Meal With Friends


"But Santana this will be one of the last times we all get together before the seniors leave for summer." Rachel said her eyes shiny.

"So it's not the last time, let me know when you wanna kiss my ass goodbye." Santana said dryly.

"Okay thank you for your time." Rachel stormed off decidedly happily for someone who just got burned.

Santana watched her go with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Berry had a plan that much was clear and Santana did not want the Berry girls focus to be on her. Her thoughts were wiped away by two warm arms wrapping around her waist from behind. A smile broke out on the Latina's once tense features.

"How you doin'?" Brittany asked in her Joey voice as their hands intertwined in front of Santana.

"I'm good B." Santana answered easily.

"You sure because you had your frowny face on before?" Brittany said her voice filled with genuine concern.

"Berry does that to me." Santana growled.

"She'll give you wrinkles baby." Brittany whispered and Santana melted instantly at the name.

Brittany smiled as she felt the warm body in front of her lean into her in the middle of the corridor just like she'd wanted for so long. Of course the moment could never last for too long at McKinley.

"Ah Brittany glad I found you, I have a quick question." Berry announced from behind them.

"That'll be the day." Santana murmured, Brittany squeezed her around the middle as if to tell her off but it only made her smile bigger.

Brittany spun them around suddenly and the Latina had to bite back a giggle.

"What's up Rach?" The blonde asked innocently. That's when Santana noticed the almost evil smirk plastered on the diva's face. Her veins immediately filled with fire, and not the good kind.

"Shit." Santana snapped, momentarily distracting her girlfriend from Rachel and allowing the diva to throw Santana a look that said. 'Gotcha Lopez'.

"God damn I hate you." Santana spat at Rachel and winced when Brittany gasped.

"San what was that for, she just wants to ask me a question?" Brittany was appalled at Santana's attitude.

"Exactly right Brittany, I honestly don't know why you feel the need to be so rude Santana." Rachel said.

"I know what you're doing Berry." Santana said keeping her voice level.

"She's standing still." Brittany said to her girlfriend confusedly but sensing some problem was about to come to light.

"Uhuh let's hope she stays that way so I can squish her like a bug." Santana added giving Rachel her meanest glare. Rachel flinched but to Santana's surprise did not back off. It might have had something to do with the Blonde koala she had wrapped around her making her appear more friendly. Damn Brittany's cuteness.

"So we're having a Glee meal tomorrow would you like to..."

"Eeee sounds awesome." Brittany swayed from side to side excitedly taking a not so pleased Latina along for the ride.

"Good we'll see you both at Bella Italia at seven then." Rachel finished as she swished past them hurriedly.

"Screw this." Santana mumbled, she seemed to be doing a lot of that lately and extracted herself from Brittany's grip heading for her locker.

"What's wrong San you were really horrible just then?" Brittany asked leaning against the locker next to her girlfriends ignoring the person attempting to open it.

"Nothing B I'm just in a bad mood." Santana sighed.

"Can I make it better?" Brittany asked seductively snuggling up to Santana's side.

"Not right now B, we have class." Santana said just as the bell rang, she walked away leaving an extremely worried Brittany behind her.

For Santana the whole day was filled with people's annoying habits and Rachel's huge nose so by the time Cheerio's practice came around she was barely holding onto her temper. Quinn dealt with it better than most by letting her take it out on the other Cheerio's.

Practice was extreme and for a team run by Sue Sylvester that was saying something. When everyone finally wheezed to a stop Santana held it together long enough to yell at them all to hit the showers before flopping down on the mats.

"You coming to shower San?" Brittany asked quietly waiting for her tired girlfriend to respond.

"In a minute B." Santana told the concerned blonde.

"Ok good then I'm taking you home, we are getting our cuddle on and you are telling me what's wrong." Brittany said firmly before marching off towards the locker room leaving a stunned brunette on the floor behind her.

"Shower it is." Santana said to herself smiling at the way Brittany had taken control of the situation, there was no way she couldn't find that a little hot.

It was only once Brittany had Santana under her left arm and cuddled into her body on the sofa did she broach the subject that had been plaguing her all day.

"What did I do?" The blonde asked quietly feeling Santana instantly stiffen against her.

One of their favourite Friends episodes played loudly on the TV as Brittany's hand ran up and down Santana's arm creating goosebumps in its wake.

"It wasn't you." Santana replied.

Brittany wanted so badly to demand answers but she knew staying silent and waiting for Santana to speak on her own would help in the long run.

"It's everyone else." Santana finally continued while watching Ross scream at his friends to pivot.

"Yeah what'd they do?" Brittany couldn't help but say something.

"They keep using you to get to me like I'm so whipped." Santana grumbled.

Brittany almost laughed out loud at that statement because from where she was with her sensitive, sweet and definitely whipped girlfriend snuggle under her arm Santana looked a little whipped. Plus there was the little fact that Santana would do absolutely anything for her, Brittany loved that.

"Using me?" Brittany asked she must've missed something.

"Totally take today for example," Santana started, shifting herself onto her back laying her head in the blondes lap, it was basically an invitation to play with her hair.

Brittany smiled hoping her eyes were smiling down at her sad girlfriend, who sighed when the blonde's fingers began running through her hair.

"Rachel just assumed that you'd make me go to this meal thing even though I'd already said no." Santana explained eyed Brittany's thoughtful expression.

"She only asked me." The blonde stated.

"Yeah but after she asked you she said 'see you both there' like my choice didn't matter." The cheerleader explained trying not to close her eyes against the gentle hand in her hair.

"It matters to me, you don't have to go." Brittany said, still slightly unsure as to why this was such a big deal.

"I know I just don't want people to use you to get to me for the rest of our lives, it's really annoying." Santana whined a little.

Brittany knew she was supposed to stay on topic but the other half of the sentence was just too juicy to ignore.

"The rest of our lives?" Brittany grinned down at the Latina's now scrunched up face.

"You've turned me into a sap!" Santana groaned blinking one eye open to mock glare at her happy girlfriend.

"You love it." The blonde teased the Friend's episode credits played in the background the music to I'll be there for you not helping Santana's cheesy situation.

"Do not." She retorted and Brittany immediately stopped playing with the dark locks.

"Don't stop." Was the instant reaction from the girl on her lap.

"That's what she said." Brittany giggled having only just got those jokes last week, she still resumed her movements enjoying the content sigh her girlfriend emitted once she had.

"I overreacted." Santana stated tiredly.

"Nah I get it, I would be sad if someone made me do stuff by asking you to ask me to do the thing that they wanted me to do, wait I'm lost." She trailed off. Santana chuckled and reached up to smooth out the wrinkles on her girlfriend's normally smooth forehead.

"You made perfect sense." Santana said softly almost asleep now.

"Oh good so we're going to the meal then." Brittany joked.

"Ha you're hilarious." Santana said wondering if her girlfriend was serious.

"I know." Brittany replied with a huge grin.

"You were serious." Santana sighed as they walked into the restaurant hand in hand.

"You would be sad if you missed out, plus you don't really hate any of them." Brittany pointed out.

*cough* "Berry!" *cough*

Brittany gave her one of those looks and the Latina rolled her eyes but shut up all the same.

"Hi girls so glad you could make it!" Rachel greeted them practically bouncing in her seat.

Everyone else gave them little waves or smiles as they sat down in the last two seats left at the long table.

"Hi Q." Brittany greeted the other blonde opposite them. "How are you?"

"I'm great B how are you?" Quinn replied as she closed her menu. She glanced at the scowling Latina next to her blonde friend and smiled a little. At least the two of them looked relaxed in their jeans and polo's, Quinn smiled to herself when she realised they matched a little, she wondered briefly if they knew. On second thoughts Brittany probably planned it that way no one gave her credit for her manipulation skills. Quinn was so deep in thought that she nearly missed Brittany's next sentence.

"So good, San took me to a Katy Perry concert in an arena." The dancer announced happily. Quinn's eyes snapped to her unhappy friend, Santana seemed unaffected by the words though Quinn suspected she was smiling on the inside.

"Was she good?" Quinn asked.

"Are you kidding, the things she can do with her tongue I was just glad her parents were out..."Brittany was stopped suddenly by her girlfriend's hand covering her mouth.

"Q meant Katy Perry." Santana informed her girlfriend her cheeks a little hot, thank god for her complexion.

"Mhkay." Brittany said from behind the hand.

"Did I hear lesbian fantasy material coming from over here?" Puck interrupted the awkward moment.

"Fuck off Puckerman." Santana snapped removing her hand from Brittany's mouth and was almost ashamed to find she missed the warmth.

"Santana this is a family restaurant please refrain from using obscene language." Rachel's high pitched voice hit Santana's ears like a ton of bricks.

"Shut up Berry." Santana hissed.

"San please." Brittany asked snaking her arm around her girlfriend's waist. Some of the tension eased but the table was now on edge.

"Would you like to place your order?"

Thank god for waiters.

The rest of the meal went fairly well once Brittany had ordered all Santana's favourite Italian foods that weren't breadsticks and a banana milkshake.

Quinn found it funny that no one paid any mind to Brittany ordering the milkshake randomly at seven thirty in the evening, but they all looked weirded out when Santana was the one to greedily slurp it up once it arrived. She and Brittany exchanged a look as if to say 'when will people learn that she's a total dork?'

Desert was a disaster, though Q, S and B and absolutely nothing to do with it. It was the other's who made an absolute mess of the table trying to share food by throwing it to each other. Quinn had thought it would just be the boys who would mess around but Tina and Mercedes were just as bad, having their own little food fight on the side.

All in all the meal went okay even if they were told never to return. Unfortunately one last obstacle stopped everyone from leaving.

"Guys we're missing forty dollars off of the bill?" Rachel said with a deep frown.

"Where are Santana and Brittany?" Finn asked with a dopey look on his face.

"I'll pay theirs." Quinn jumped in quickly knowing full well where the two were.

"Quinn that's completely unfair to you." Rachel said indignantly.

"No it's fine they can just pay me back." Quinn replied trying not to look too urgent.

"Don't worry you two I saw them go into the bathroom just before, I'll just go tell them to move their asses!" Tina offered already getting up.

"No that's okay I will just pay for them." Quinn tried one more time; out of the corner of her eye she saw Puck smirking of course he would be the first to catch on. A couple of the others had interested looks on their faces as Quinn practically tried to drag Tina back to the table with her eyes.

Less than a minute passed until Tina returned pale faced and quiet. She sat down and nodded to a sympathetic Quinn who handed over forty dollars to a confused Rachel just as a red faced Brittany and a smirking Santana returned to the table.

Brittany cleared her throat and smiled at a still blushing Tina.

"Really?" Quinn asked a few minutes later as they walked to their cars.

"Really what Q?" A smug Santana asked.

"I think she's asking if we really were going at it in the bathroom when Tina walked in on us when my fingers were..."

"Britt!" Santana cut her off before the blonde could say anymore.

"That's gonna come back to bite you." Quinn told Santana.

"There was no biting this time unless you count..."

"B please!" Santana almost stomped her foot in frustration. "You're right Q." She nodded to her friend.

Quinn just grinned.

"She loves me anyway." Brittany smiled as she hugged Quinn goodbye.

"So you did know what I meant?" Quinn whispered.

"Yeah but she's too cute when she's messed with." Brittany told her.

With that Brittany grabbed Santana's hand and dragged her off towards the Latina's car.

"Never again." Santana huffed as she flopped into the driver's seat.

"Ah c'mon it was fun." Brittany disagreed.

"It got better towards the end." Santana acquiesced with a small smile.

"So next time?" Brittany tried but Santana shook her head emphatically.

"Not happening, I'm staying home."

"We'll see about that." Brittany said running her fingers up the inside of her girlfriend's thigh.

Thanks for reading. Let me know if you want more and if you have any ideas I would love to read/write them. :)