Sorry it's taken me to update! Homecoming and homework! GAH! But now I'm back and shall try my best to update faster each would help! *gives hopeful Russia-puppy dog eyes* ...oh yeah! Warning, implied sexual content (I guess) and Germany's dirty mind. XD

The cafeteria hummed with the voices of the world. The G-8, joined by Prussia, sat together on one of the long tables in the military base's eatery. The rest of the nations were in there own particular groups. Lovino choose to sit by Antonio and Belgium, the Nordics on one table, the Baltic countries in another, and so one. Every one was holding conversations with their own level of enthusiasm. America was waving in his hands around in the air while slurping from his seemingly never empty soda cup. His childish shouting caused England's eyebrows to twitch before he smacked the younger nation over the head. France eagerly joined in their bickering, the romance that he could sense pulling him forward almost against his own will. Russia only sat there sat glowered at his food and China sat next to him grumbling about western countries. But Germany could hardly pay attention to any of this because Italy was currently holding all of his attention. Italy had wanted to eat wurst that day claiming that he like Germany's food. Gott, It wasn't fair! The way his lips would wrap around the sausage was so tempting and the noises of enjoyment the Italian seemed to be emitting after every bite weren't helping. The self restraint that Germany was applying caused sweat to bead on his for head, and dare he say it, he was jealous of the stupid pre-packaged meat! Unbidden, images began to float through his mind but he forced them down with a blush. His blue eyes search the room for any kind of distraction and soon landed on his bruder. The albino was nearly drooling at Feliciano, Obviously he was having similar thoughts. Trembling, he reached over to grab at the Italian. Prussia's eyes were wide open, the urge to invade virtual regions pretty much spilling out of his brain, but just as his hands brushed against Italy's blue uniform he was yanked into a head lock

"GAH!" Prussia cried in surprise, craning his head back he got a glimpse of smooth blond hair, "What ze hell west?! Why did you stop me?!"

"If you think I'm just going to let you do that to Italy then your mistaken."

"B-but just look at little Ita-chan!" Prussia was now almost sputtering for breath, but he managed to smirk, "Oh I see! Kesesese~ Meinen kleine bruder has finally taken an interest?"

Germany dropped Prussia in embarrassment his face lighting up with a blush. "I-I...Bruder!"

The albino only laughed harder, "Oh God! You haven't even told him how you feel yet!" He managed to subdue his laughter and stood up strait. "Listen West, you can't keep this in. You have to tell him sometime." Prussia became oddly serious, "If you need any help on the matter you know you can come to me, ok?" He patted Germany's shoulder before walking away towards Spain and France leaving Germany staring after him.

"Ve~ Germany?" Italy poked his shoulder from behind him, "I'm done eating now. Should we go to our room now and prepare for the meeting tonight?"

"J-ja" Germany's head was in a buzz, should he really tell Italy of his feelings? He couldn't help but have his doubts since his last attempt he tried at that restaurant failed. He barley stopped in front of their door in time due to his thoughts but luckily spotted it at the last second. Leading the Italian through the door he swooped down to his dresser to look through his cloths. A couple minutes went by in complete silence, it was odd really. Where was Italy's constant chatter?

With a sigh Germany looked up, "Alright Italien, Whats the matter?"

Italy jumped a bit and chuckled nervously, "Nothing!"

Germany only stared at him for a few seconds before Italy gave in, "It's just I can't stop thinking about what Grandpa Rome said when he took me away for a couple years."

"What did he say?"

"Well he wanted to warn me..."

*Flash Back*

"Italy!" The yell floated over the grassy plains until it hit the certain Italian's ears. He perked up and grabbed his collection of flower that he had been picking.

"Coming!, Ve~" He ran through the green stalks as the bent in the wind. Finally up ahead the figure of his grandpa appeared getting bigger with each second. When he arrived next to Rome he bent down with his hands on his knees, gasping for air.

"What do you want Nonno?"

His grandpa only gazed at him sadly, "Well I decided that it was time to tell you something." He picked Italy up and cradled him in his arms, "Something vary important, that I wish I didn't have to tell you."

Italy's heart started racing with the impending knowledge, "What is it?"

"Well remember when I told you about our 2ps?"


"I left out something very important." Rome looked up at the sky for a moment before looking back down at Italy, "In each generation of nations there is a certain one that hold a great responsibility. They hold the key to our second players, our opposites, our darker sides."

"What does that have to do with me?" Italy asked, already fearing the answer.

"The larger man sat down in the grass and put Italy on his lap, "Well based on what I've found out, that's going to be you." He stroked Italy's hair, "That means your going to have a lot to hold on your shoulders. Your 2p is what you could call the leader of the rest."

"But that's a good thing right?"

"Not in this case, because he wont actually command them. He's more the tie that holds them to reality. With out him there would be no others."

"Then why can't we just kill him?" Italy asked excitedly, he could save so many other nations the stress of their other sides.

"Because that would kill you" The young Italian's body ran cold.

*End Flash back*

Germany sat back wide eyed, "Why are you telling me this?"

"I need you to do something for me." Italy's face darkened with determination.

"What?" The Aryan nation suspected what the answer was but he hoped to god that it was anything else but that.

Italy smiled at him, eyes closed and head tilted to the side, his usual face of innocent happiness, "I need you to promise me that If I get turned into my 2p with no chance of becoming normal again and if Artie manages to turn many of our friends as well that you'll kill me."

The world stopped at that moment. Germany couldn't believe what he just heard, kill him? Rage flashed through his body.

"How can you even ask that of me?" The larger man's hands shook as he grabbed Italy's shoulders. "You expect me to go through with this ridiculous problem?"

The Italian's eyes opened in confusion, "I don't understand why it's that big of a deal. Every one thinks of me as some weak, worthless country anyways."

"N-no never!" Germany's heart seemed to break at Italy's words, "You will always be so much more then that to me. You're ability to smile in the most grim situations, and look at the world with forgiveness even after all it's done...Italy, that is true strength."

"I-I don't understand."

"Italy, can't you see?" Germany felt the room spinning around him, "I love you!"

Aaaaaaannnnd Done! Reviews help me update faster...just saying!^J^