Scott woke up, startled by his phone's alarm. He sighed as he got out of bed, walking into the bathroom and staring at himself in the mirror. I wanna do something different this school year, he thought. He was tired of everything he wore, and a previous talk with Stiles had proven that his outfits were doing nothing for him. So, over the weekend, they went to the mall.

After looking for what seemed like half a minute, the decided on a white v-neck, some black jeans, and a black leather jacket. Looking himself over in the mirror, he smirked. He looked great, and he knew it.

He made a lot of changes over the summer. He got a new wardrobe, along with a new attitude. He hated to admit it, but he kind of always was jealous of Jackson cause the guy was so confident.

To add to his list of new things, he used the money he'd been saving up and got himself a motorcycle. Yeah, he knew the faculty hated the noise. But part of his "new attitude" contract states that he doesn't care about other people's opinions anymore.

He went to summer school so he could go to his Junior year like everyone else, and he's made a promise with his mom, coach, and even Stiles to keep his grades up. He'll be back on the lacrosse field in no time. He's gonna step down and let Stiles take the captain position, though, because he's a truly good player and he deserves it. Not to mention the fact that he's Scott's best friend.

As for his werewolf status, he decided he was done complaining. He's a werewolf, and he's gonna embrace it. Hell, he might even have some fun with it. Something Matt (the Kanima's previous master) said really hit home. When someone gets shot, they die. When Scott gets shot, depending on the location, he heals. So, how is it fair to keep whining about it, when other people would kill for what he has? It's both a blessing and a curse. He's gonna pay attention to the blessing part, though.

He slipped on his sunglasses, said goodbye to his mom, and started up his motorcycle, turning the radio up all the way.

As he got to school, he could feel everyone's eyes on him, so he drove around the parking lot a few times, looking for a good spot. When he found it, he took his keys out and nudged out the kick-stand, letting the bike fall onto it. He smirked as he walked up the steps, and everyone, even the teachers, parted like the Red Sea.