Well, I decided to write another story for Harry Potter. This one has nothing to do with the other stories I have up, it's just something I got in my head and decided to write. There's an original character I w3anted to test out in fan fiction before putting in any stories and so I decided to go ahead and write. Also, Chapter 13 of the other will be up as soon as ff.net lets me put it up.

Disclaimer: I am not getting any money from this. In fact, I am a broke college struggling to graduate on time due to having transferred due to finances. This means you are wasting your time in suing me as the judge will laugh you out of court, seeing as all I have are debts. If you really want them though, I'll give you ALL my debts! ;o

As always, ENJOY!!

Harry hadn't been out of school a week and he already wanted to go back. He'd take anything over the agony of having to do his Aunt's laundry. There was just something about being forced to wash underwear large enough to fit Hagrid and ladies undergarments that Harry just couldn't get used to.

He threw in the last of Aunt Petunia's bras, a purple, lacy contraption that was designed to make it seem that its wearer had more than she really did, poured in some detergent and hit the start button. As soon as he was sure the washer was going, he raced out of the laundry and up the stairs to his own before his Aunt could give him anything else to do.

Once in his room, he pulled out an unfinished Potions essay and sat down at his desk to attempt finishing it. It was slow going, as he found himself stopping to listen for his Aunt every few minutes, but eventually he finished and sat back with a sigh of relief.

Just in time too, because his Aunt chose then to call up the stairs, "Harry! Harry, you lazy boy! Get down here and finish the laundry!"

Harry sighed and called back, "Yes, Aunt Petunia! I'm coming!" He put his Potions book and essay away quickly before hurrying out the door and down the stairs.

"You layabout," his aunt told him as she shoved him down the hall towards the laundry room. "What did you think you were doing? Trying to force my Duddilykins to wear dirty clothes?"

"No, Aunt Petunia," Harry answered dejectedly as he made his way through the house. "I was just finishing something before switching it over."

Aunt Petunia snorted as she turned to go back into the kitchen. "Once you're finished there, weed the front garden," she called over her shoulder as she disappeared.

Harry rolled his eyes and began unloading the washer and throwing clothes into the dryer. This time a pair of Dudley's tent-like boxers fell out onto the tile floor. Harry gave a grin as he looked at them. They were very large, but that only meant there was plenty of room for the pattern. All over the boxers were large Teletubbies grinning and looking as ridiculous as they did on tv. Harry picked them up and threw them in with the rest of the clothes as he fought valiantly against laughter.

He was just throwing another load into the washer when the doorbell rang. He ignored it, pouring detergent into the washer instead. He jumped, sending detergent flying, when his aunt's scream rent the air.

Harry's heart still as fear ran through his body. His stomach clenched and his eyes widened as his body froze in place. Finally he heard footsteps approaching and his hand moved to where he had hidden his wand.

"We're with the Ministry, Mrs. Dursley. We're here to protect your family and nephew," Harry heard a man say. His hand dropped down beside him as he breathed a sigh of relief and the fear bled out of him.

Two men dressed in mis-matched Muggle business suits walked through the narrow doorway as Harry's aunt followed nervously behind. Harry noted that she was paler than usual and was shaking badly. He guessed that it was a bad fright for her to see two men like these in her home without her husband there to protect her.

"What have you done now, Harry," she asked him shrilly, her voice betraying her fear.

"Nothing, Aunt Petunia," Harry told her as he eyed the two men.

"Get your things, Harry," the tallest of the two told him.

"Why? What's happened," Harry asked, nervousness beginning to creep back into him.

"It's for your own safety. You're to be relocated to someplace less accessible to You-Know-Who's followers," the smallest of the two told him.

"I thought you were denying his return," Harry said, backing up a little and wishing his aunt would just start running. He knew something was wrong and did not want anyone else to die like Cedric, even his aunt.

"He hasn't," Tall Man told him irritably. "Now go get your trunk!"

The last was said as the man grabbed Harry by the arm and practically dragged him out of the cramped room. Harry stumbled ahead of them to his room, his arm held in a tight grip by the man all the way. He threw his books back into his trunk, thanked God Hedwig was out delivering a letter to Ron and watched as Small Man levitated his trunk. He followed it out the door, back down the stairs and to the rather normal looking black car parked by the curb. Small Man packed it into the trunk as Tall Man directed Harry firmly into the back seat.

Harry stared out his window at his frightened aunt as the car pulled away and he hoped the feeling in his stomach was wrong.


He smiled as the call came in. They had him. They had captured Harry Potter. It hadn't mattered that Dumbledore had set up precaution after precaution. It hadn't mattered that the boy was one of the most protected people on the face of the earth. They had him and he had been simple to get.

The man grinned as he lounged in his chair and propped his feet up on his desk. The Dark Lord was going to be very happy with him. He'd be well-rewarded when they'd won this little war. And until then, HE'D be the Dark Lord's right hand man. HIM, not Lucius Malfoy or any one else. HIM.

And then it'd only be a short jump to being the ruler of the world instead of his master. But all in good time.

"Make sure Potter is well taken care of," he told his lackey, who nodded his understanding. "I can't have our lord receiving a damaged gift, now can I?"