NCIS: Los Angeles and characters do not belong to me.
Kensi Blye agrees to ONE date with Marty Deeks...after that ONE date...things change between the two. Life couldn't get any better, until...
CHAPTER 65: APRIL 2020...
Team Gibbs had been brought out to solve the case...
The case ended up becoming NCIS Jurisdiction when they found that Detective Caleb Rollins wife, Elizabeth Katherine Rollins was a U.S. Marine.
However, not on active duty, when Caleb murdered her it became a NCIS case.
The same day Marty had been rescued LAPD had gone through the house looking for the evidence that Marty had told them about.
They found flash drives she had found, notes, and letters from Stacey that she had hidden under a floorboard in the room where Marty had been held captive full of information...
This had all been put under a floorboard, under the bed.
It seemed that for some reason Caleb really did hate Marty and had been watching him, as they both worked their way from the Academy and up the ranks, both becoming Detectives for the LAPD.
Caleb Rollins was jealous of Marty and heard a lot about what he did working with NCIS.
Caleb had wanted to same recognition, but never received. Therefore, he had come up with a plan to murder, Marty Deeks and become the new LAPD/NCIS Liaison.
Caleb was under watch with Internal Affairs for things from excessive force to selling drugs.
He had been watching as Marty went undercover and talked one of the gang members into helping him get rid of Marty Deeks.
The person, who had helped kidnap Marty, had not expected Rollins to double cross him and had been burned alive that day had been a member of the drug ring Marty had collected information on.
Once the case had been solved, Hetty had one of her houses that was big enough for the two teams to celebrate.
The celebration ending early in the hours of the morning of August 29, 2017,
There had been a few rooms set up for...
Tali DiNozzo, Kelly McGee, Emma and Matty Deeks, Ryan Beale, Laura and Joey Hanna and Sadie Cooper.
After a few days, Gibbs and his team headed home.
It was a week later when Marty finally went to talk to Nate, keeping his promise to Kensi.
However, he was still unsure how to put a lot of it into words.
After everything Josie transferred to an NCIS in Florida.
She called them a few times once mentioning that while at the beach...her, David and Said had run into a man who called himself, Charlie Mitchell.
Once she had dropped a picture of the entire team and when she had been a part of it.
He asked her about the picture and she didn't know what to say. He guessed that she worked for NCIS, before walking away he said to her,
'Tell Marty, Wikipedia and everyone I said hi.'
Over time, the nightmares of what Caleb Rollins had done to Marty seemed to fade, only coming every now and then.
Then just a year ago, Nate and Rose had finally gotten married.
Since Matty started kindergarten he insisted he was a big boy now and everyone call him...Matt.
0600 HOURS...
Matt quietly snuck into his sister's room and saw that she was still sleeping. With a grin Matt took Nic the bear from her arms and ran.
Emma woke up with a scream and started to chase her brother.
"Give Nic back!" Emma screamed. "Nope, he's under arrest for being a GIRL'S teddy bear!" Matt taunted holding Nic out of her reach, so Emma took off to their parents.
When she reached Marty and Kensi's bedroom they were just coming out the door.
"Did Matt take your teddy bear?" Marty asked and Emma nodded as she fought tears.
"Yeah, Matt's mean! He arrested Nic." Emma declared. "Well, what do you think about going to get Nic back with a little help?" Marty asked and Emma nodded, before turning and running down the hall.
Then Marty looked at Kensi...
"If this is how the day is's going to be a long one." Marty said with a sigh.
"You do know what today is, don't you, Marty?" Kensi inquired and Marty tipped his head back as if thinking about it, before he answered. "April 6...I remember this day really well ten years ago. Right down to what you were wearing," Marty told her.
"Daddy, said to give Nic back!" Came a yell, before something in the kitchen crashed, sending both Marty and Kensi running to see what had happened.
"What is going on?" Kensi demanded after they walked into the kitchen to find a kitchen chair had been what crashed to the floor.
"Emma's crazy!" Matt declared. "Matt's mean!" Emma said at the same time. "That does not answer my question and Emma is not crazy, Matthew. Give your sister Nic back right now." Kensi said and Matt finally handed Nic to Emma who hugged him as tight as she could.
"How did the chair get knocked over?" Marty asked. "I was trying to stop her from getting to me." Matt explained.
"That could have really hurt either of you. I don't want you to ever do that again, do you understand?" Kensi asked and Matt looked at his parents now feeling guilty. "Yes...sorry for taking Nic." Matt said before running out of the room and down the hall.
Kensi and Marty heard Matt's door slam and looked at each other.
"I'll go talk to him." Marty volunteered and left to go talk to Matt.
Kensi agreed and then knelt down in front of Emma.
"...Next time Matt takes your bear, you two don't have to go screaming all over the house. Just come talk to me or daddy, okay?" Kensi asked and Emma nodded.
Kensi then sat the chair up right.
Marty knocked on Matt's door, but received no answer and knocked again.
"Matt, I'm coming in, okay, bud..."
Marty asked, before opening the door and poking his head in.
When Marty looked Matt was laying on his bed facing the wall...
"...Is there a reason why you took Emma's bear this morning?" Marty asked sitting on the end of Matt's bed.
"Because you always treat her and call her princess? She never gets in trouble." Matt said with tears in his eyes.
"Emma does get into her fair share of trouble and I call her princess, because that's the way I thought of her, the day your mom and I found out you were going to have a sister. I'll tell you something else, Matt. I treat you and your sister the same and I love you both the same, okay? I want to tell you something else to..." Marty said and Matt looked at him.
"When I say Princess I'm not always talking to your sister. I've been calling your mom Princess since long before we started dating, got married or met you and your sister. You asked me on your 4th birthday to teach you how to about this weekend we have a day together for just you and me? I'll start to teach you how to surf, okay?" Marty asked and Matt's eyes lit up.
"Really, you mean it?" Matt asked. "I promise, but you have to be a little nicer to your sister." Marty replied. "Do I really have to?" Matt whined sounding like Marty. "That's the be nicer to Emma and I'll teach you to surf. But I think since you took off with Emma's bear this morning...there won't be any TV when you go spend the night with Grandma Julia tonight." Marty told him.
"That sounds fair to me." Came a voice from the doorway, Matt and Marty looked toward the door to see Kensi leaning against the door frame and Emma beside her.
0930 HOURS...
"Can you believe we've known each other for ten years now, Fern?" Marty asked as they walked into the bullpen.
"Look, Sam, after ten years as partners, Marty is still alive." Callen said, looking up from his newspaper. "They finally learned to work together as partners..." Sam commented.
"Yeah, it only took you three and a half years to finally ask me out." Kensi shot back at Marty.
"Hey, I wouldn't have minded it if you would have asked me out." Marty told her.
"Only because you seem to be a girl half the time," Kensi teased. "If I was a girl though...we wouldn't have a seven year old son and a 4 1/2 year old daughter," Marty reminded her.
"So, how is Emma taking being dropped off at preschool?" Sam asked. "She seems to be doing better than she was the first few days. She's made a few friends." Kensi answered.
For the first few days of preschool Emma had put up a fight, but once another girl came over and offered to play...Emma had reluctantly gone to play.
"Yeah, this was a tough morning though when Matt took off with Emma's teddy bear, Nic and claimed Nic was under arrest for being a girl's teddy bear. Both of them running around the house screaming at the top of their lungs, I'm surprised we got out the door in time." Marty said.
"Mr. and Mrs. Deeks, I would like to congratulate you on your ten year partnership." Hetty said and as always seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Thanks, Hetty. So do we win anything special?" Marty joked.
"New case, up in OPS," Hetty said and headed for OPS,
"Really, a new case, that's not special." Marty complained.
"No, Mr. Deeks, that is the reason you are work." Hetty reminded him as she walked off.
"Just another day of work and nothing to celebrate a ten year partnership...great," Marty muttered getting up from his desk.
"I heard that, Mr. Deeks." Hetty called.
"We can celebrate after work, Marty." Kensi whispered before heading up the stairs and Marty got a huge smile on his face, before running after Kensi.
"Kens! What did you have in mind?" He yelled after her...
Everyone who helped gave ideas for things that could happen and for the reviews.