right across each other.

"What?" A piece of fry was sticking out between his lips.

Midorima rolled his eyes and picked up his glass. His eyebrow began to twitch. Kise was flailing like a headless chicken, demanding that Momoi release his Kurokocchi and how Momoi had no right to treat Kuroko with so much affection since Kuroko was his, not hers and she already had Aomine wrapped around her finger. (Aomine was less than happy when he heard this statement) Momoi retorted by saying that Kise was less qualified than her to own Kuroko since he was the married one among the two.

Midorima leaned to the left, trying to put as much distance as possible between him and the frantic Kise. He pushed up his glasses and sighed. Midorima would've cut all ties with this bunch of crazies and never hear from them again, but he knew that there was no escape because he knew—or more like he'd been told but doesn't acknowledge—that he was just as insane as any of them, if not more. And it was a universally acknowledged truth that crazies stick with crazies.

You don't call yourselves the Generation of Miracles without having a few loose screws in your head.

Originally posted on Tumblr.