A/N: I came up with an idea for a story about Phoebe and decided to write it! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as I enjoy writing it. Please feel free to review and comment as it is much appreciated =) Happy Reading!

I look into the mirror, carefully brushing my copper, brown hair, repeating a mantra I've told myself ever since I found out I would be an intern at my father's company.

"Grey Enterprises Holdings runs in your blood. You can do this. Make them proud."

At 23 I had just graduated from the University of Washington majoring in Business and Economics. Mom and Dad insisted that I remain close. My brother Teddy however, was able to go to head off to the east coast at Princeton University in New Jersey to study Law. I missed my brother greatly but was happy to know that he would be home in a couple of weeks. I carefully opened the garment bag that held my brand new business attire, a long Gucci boatneck dress, daddy approved. The hem of the dress went a little pass the knee. I laugh at my father's attempts to control my wardrobe. My thoughts are interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Phoebs are you almost ready honey."

"Come in mom."

My mom, Anastasia walks into my bedroom and sits on my bed motioning me to turn around in my new outfit.

"So what do you think?"

"Its lovely. I do however know it is something your father picked out for you to wear."

"Obviously. Its proper. Its just it would look so much cuter if it were a bit shorter."

"Aside from the wardrobe commentary are you excited about today?"

"I am and I'm not. I'm just so nervous I don't know how daddy is going to deal with me being there all day."

"When you were a little girl you loved going to work with your dad. I remember how funny it was that in his big CEO office he set up this sort of play parameter for you and your brother with all your toys and things you guys needed. Some people would come in and be shocked to see such a sight but your dad still was…well you know…your dad and despite his little angels being in the office he still managed to intimidate his colleagues. In fact, I'm pretty certain they became more intimidated once he became a father."

"Well I won't be there with toys or blankies. I'm Phoebe Grey serious business woman!"

I pout in the full-length mirror trying to look serious.

"Phoebe, just be you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't let this experience intimidate you."

"I won't. I'll be downstairs in a minute."

"Tell Ava and Aspyn I said hi. Oh and honey, don't be on that damn phone all day. You have to get to work."

With that being said she blows me a kiss and closes the door.

She knows me all to well and yes this coming from the woman who is sexting my father all damn day. Ugh I definitely do not have the parents that hate each other after 26 years of marriage. I think we can agree on what keeps them young at heart!"

I call my cousin Ava. She is my Aunt Kate and Uncle Elliots daughter. She also has a sister, my cousin Aspyn. According to my mother Ava has the happy go lucky nature of my uncle and Aspyn has the unbridled, free spirit nature of my aunt. Translation: Aspyn is a bit of a party animal but means well. Both of them know how to have a good time and I don't have to worry about what they think.

"Avvvaaaa! So I'm ready to go! My mom said Hi"

"Hi to Aunt Ana. I still can't believe you decided to intern with your dad. I'll say a little prayer for you."

"Oh don't exaggerate! It won't be that bad. I'm daddy's little girl."

"Whatever you say Phoebs..oh by the way I wanna go out this Friday. I've been holed up at home with finals and me and Aspyn need to get out."

"Yeah that's fine. I'll probably need a night out after this week."

"Have fun Miss Grey. Text me when you have a moment of freedom."

"Will do."

"K bye."


Once we hang up I grab my purse from my bedside, swing it over my shoulder and head downstairs towards the kitchen to find my dad holding my mother in a very provocative way.

"Really! You know what…..I didn't see anything."

"Goodmorning to you too Phoebe. Are you ready for today?"

I walk up to my father, CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings, Christian Grey and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning Daddy. Yes obviously."

"Turn around."

I turn around in my outfit modeling it like a woman on gameshow.

"As you can see the dress is of a dark persuasion with a lower hemline as to leave nothing to the imagination..at all."

"Ha ha Phoebe. Lets get ready to head to the car. Taylor will be meeting us in 5 minutes outside."

"I can't even drive my own car to work!"

"I thought that maybe today we could drive together."

"That's fine I guess."

I give my mother a hug and kiss goodbye. She took the day off today to start to get Teddy's room ready for the summer. My mother is CEO of Grey Publishing. She loves books. My father bought her the company before they had me and she has loved it ever since. In all reality I would love to go into business however as much as a position of CEO is exciting to think about it is overwhelming for me in that I don't know if I would ever have the capability to do it. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I can do this, I know I can.

I enter the vehicle and wait with Taylor as I watch my father say goodbye to my mother. I watch as he holds her so close to him and he kisses her like he is never going to see her again. I need to push these thoughts out of my head. I can't believe I am envying my own parents! I never had a boyfriend in my life. I was kissed once when I was 17 at Ava's birthday party. I liked the guy. He was hot. When I was about to leave he walked me outside, grabbed my arm to spin me closer to him and in the process grabbed my ass to pull me closer to him. In that moment my dad grabbed me, yelled at me to get in the car and said something to the guy that made him never look at me again. I feel like Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed. Its that awful. Maybe one day I'll find my Prince Charming.

"Taylor to the office please."

"Certainly Mr. Grey. Pleasure to see you Miss Grey."

"You too Taylor."

"Are you excited for your first day on the job my princess?"

"Yes but I'm a bit nervous."


"Because I'm working with Christian Grey!"

"You wanted this didn't you Phoebe?"

I sense the sadness in his voice.

"Of course I do. I guess I'm just intimidated by it all. I just want to do a good job, make all of you guys proud."

My father puts his arms around me and kisses my hair.

"Sweetheart we will always be proud of you. Your going to do a great job I promise."

As I lean against my father I'm reminded of when I was a little girl going to his office and of one incident specifically when I was around six years old.


My daddy's office was huge. It seemed as big as a house! He had sofas on one end and his large desk was in front of the floor to ceiling windows. He had art portraits around his office including portraits of me, my brother, my mother, and him scattered about. I had just finished drawing him a picture and ran to give it to him. He was on the phone yet took the picture from me.

"Daddy do you like my picture."

"Beret, let me call you back within the hour in regards to the merger. I'll scan over the contract and if it meets the profit margin I think we can proceed….thank you."

He picks me up and sits me on his lap.

"Can you tell me about your picture Phoebes?"

"That's me and you. One day I'm going to be just like you and work here."


"Uh-huh. I'm going to sign a bunch of papers like you do and speak real loud when I'm on the phone. I guess some of the people have a hard time hearing what your saying daddy."

Christian leans back on his chair and grimaces. His daughter is very observant even with a couple of his not so charming characteristics.

"Do you know what a contract is Phoebe?"


"A contract honey, is a piece of paper that has an written agreement on it between two people. It is an agreement of what two people will do for each other. Would you like to write a contract with me?"

"Yes I want to write a contact!"

"Contract, honey."


Christian pulled out a blank piece of paper from his drawer and placed it on the desk.

"Okay I will start writing out the agreement on the contract between me and you."


Christian takes out a pen and begins to write.

"I, Christian Grey, father of Phoebe Grey, promises to always love her, cherish her, and protect her for all of my days. I promise to be the best father I can be to her.

What do you want to me to write for your part of the agreement Phoebe?"

"I promise to always love my daddy, draw him funny pictures, make him watch Finding Nemo with me over and over again, and give hugs and kisses to him every morning and night! Oh and you have to agree to read me my bedtime stories with mommy."

Christian smiles as he writes down all of Phoebes ideas. After he has finished writing up her part of the agreement he draws two lines at the bottom.

"Since we have agreed on this now we need to sign it to finish making the contract. Once we sign it we will promise to do what we said here."

Christian signs his name on the piece of paper, "Christian Grey." He then hands the pen to Phoebe. She writes her name "Phoebe Grey" on the line provided. Her letters are all separated and not straight but to him it is perfect.

"Yay my first office work!"

"Don't be in a hurry sweetheart."

"I won't daddy I just want to spend time with you."


I am awaken out of my reverie once we approach the offices of Grey Enterprises Holdings. As a child I couldn't wait to get out of the car and run into the office. Now as an adult these buildings intimidate me.

Taylor opens the door for me first.

"Miss Grey. Have a pleasant day."

"Thank you Taylor."

"Have a wonderful day Mr. Grey."

"Appreciate it as always Taylor."

"Ready honey?"

"As ready as I will ever be."

My dad has no idea that I'm about a few seconds away from losing my breakfast in front of his building. We walk into the corridor and the receptionists and doormen nod goodmorning to and then to Miss Grey which oh ya…that's me!

"Ros look I have here today."

"Why hello there Phoebe. You look amazing!"

Ros is the only person in this building allowed to call me by my first name. Everyone else here must address me as Miss Grey. My father made sure of it. I've known Ros for years and picture her as part of the family so my father bent the rules for her. It feels so weird though I must say.

My father and I get into the elevator that takes us to my father's office on the twentieth floor. Once we arrive we head into his office where my an assistant is handing out my fathers schedule of the day. I overhear his conversation with his assistant Adam of what would be going on for the day.

"Mr. Grey, Nathan Sullivan will be meeting with you today at 1:00pm to discuss the acquisition of Globetech Enterprise."

"Smart boy. He's been wanting to personally meet me I just hadn't had the time. Since I have the extra support with Miss Grey I will most definitely be able to keep to schedule. Call him and let him know to meet me on the twelfth floor boardroom."

"Of course Mr. Grey."

"Daa…I mean Mr. Grey of what can I be of assistance?"

"I need you to organize the files of last weeks mergers and the contracts concerning the liquidation of the company Millers Steel. Lunch will be at 12:00pm and I need you here promptly at 1:00pm in order to record and transcribe the meeting between me and Mr. Sullivan. Questions?"

"Where do I get the files?"

"File room is on the fifth floor. Make sure you get the files on the companies from this list of mergers and bring them to me."

"You got it!"

I turn on my heel and head to the file room. After walking into two rooms that weren't the file room I finally find it.

Holy Shit! He wants me to retrieve these files and set them on his desk by 12? This place is a fucking maze that you get lost in and people with search helicopters have to come in and find you!

I have an overwhelming sense of panic and instantly call my mother. She picks up on the first ring.

"Phoebe, babes is everything okay? Is dad giving you a hard time?"

"No not yet. I'm in this monstrosity of a file room to find records and damn mom seriously how many companies does dad own?!"

"Yes I know dear. Trust me I know. Just calm down, don't panic. I'm sure they are alphabetized."

"They are but they are just like a ton of A's and a ton B's."

"What company are you looking for?"

"Miller's Steel"

"Okay go to M."

"Yes I get it, a big duh moment for me."

It takes me a good five minutes in order to get down to M. During this time my mom is jokingly telling me "wusah" and trying her best to calm her nerves.

"Honestly mom dad never intimidates you? He's my father but he's so controlling here and it bothers me."

"Phoebes, that's your father. He exerts control its what he does. I've been dealing with him for years sweetie. I remember when we first met. It was a couple of weeks of dating and I was melted into his Christian Grey lifestyle. Within a year we were married, within a year we had your brother, then three years later there you were. Yup we worked kind of fast. As overbearing and controlling as he can be he means well and he wants you to be the best you can be because he sees your amazing potential."

"I guess. I've always been immersed in the whole business thing and wanting to do what he does however I'm missing something."

"What could that be possible Phoebe."

"I'm not talking material things mom, or food, or shelter. I'm thankful to you guys for that I am but I'm talking about finding that special someone. That someone that you found in dad."

"Honey, one day you will see you will meet the man of your dreams and your father will not be able to do anything about what will be in your heart."

"Yes you say that now but I don't know. Ava has a boyfriend Asypn sometimes does…I'm not going to even get into Teddy's exploits with women. Dad encourages him to find someone but with me its like I'm too stupid too date therefore I should be prohibited."

"Phoebe always remember that you are and will always be his little girl. He loves you and just wants to watch out for you. Be easy on him. It will happen."

"Yep when pigs fly."

"Get to work Miss Grey. I have a lot to take care of right now."

"Bye mom."

"Bye honey."

By a miracle I find the documents in that dungeon of a file room and organize them. I have them at my dad's desk by 11:58am. I rock! My dad strolls in exactly at 12 through his office door.

"Already completed Phoebes?"

"Yes. I have everything categorized by date with the most current being on top."

"Great work. Listen Phoebe I need to take an urgent business call from Argentina. I can't make it to lunch. Take Mason with you to lunch and be back promptly at 1:00pm."

"Okay dad see you at 1:00pm"

I make my way out with Mason, one of my dads bodyguards by my side. We get into the car and drive a couple blocks down to one of my favorite sandwich shops.

I'm starving by the time lunch rolls around. Walking out of the store towards Mason waiting for me by the vehicle to open my door I absentmindedly do not watch where I am going and bump into someone dropping my sandwich on the floor. Why was I cursed as such a klutz!

A young man in a fancy business suit picks up the sandwich for me and hands it to me.

"I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?"

"I look into his eyes and am instantly captivated. He has deep hazel eyes and chestnut hair that radiated in the sunlight. He had a bright smile, perfect teeth."

After what seemed a decade of me staring at him my neurons started to fire in my brain again prompting me to speak.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention where I was going."

"Its alright. We all our trying to beat the lunch traffic."

All of a sudden Mason is by my side in a heartbeat.

"Miss Grey we need to be back within 15 minutes. Please excuse me sir as we must go."

"I completely understand. Again its alright Miss Grey."

In an instant he turns and walks into a vehicle waiting for him. I watch as he drives away I gape at this man and I know other women who didn't know me hated me in that moment because I spoke to such a heartbreaker! Of course, im interrupted by my security. Got to love that security!

We approach the office and I head to the boardroom. My father is already waiting with another gentleman whose back is turned at the wall as he is on a phone call.

"Miss Grey you are late by two minutes."

"I'm sorry Mr. Grey I got held up a bit but I'm here and prepared and ready to work."

"For business meetings I need you to be punctual."

"I shake my head in agreement."

The man turns around and sits across the table from me and my father.

Mr. Sullivan, this is Miss Grey, she will be recording our discussion today.

Miss Grey this is Mr. Nathan Sullivan CEO of Sullivan Enterprises Worldwide.

"My pleasure Miss Grey."

"Likewise Mr. Sullivan."

I can't believe that guy I ran into is here in our boardroom!

I started to record and take notes during the meeting praying that my rapid heartbeat was not audible.