Disclaimer: I am not Ally Carter nor will I ever be. This is a work of fanfiction that contains characters she has created and owns.

If you think faith is cruel, then you have not met the Central Intelligence Agency —CIA for short. I'm sure you've heard of them multiple times, but you probably don't know a lot about them. Don't worry, neither do I.

I'm Cameron Anne Morgan, you can call me 'Cammie' just because 'Cameron' sounds too serious, and I'm a CIA spy (soon to be ex-spy) along with my boyfriend and five other close friends. Right now, those five friends of mine are scattered all over the world doing what spies do, but not my boyfriend, Zachary Goode.

Zachary took it upon himself to give me 'support' when I needed it least on this unfateful night. He probably didn't think that I'm going to do this right and end up dead, he's probably right —at least in one way. I'm going to be able to do this mission right, it's just the fact that I might not come back after this mission. I'll still be alive, of course.

You see, I have this special talent, if you will, of blending in with civilians out there. Hence the codename 'Chameleon.' The CIA took notice of this talent and thinks that it can be enhanced, refined, be put to better use. So they made me an offer, they'll send me to another branch of their agency that focuses on the talent in question, the only catch is that I'll have to leave everything behind without telling anyone. And could I refuse? No, of course not.

I am in no position to say no to the CIA, to them I am only a mere spy. A spy who could be easily replaced in a snap. I could only accept their offer, much to my chagrin.

That's how I ended up here, on a black, spy plane with Zach, our hands linked together and a comfortable silence blanketing us. I want to say so many things, simple things that matter to me; like how I love when his emerald eyes shine in a way I only see when he comes home after a mission, but I won't be able to. Not then, not now, not ever, it's simply a fact of life that I had long understood.

"Cammie, are you okay? Your pulse is...so fast. Too fast." Zach points out, his eyes filled with concern. Oh, how I'll miss those eyes of his.

"I'm okay," I assure him falsely, I'm anything but okay, "just a bit nervous."

"Calm yourself then, you don't want to be a bundle of nerves when you get down there. It won't be any help," he says sharply, had I been any other person I would have found the act rude and offensive, but I don't; in my two year relationship with Zach I had come to realise that he isn't the smoothest person out there when it comes to voicing out his affections. It's kind of cute, really.
"Oh, have some faith in me will you? Why don't you try saying more encouraging words like...'Cammie, I'm sure you'll do a great job out there, don't be too worried!'" I say tease playfully, but my heart couldn't help aching in sadness because I did really want him to say encouraging words to me, but I know he won't.

"I do have faith in you, I'm just worried that...something will happen to you. What if you don't get out of there alive, Cammie? What if I never see you again? Joe and you are my only connection to the world —the good world— and if you're not there...Jesus, Cammie, just stay alive will you? For me? For Bex, Macey, Liz, Jonas and Grant?"

The air inside me rushes out all at once and my lungs tighten, constricting airflow, at Zach's words. That's when it hits me. It hits me like a hard slap on the face.

I'm about to leave Zach, Bex, Macey, Liz, Jonas, Grant, Mum and so many other people that matter to me, without telling them. They'll end up thinking I'm dead, holy shit. They'll think that I've ended up like my dad; MIA. No, no. Why didn't I think this through? Why am I only realising this now? I could've left a letter to one of them or something. God, I am so stupid.

I turn his body by his shoulders, and tilt my chins upwards a bit so that we were looking eyes to eyes, "I promise to never leave you Zach. I'll stay with you always, here," I put my hand on the left part of his chest, where I can feel his heart pounding as hard as mine beneath my palms, "like the way my dad stays in my heart. If I...if I die tonight...or if you never see me again —MIA or KIA— I want you to realise that you will never lose me nor will you lose your connection to the good world. You have friends as good as mine; Jonas and Grant, and do you think the three girls won't help you? Because they will, they all will." I smile warmly, barely keeping the tear at bay. There, I said it. My goodbyes. That's it.

"Thank you Cammie, for everything," he says before meeting his lips with mine.

I pull away as I see the green light flash on the wall, indicating that we have reached our destination. "I need to jump now, Zach." I say as I quickly check that my weapons are all secure and that my chute is attached.

I slide the door open and the cool night air instantly fills in the whole plane, I give Zach one last look and mouth the words 'I love you'before jumping off.

It's a parting well made.

A/N: You have just read a more refined version of Pavement Artists . I didn't plan on re-writing the story this soon, but something on the back of my mind kept nagging me and i just had to write it. I'm storing it in my google account, just so it doesn't get lost and can be restored when deleted.

As you can all see, this chapter was completely different from the first version of Pavement Artists (the really crap one) and that's because I really want to take the story seriously from now on. So I'm going to try my best to give you all higher quality chapters compared from last time.

Thanks for reading.