Chapter 1: Fallen Stars

A/N: Hello, Gera here. So..I came up with this fic when I was brainstorming a few ideas for my other story Love and Chaos. The idea stuck around my head for a while, and I figured why not? The plot might not make sense at first, but I'll do my best to make it decent. It's mostly meant to be funny and random in a way, though there will be romance, as well as bonding between the members of Team Natsu and my OC character. Hope you enjoy it. :D

Fairy Tail is owned by Hiro Mashima.

"Well, that was another interesting story." a young man spoke with satisfaction. He had dark brown spiky hair and brown eyes, light-tan skin. He stretched his arms a bit while he sat at his desk, looking at his computer screen. "Hm, maybe I should come up with my own story and post it on FanFiction.." he wondered, when his stomach grumbled. "Ah, well I guess you have other ideas, huh?." As he got up and walked downstairs, he suddenly heard a loud crash coming from outside, as his house shook violently for a few moments. "Que diablos?"

The young man quickly ran outside to find the source of the crash. He waited for a moment for the dust to settle, as he looked at a small crater about forty feet away from his house.

"It's a good thing I live in a secluded area..but what the hell was that? Did a meteorite just land in front of my house?" he asked himself as he scratched his head. After a few moments, he heard voices coming from the crater.

"What the hell just happened?"

"I'm not sure, I was hoping you could tell me."

"Damn it, looks like he got away."

"We were so close too.."

"Where are we? This area doesn't seem familiar to me."

"Humph. Looks like we're lost again."


'Aye?' the young man thought. Were they hanging around the area when that thing landed, he wondered? He waited for a moment until he saw figures of people walking towards his house, their voices much more clearer.

"Hey look, there's someone over at that house!" a young man roared excitedly.

"Hey, he's right. Hello over there!" a young woman spoke. "Can you help us out? We're kinda lost."

The young man squinted his eyes. The sun was going down and it was beginning to get dark. As the figures loomed closer, several things caught his eye. Pink, blue, scarlet and blonde hair quickly stood out to him. But what really got his attention were two cats that were with them, one was blue while the other was white. He wouldn't have thought much of it, were it not for the fact that two cats were talking and walking on two feet, the white one wearing a dress while the blue one had what appeared to be a knapsack on his back.

" f-freaking w-way.." he stuttered as his eyes grew wide.

A pink haired young man wearing a scarf and a vest. A scarlet haired young woman clad in armor. A blue haired petite little girl in a green dress. A shirtless young man with droopy eyes and dark black hair. And to top it all off, a blonde young woman with a whip on the side of her hip.

"We're mages from Fairy Tail!" the pink haired young man said with a grin.

"I really should take a break from reading all those stories.." was all the young man could say before he fell to the ground and passed out.

"So you're saying is that we're not in Earthland anymore?" Lucy asked.

The young man nodded. "That's right."

"And that in this world, we're famous?" Natsu asked excitedly.


"And some guy somewhere created everything in our world and he owns us?" Gray was suddenly feeling paranoid.

"I'll admit, I'm just as surprised as you guys are." the young man replied, scratching his head.

After regaining consciousness, he realized that the people he saw were really from Fairy Tail, the ones from his favorite manga. The Dragon Slayers Natsu Dragneel and Wendy Marvel. The Queen of Fairies Erza Scarlet. The Ice mage Gray Fullbuster. The Celestial Mage Lucy Heartfilia, and the two Exceeds, Happy and Carla. After casting any further doubt aside, he invited them into his house, where he tried his best to explain their current situation.

"That dark mage we were fighting must have used a spell to transport us here." Erza concluded.

"I'm still a little confused though." Happy admitted.

The young man thought for a moment. "How about've all been to Edolas, right?" they all nodded. "Well, think of this world as an alternate one from those two, or a third parallel world. In this world, there is a theory that points to there being various worlds or dimensions that are layered over one another, like the pages in a book. If you break through one layer, you end up in the next world, break through that layer and you go to the next one and so on."

Lucy thought for a moment. "You know, you're right. It's the same as the celestial world."

"Exactly. Most people don't know if there is another world parallel to theirs. However, if two different worlds do come to know of the other, they can set up some form of communication and even travel between the two worlds. It's very possible. In the case of the Celestial World and Earthland, the celestial keys you posses are their way of traveling to Earthland."

"I still don't get it." Natsu muttered.

"Me either." Gray added.

Erza shook her head. "Please forgive their lack of understanding, they're a bit slow when it comes to thinking."

"HEY!" they both yelled.

The young man let out a chuckle. "I know, like I said before, you guys are pretty well-known in this world to a good number of people."

Wendy tilted her head. "Now that you mention it, you did know all of our names despite the fact that we never once set foot in this world."

"I was a little surprised at your knowledge about us and Earthland." Erza commented. "How is it that people here know so much about us?"

The young man pulled out a small book that read 'Fairy Tail Volume 1' and showed it to them. "This is how." he replied, handing the book to Natsu.

"Cool, you guys have manga in this world too?" Natsu was getting giddy. He flipped the first page open as the others gathered around him like children about to hear a bedtime story. Their eyes went wide as he continued flipping through the book.

"Was I really that scrawny back then?" Happy felt self-conscious.

"My face.." Erza was trembling.

"Natsu-san looks the same." Wendy quickly pointed out.

"Lucy looks like she's gained some weig-" was all that Gray could get out before Lucy kicked him in the gut.

Carla shook her head. "Idiot."

"This is pretty freaking awesome!" Natsu yelled as he kept reading through the book.

The young man smiled. Never in a million years would he have thought he'd be able to meet Natsu and his friends. Yet here they were in his living room, laughing together. Suddenly, a thought popped into his head. "That reminds me. How do you guys plan on getting back to your world?"

They all stopped what they were doing and looked at each other, suddenly realizing the naked truth.

"Actually, we don't know how to get back." they all frowned.

"Hm, this might be a problem then."

Erza paused for a moment, then spoke. "I've been wondering, does magic exist in this world?" the scarlet mage asked.

The young man looked down for a moment. "It's hard to say. There's a lot of evidence and rumors that points to magic existing in this world, but I think that probably only one percent of the people in this world can actually use it, maybe even less than that. A great majority of the people here accept the laws of science, which is basically just believing in hard, tangible facts in the world rather than magic and other unexplained occurences. If anyone in this world knows how to use magic, they probably keep themselves well hidden from the rest of the world."

"I see." Erza closed her eyes for a moment to think. "Wait, does that mean we're unable to use magic in this world?"

"I don't know." the young man replied. "Have you tried using your own magic?"

"Requip!" Erza suddenly said, as a blinding light engulfed the room. When the light dissipated, it revealed Erza in her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Looks like it worked!" Lucy cheered. "Let me try now. Gate of the Lion, I Open Thee!"

Another blinding light lit the room, before it died down to reveal Leo the Lion. "Princess, where are we? I can sense that we're no longer in Eartland." he said worryingly.

"Its kinda of a long story." she went on to explain about the theory of parallel worlds and how they ended up here.

"Ah, it does make sense when you think about." he responded. "We'll, if you need me, just give me a call Lucy." Leo bid them farewell as he returned to the celestial world. Erza Requipped back into a white blouse and skirt.

"Well, it seems that your keys work regardless of what world you're in." the young man added

"So what do we do in the meantime?" A shirtless Gray asked.

"Hm.." the young man thought for a moment. "I know!" Natsu and the others watched curiously. "You guys can stay here for the time being, until you figure out a way to get back to Earthland."

"Really?" Natsu and Gray both had huge grins.

"Of course." he assured them.

"No, we really shouldn't, we've already troubled you enough as it is." Erza replied. Lucy nodded in agreement.

The young man walked over to the scarlet haired mage and place a hand on her shoulder. "It's no trouble at all, really. You guys need a place to stay, right? Besides, my home is big enough to house all of you, I have several guest rooms upstairs."

"But what about rent?" Lucy asked.

He shook his head. "I built this house myself, so the only thing I really pay for is clothing and groceries."

"Well.." Erza was still unsure, but then she saw Natsu and Gray giving her the 'Puppy Dog Eyes' technique. Even Happy and Wendy were doing it. She looked back at the young man, who was giving her a smile. "A-alright, we'll stay. It's only temporary anyways."

"ALRIGHT!" Natsu and Gray cheered while Happy flew around in circles. Lucy sighed and shook her head. Wendy and Carla looked at each other and smiled.

"But on one condition!" she yelled, startling everyone. "Since you're willing to take us in for the time being, it's only fair that all of us pitch in and help with the cooking, groceries and cleaning."

The young man simply smiled. "Deal." then he suddenly realized something. "You know, I got so wound up in our conversation earlier that I didn't even introduce myself properly." he said sheepishly as he scratched his head. "My name is Dante. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Erza couldn't help but smile. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Dante."

"Ah, what a lovely name! It's a pleasure to meet you Dante-san!" Wendy replied, making Dante blush slightly with embarrassment.

"Likewise." Carla added.

"Aye! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you Dante!" Lucy cheered.

"We're gonna have a blast!" Natsu was getting fired up.

"You got that right." Gray added smirking.

Dante smiled. 'They all look like they're having a good time..'

"Alright, I call first dibs!" Natsu roared as he ran upstairs, with Happy following close behind.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Gray yelled as he ran after them.

"Haven't you guys ever heard of 'Ladies First'?" Lucy yelled after them.

Wendy giggled while Carla shook her head. "Come one Carla, let's go find a room."

Lucy sighed. "Seriously, those two are always full of energy." Suddenly, something caught her eye. She walked over to a big bookshelf in one corner of the house. "Wow, these are all your books?" the blonde asked, wide-eyed.

"Ah, yes. They're dictionaries and encyclopedias, as well as books about this world's history. You're welcome read them as you like, it might help you understand this world a little better in the meantime."

"Ah, thank you!"

Dante smiled as he made his way to the front door.

"Where are you going Dante?" Erza asked curiously.

"I'm just going for a quick walk outside, I won't be long. Feel free to make yourselves comfortable, The bathroom's upstairs if you want to shower before going to bed." Dante responded, before he proceeded outside.

Dante was sitting down on top of a hill, staring up at the night sky.

"Today sure was an interesting day.." he said to himself. The wind was blowing quite strongly tonight, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. "The stars are quite beautiful tonight.."

"You can say that again." a voice came from behind, slightly startling him. Dante turned to see Erza standing a few feet away. "May I?" she asked.

Dante smiled. "Of course." he replied. She walked over and sat down next to him, pulling her knees to her chest.

"The night sky here reminds me a lot of the one in Earthland." Erza began. "They're very similar."

"I'm sure there are a lot of similarities between this world and yours." he added.

They sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity, before Erza decided to break the ice.

"Can I ask you something?" she said suddenly. Dante was a little surprised.

"Of course."

Erza frowned a bit. "Why are you living here by yourself?" she asked. "I-I mean you don't have to answer my question if you don't want, it's really none of my business, its ju-"

"I don't mind Erza." he cut her off. She looked at him as he continued to stare up at the sky. "I guess you can say I'm a little anti-social. I just feel that I don't fit in with society. I don't agree with their ideals and their standards. Or maybe society doesn't agree with me, who knows.."

Erza stared at the ground.

"When I was still living in society, I felt like I was bound to all their rules and standards. I had to act a certain way, dress a certain way. If I didn't do what everyone else did I was not normal, if I didn't treat someone harshly because of their economic status or gender, then I was no better than them. I felt like I was a prisoner in a way. All I really wanted was be who I am, not what they wanted me to be. But I put up with it, I seem to have a nack for patience. But that didn't stop them from using me, hurting me. I felt betrayed so many times, but I couldn't blame any of those people, I blamed myself for being so weak and believing in their words. I felt like an outcast for a while, never fitting in with anyone. I was a stranger in this world."

Erza felt a sudden pain in her chest as her own memories of love and betrayal resurfaced. 'He's a lot like me when I was growing up after leaving that tower..' she thought."I know how you feel..the pain, the betreyal..I know it all too well. What about your parents? Did they ever do anything to comfort you?"

There was an awkward silence, as Erza realized that she just crossed into forbidden territory.

"I..never knew my parents..I grew up..without them." Dante replied, his voice laced with pain and loneliness.

Erza suddenly felt sick to her stomach. "I'm so sorry, that was a horrible thing for me to say, there's absolutely no excuse for that, its unforgivable. I'll just go a-" she tried to get up and leave, but Dante suddenly grabbed her arm, catching her by surprise. Erza stared at him for a moment and then sat back down.

"It's okay Erza, you didn't know."

"But I-"

"Erza!" he said sternly, making her flinch. After a few moments, his voice softened. "Its okay. While it is a painful thing to remember, it doesn't bother me as much as you think. Even after everything that's happened to me, I've learned to move on. I learned to forgive. But more importantly, I learned to forgive myself. Blaming myself wasn't going to change anything. I stopped blaming myself for everything that's happened to me and accepted everything about me, because in the end what's more important than a heart that forgives is a heart that loves all things equally." Dante turned and gave Erza a warm smile. "Living out here, I found the freedom that I've always dreamed of, even if I am alone."

Erza fought back hard to keep her tears from pouring out. His smile was warm and genuine. She could feel all the loneliness and sadness that she felt before was now gone. "O-okay." she managed to choke out. Dante smiled again and looked back up at the sky, staring at all the stars that glowed in the darkness.

"You should learn to forgive yourself too, Erza. Don't be so hard on yourself." he said suddenly. "You are a kind and strong person, stronger than I could ever be." he said humbly.

Erza suddenly felt warmth rushing to her cheeks. She was thankful that it was really dark out that night, or else Dante would have noticed the obvious blush on her face. She looked up at the sky. The stars dotting the sky, millions and millions of them dancing throughout the night.

'Thank you..'

"Were have you two been?" a pajama clad Lucy asked as Dante and Erza returned from their walk. "It's almost midnight! I was getting worried something happened to both of you."

Dante scratched his head. "Sorry about that Lucy, we were talking for a while before we realized how much time had passed." he said sheepishly.

Lucy studied him for a moment before she looked over at Erza. The blonde quickly noticed that the scarlet mage was blushing a bit. Erza immediately realized she was being looked at and gave the Celestial mage a deathly glare, causing the blonde to jump back.

"A-alright, well, since you two are here now, I can go to bed now. Night!" she said nervously as she ran upstairs.

Dante looked over at Erza and raised an eyebrow. "Was that really necessary?"

"Trust me." Erza replied flatly.

"If you insist." he shrugged as he sat down on the couch, closing his eyes.

Erza smiled. "Well, I think I'm going to go to bed as well. Good night Dante." she said, but got no response. "Dante?"

After a few minutes, Dante still didn't respond. Suddenly, he jolted back from his silence. "What? Oh.." he said, scratching his head. "Sorry about that Erza, I dozed off there for a few minutes."

"It's alright." Erza replied with a smile. "I said that I was going to bed." the scarlet mage started making her way to the stairs. Dante suddenly found himself staring at her beautiful figure. When he realized what he was doing, he quickly looked the other way before Erza could notice. She stopped at the base of the stairs and turned around. "Good night Dante."

Dante looked back and blushed a little. "G-good night Erza."

Erza let out a giggle before going upstairs.

'Wait, did she notice? Crap!' he thought frantically. 'Well, at least she didn't beat the crap out of me.'

Dante sighed and closed his eyes again. After a few hours, his eyes shot open again. "Ugh, what time is it..?" he mumbled as he looked at the clock. "Three in the morning.." He looked around the living room. After a few minutes, Dante heard foot steps coming from the stairs. He looked and saw Wendy standing at the base of the stairs. The petite Dragon Slayer looked a little distraught.

"D-Dante-san?" she asked.

"Is everything alright Wendy?" he replied with his own question.

Wendy frowned and lowered her head. "I can't sleep.."

Dante smiled slightly. "We can talk for a bit if you'd like. I can't sleep either." he motioned her to come sit at the couch.

"O-okay." she said as she walked over to the couch and sat down. They sat their in silence for a few minutes. Wendy twiddle her thumbs trying to think of something to say. She decided to open her mouth to speak, but Dante beat her to it.

"You're home sick, right?" he said as he turned to look at her. "I know that look when I see it." he smiled.

Wendy looked at him, a bit surprised. " probably think its childish of me to feel like that.." she said looking down at the floor.

Dante shook his head. "Not at all. I think its good that you feel homesick, it means that you truly have a home to go back to."

The petite girl looked up at Dante. She felt a warm feeling inside her, the same feeling she got whenever she looked up to Natsu or Gajeel. It was like she was looking up to an older sibling. A brother. She couldn't help but smile widely.

"I know how you feel..since I can remember, I've always felt like that..I felt a longing to find my true home..somewhere I truly belong.." he frowned a bit. "I still feel that way now."

Wendy could sense that he was a little sad. She frowned, but Dante turned and gave her a reassuring smile. She felt warm again and found really hard to keep frowning as it changed to a smile.

"So, what's it like being in a guild?" he asked suddenly. "I know that those books talk about you guys for the most part, but hearing it from the actual person holds a lot more weight to it than paper does."

"Of course!" Wendy's face lit up with delight as she began telling Dante about the guild and it's members, as well as the adventures she's had with Natsu, Erza and the others. As they continued talking, a silent Erza was watching the two from the stairs. She giggled inwardly. 'They look like brother and sister.' she thought. 'This is a good opportunity for Wendy to bond with someone like him. Natsu and Gajeel are like brothers to her too, but they don't spend time with her like this.'

"Well, they're very talkative this early in the morning." Carla joked, startling the scarlet haired mage.

"Yea, but they seem to be getting along really well." Lucy added this time, almost giving Erza another heart attack.

"Yes, they are." Erza replied. "He's very kind and trustworthy."

"He's very humble too." Lucy chirped. "He's got a good head on his shoulders."

Carla sighed. "He is more mature than Natsu and Gray. I guess I will trust him to watch over Wendy for now." she mused, as she watched Dante and Wendy start laughing.

'Maybe this is something we all need..' Erza thought.

Lucy suddenly pointed over to the couch. "Aw, look."

Dante and Wendy had both fallen asleep. Wendy had her arms wrapped around Dante's left arm, cuddling with it. The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"They really are like brother and sister."

Morning came and Dante found himself laying down on his couch with a blanket covering him. He yawned a bit as he got up, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Man, I had the craziest dream last night..I met Natsu, Erza, Wendy, Lucy, Gray, Carla and Happy, and the-" he stopped suddenly. Lucy was sitting on the couch next to him, reading a book on world history. Natsu and Gray had gone through his manga shelf and were now laying on the floor, reading Bleach and Naruto, while Happy had somehow turned on the television and was now attentively watching a documentary on the Discovery Channel about ocean life in the Pacific. Dante looked over to the dining room area and saw Wendy and Carla setting plates on the table. "..Were all in my house." he finished flatly.

Wendy suddenly perked up when she saw Dante sitting up. "Good morning Dante-san!" she said with a bright smile.

"Aye, good morning!" Happy chirped, still watching the documentary.

Dante looked at the two rivals on floor reading manga. "Morning." they both mumbled, too absorbed in their respective books to pay attention to anything else.

The young man couldn't help but smile. "Good morning everyone."

"It seems like you slept well." Carla teased.

Lucy peeked up from her book. "Did you have a nice dream?" the blonde asked.

"I guess you can say that." Dante replied, scratching his head. "Where's Erza?"

"She's in the kitchen preparing breakfast." Carla answered.

"Oh God, Erza's cooking?" Lucy suddenly spoke, dropping her book. "We have to stop her!"

"The last time Erza cooked.." Natsu shuddered.

"She even threatened us to get us to eat whatever the hell it was she made that day.." Gray looked like he saw a ghost.

Dante was starting to get a little worried. "Was it really that bad?" he asked. They went on to explain how Natsu couldn't eat anything for weeks, Gray had to get his stomach pumped and Lucy was in a colma for a week after the incident. Now he was really worried. "Oh crap, we gotta stop her!" He quickly ran to the kitchen, skidding to stop. "Erza, I-" he cut off. She was wearing a white blouse, blue skirt and an apron. But that wasn't what caught his attention. Erza's hips were swaying back and forth, and she was waving her hands in the air. She was dancing. Erza was dancing. It seemed she found his iPod and earbuds earlier, and was now dancing to one of the songs. Dante couldn't hold it in. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he roared as he fell on the floor, laughing uncontrallably.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked as the others quickly rushed over to see the commotion. "Wha-"

They all stood their for a moment, taking in the image of the Great Titania swaying her hips back and forth, waving her hands in the air, and (just like Dante) they all fell over on the floor, laughing like lunatics.

"HAHAHA, THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME!" Natsu was roaring with laughter.

Lucy had a hard time breathing. "Hahaha..Erza..haha..she's dancing..hahaha!"

Gray was rolling on the floor laughing, Wendy and Happy were holding each other while pointing at Erza, and even Carla was holding her sides, tears streaming from her eyes. Erza quickly spun around, still dancing with her eyes closed. As soon as she opened them again, she froze as her face turned redder than her scarlet hair, if that was even possible.

"What are you all laughing at!" she screamed with a commanding voice. "This isn't funny!"

They all stopped laughing, except for Dante, who was still snickering.

"I'm..haha..sorry Erza..haha..its just that..haha..I didn't expect to see you..hahaha..dancing in my kitchen like that..hahaha!" he managed to squeeze out.

'He's a dead man.' the others thought as they waited for Erza to bring her wrath upon Dante.

Instead, however, she simply turned around and faced the wall, much to the other's suprise. "W-w-well. everyone have a seat, b-breakfast is r-ready." Erza stuttered. Everyone stood there with their jaws hanging open, except for Dante who had a smile on his face. "Are you all deaf? Take a seat!" she commanded as everyone was suddenly seated at the table in a flash.

"That was..unexpected." Gray finally spoke.

"No kidding, I'm suprised she didn't kill him." Lucy whispered

"I noticed something, when she was looking at us, it was obvious she was angry, but when she looked at Dante, her expression kinda softened.." Carla thought for a moment and then realized something. Lucy caught on.

"Wait, so you're saying that she might li-"

"Alright! Who wants to get served first?" Erza said cheerfully as she came from the kitchen with a large skillet in her hand. All eyes narrowed on Dante. "I guess you're first Dante." she said happily.

"S-sure." he replied, remembering what Natsu and the others told him earlier. 'You can do this Dante, focus.'

Erza quickly went over and served him a heaping portion of what looked like scramble eggs with some ham mixed in. She went on to serve the others before placing the skillet in the middle of the table for anyone wanting seconds.

'It looks alright.' Dante thought. 'Well, if I die, I'll die a happy man.'

He took his fork, grabbed a clump of the eggs and then put it in his mouth. Everyone watched in anticipation as Dante began chewing. Erza stared at him as he swallowed the first bite. The others waited, expecting him to keel over any second. To their suprise however, Dante smiled.

"Wow Erza, this is really delicious!" he praised her. Erza's eyes were now filled with stars.

Everyone looked at Dante like he was insane. They each took a look at their plates before grabbing their own forks and taking a bite.

"He's right.." Lucy began. "This is really good!"

"This is fantastic Erza-san!" Wendy cheered before taking another bite.

"Why thank you." Erza replied proudly. "I've been praticing at home for a while now."

Natsu, Gray and Lucy suddenly froze at her statement, wondering what her kitchen must have gone through for her to get to this far.

"You have a seat too Erza." Dante added. "A good cook should always enjoy their own cooking."

Erza suddenly blushed at his compliment. "T-thank you, I will." she replied, sitting in the empty chair next to him. She was about to start eating when she noticed that Happy wasn't. "Is something wrong Happy?" she asked the blue Exceed.

"Aye.." he replied weakly.

"Oh, that's right!" Dante said suddenly, startling everyone. "Excuse me a moment." He got up and went to the kitchen. After a few moments, he came back with a new plate that had six fish stacked on it. He went over to Happy and placed it infront of him, making the blue Exceed perk up with delight.

"Aye! Thank you!" Happy thanked as he began munching on one of the fish.

"It's a good thing I know you like fish, Happy." Dante said with a smile before going back to his own seat.

Erza watched as everyone was enjoying their meal. Natsu and Gray started glaring at each other before begining a mini-food fight between the two of them, flicking pieces of food at each other. Wendy giggled while Lucy and Carla started scolding the two for their antics. Happy, in the meantime, was happily munching away at his third fish. Erza felt warm inside.

"You know, looking at all of us gathered here together, it kinda seems like we're a family." she said, gaining everyone's attention. "Natsu and Gray are the two brothers who always fight.."

"There's no way I'm related to that guy!" they both said in sync, pointing at each other.

"Wendy's the youngest sister.." Erza went on, ignoring the other two. "Lucy's the elder sister, and Happy and Carla are our pets."

"We are not animals!" Carla quickly retorted, while Happy was too busy eating his last fish to really care.

Dante laughed a bit before taking another bite of his food.

"And me and Dante are the mother and father." Erza finished, and then turned to see Dante choking on his food. "Dante!" she yelled.

After struggling for a few seconds, he managed to swallow the lump of food that was stuck in his throat. His face was slightly red. "I-I'm fine, sorry about that."

Erza frowned. "Was it because of what I said? Did it sound bad to you?"

"No, no!" he quickly shook head. "I really like it, it just caught me off-guard was all.." he quickly realized what he was implicating. "I mean it sounds like a good idea! Ah, I mea-" It was too late.

"Oooh, I think someone's in love!" Lucy quickly caught on.

Carla quickly snickered. "Your face is awfully red there Dante, maybe, just maybe.."

Natsu and Gray grinned at each other. "YOU LIII-" they were both pegged in the head from a frying pan, courtesy of a reddened Titania.

"Anyways.." Erza said, making the others pipe down. "Have you guys thought of anything that could help get us back to Earthland?" she asked, doing her best to hide her blushing face from Dante, though he noticed anyways. He smiled and then looked down at his plate, while the others began talking.

'A family, huh..'

Dante got up and went over to wash his plate, then went back to the table and pushed his chair in. "Alright, I'm gonna go take a shower, so you guys get ready in the meantime."

They all looked up at him with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Ready for what?" Erza asked curiously.

Dante smiled. "I'm taking you guys with me to the market today. I need to go pick up some more groceries and a few other items. We can also get you guys some more clothing so you don't have to wear the same ones all the time and get them washed. Plus I think it would be a good experience for all of you."

"Sounds like fun Dante-san!" Wendy squealed.

Lucy's face lit up like a lightbulb. "I can find some books to take with me too!"

"Aye! I can see all the different kinds of fish they have!" Happy chirped happily.

Dante smiled and looked over at Erza. She smiled in return and nodded.

"Awesome!" Natsu yelled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my manga, Ichigo's about to show Byakuya his bankai!"

"Me too, Naruto and Sasuke are about to fight seriously now!" Gray and Natsu both ran back to their spots and picked up where they left off in their books. The others just sweat dropped and sighed.

Dante let out a chuckle. "Looks like today's gonna be another interesting day."

A/N: After reading over this chapter a few times (and changing a few things here and there) I felt like it's becoming a pretty interesting story so far. I've read a few stories where certain Fairy Tail characters end up traveling to our world and characters from this world end up traveling to Earthland, so I thought 'Why not?' It might not be very original, but it's always something I've thought about since I was a kid watching Dragon Ball Z. I mean come on, we've all thought about how awesome it would be if we could meet these characters in real life. Don't deny it, I can see it in your eyes! But anyways, if you liked this, leave a review, if you didn't like it, leave a review, if it needs something more or needs less of something, leave a review. It's not mandatory, but it helps out a lot in the long run. Welp, see you all next chapter. :3