"Oi Nami, where are we?" Zoro growled for the fifth time. A vein visibly popped on Nami's forehead as she ground her teeth and stared at the purchased map in frustration.

"I'm working on it."

"Are we lost?" Chopper asked timidly.

"I'm huuuungry," whined Luffy.

Something in Nami snapped. "SHUT UP!" she yelled at her uncooperative crew. Throwing down the useless map she stomped through the forest trail. The air was humid and stuck to her skin making the situation several times worse.

Bartholomew Kuma Inc., the New World travel agency, had sent them into a place they called "Hi no Kuni"-land of fire. The visit had been cheap and feeling that the crew deserved a break Nami had obliged seeing it as a chance to relax. But when they had woken up they had been in the middle of a thick forest that seemed to swallow them no matter which way they moved. More so, they had not even seen a fragment of the ocean in the past day and a half they had wandered. The overwhelming amount of land took them by surprise.

"Oh great now she's mad," Usopp groaned, scratching his nose. "I wish—"

A scream interrupted him. The crew froze to see Nami dashing back to them, her eyes wide and hair wild.

"Nami!" Luffy shouted, "what happened?"

"We're being attacked!" she screamed back, reaching them. Before she could explain something exploded in front of the crew and a great cloud of smoke filled the air.

"What the hell?" Usopp shouted.

In front of them was the oddest sight they had ever seen. A boy, looking around Luffy's age, stared back at them with wide unblinking blue eyes. His hair was a shocking shade of yellow clashing with his orange and black jumpsuit. Beside him was a man with half his face covered with a black cloth and gravity-defying white hair and a girl with pink hair wearing a red dress-like outfit. All three of them wore bands around their heads with a curling symbol.

"Who are you?" the one with the pink hair demanded.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy," Luffy announced, "and this is the Straw Hat Crew."

"Straw Hat Crew?" the blonde turned to the white haired man, "is that some sort of new country I haven't heard about?"

"Country?" Nami interjected, "we aren't from a country. We're pirates."

"Pirates!" the blonde exclaimed. His eyes narrowed. Used to this reaction from civilians the crew took it all in a stride.

"Don't worry, we won't try to steal anything," Chopper assured them, "But we're kind of lost. We came here from the Grand Line."

"Th-that raccoon just talked," the girl with the pink hair stuttered, pointing at Chopper.

"I'm a reindeer!" he snapped.

"Reindeers can't talk," she snapped back.

"Maybe he's a shinobi reindeer…like Kakashi sensei's dogs," the blonde suggested.

Kakashi looked at his team then back to the strange group that stood before him. Half of them were half dressed. The one in the red vest appeared to be the leader and he had nothing on except for the vest leaving a giant scar and his abs in full view. Judging by their physique, these people were used to combat and should not be undermined. He had never heard of country by the name of "Grand Line" either. After thinking the situation through he decided it would be best to bring these people to the Hokage and have them state their business.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi and this is Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto. Welcome to the Land of Fire," Kakshi interjected smoothly. "If you would like we can lead you to our village and you can speak to the Hokage about your…" he searched for the right words, "current situation."

"Hokage?" the one with the red vest asked, "is that something you eat?"

Sakura stared at Naruto questioningly.

"No, the Hokage is one of the top shinobi in the country," Naruto said, pride entering his voice. "The Hokage is the leader of the land of fire. There are four more kages and together the five serve as order for the entire country."

"I think he means something like the world government," Usopp whispered.

"But we're enemies of the world government," Chopper said worriedly, "won't they lock us up?"

"Do not fear Chopper san!" Brook suddenly materialized beside Chopper, "We're all together so nothing can hurt us now! Yohohohoho!"

Sakura screamed, her face white.

"A sk…sk…ske," she stuttered, pointing at Brook.

"Yohohoho! I am called Brook. Nice to meet your acquaintance." Brook bowed, taking off his top hat.

"It's okay," Luffy said cheerfully, "he ate the Yomi Yomi fruit so he's still alive even after dying."

Brook straightened and looked at Sakura. "May I see your underwear?"

Sakura flushed a bright red.

"HENTAI!" she roared, drawing back her fist. A cloud of dust exploded.

"Me?" Franky piped in.

The dust cleared revealing Brook imprinted seven feet deep into the ground.

"Yoho..ho…ho." Brook stilled.

"No! His spirit is getting away!" Luffy yelled, "catch it!"

As Ussop, Chopper, and Luffy chased after Brook's green ghost Nami could feel a very large headache coming on. Doing her best to maintain her smile she turned to Kakashi politely.

"Excuse me, what's the name of this island?" she asked.

Back at Bartholomew Kuma Inc. Bartholomew Kuma realized as he read through the documents sitting on his desk that he had made a very big mistake. Of course his colleagues didn't know as his face remained perfectly impassive behind his glasses but inside his head was reeling.

Uh Oh

He double checked the papers hoping that he had made a mistake the first thirteen times he had read through them. His brows knitted underneath his hat. He had meant to send the Mugiwara crew to an island around the South Blue area. Damn. He grabbed the pamphlet he had given Nami from a nearby stack.

I knew it

He had meant to send them to the Fire Islands. He had sent them to the Land of Fire, located in a different dimension. Refraining from slamming his head into the desk, Kuma reached across the office paraphernalia and dug out the phone.

"Put me through to Vegapunk," he commanded as soon as it picked up.

A few minutes and annoyed snorts later Vegapunk came on the line.

"What do you want?" the temperamental mad genius asked impatiently.

"I need a transport now," Kuma said in a low voice, "I sent a group of customers to the wrong place."

"How far?"

"Different dimension. I mixed up the names."

He heard Vegapunk swear.

"Different dimension? In the middle of all this work I'm doing you want me to prepare you for a transport to another dimension?" Vegapunk raged, "You work me too damn hard Kuma!"

"How soon can it be ready?"

More swearing. "Three days," Vegapunk replied flatly, "I'll need three days at least."

"Okay, then I'll see you in three days."

Kuma hung up before Vegapunk could give him a piece of his mind. He latched his hands at the back of his head and heaved a great sigh.


"I'm gonna kick that Kuma back to the East Blue when I get hold of him," Nami muttered underneath her breath. She violently whapped a particularly low branch away as the Mugiwara crew tramped after the three "shinobi" as they called themselves.

"Shishishishi, don't be like that. At least we're going where they have food." Luffy leaned towards Naruto, "Na, what's that thing on your head?"

"This?" Naruto tugged on his headband. "This is a proof I successfully graduated from the Academy."

"Eh? The Academy?" Luffy asked.

"I can't believe it," Sakura whispered to Kakashi, "They have a talking reindeer and a moving skeleton…I have a bad feeling about this sensei. And I think we just found somebody dumber than Naruto."

"HAHA Sanji it looks like your eyebrow!" Luffy cracked.

"Shut up!" Sanji roared turning red as he heard Zoro snicker behind his back. He turned on him in an instant. "YOU WANNA GO MARIMO HEAD?"

Zoro drew his sword. "BRING IT!"

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" Nami shouted.

"They're a pretty lively group yeah," Kakashi conceded. He stopped as the path widened out and pointed at the gate that emerged seemingly out of nowhere. "We're here," he announced.

"Wow, where's that?" Usopp asked.

"Suuuper," Franky whistled.

"Errr…what was it…Mugiwara crew?…Welcome to Konoha."