Hello everyone! It's tdyn0 with another Young Justice story! I decided to write a different couple since I wanted to see how people would react to it and all.
This story is focused on Robin/Timothy Drake and Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark. These guys hooked up in the comics for a brief time and I thought they were a nice couple. So, I'm writing this story solely for them since I am a fan of the pairing and there aren't many WonderRobin fics out there xD. I hope you guys enjoy!

Always For You

Robin was looking through his binoculars at a certain warehouse. Reports indicated that one of 'The Light's' member was in the warehouse, planning something big. The reports indicated that one of the most dangerous villains that Batman has ever faced: The Joker, was in the warehouse. Nightwing gave the mission to Robin, specifically stating that it was a stealth mission, giving them no permission to engage with the enemies at all. Robin was leading a three person squad which included Wonder Girl, Beast Boy, and himself. Nightwing specifically gave him the leadership position in order to have him gain more experience as a field leader. Deep down everyone knew that Nightwing wasn't going to be the leader forever, leaving Robin as the next qualified person for the position.

"There are no suspicious activities going on that I can spot", Tim stated, looking through his binoculars. "Well, we just can't wait here all night Boy Wonder." Cassie stated, while observing the warehouse. Tim did not reply and continued to look through his binoculars. "Beast Boy, it's time for you to work your wonders", he said. Beast Boy nodded and looked at him, "what do you want me to do Robin?" Beast Boy asked. "I want you to get as small as possible. Infiltrate the warehouse and let me know of the surroundings, I can't really get much from this position". Beast Boy left as soon as Robin finished his sentence, turning into a rat and disappearing into the warehouse. "So.. what do you want me to do Robin?" Cassie asked, hoping for a chance to destroy anyone from the council called 'The Light'. "Nothing for now, I want you to be on stand by in case anything happens to Beast Boy". Cassie gave a short grunt and secretly glared at him. "This guy has got no idea of what he's doing! I honestly wonder why Nightwing chose him to lead this mission. Honestly, if I was leading this mission, that insane clown would be on his knees begging for mercy from me after I'm through interrogating him" Cassie thought to herself.

Beast Boy examined his surroundings. He was in an area that looked like any warehouse: filled with junk and materials that were for business purposes. "Beast Boy to Robin. The area is clear, I don't find anything suspicious. However, I can set up a rendezvous spot for you guys to enter" he stated through the communication link. "Robin to Beast Boy, our mission is clear. Stay hidden and don't get caught, get back here so we can continue to-" Cassie cut Robin off at the last minute, "Beast Boy, we're coming in. Meet us at the rendezvous spot so we can complete this task quicker". Robin stared at her with shock and gave her a short 'bat glare'. She began to head towards the designated point, leaving Robin no choice but to follow her. "Cassie, this isn't a good idea. This can sabotage our mission!" Robin stated as he followed her. "Don't worry Boy Wonder, we got this. Besides, the quicker we can confirm that there is nothing there, the quicker we can get out of here". Robin again gave her a short 'bat glare' as he followed her and shook his head.

When they reached the designated point. The three heroes decided to examine the surroundings a bit more, hoping to find something. Beast Boy found a small door a couple minutes after their meet up, opening it to reveal a massive room filled with weapons of destruction. "Uh... guys. I think you should see this", Garfield said, going into the room and observing it a bit more. Robin and Wonder Girl soon caught up with Beast Boy and stared in awe at all of the weapons displayed in the room. "It seems like The Light has been quite busy huh?" Cassie asked, examining the weapons around the room. "Don't touch anything guys, I think I'm going to call it in and contact Nightwing and the Justice League" Tim stated, causing Cassie to raise her eyebrow. "Why should you call them? We can handle this perfectly! With my strength, your gadgets, and Beast Boy's powers, we can bring down the whole place!" Cassie said with a confident tone. "Still.. I don't think we should take any risks, because we don't know if there are any civilians in the warehouse or if-" Robin stopped speaking as he heard loud clashes coming from Cassie's area. He watched her destroyed a whole row of weapons with her bare hands, then witnessed Beast Boy follow suit and begin to destroy the other weapons.

Tim sighed and shook his head. This part of Wonder Girl really annoyed him at times. She came off as the type of person who "shoots first and plans for the consequences later". As Wonder Girl and Beast Boy continued to cause damage, an alarm then went off throughout the entire warehouse, causing Tim to give Cassie another 'bat glare'. She gave him a nervous smile and shrugged off his 'glare'. She thought that it was perfectly reasonable and she was capable of doing anything since she was on Alpha Squad half of the time with Nightwing, boosting her confidence in her abilities and such. Beast Boy soon stopped and started to panic as the alarm went on. Then all of a sudden, the three heroes heard an all so familiar sinister laugh.

"Well well well, look what the Bird Boy dragged in today for Uncle J, Wonder Bread and Monkey Boy!" Joker laughed at his joke and then looked at the heroes. "Oh what brings you kids to the neck of my woods?" "Shut up Joker, your plan with these weapons are out in the open now!" Tim replied, readying his bo staff to attack the Joker. "Oh but wait, you're in for a surprise Bird Brain, as you can see, you destroyed these weapons which belonged to some good friends of mine at our cool group called 'The Light', I think it's time for me to give you a gift!" The three heroes looked at him in confusion as he pulled out a detonator. "Crap" was the exact word that ran through Tim's head. The whole warehouse was almost like a trap from the beginning. "You see kids, Uncle J can't leave without rewarding you with a great surprise! A surprise that goes BOOOOOOOM!" Joker said with an evil smirk. "You all have 20 seconds before this warehouse is blown off the map". With that said, the Joker pressed the button and ran away laughing, "HAHAHAHAHAHA, catch you next time Bird Brain! Oh, and bring Bats with you next time will ya?!" Joker said as he escaped. Tim looked around in terror as the countdown began. "Cassie, get us out of here now!" No longer disobeying his orders, she swooped him up and flew out of the warehouse through the top, with Beast Boy following them from behind in the form of a hawk.

As soon as the heroes landed at a far place, they watched the warehouse exploded, with terror in their eyes. Everyone was in silent, especially Cassie. Beast Boy looked away, not being able to bring himself to face Robin after the failure of the mission. Cassie looked at Robin with sadness, regret, and fear in her eyes. "Robin I-" "Don't say anything to me Cassie", Robin cut her off, causing her to flinch and look away with guilt. "Why...? Why did you disobey me so many times? Do you not trust me to lead a team or something Cassie? Do you hate me or something?!" Robin asked, giving her a serious bat glare. Cassie couldn't face Tim, he looked really scary at the time and she felt guilty about hurting him. Tim sighed and decided to report to Nightwing about the mission. "Robin to Nightwing, do you copy", after a few seconds, Nightwing replied. "This is Nightwing, how did the mission go?" Nightwing asked, hoping for good results. Tim sighed and looked at Cassie and Garfield. "The mission was a failure, we found weapons of mass destruction that gave us many connections and links to 'the Light', I got carried away and ordered my squad to attack without thinking of the consequences". Cassie stared at Tim, she had the look of complete guilt and sadness in her eyes. It almost made her cry. Beast Boy kept his head down, not saying a single word. "The Joker blew up the warehouse after I set off an alarm by accident. All the evidence is gone and there may have been several casualties in the explosion", Tim replied. After a few moments, Nightwing replied with a sigh, "roger that, I'm sending the bioship to your location. We need to have a meeting immediately, Nightwing out".

Tim sighed and turned away from his team mates, boarding the bioship as soon as it arrived a couple minutes after his conversation with Nightwing. The ride back to Mount Justice was quiet, except for the small concerns that M'gann had for her younger brother, Garfield. Cassie stared at Tim throughout the entire ride, not saying a single word because she knew it would make things worse. She couldn't believe that she let her ego get the best of her, it caused them the mission and it may have landed Robin into some deep trouble. As soon as the bioship landed at the loading dock, Nightwing was standing there, arms crossed, waiting for Robin to get off the ship. Robin immediately followed Nightwing into the conference room, not uttering a single word to anyone. Cassie watched him go with sadness in her eyes and crossed her arms in the act of hugging herself. Garfield left with M'gann to freshen up, leaving Cassie to be alone by herself for a couple of minutes. Soon, Batgirl walked by and noticed how distraught Cassie looked, so she headed towards her to check up on her. "Cassie, are you alright? What's the matter?" Cassie gave Batgirl a very sad look and immediately hugged her, putting her head down on Batgirl's shoulder to start crying. "I messed up Batgirl.. I didn't listen to Robin and caused us the mission! I think I also got him into some serious trouble! He took the blame for everything!" Cassie said in between sobs.

"There there, it will be okay Cassie. Nothing is going to happen to Robin, trust me". Cassie continued to cry as Batgirl comforted her. "If only I listened to you Robin. If only I didn't let my ego get the best of me. I'm so sorry Robin..." Cassie thought to herself as she continued to cry on Batgirl's shoulder. Robin taking the blame for her, opened her eyes to something so much bigger and special. She realized that he was a good person and that she will try to make it up to him as soon as possible, even if it took a whole life time.

So, how was the first chapter? I hope you guys enjoyed it! Cause I enjoyed writing it, muahaha.
Anyways, read and review! Much love 3333
Thank you for reading my fic xD.