Hey guys this is my first fanfiction. I hope you like it! If you don't well.. no flames please but constructive criticism is very appreciated. I'm sorry if this is extremely similar to another fanfic, I'm not attempting to plagiarize anyone's work. I know that the modern day AU has already been done, but please read~ enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hunger Games Series or the characters. The lovely and awesome Suzanne Collins does.

Katniss POV:


I woke up from the loud and rude shouting from my best friend and agent Madge. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window of my bedroom. Madge was standing on my doorstep with her hand on her hips looking crossly up at me.

"KATNISS EVERDEEN, THIS IS IMPORTANT GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" she commenced her screaming and began to attempt breaking down my door. Madge must have pretty important information if she got to the point of swearing. My golden haired, wide blued eyed friend never sweared, in private or public.

"Okay, okay I'm coming!" I yelled down. Fortunately, Prim was at Summer Camp and mother was at a Missionary Mission in Africa, so no one was home to hear the ear-splitting exchanging in the morning.

I grumbled and stomped down two stories and opened the door. "Geez Madge, this door costs more than your car."

"Whatever, you have enough money to buy all the doors in the world." Madge retorted. She stepped inside and looked around the house. "When was the last time you cleaned this place?"

"Ummm... I don't know... umm... mom cleaned it before she left," I said sheepishly.

"Which was?"

"Two and a half months ago?"

"Katniss, this is bad for your public image. What if a bunch of reporters stormed in here saw this dump of a house? You should seriously hire a housekeeper or something."

"Madge, you know how I feel about my personal space," I said, a little annoyed that she brought that subject up. I was surprisingly an unsocial person. I rarely extended my friendship to anybody, and was very sensitive about my personal living space.

Madge rolled her big eyes dramatically. "Anyways, I'm not here to argue with you about your extremely messy and unsocial lifestyle." She seemed to brighten up when she remembered what she was really here about. She grabbed both of my hands and pulled me into one of her death hugs.

It was now my turn to roll my eyes at her sudden mood change. Madge could go from being angry to the happiest girl in the world in a split second.

"Katniss, remember the main role in The Hunger Games movie you auditioned for..." Madge was interrupted by my hysterical screaming. I leaped from her arms and squealed.


"Woah, calm your horses, Kat," Madge's expression turned serious. "Katniss, I don't know how to tell you this, but ..."

My face fell. "I didn't get it, did I?" I said, my voice full of disappointment.

"Ummm... well... YOU DID!" Madge squealed, jumping up and down.

I looked up at her confused. "What?"


I hugged her and we both began to jump up and down.

Madge stopped jumping and sighed. "Kat, the male actor for Josh was announced today..." She looked down and refused to meet my eyes.

"Madge..." I said, lifting my chin with my finger. "who is it?"

"You're not going to like this."

"C'mon it can't be that bad. I mean I kissed James Doadtut before and he kissed horribly. I felt like I was being licked by a puppy... It can't be worse than him."

Madge giggled at the memory. I had stormed out, leaving James looking very confused. He had a little misconception that he was the best kisser in the world.

"But Madge, who is it?" I asked sternly.

"Don't freak out Kat."


"It's Cato Ludwig."

im sorry that this is so short and boring... i promise that it will get much better as the story goes on. 3 reviews... can we do it? Promise to update either today or tomorrow :)