A/N: It has been ages since I have wrote anything on this website! 0_0 And I have finally come up with a new idea for a story. I have really gotten into Black Butler and I have been reading a few stories here and there on FF. So I decided to write my own. Of course there is going to be Yaoi in this story..but you will see more of it as the story goes on. I am still trying to decided where to go with this story.
But enjoy the first chapter!
I do not own Black Butler..this story is made up by my own imagination
(Text like this is inner thoughts or dreams)
Also this one has been redone!
For The Love OF One Soul
Chapter 1
"Sebastian! Sebastian! Don't you die on me!" Ciel screamed as he ran to his lifeless butler. "You made a promise! And you are going to keep it! Now wake up!" Ciel hit the demon's chest, "That is an order!" Nothing was happening he wasn't waking up, tears started running down Ciel's face. "Se..bas..tian.."
"Well looks like things are over for you.." Ciel slowly turned his head to see another figure coming toward him with gleaming pink eyes. "Huff..huff..no..this can't be happening!" The figure walked up slowly behind him and leaned to whisper in his ear. Ciel couldn't help but feel paralyzed, as he heard the crude voice say,"Now you are mine.."
"Ahh!" Ciel sat straight up in bed, sweat running down his face. Was it a dream he thought..no more like a horrible nightmare. But where was he?
"Sebastian! Sebastian! Get in here!" Couple of seconds passed by before he heard his door open.
"Young master, why are you being so loud this morning?" The raven head butler drew out a big sigh before going on, "It is way to earlier for this kind of behavior."
"Hush don't talk to me that way after you betrayed me!" Sebastian gave his young master a questionable look. "What are you talking about?"
Ciel covered his face and toke in a deep breath. "Oh never mind..I guess it was a dream." Sebastian gave a little smile before helping his young master get dressed and start his day.
Ciel tried his hardest to keep his mind on his studies but his dream kept popping into his head. Who was the other figure. And how and why was Sebastian dead?! He was so deep in thought he didn't hear the knock at the door.
"Young master I bought you your afternoon tea." Shaking the thought from his head he gave his butler permission to enter. Sebastian opened the door and push the cart into the room, and poured his master a cup of his favorite tea. He placed it on the desk and watched as Ciel was just stared straight though him.
Tilting his head to get a better view of his young master Sebastian asked, "Did I miss a button or do I have something on my uniform my lord?"
No response came from his master, so it wasn't that. Need a more forward approach I guess. So slamming his hands on the desk Sebastian got right in front of his master's face. "Is something bothering you?"
Snapping out of his dazed state from the loud noise and his butler in his face. Ciel grabbed his cup and toke a sip, and still stared at his demon butler. I guess I might as well come out and say it...
"Tell me Sebastian would you ever deliberate betray our contract?"
With a devilish smile he raised himself off the desk and answered his young master. "Of course not...you know I will serve and protect you until the very end."
"Hmm some how I knew you would say that." Ciel let out a little sigh before going on. "I guess I just need to do something that will get theses thoughts out of my head."
"Master I have something for you that might just help you with that." Sebastian reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a letter from the Queen. "Do you think you are up for the challenge?"
He placed the letter on the desk and Ciel quickly snatched it up and opened it. He wondered what else could make this day any worse or maybe make it better?
After reading it over Ciel had a half of a smile on his face, "It seems there is a killer on the loose, and he is fancying men with power and money."
He folded the letter back up, "I am amazed something like this hasn't hit the papers yet..." Sebastian nodded in agreement. "There has to be something else at work here. Something only I, Ciel Phanthomhive can find the answer to."
"Alright Sebastian this is an order, go and see what you can find out about this whole situation. There has to be a clue to who or even what is terrorizing London."
Sebastian lowered his head and bowed, "Yes my Lord."
Quick as he could blink he was once again alone...hurry back Sebastian..
While trying to find clues on this new case in London, Sebastian stumbled across some curious information. It seemed as though the victims families noticed that there was a new friend hanging around the departed. They told him that he kind of stood out, he was rather handsome, short black hair, golden eyes and he wore glasses.
With this kind of description Sebastian thought to himself, there is just no way it couldn't possible be who he was thinking of. There was one demon he knew that fit that description but it had been about two years since he last saw him.
"My beautiful butterfly...no matter how far you fly a way, you will end up trapped in my web."
Shaking the last words out of his head, he decided not to press the matter. In the end each clue he found lead him back to this one demon. Sebastian pulled out his watch, it seemed he had an hour before he need to be back . He wondered how was he going to find this guy. There has to be some way to draw him out.
He would rather deal with him without getting the master involved. But in the end there wasn't much he could do since he was only ordered to find out information.
No need to think of all the bad things that could happen..Time to get back to the manor.
The next morning, Sebastian went on with his normal routine. He got the other servants up, started breakfast, and grabbed the newspaper. He stopped in his tracks when he read the headline on the front page and an idea came into his head.
It seems that someone got wind of the young master coming into more money once again. Since the newest Funtom Company overseas had just opened. He wondered, "I bet I could get this other demon to come and visit the manor." It was a good idea but he didn't know if the young master would be up for being the bait.
Especially after the last time, Sebastian chuckled a little to himself thinking about his master dressing up like a young lady.
It never hurts to try so with that Sebastian went and served breakfast to the master, and filled him in on what he found out yesterday.
"Why didn't you tell me this yesterday?"
Sebastian didn't waver as his young master yelled at him, as he finished pouring another cup of tea.
"I felt like I needed to find some more things out before telling you."
Ciel raised his eyebrow what was this devil of a butler up to now. "Come on out with it!"
Giving him a little smirk Sebastian told his master about his plan. "Since this "thing" is going after men with money and power, I was thinking you could throw a party and maybe this "person" or "thing" will show up and want to be your friend just like the others. Plus there is no need to worry I will be here to watch over you as well."
"Making me the bait again are you? Well I guess this way isn't so bad, since I get to be myself it might actually work." Ciel let out a little sigh.
"You can go ahead and make all the preparations for this..just be on the look out for this "person" or "thing" that you keep speaking of."
Sebastian bowed before his master and spoke, "It shall be done my lord."
Couple of days passed and it was the night of the ball, Sebastian was a little nervous wondering how things might go. But thoughts like that had to be put on the back burner. Right now he needed to help the young earl get dressed since guests where starting to arrive.
"I hope this goes well tonight...I really do hate getting all dressed up and being fake in front of all theses snobby people."
"Well my lord..it only has to be for a couple of hours." Sebastian said as he finished straightening up Ciel's tie.
"Fine let's just get this over with and hopefully we will find this "person" or "thing" tonight." Ciel grabbed his cane and processed to the ballroom with Sebastian close behind.
The band stopped as the young earl entered the room, "Thanks for coming to my party. This is a celebration for my newest Funtom Company getting off to a fantastic start. I do hope that all of you have a wonderful time." Ciel bowed before the crowed as they clapped. And the band started to play again.
"Well that little introduction should make me stand out to this "person." "Have you noticed anyone that is suspicion..Sebastian?" The earl whispered as they slowly walked around the room.
The butler bent down and whispered back into Ciel's ear, "No not yet..but the night is still young..if it is here...it will show it self to us soon enough."
~Two hours pass~
I have got to get out of this room!
Ciel thought as he ended up wondering out of the ballroom into the hallway to get a bit of a break from all those older people. "Sigh..this is so boring..those people are always so fake..."
"Yes they are..how ever do you put up with people like that?"
A low voice came out of now where..Was it Sebastian's? No...it didn't sound like him at all. Yet it was so familiar.
"Who is there?" Ciel asked with a little bit of a tremble in his voice.
"Oh just some one who could help you out with all your little problems."
"What do you mean exactly? Come on out and show yourself!"
A tall figure came around the corner and into view, it pushed it's glasses up on the bridge of it's nose.
"It is exactly what I said...I can help you with your problem and I will grant you a wish."
A wish and my problem?
The man walked closer and got down to eye level, "Well...do you have a wish?"
Ciel shook his head yes.."But I am sure that I can full fill that wish on my own."
The man gave a little giggle, "Oh so very confident are we? And how might you go about that?"
"By having me full fill it."
Ciel turned around to see that Sebastian had entered the hallway.
"I was wondering where you had wondered off to master...and it seems you have found something that smells."
The other man stood straight up and glared at Sebastian. "Well...well...if it isn't Sebastian Michaelis."
Sebastian stared back with his crimson eyes, "Claude Faustus...I thought it was your stench I smelled."
Claude smiled and walked over to whisper in Sebastian ear, "I figured this was a way for you to get me to come out..but what you don't know is I did this to catch you."
Sebastian didn't quite understand what he was up too. "Just what are your reasons for being here?" The raven haired butler asked with a little stern in his voice.
"I am looking for more work...you see my last master had an untimely demise. The poor thing so young too...he just didn't understand the meaning of letting certain things go."
Claude walked back over to Ciel and grabbed his hand. "So you see..I am a butler and I am looking for some one I can work for. Seeing as how you are so young and have such a large estate you must need some more helping hands."
Sebastian gave an evil glare as this other demon touched his young master. "Don't touch my master with those..."
"Sebastian that is enough.." Ciel interpreted.
With a shocked look on his face, Sebastian couldn't help but say, "Master?!"
"I don't see anything wrong with having him around for a little while...besides it seems you two know each other."
"Yes my lord..I have known Claude for many years now."
"So that means you should have no problem with him hanging around the manor for a while?"
Sebastian couldn't help but sigh..what was his master even thinking. But the master's orders are absolute.
"What are your orders my lord?"
Ciel gave a little smile, "Show this man to one of the vacate rooms upstairs and make him feel at home. Tomorrow you can show him what duties he can attend too."
Making sure not to grunt Sebastian went on one knee and bowed his head, "Yes my lord." He looked back up at Claude who was still eyeing his young master.
He stood up and asked ever so nicely, "This way please...And by the way young master don't forget about your guests."
Ciel almost had forgotten there was a party in the next room, he was having too much fun watching his butler get all flustered over this other guy. "Oh right I will take care of that."
Sebastian watched as Ciel hurried back into the ballroom. Without batting an eye he processed to walk pass Claude, and made his way up the stairs to where the servants stayed.
He toke him to a vacate room and opened the door, "Here you go..don't make yourself to comfortable because you won't be here that long."
Claude stepped into his room and walked over to look at the window, he watched a bit as Ciel was saying goodbye to each of his guests.
Sebastian's brow wrinkled a bit, "Stop staring at my master."
"Oh..no need to worry about him right now..I am more worried about you Sebastian." He toke off his glasses and gave a Sebastian a lusty glare.
"I have looked for you ever since you were summoned by that little boy...and now I have finally found you." Sebastian closed his eyes for a brief second and he felt a breeze blow by him. Claude had snuck up behind him and closed the door.
"Why were you even wasting your time? I told you things were over between us did I not?"
Claude sighed and wrapped his arms around Sebastian and whispered in his ear. "I chose not to believe that..besides you know you haven't gotten over me."
Sebastian jerked out of the spider's grasp, "Listen..I don't know what you think you are up to but it isn't going to work. You just stay away from my master..I don't know what he is thinking. He only needs me and that is it."
Claude gave a little laugh, "Still so stubborn as ever I see...well you better keep your eyes on that master of yours because he will be your downfall."
Sebastian gave a cold hard stare at Claude as he walked toward the door. "We shall see about all of that. I will see you on the morrow."
He shut the door and went to check up on Ciel. On the other side of the door, Claude couldn't help but smile. "Oh my Sebastian..you are so naive...and I love it."
Sebastian walked downstairs looking for his master, and he found him asleep in one of the chairs. He shook his head and sighed, must have been a long night for him. Sebastian went and picked him up and started to carry him up to his room for bed.
"Se..bas..tian?" Ciel started to wake up a bit as he was rocked by his butler.
"Go back to sleep..young master." The butler cooed.
"No...what happened between you and that other butler?" The earl had a little whine in his voice. "Come on there has to be something there I saw it in your face."
"There is nothing to worry about..I have everything under control."
Ciel just looked at Sebastian with an uncertain look. "You are not suppose to lie to me..you know this correct?"
"Yes I am not lying to you. I do have everything under control."
They made it to the earl's room, and Sebastian helped him change into his night-clothes. And tucked him in to bed.
"Don't worry young master..I will always be here for you." Sebastian gave a soft smile to Ciel before going out the door.
Ciel laid there in bed for a moment and stared at the ceiling. "Se..bas..tian."
The raven butler was still standing at the closed door, as he heard his name spoken so soft and kind.
He couldn't let his young master worry about his situations. Now let's go and have a little more of a conversation with that Claude.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter..I tried my best to write something that would at least grab your attention and want you to read the next chapter. If you have suggestions or just want to comment feel free to review and let me hear some feedback.
Thanks for reading..hope you follow this story. ^_^
Re read what I wrote for this chapter, and not everything made sense, lol. But hopefully now it does. I think I know where I am going to go with this now.