First Fight

"Guysguysguysguysguys!" Sam rushed into the room eyes wide, gesticulating frantically.

"Sam calm down please you're gonna give yourself brain damage." Mercedes laughed but Sam did not seem to share her amusement.

"You don't understand..." He trailed off and ran to close and lock the door.

"What the hell are you on?" Mercedes asked incredulously.

"I just saw Brittany flirting with a skank." Sam shouted throwing his hands up.

"No you didn't." Mercedes scoffed disbelievingly.

"I really really did she had the girl pinned to a locker and behind her..." He shivered.

"Spit it out." Puck piped up eagerly.

"Santana was just standing there, if looks could kill." He shook his head.

"Why would Brittany do that?" Rachel asked wondering what could have changed over the weekend.

"Open this fucking door!" A shout and a sudden banging made them all jump. It was clearly an irate Santana at the door.

"Don't open it, she'll kill us all." Rachel squealed.

"Where's Quinn she could calm her down?" Rory was the only one not about to pee his pants.

"Captain's meeting with Sue." Rachel answered immediately, surprising everyone.

All eyes snapped to the door as it clicked open. Tina released the door handle rolling her eyes and made her way silently back to her spot.

"The fuck was the door locked, I needs me a seat." Santana stormed to the back of the room and shoved an unsuspecting Puck clean out of his seat.

"Oh come on." Puck shouted, Santana just scoffed and kicked him in the stomach while was still on the floor.

"That's for being a lifelong loser." She spat at him as she sat down heavily.

The room descended into an uncomfortable silence as the entire world seemed to shrink to the size of the choir room. When Brittany walked in with a stony expression someone gulped audibly.

She marched up to Santana and stood next to her chair towering over the Latina, who was staring stubbornly forward.

"What did you break Jack's nose for?" Brittany asked waving her hand around angrily.

"Oh it has a name." Santana replied airily, examining her nails.

"She is not an it unlike my girlfriend who is a tit." Brittany almost spat.

"Oh so we're name calling now are we?" Santana growled at her nails, flicking her fingers.

"Sure, got any for me?" Brittany invited.

"Sure orange gurgler!"


"Dead fish." Brittany looked hurt at that one.

"Fine, murderer!" She screamed at her girlfriend.

"He didn't even die!" Santana shouted back, standing up and facing the blonde, their height difference made it kinda funny to watch.

"But he could've." The dancer argued.

"But he didn't." Santana cocked her head in challenge.

"How many times have I asked you to pull the plug after you get out?" Brittany asked.

"I don't like getting my hand wet again." Santana snarled.

The Glee club stared avidly at the two.

"This is better than a soap!" Puck whispered and got more than one murmur if agreement. Neither angry girl seemed to notice.

"Well good luck getting your hand wet with me ever again." Brittany finished spinning around and taking Santana's seat from under her.

Smoke practically pouring out of her ears Santana spun around, sending a glare around the room before plonking herself down in a seat across the aisle.

"Where is Schuester when you need him?" Mike said shifting uncomfortably.

"Hi guys how's everyone doing today?" Mr Schue clapped his way to the centre of the room, "Anyone got any cool stories from over the weekend?" He asked looking around at his oddly silent class.

"I have an amazing story." Brittany raised her hand a grim smile on her face. Santana turned slightly purple.

"Brilliant, take centre stage Brittany." Mr Schue swept his arm out grandly.

The blonde stepped down to the floor and spun around, pointedly not looking at her sulking girlfriend on the back row she launched into her tale.

"So every week on Saturday, San and me have a bubble bath date." She started, "And every week San stays in for extra time to cut her nails while their soft and stuff, but if I stay in they stab me when I try to..."

"Too much information B." Quinn chipped in; stopping the blonde before she could get to what some would call the good part.

"Sorry, anyway when she gets out she's sleepy and so she just wonders to my bed and falls asleep 'til dinner. This means that the bath is still full of water and I keep seeing Lord T trying to drink out of it. I kept telling her to pull the plug so he wouldn't. Then this Saturday... the worst happened." She trailed off seemingly about to cry.

"H-he tried to drink, fell in and drowned." She finished.

"He did not drown!" Santana piped up her voice full of annoyance. "Tell them the whole story Britt..any." She faltered on full naming the blonde having used nicknames for so long.

"That is the whole story." The blonde insisted.

"No it's not and if you won't finish it I will." Santana argued as she sauntered down to the front. She stood a metre away from Brittany scowling.

"So Tubbs, dropped his ass into the tub and went nuts, he leapt out aiming to land on the toilet lid..." She looked over at Brittany who was conducting a close examination of her trainer clad feet. "Unfortunately for Tubb's, a certain someone always leaves the lid up and he landed head first in the crapper." Santana chuckled slightly, remembering the image of Lord T face down in the toilet. "What's worse is that I have told that certain blonde someone to put the lid down god knows how many times." Santana finished triumphantly.

"That's, a great story better get on with the lesson!" Mr Schue intervened as the two girls in the middle of the room glared at each other.

"No problem Schue right after we vote on whether I deserved to be cheated on for my tiny (not alone) error in judgement." Santana announced.

"I did not cheat." Brittany cried.

"Oh so your hands all over some skank don't count, I saw the boob on boob action!" Santana argued fiercely.

"That's enough girls, get back to your seats and stop involving everyone else in your relationship." Mr Schue said firmly.

"Oh now he decides to act tough, you were A-okay with involving us in your engagement weren't you, how's married life by the way, Miss Pillsbury give it up yet?" Santana smirked.

The class watched, open mouthed as Mr Schue's face turned bright red.

"Get out of my choir room before I say something I'll regret Santana." Mrs Schue said evenly.

"Like what, Rachel's getting my solo? Oh wait she gets all the solos." Santana snarled back.

"GET OUT." Mr Schue yelled.

Santana looked truly taken aback for a moment and possibly on the edge of tears, but then she spun on her heels and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"At least she used my name." Rachel said awkwardly.

"For what it's worth Brittany, I don't think anyone deserves to be cheated on." Mr Schue said before continuing the lesson with a shocked set of students.

Sometime later when they were all discussing the merits of performing a Bon Jovi number, Quinn strode through the door humming happily.

The whole room went deathly quiet and Quinn froze halfway up the steps. Looking around confused she eyed the slightly uncomfortable gleeks.

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked curiously.

"We should tell her what happened Mr Schue." Rachel said confidently.

"Go ahead Rachel." Mr Schue sighed.

Patting the seat next to her Rachel waited for Quinn to weave her way over and sit down staring at her.

"Well?" Quinn prompted.

"Brittany boob cheated on Santana because Santana left water in the tub and Tubb's fell in but Brittany left the toilet seat up and when Tubb's tried to escape the tub he landed face first in toilet water." Rachel rambled as fast as she could.

"Brittany boob cheated?" Quinn raised an eyebrow.

"She was all over some skank in the corridor before Glee; Santana broke the girl's nose apparently." Sam told a now worried looking Quinn.

"Where are they?" Quinn said realising that her friends were nowhere to be seen.

"They had a big argument Santana got her ass kicked outta here and Brittany's in Schue's office cooling off, she threw a chair." Mercedes informed the now flabbergasted Quinn.

"They argued in front of all of you?" She confirmed. "Wow."

"It was pretty petty stuff too." Puck scoffed.

"Brittany does tend to leave the lid up." The blonde mumbled. "Do you mind if I check on her Mr Schue?" She asked but she was already half way to the office door.

"Be my guest." Mr Schue said pointless form the piano where he was discussing music choice with Brad.

Brittany looked up from her page of writing, pen in hand when the door clicked slowly open.

A familiar blonde poked her head in, "Can I come in?" She asked softly. Brittany shrugged dejectedly.

Slipping in the door and closing in gently behind her Quinn made her way to the seat opposite Schue's meagre desk.

"What are you doing?" She asked curious as to what her friend was doing with an ink pen and paper.

"Writing a letter to San." Brittany explained, tapping the pen against the desk thoughtfully.

"In pen." Quinn stated.

"Mr Schue doesn't have any crayons in his desk, San always has crayons." The dancer added sadly.

"Did you really cheat?" Quinn pushed on and watched Brittany's face fall. Her heart sank.

"Maybe, the plumbing was the same." Brittany said choking up.

Quinn frowned, "Who was it?"

"Your friend Jack, San hit her really hard." Brittany face palmed, "I'm so stupid."

A pang hit Quinn's stomach, "You're not stupid B, you were upset, and you didn't kiss Jack or anything right?" She asked, praying Brittany hadn't.

"I thought she was going to kiss me so I backed off and that's when San attacked her." The blonde behind the desk said regretfully.

Quinn smiled, "Protective 'til the end." She laughed but Brittany flinched.

"You think this is the end?" The blonde said her eyes misty.

"No no that's not what I meant, Santana would die before she lost you." Quinn reassured her friend.

"Do you think she'll forgive me?" Brittany asked tentatively.

"Of course, she probably already has, did Tubb's really fall in the bath?" Quinn laughed at the image.

Brittany grinned wryly, "It was kinda funny." She admitted.

"Then why did you blame S?" Quinn leaned forward eager to hear the answer.

"I was tired and cranky cuz my hand still won't work and I'm not ambiguous, and she never empties the tub." Brittany sighed.

"She'll understand when you tell her." Quinn smiled kindly at her worried friend, "What's in your letter so far?" She asked.

"Just that I'll put the seat down and that I'm sorry." Brittany sniffled.

"Hey don't cry B, say sorry and take her to Breadstix and you'll be fine." Quinn suggested.

"Okay, we just gotta find her first." Brittany said, signing the letter and folding it up neatly.

They walked through the choir room with every one's eyes glued to Brittany, "We're just going to see Santana Mr Schue." Quinn told him as they walked out the door.


Sitting cross legged on Brittany's bed was nothing new to Santana, who had headed straight for the comfort of her girlfriend's home after being kicked out, apologising to the fattest cat in history opposite her however, was entirely foreign experience.

"Ehem, so look Tubb's, I'm sorry about the bath incident, it was wrong of me to leave the plug in and I'm sorry for laughing my ass off when you landed in the toilet." She eyed his now shaved backside, "I'm also sorry that the vet had to shave your ass to stitch the cut you got from the bedazzled rubber duck." She fought not to laugh at the situation.

"So anyway, when Britt gets back you have to tell her I said sorry and meant it so she'll forgive me." She continued to stare into feline eyes. A knock at the door ended their heart to heart.

"Is everything okay Santana?" Mrs Pierce poked her head in.

"Fine thanks Mrs P." The Latina faked a smile.

"Brittany was very upset yesterday and this morning." Mrs Pierce said staring at the thoughtful brunette knowingly.

"I'm sorry if she was sad, if she comes back tell her I'll pull the plug in future and when she's ready she can call me." Santana sighed trying to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat. She hopped backwards off the bed, stretching her body out as she walked across to the door. "Oh and I took out insurance on Tubb's a while back, I'll email you the documents so you can claim for his butt." Santana added.

The older woman was taken aback by that news, "Thank you, I'll tell her." Mrs Pierce told the girl honestly. She watched the brunette walk away dejectedly. "Hang on a sec, how did she get in there?" Mrs Pierce wondered aloud as she realised the teen had never come in the front of back doors. Shaking her head she hoped the two would resolve things soon.

Santana drove home slowly, not looking forward to spending a third night without blonde hair tickling her skin or warm fingers stroking through her hair.

Rushing through her front door Brittany ran to her room and saw the indent on Santana's side of the bed, "Mom!" She shouted.

"Hello to you too." Her mom smiled.

"Where's San?" Brittany asked quickly.

"She left ten minutes ago, I found her on your bed apologising to Tubb's." Mrs Pierce said, not sure whether she should mention the insurance.

"Dammit." The young blonde exclaimed.

"Language." Her mother admonished.

Brittany started running down the stairs, "Sorry mom I gotta go find her." She shouted over her shoulder.

Mrs Pierce smiled as the door slammed shut behind her daughter.


Brittany ran the entire four miles to her girlfriends house breathing heavily once she got there she was gutted to find that she didn't have her key.

Ringing the doorbell, her lungs burning, she prayed that Santana would answer.

Upstairs at her desk, Santana ignored the doorbell not bothered about deliverymen or sales people while her history homework beckoned.

Brittany decided to just press the button repeatedly; she hadn't run all the way over just to leave at the first bell.

The brunette trying to concentrate on Stalin upstairs threw down her pen as the bell rang and rang. Stomping down the stairs mumbling angrily to herself she didn't bother looking through the peephole before she threw the door open.

"Oh!" She breathed as her expression lightened in the face of apologetic blue eyes.

"Hi." Brittany shuffled on the porch not sure what to do. "Can I come in please?" She almost whispered.

Santana barely caught the words but chose not to reply; instead she just moved out of the way and nodded her head. "You want a drink?" She asked when she found her voice again. She noticed the blonde was sweating and red faced.

"Water." Brittany gasped her mouth dry as a bone.

Following the stoic brunette into the kitchen Brittany fought the urge to just ramble her apology now and get it over with. She held herself back and silence reigned while Santana poured her a large glass of cold water and handed it over.

Their fingers grazed slightly as Brittany took it gratefully, gulping down the content within seconds.

"Why so thirsty?" Santana asked bluntly as she refilled the glass.

"I ran here." Brittany admitted sheepishly before sipping the fresh water. "To apologise." She said, pleading with her eyes.

"For what?" Santana asked leaning back against the island counter opposite the blonde and examining her blushing face.

"For being mean, calling you a murderer and for always leaving the lid up." Brittany said hopefully.

Santana fought not to smile as she spoke, "I'm sorry too, I'll pull the plug from now on." She conceded.

"And I'm so so sorry for the Jack thing." Brittany said desperately, she stepped closer to Santana as the Latina's expression darkened considerably.

"That really hurt B." She admitted still feeling the residual sting.

"I know and I feel really bad, I won't ever do that again." Brittany insisted reaching out and running her thumb over Santana's flushed cheek.

"Apology accepted." Santana whispered as she leaned in and caught Brittany's soft lips in a tender kiss.

"Thank you." Brittany spoke against Santana's full lips, not wanting to pull away.

"We had our first fight." Santana laughed incredulously.

"We got through it too; you're terrible at calling me names by the way." Brittany giggled pressing her girlfriend against the counter.

"That's cuz I didn't want to call you names but you asked." Santana replied with a laugh. Her head spinning slightly having not had Brittany this close for two days the feeling had really intensified.

"I'm sorry for that too." The blonde laughed, "I heard you apologised to Tubb's." She added curiously.

"Yeah well, I felt bad that his ass is now bald." Santana ducked her head.

"No worries he needed a haircut. Let's go upstairs; we have hours of cuddling to make up." She announced dragging Santana towards the stairs.

"We do not cuddle that much." Santana scoffed and Brittany looked back accusingly. "Okay maybe we do." She admitted shyly.

"Now come on we have to cuddle and have make up sexy times before you Mami gets home and we have to be quiet." Brittany said, smiling when Santana ran past her eagerly.

"Move B!" The brunette demanded excitedly causing her girlfriend to laugh hysterically.

Brittany chose not to mention her hand was still really painful for now, she could let her girlfriend have a few minutes of bliss before the pain got too much.

Holy crap guys, I have no words (not true), I knew I liked Jealous Britt but I'm so happy every one else did too. No decision has been made on the faberry yet I think I will just go with the flow and see what my imagination comes up with later for now I'm happy with Brittana.

So you know I'm expecting twenty eight reviews again right? Gotta say it again twenty eight reviews my new fave number. Please review I can still read them on my phone and if anyone lives in Cardiff and wants a stranger piggybacking their wifi let me know!

Fair warning; I'm moving to Uni tomorrow and I don't think there will be internet so please don't worry, I'm not dead just offline.