"Welcome to Manzanar"

Kiku stepped off of the bus and looked around. There were rows and rows of barracks, and dirt everywhere. "A home away from home," they'd said. But this was nothing near what home was like.

The small Japanese man sighed, not sure what he was to anticipate. He felt something tugging at his pant leg, and looked down to see a small child looking up at him. He forced a smile, not wanting to look too serious or scary, and she smile back brightly. Oh, the innocence of children. . .How he wished he still had it.

"Misaki! Come here!" At the sound of her mother's voice, the little girl ran off, throwing a "Bye, onii-san!" over her shoulder.

Kiku's smile faded. This place. . it just had a horrid feeling to it. Some of the others complained as the American guards herded them further into the camp, but Kiku remained silent. They were lined up in two lines, one for men and one for women, then forced into the rows of barracks. It was almost unbelievable that there were so many children there as well.

In Kiku's barracks, there were four elderly men, one child, and seven younger men, including Kiku himself. How they would live comfortably in here, Kiku did not know. He supposed that they would not be allowed to live comfortably at all. Kiku let out a soft sigh. Things were definitely going to be difficult here.

"Jones, Alfred!"

A young blond man with bright blue eyes stood. "Yes, sir!" The list of guards at the camp was surprisingly long. Alfred wondered if there were really that many people necessary. He didn't know exactly what was going on, but it seemed that they were putting Japanese Americans in these camps because of things going on in the war. But these people all seemed harmless. . . well, he supposed, they wouldn't be hurting them, would they?

Alfred was assigned to a row of barracks. Out of all of them, there was one barracks that caught his attention. There were four elderly men, one child, and seven younger men cooped up in it. One of the younger men would always stare at the American when he came by – well, all of the men would stare at him, but something about this young man's stare was different. It seemed to be merely curious, rather than full of hatred. Alfred would find himself staring right back at the young man. Always.

A/N: Ohai thur. ouo This is based on an RP ~ :'D and uhm. I know this was kind of an awkward place to end the chapter, but MERF. JUST MERF. So yer. Hope you enjoyed, and please review~