This chapter has been edited in 2019. The ending of this chapter is different than the ending of the last one, as this one ends in a different place within the film, so please read this again. Enjoy.

I was pacing back and forth in front of the bed in Sue's room. She was the last one to get ready, and we were waiting for her to pack her bags so we could take off. I was anxious to see my brother, worried about him. What happened to him? Did he get superpowers too? I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked around to find Reed standing before me with an uneasy smile.

"Your pacing is really not helping." He said.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it, I'm just so worried about him. What could have happened to cause him to make that huge hole in the wall? How was it even physically possible?" I said, my voice rising a notch with the panic clearly visible. I looked down and started to shake harder, desperately wanting Ben to put his arms around me and calm me down, like he used to do when I was a small child. To tell me that everything was going to be alright.

Suddenly, a pair of arms went around me and I looked up at Reed.

"It's going to be ok. We'll find him and everything's going to be alright." He said in a reassuring tone. I couldn't help but believe him. Reed was a man of his word, and if he promised something, he always kept it. I really hoped that it was one of those times.

"Ok, I'm all set." I heard Sue say. Reed smiled at me.

"Time to find you brother." He said, and we all hurriedly left the clinic.

We were all cramped into a yellow Taxi, going thought the Brooklyn Bridge. I was sitting near the window, with Johnny on my left and Sue on his left. I was looking out the window, trying to concentrate with Johnny's leg pressed right against mine. Reed was sitting up front, and he looked at us from time to time, shooting a reassuring smile in my direction, and a shy one at Sue. We didn't talk, all lost in our own thoughts as we made our way through the sea of cars.

Suddenly, our Taxi stopped, and we all looked at one another and wordlessly got out of the vehicle. We looked around, and I saw Reed give Sue a worried glance. We started to move towards the forming crowd to see what was happening. We have to go find Ben! I thought, but I guess with all these people there we didn't have a chance of going anywhere. There was policeman everywhere, trying to calm everyone down.

"Go back to your vehicle. We'll tell you when you can go." One of the policeman said, his tone of voice calm and professional. His eyes were a different story.

"What do we do now?" asked Sue as she looked at us. Reed thought for a moment.

"We're not going to get past these guys." He paused to look around again, and focused of Sue. "But you could." He said and Sue looked lost for a second before it hit her what he had in mind. I was lost for a second too, but then she closed her eyes and disappeared. Then it hit me. Of course! She's invisible. As she did so, her body turned invisible, but her clothes remained, which made it look kind of weird. People started to stare and whisper, and Reed whisper-shouted;

"Sue, your clothes. Loose them." He said and Sue made an Oh sound before she started stripping.

"This is so wrong." I heard Johnny mutter under his breath before he turned his head to look at me.

I kind of agreed with him, it was quite disturbing, even though I was a girl. I smiled at him uneasily, avoiding looking in the direction of his sister, and he grinned back. Sue was continuing to take her clothes off, being left only in her bra and underwear when she appeared again and my eyes widened as she stood there, almost completely naked in front of hundreds of people.

She looked at herself to see what everybody was staring at she gasped and jumped to cover as much of herself as she could. Johnny turned completely so that his back was facing his sister and I blushed at the sight. Poor Sue!

Reed had his eyes glued on Sue's form. "Wow, you've been working out." He complemented, although the timing was horrible in my opinion.

"Shut up." Sue barked angrily at Reed and I elbowed him in the ribs.

"You should turn around, like Johnny did." I said but he ignored me still staring at Sue. I heard Johnny scoff beside me.

"Please, it's the only time he can stare without interruptions. Let him have his fun." Johnny joked which resulted in me elbowing him as well.

Sue quickly scoped up her brown blazer trying to cover herself. "Anymore great ideas?" She shouted at Reed, fuming. You could practically see the steam coming out of her ears as she kept yelling. "Why don't you strip down and have a hundred people stare at you?!" As she was saying the last few words she started to disappear again and by the end on that sentence, she was invisible again.

"Sue –" Started Reed.

"What?!" she snapped at him as Reed have her a meaningful look. She seemed to realise that she disappeared again because the blazer fell to the ground, closely followed by her bra and panties.

Johnny looked petrified and he murmured under his breath; "I'm gonna need therapy."

I smiled at him a bit and scoped up half of Sue's clothes as Johnny took the rest and we followed Reed through the crowd.

I could hear Sue's voice ahead of us. "Excuse me. Coming through." She was pushing people out of her way, making a path for herself and us. People looked around confused, and I smiled a bit at their funny expressions. As we got out of the crowd, We looked around for Sue.

"Here.' I heard Sue say from my left and both me and Johnny dropped her clothes onto the ground. She got dressed, appearing in the middle of buttoning up her shirt.

"I still can't believe you made me do that." She said, pulling on her blazer, a sour expression on her face.

"We got through, didn't we?" Asked Reed walking up beside us.

I rolled my eyes at their bickering. "Just find Ben." I said and we rushed towards the labyrinth of cars.

We split up, all of us running in different directions. Sue climbed a car, looking around and shouting "Ben". I heard a fire truck somewhere in the distance and when I looked in that direction I saw a small girl calling for her mum. For a moment I wanted to go. I wanted to find my brother. But as she kept calling, sounding lost, I gave in and walked towards her. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. I smiled.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked as made my way towards her and kneeled so that I was on her level.

She shook her head. "No, I can't find my mum." She said, sniffling, and I smiled again.

"Well, come on then, we'll find your mum." I said, when suddenly I heard a loud explosion and the girl screamed. Without thinking, I quickly enveloped her in a hug, wrapping my body around her smaller one to shield her from whatever what coming, when I felt two strong arms circle around me and a chest being pressed into my back. Just like I was wrapping my body around the girl, someone was wrapping theirs around mine. The wave of burning heat hit me, and I tightened my grip on the girl. She was sobbing softly.

I was waiting for some kind of pain to hit me, but nothing happened. All I felt was unnatural warmth, hot but not enough to hurt. As the flames died down, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"I can't believe that worked." Johnny mumbled against my ear. I turned to him. "Are you ok?" he asked, he sounded breathless and his eyes were running over me. I nodded and felt his arms disappear. I looked at the girl. She was ok, just terrified. I stood up and looked at Johnny.

"Thank you." I said, my heart pounding in my chest as I blushing a bit.

He shot me a lopsided grin. "No problem." He caught a hold of my hand. "Come on." We clambered out from between the cars, and I clutched onto the girl's hand before released her as a middle-aged woman burst through the crowd. Her whole body relaxed as she noticed the girl. She ran to her and swooping her into her arms, she hugged her tightly to her chest.

"Thank you." She said to both me and Johnny. I smiled at her before being pulled away and into the fray. As we made our way through the sea of cars, I noticed Sue standing on top of a car with her hands outstretched, something that looked like some type of a force field coming out of her hands, blocking the fire from going further.

I gaped at her. At the same time I heard a loud screech and looked away from Sue who dropped her hands and almost fell over, looking week. The fire truck that I had heard earlier was half hanging off the bridge's edge, with firemen hanging from the ladder. And then I noticed him.

I was sure it was Ben, although it didn't look like him. The form was large, bigger that Ben had been, and seemed to be completely made off of some orange type of stone.

He caught the side of the fire truck and pulled on it, preventing it from falling off of the bridge. Unfortunately, the force of it caused the ladder from the top of the truck to roll off, and the man that was on it fell and, flipping over almost fell into the water below him, if he hadn't held onto the ladder with one hand. I gasped and immediately ran to the edge of the bridge. The men that hung there wound fall for sure if someone didn't help them. A thought ran through my head. I can help. As I thought this, one of the firemen lost his grip and started falling, screaming. I froze, and then the man stopped to a halt as a pair of unnaturally long arms wrapped around the mans waist. I looked over the see Reed, half hanging off the bridge. I heard another scream and I looked as the other man started to fall. I acted on impulse as I reached my hand out as if I could catch him like Reed did. The pain hit my head suddenly and a wave of agony rolled over my body, but I ignored it. I focused on the man as he stopped to fall and was suspended in the air, looking confused and terrified. I willed the man to move upward, bringing my hand up as if I could pull him up, and he did, slowly but surely making it to the safe ground.

When he was near me, I stepped sideways but kept leaning on the railing as the man hovered to safety, following the movement of my hand. He was gently placed on the ground near me. He stared at me in astonishment and I gave a weak smile. As soon I stopped using my power, the pain disappeared, but it left me nauseas and weak.

The fire truck started to move backwards, as Ben used his newfound strength to pull it back. When it was on safe ground, he took a step back panting. I looked over him again. Ben, what happened to you? I thought. I looked around for others, and I noticed that people had gathered around us to watch. Suddenly, a large group of policemen surrounded Ben, with guns pointed in his direction. My eyes widened. I tried to break through but one on the policemen pushed me away and I fell on my ass.

"This is the police." One of them said. "Get down on the ground." I stood up and tried to get to him again.

"Ben!" I yelled and he noticed me. He just stared at me while the police officer yelled; "Get down on the ground now!" in a shaky voice.

All around us, people started cheering and clapping. The firemen we had saved were standing around us as the police gave up and walked away.

"Ben!" I heard Reed and looked over to him. Sue and Johnny were with him. I ran around to them, standing beside Johnny who was staring at my brother. Ben was looking around at everyone in astonishment. I smiled a bit. My brother was a hero. I saw him take a double look in one direction and started towards there, hesitated and he halted.

I frowned and looked that way. Debbie stood there, shaking her head. She took off the ring that Ben gave her and placed it on the ground. I fumed. How dare she! I was about to go there when I felt arms around me.

"Don't. Not now." I heard Johnny's whisper and I looked back at him. He shook his head and I looked back at Ben. He was clawing at the ground to pick up the ring but his hands were too big. I teared up as I looked at the scene. Reed made his was towards Ben, picked up the ring and placed it in his palm. He said something that I couldn't hear to Ben, and he nodded. I finally managed to struggle out of Johnny's embrace and I ran up to my brother, hugging him. He was hard and cold as stone he was made of but I didn't care. He was still my brother. I was going to kill Debbie for what she did to him. He put his story arm around me. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He managed to smile at me.

"You'll always be my Ben." I said to him and buried my face back into his story chest. The police then decided to started to clear the street. The paramedics wanted to check up on us, so they took us to a tent and did their job. It turned out that I had a cut on my arm, which I have no idea where it had come from, and a slight problem with standing straight by myself. The doctor working on me told me it was because of exhaustion. I rolled my eyes at the medic. I felt fine, even if I had a somewhat tiny, tiny problem with balance. Sue was just as irritated as she snapped at her own doctor.

"I told you I felt fine." She said, annoyed.

Reed glanced at her for a second and then his gaze returned to Ben who was sitting quietly in the corner, as far away from everyone else as it was possible in the limited space of the small medical tent. He was gazing at the ring in his hand with a sad expression upon his stony face.

My heart broke in two as I looked at him. Even though I didn't like Debbie, Ben loved her. I wanted to slap her for leaving him like that when he needed her the most. What an ungrateful bitch!

I got up and made my way towards him. Ben looked up when I sat beside him. I noticed that Johnny sat beside Ben as well, looking at him with interest. I frowned but said nothing to acknowledge what he was doing.

"How are you" I asked. He shrugged, and said nothing. I sighed.

"Where are your ears?" Johnny asked suddenly. Ben looked up again, and I was sure that he was glaring at Johnny. I shot a glare at him myself, not believing what I'd just heard. Did he ever think before he spoke? Just as I was about to say something to Ben to distract him, a police officer came through the tent opening.

"There are some folks outside that want to talk to you." He said, gesturing outside with his hand to the crowd of people behind him. Reed stared at the policeman horrified.

"We're not going public with this. Were scientists, not celebrities." He spat out the word celebrities like an insult. The terrified expression on his face made me want to laugh. Reed hated attention, he was a very shy person around strangers.

The policeman just shrugged. "It's too late son." And moving towards the TV that stood in the corner, turned it on. "Look." He added as we listened to the news reporter speak to the camera.

"…when a New York Fire Department ladder truck became part of the tragedy." The commentator said as a short clip of the bridge from a birds eye appeared on the screen followed by a clip of us with Ben in front.

"See that?" asked the policeman as the news reporter kept on talking about what happened on the bridge and what we did there.

I started to feel giddy. We were on the news! We were on TV! That has never happened to me before! We all stood up to see the screen better, and, because I stood behind Johnny I had to stand on my tip toes to see anything. He was so much taller that me! It was so not fair. Johnny, seeming to realise my struggle, let me stand in front of him with a wide grin on his face. I grinned back thankfully, and kept on watching. On the bottom of the screen, there was a large heading saying; The Fantastic Five. I frowned at the name.

"That's what they're calling you, The Fantastic Five." Said the policeman. Johnny exclaimed; "Cool!" I looked over my shoulder at him to see him walking towards the exit. My eyes widened.

"No wait! Where are you going?" Sue asked, her voice worried and annoyed at the same time.

Johnny stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to look at his sister. "I'm gonna go talk to them." He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Sue looked like she was going to murder him. I began to worry for his health.

"No." her voice was steely and hard as she turned to look at the rest of us. "We should think this through." She added but I wasn't looking at her anymore. My eyes were locked on Johnny as he was grinning at me, beckoning me with his hand to follow him outside. Come on, I know you want to. Out of nowhere, small voice appeared in my head. I blinked, confused. I looked at Johnny who looked puzzled as well, and I shook the weird feeling away. I smiled at him.

He grinned back. "That's great. Brainstorm." He said and waved at me to follow.

I rushed after him, hearing Sue's voice behind us, along with my brothers' shouting our names and telling us to get back. As we stepped in front of the reporters they exploded, the air filling with their shouts, voices merging together, and the shutter of their cameras as they began snapping pictures I could imagine my students' disbelief when they see their professor on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow.

Reed, Sue and Ben were right behind us. The crowd was yelling questions at us over each other, and with the appearance of the others, their shouts got louder. Johnny put his hands up, grinning from ear to ear. He loved the attention.

"Settle down." He said, but no one paid him any attention, as they continued to talk over themselves. He looked to me and then at Reed who was right beside me.

"Can you believe this?" he asked with a chuckle. I shook my head, but smiled non the less. It was hard not to with the radiant smile that lit up Johnny's face. God he's handsome. I frowned. I did think that, but at the same time I didn't. It wasn't my thought. I wonder what happened to them… another thought that wasn't mine. I tried to shake the feeling of panic away, but it kept increasing with the amount of voices in my head, thoughts that weren't mine.

Shut up! I blinked when the thought managed to quiet the voices. I sighed in relief, just as the policeman who was talking to us earlier asked;

"Which one of you is the leader?"

"That would be me." Johnny said immediately, and the policeman scoffed while rolling his eyes.

"No seriously." He said.

Sue pushed Reed forward, and when he shot her a quizzical look, she just gestured with her chin, her eyes hard, and Reed turned back to the policeman nodding.

"Okay son, you're on." Said the police officer, before stepping to the side.

Reed stepped up, and I saw him gulp. He hesitantly took a step towards the reporters, as they continued to shout at him. I smirked, momentarily getting an image in my head of a man facing a horde of monsters in nothing but his underwear. I giggled, making Johnny eye me from the corner of his eye with a raised eyebrow. This is going to be good, I thought to myself, coughing to stifle another giggle.

"What?" Johnny asked suddenly.

I turned to him. "I didn't say anything." I replied, as Reed started to talk, his voice meek.

"During our recent mission on the Von Doom space station, we were exposed to as yet unidentified radioactive energy." He started, just to be interrupted.

"What happened on the bridge?"

"How can you stretch?"

"Did you levitate the man onto the bridge?"

"Were you really on fire?

"Is it true you can fly?"

The last question was directed at Johnny by a pretty brunet reporter, and he turned to her. "Yeah I'm working on it. It's actually really difficult." He said, and Reed and Sue turned to him with stony faces.

"No actually we do not know much more than you at this point." Sue cut in. "We'll be going directly to our lab to diagnose our symptoms." She went on, he voice calm and collected.

"Symptoms? Is this some kind of disease?" a reporter cut in. A wave of voices hit me like a train, forcing me to take a physical step back.


Oh my god, I want superpowers too!

This is dangerous, I don't want to look like that thing!

I placed my hand on my forehead, as if I could stifle the voices with it. They were getting louder and louder, and the conversation between Reed and the reporters faded into the fray of shouts.

Shut up!

When that single command didn't work, I continued to chant the words in my head, hoping to quieten them, but to no avail.

What is that thing?

What freaks…

God, the blonde chick is hot…

Isn't that Reed Richards? The bankrupt scientist?

Hey, this girl looks like she's going to faint…

I could faintly hear conversation going on around me. Everything was too loud, to sharp, and it made my hear throb with a horrible pain that made me sway on my feet.

"Well, not it's our DNA, our disease, our lives on the line. Thank you –"

'Tori!' I wasn't sure if it was a thought or a voice. However, it was the last thing I heard before everything went black.
