Last Chapter! Haha, I'm starting the next one right away. I'm on Summer. :)

Disclaimer: Nothing but Ashlee in this story belongs to me. Rights to JK Rowling.

"Are you mad!?" Seamus yelled at me after I explained everything that happened yesterday.

"Seamus I-" I tried to say but he cute me off and everyone looked down awkwardly.

"You could have been killed, Ash! Ron almost was! Harry's still in the hospital wing!" Seamus yelled and everyone got up and left ready to tell everyone what happened.

"It was for the best." I said quietly.

"No! The best would have been staying here, safe!" He said sitting beside me and hugging me.

"Seamus, they would've have made it without me. They never paid attention in Herbology and Harry wouldn't have gotten the riddle." I said hugging him back.

"I know, but can't a guy panic? No more of this, it's over. Next time anything happens, I go with you. Okay? Deal?" Seamus said pulling back.



Harry joined us at the feast. Everyone knew that this was our last bit of time together until next year. Everyone was ready to be out of school except poor Harry. I knew he would be upset to leave, his family is here.

We sat waiting for the celebrations and speeches to begin. Everyone one of us had a smile on our face and no one was mad at Harry, Ron, or Neville anymore. They were glad that everyone was safe. We sat patiently until Dumbledore stood and gently tapped his cup three times with a butter knife. The gentle 'click' was enough to shush everyone in the Great Hall instantly.

"Another year gone," Dumbledore spoke with a great smile. "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into this delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are a little fuller than they were. Don't forget, you have all summer to get them nice and empty before next year starts." He said and earn a small chuckle from most of the students. "Now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Gryffindor with three hundred and twelve points; in third, Hufflepuff with three hundred and fifty two; Ravenclaw have four hundred and twenty six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy two."

The entire Slytherin table burst into cheers and Harry and Ron has guilty faces painted on.

"Yes, yes, well done, Slytherin." Dumbledore said using his hand to gesture them to quiet down. "However recent events must be taken into account. Ahem, I have a few last minute points to give out. First to mister Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."

We all cheered and the Lavender and Dean who had sat next to him at the table patted his back and the brothers that attended school could be heard bragging about Ron's chess talents and how it runs in the family but the silence soon fell upon the room again. Expectations and hopes of enough points to beat Slytherin hung in the air from every house except the Slytherin house itself.

"Second to Miss Ashlee Longbottom. For confidence in herself, in her answers and in her friends, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."

I broke into a huge smile and could feel people patting my back and could hear the other tables clapping respectfully except the table that felt no respect for anyone aside from themselves; Slytherin. Everyone was shocked, one hundred points in five minutes was a lot. The silence started again as we knew more points were coming.

"Third to Mister Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house sixty points."

"Dead tie!" Parvati whispered to our little section of the table. "The room will look like Christmas with green and red decorations."

"There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our friends but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mister Neville Longbottom." Dumbledore smiled holding up his hands to calm to sounds of the Gryffindors cheers. "Which means we need a change of decoration!"

Every silently watched as the green and silver banners turned and magnificent gold and scarlet. We smiled as the sneaky snake turned into the loyal lion. We all cheered again, giving high fives to our friends and hugs to our best friends.

"Neville, you finally got the house points you wanted!" I yelled over the commotion jokingly.

After everything that had happened I didn't want to leave my friends. But still We found ourselves at the train station. Leaving one by one into the muggle world were we could only write to each other.

"I'll write you all summer. I promise, you'll see me next year and not need to ask a single question. You'll know everything." I had told Parvati, Lavender, Dean, and Seamus before they left just Harry, Ron, and I on the wizarding platform.

"You'll have to come visit, both of you!" Ron said getting himself ready.

"Yeah, that'll be fun!" I said smiling at my darling owl and gripping the handles of my trolley.

"I'll need something to look forward too." Harry smirked at Ron and I before running through the beam before Ron and I followed with a laugh.

"I'll send letters to the both of you all summer. I expect immediate responses." I said pointing at them threateningly. "I have to go, goodbye lads."

We joined in a group hug before it was interrupted by Mrs. Weasley's bright happy face smiling at everyone. I pushed my trolley over to Neville who was waiting for me to find Gran together.

"I figured if I didn't wait for you... I'd get lost." Neville said quietly and I laughed whole heartedly at my unlucky brother.


After this years events and every Gryffindor first year knowing more than every other student should. I knew everything had to be kept our secret. No body could know about what truly happened down there, except for us. The team of Hogwarts, the group of friends who will always have each others back.

Neville: Our clumsy yet surprisingly courageous boy.

Parvati: The voice of reason when our heads are scattered.

Dean: The quiet yet super loyal athlete.

Seamus: The loud mouth comedian with a bad habit of blowing everything up.

Lavender: The communicator of the group.

Ron: The go to guy for some help.

Me: The over confident brains of the group.

And Harry: Our trusted leader.