SK - Sorry for the long wait for the last chapter of this. School and sickness (Nyquil is evil) delayed me a lot.

Naven - She also still doesn't own Digimon.

Zim - Not that she didn't try.

SK - :p Stupid muses.

Chappy 7

Daisuke awoke slowly, for a moment knowing only that he was warm, very warm, comfortable, and felt safer then he had ever been. Really not wanting to leave the warmth that surrounded him he snuggled into the warmth along his back, which caused long pale arms to tighten around his waist holding him possessively and lovingly.

"Mmmm. Awake already Dai-koi?"

"Mmhmm. How long have I been here?" Daisuke ask in a sleep mumbled voice.

Ken sat up slowly just enough to view the clock, which he had to glare at for a moment to get the numbers to come into focus.

"Five hours. We have two hours left till you have to be 'rescued'." The sleep ruffled Kaizer snuggled back down into the warm bed and pulled Daisuke protectively against his chest. Daisuke sighed happily at this and snuggled closer, they remained in this comfy silence for a few moments then the keeper of courage and friendship broke it.

"You know, if you had given me any kind of warning I would have brought you anniversary present with me."

"I know, but then you wouldn't have been as surprised, now would you? Did you like your present?"

"Oh definitely. The whip was a nice touch, I'm glad I told you those fantasies I had. Where did you find it?"

"I found it in the mall when my parents where buying my birthday present. Fools."

"BIRTHDAY PRESNT?" Daisuke's eyes flew wide with surprise. "You should have. mmmm."

Ken pulled back from the kiss chuckling softly. "Relax Koi. Today was my birthday present, and the best one anyone could ever give me, and you anniversary present combined." The red head smiled and nuzzled his head against the bluenett's chest. "If you say so Kai-chan."

Ken chuckled. "You like calling me that don't you?"

"Mmhmm." Daisuke started to run one hand over Ken's chest. "Do I have to be 'rescued' today? Or ever? It's not like Jun doesn't know where I am and who I'm with."

"True. It really depends on if your ready to come out. By the way how is the whole Jun Pretends to Be Way To In Love With Yamato so No One Will Know He and Tai are A Couple and Have Been Going Out Since They First Became Digidestened plan coming along?"

"Fine. No one has guessed yet and they send their best and are wondering if they can borrow a room in your fortress again."

The genius sighed "Its fine with me, but not one so close to my room this time. I didn't get any sleep!"

Daisuke chuckled, and then blushed as his stomach voiced its protest at being ignored.

"Come on Koi, lets get you fed." Ken pulled Daisuke out of the bed and the two of them dressed hurriedly Ken loaning the redhead some clothes since the ones he came with where all ripped.

"Where's Veemon and Wormmon?" Daisuke asked being lead by the hand through the labyrinth like fortress

"Most likely celebrating their anniversary." He paused and looked back at his soul mate "Do you really want to tell them you are the boyfriend of their enemy."

"Yep! They're not really my friends, my only friends ask to come over here so they can make out in private, and my sister thinks you're good for me, but if you hurt me in any way she doesn't care who or what you are she'll rip you a new one."

The Kaizer blinked. "A new what?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't want to ask."

Ken laughed and pulled Daisuke into the dinning room and order the best breakfast the kitchen slave could make they where celebrating after all: his and Daisuke's one year anniversary and Daisuke's decision to come out about their relationship.

A couple hours later the digidesntined awoke and rallied themselves to go and rescue their missing teammate, having no idea about the surprise that awaited them. Owari