"Caroline." I laughed as she tried to put the comforter on the bed. Tonight was a girls night, we decided. Just to get away from all the guys. We were at my house, as Jeremy was at Matt's for some 'guy time.' Caroline looked lost on how to do this. I mean, It's Caroline. I walked around the bed to take the comforter into my own hands. I laid it out nice and evenly on the bed. "Wa-la!"

"Okay, How can you do that when I can't and I'm the vampire here!" She sighed as she crossed her arms. I shook my head at her. I walked over to my side of the bed and got under the covers. Caroline also did the same. "Elena?"

"Yes, Care?"

"Are you in love with Damon?" That question came out of no where. I didn't honestly know how to answer her, to be honest. I didn't even know myself. Maybe, it's because Damon barley tells me anything about him or the past. I still wondered what he meant by 'You should of have met me in 1984, you would've liked me' Would I? "Elena?"

"um, I don't know, Care." I sighed as I looked up at the the ceiling. "I don't know."

"When you do," Caroline started. "tell me."


"Goodnight, Elena." Caroline yawned and turned off her night stand lamp. I turned off mine as well.

"Goodnight, Care."

"Excuse me, Miss." I heard.. Damon's voice? What was he doing here, and calling me.. miss? "Please, Don't be dead."

"Hmm?" I opened my eyes to meet a pair of blue orbs. I sat up to look around at my surroundings. I was in a grass area surrounded by large trees. I look over to see.. Stefan with Caroline. Stefan looked a lot different and so did Damon. What's happening? I looked back to Damon. "What year is it?"

"1864, Miss..?" He carried off after the miss part. "What is your name?"

"Um" Caroline looked at me like she wanted to know also. "It's Elena, Elena Donovan."

"Hello, Miss Donovan. I'm Damon Salvatore." He smiled at me before he got up and offered his hand to me. I gladly took it to get up. I got up and thanked him. "You're welcome, Miss Donovan"

"Can we go talk to my friend, Mr. Salvatore?" I asked him politely. He nodded and lead the way over. "Caroline!"

"Elena!" She ran and hugged me. "What are we going to say?"

"I don't know. Just let me do the talking." I whispered into her ear. She let go and stood next to me. I had no clue what to tell Damon and Stefan. "Um, thank you for helping us."

"You're welcome" Stefan nodded and smiled at us. Well, more to Caroline than to me. I smiled at Caroline, who blushed red. "Where are you guys staying?"

"Oh," I looked down. I didn't honestly know, where to go. Caroline and I didn't know anyone to help. "We don't know, you see."

"How come, Miss Donovan?" Damon asked curious. "I mean, you must have a home?"

"No, we don't" I sighed. Lies, lies, all lies. "You see, Our parents didn't really like us. They never spent time with us, they just gave us servants for their absence. But the other day, they kicked us out for no reason. They kicked me and my servants out. Saying that they will still be our servants and that they'll pay their family but we couldn't live with them. They never liked us. So, we have no where to go or live."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Donovan" Stefan nodded at us, sadly. I'd never thought I'd be that great of a liar. "Maybe, you could stay with us."

"We'll have to ask father." Damon turned his head to Stefan. Stefan nodded and smiled at Caroline sweetly. I smiled at Damon because I can't stop staring at him. He had black curly hair. He looked really handsome right now. He probably felt me staring at him because he looked at me. I blush before I turned my attention to Stefan.

"Well, you two stay here. While we go talk to our father." Stefan smiled at us. "Okay?"

"Okay" Caroline breathed. Damon smiled at me before he left to his house with Stefan. "Oh my god, I call dibs on Stefan."

"Go right ahead, Care." I laughed. I wasn't thinking about Stefan any more. I was thinking about Damon. How different could human Damon and Vampire Damon could be? I shook my head. I mean, they can't be that different.. can they? I sighed. "how long do you think they'll be?"

"I don't know, an hour and a half?" She rolled her eyes. "I don't know, Elena."

"It's cold out here." I sighed. Caroline and I waited for about a good fifteen minutes till Damon and Stefan showed up. "Hello again, Salvatore."

"Hello, Miss Donovan." Damon smiled at me. Caroline bounced up and down. "You guys can stay with us."

"Yes!" Caroline jumped up and down. "I really need to go potty."

"Caroline." I looked at her. She looked like she really needed to go. "I think we should go before she pees her pants."

"Yes, we should, Miss Donovan." Damon smiled at me, once again. He held his arm out for me to link though mine. I weaved my arm though his and we headed off after Caroline and Stefan. "So, do you have any belongings with you?"

"Nope, just what I'm wearing." I sighed. "Mr. Salvatore, I'm sorry to be such a burden on you and your family. I mean, we can just leave."

"And go where?" He raised his eyebrows at me. I looked forward, shaking my head. I don't know. "Exactly. You two are staying with us."

"Thank you, Mr. Salvatore." I smiled at him. He was so kind. Unlike the old Damon that I know. We finally got to the house. It was huge. It was white. It's not big as the white house but it looks like it. We walked up the steps and into the building. Stefan opened the door for us and we thanked him soon as we got in the door. Damon came up behind me. "Let me show you to your room."

"Lead the way, Mr. Salvatore." I smiled at him. He smiled back as he lead me up the big stairwell.

Maybe, I'll like it here..