What A Boyfriend Should Do

Jack and Kim Three-Shot

~ I'm just a line breaker doing my job…. Don't mind me… ~

When she walks away from you mad
Follow her

"I can't believe you did that Jack!" The angry blonde slammed her locker door. The brunet next to her flinched, but he knew he deserved it.

"I'm sorry Kim! It was an accident! I swear, I would never even think about hurting you! You mean too much to me!" The brunet heartthrob pleaded with his girlfriend.

The said girlfriend leaned against her locker and sighed. "I want to believe you Jack, I really do. I'm just scared that you will hurt me later on. I don't know if I can trust you anymore."

"Please Kim! I swear Kim. I swear I'll-"

"What's a swear worth Jack!?" Kim shouted. She stalked off to her next class, pushing past the frozen brunette boy.

"It's worth everything to me, Kim, just like you. I don't care how long it takes, I will win to back," Jack said towards the empty spot Kim had occupied a few seconds ago. He pivoted on his heel and ran after the beautiful blonde.

When she stares at your mouth
Kiss her

"C'mon Kim, you know I'm better at Temple Run than you are," Jack teased his beautiful girlfriend. She rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Please Jack, stop lying to yourself. I am the Queen of Temple Run!" She stuck her nose up in the air in mock haughtiness. Jack laughed and stepped in front of Kim. He bowed while taking her hand and kissed it.

"Well your majesty, if you are the Queen of Temple Run, doesn't that make me the King of Temple Run?" Kim laughed and Jack stood upright again, a lopsided smile plastered to his face. They both just starred at their partner, their lover, their other half, their soul mate, their everything.

Thunder boomed in the distance as cold droplets of rain pelted our beloved couple, though they hardly noticed. Both teens were busy just starring at the other.

Kim's gaze kept flickering towards Jack's lips, taking the memo, Jack crashed his lips onto Kim's as the booming of thunder echoed in the background.

When she pushes you or hits you
Grab her and don't let go

"I am going to murder you Jackson!" Kim snarled at her boyfriend with venom oozing from her words. Said boyfriend flinch at his livid girlfriend, but stayed put.


"Don't you 'Kim' me!" Kim threw a well executed punch aimed at Jack's jaw. When her fist collided with his jaw, his head snapped back, but otherwise, he didn't move. She threw more punch at him, but they started to slow down and get sloppy.

Through it all, Jack stayed steadfast and didn't say a single word. The next punch Kim executed was caught by Jack as he pulled her in and hugged her close to him.

Kim struggled, despite the comfort and warmth that the contact brought her. She withered like a venomous snake trying to escape her capture's iron grip.

"Struggle all you want Kim, it's not going to do a thing," Jack whispered into Kim's blonde hair. She stopped struggling and melted into the embrace.

"Jack, don't ever let go," Kim asked in a soft-and slightly embarrassed-voice. Jack chuckled and whispered into her hair again.

"I will never let go. I promise."

When she starts cussing at you
Kiss her and tell her you love her

It was a peaceful morning in the Anderson manor. Everyone was out for the day except the young Anderson heir and his girlfriend. All was peaceful, serine, and-

"Jackson ******* Anderson, I am going to beat the living **** out of you and then shove your own ******* head up your *** you son of a *****! You are a coward, a *****, you are a demon spawn you ************* ****! Don't try running away or I swear I will rip your own balls out and shove them down your damn throat, you ******* *******! You are a pile of useless ******** and ****!" The Anderson boy's bloodthirsty girlfriend screeched.

…Okay, maybe it's not so peaceful.

The Anderson heir merely chuckled at the sight of his girlfriend wearing a long, sleeveless, white dress with a low neckline. She had extravagant, yet simple accessories on. Her hair was in beautiful princess curls and her face was coated in light makeup.

The truth was Jack had his mom's personal designers to ambush Kim the moment she stepped into the household and gives her a complete makeover. It wasn't that she needed one, because she was naturally drop dead gorgeous without trying, but it served as a good laugh and Kim looked absolutely stunning.

"Wow, Kim. Very colorful language you've got there."

"Go die in a ditch Anderson!"

"Nah, I'm good where I am," Jack smirked. He collected Kim into his arms and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

"God, I love you, Kim."

When she's quiet
Ask her what's wrong

Kim and Jack were lying on Kim's bed. Kim was curled up into Jack and he had a protective hold on her waist with one hand as his other played with her beautiful golden locks.

They've been in this position for 20 minutes and Jack was starting to get worried. Kim was just staring into space and seemed like she had completely forgot her boyfriend was there. Sure, they've had longer silences, but this time, Kim was completely unresponsive and it was driving Jack up the wall with concern.

Before they became an item, they were best friends. He could read her like an open book and vice versa. But this, this was freaking him out. Kim was just lying there motionless, Jack would've pegged her dead, but he could still feel her heartbeat because of the close proximity.


No response. Jack sucked in a breath a tried something no one should even think about doing unless they were Jack.


No response either. Jack was now down to one of his most fatal tactics. This was basically suicide, but Kim was worth it.


Again, no answer, either. Jack was now openly gaping. That one usually led to a threat about being castrated

"Kim, please tell me what's wrong. You're making me worry," Jack begged. This time, Kim actually looked up and Jack's breath caught in his throat.


Because Kim had silent tears streaming down her cheeks. How did he not notice! He mentally beat himself up for being this careless.

"Kim, what's wrong. Please, tell me! I want to be there for you!" Jack was practically on his knees now.

"Jack," Kim choked out. "Thank you."

"You're wel- wait what?"

When she ignores you

Give her your attention

It was just a regular morning in class and our infamous duo was just lazing around while they waited for their very late teacher.

"Kim, do you want to go to the park later on?" Jack asked.


"Kim, what's wrong?" The Anderson boy was starting to worry.


"Kimmy, please don't ignore me!" Jack begged.


"Is this about Heather?" He asked cautiously. She just barely noticeable flinched at the name. "It is isn't it?" The blonde didn't move this time. "Kim, listen. I don't care about Heather or any girl for that matter. You're the only one I see; you have my undivided attention, because I love you, not anyone else."

"Thanks Jack," the blonde whispered quietly, hoping the brunet won't hear, but he did and gave her a small smile.

When she pulls away
Pull her back

A blonde hair girl and a brunet boy were-not to discreetly-making out by the blonde's locker.

"Jack… I have to… get to class… and so… so, do you…" The blonde said in between kisses. She pulled away, but not before placing a small kiss on Jack's lips and started for World History.

He growled and pulled the blonde back, slamming her into the locker, much like their previous position. "Screw class," he growled before smashing their lips together.

"Jack… we're already… late…" The blonde choked out.

"Kimmy… do you… really… want to… go to… class… now…" Jack mumbled into her bruised lips. He broke the kiss much to her annoyance and waited for her answer.

"Shut up and kiss me."

Jack smirked and gladly complied with his girlfriend's demand.

"I knew you would see it my way."

When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful

Jack rushed to the Crawford household right after school ended. Apparently, Randy had "accidentally" kissed her when he "accidently" tripped on his skateboard that "just happened" to be there when he was sick. Now, the poor blonde had caught a horrible cold and Jack was needed to play the diligent boyfriend-not that he minded.

He made a mental note to have a nice little "chat" with Randy later, but now, Kim was all that's on his mind-which was nothing new, really.

He skidded to a stop as he approached the front door. He went and got the spare key under the pot of Mrs. Crawford's precious rue flowers. He walked into the empty house and ran to Kim's room.

He opened her door to see a very sick Kim curled up in a ball. Her hair was messy and tangled her eyes bloodshot; she was in old sweats and one of Jack's hoodies. She was utterly breathtaking to Jack.

"Hey Jack, don't mind my hideous appearance," Kim croaked. He walked over to her and hugged her.

"Beautiful," he whispered into her ear.

~ Oh la la! Jackson and Kimberly are just trop mignon! I am Mindy, the French line breaker ~

And… voila! How do you guys like the first chapter of my Jack and Kim three-shot. Not too shabby if I say so myself. I hope the little French I use is correct.

Would any of you mind spamming my BFFLAD's PM box? Her pen name is CharmBracelet2511 and she's new to the site. Thanks!


P.S. If I owned Kickin' It, Jack and Kim would've gotten together by the second season and there would've been more Kick moments, but did that happen, no… So that says something, doesn't it? Oh, I don't own Temple Run either or the scary monkey things would've been made pink.