I dont own shit. except the story. Wish i did though.

Stan- super strength. Has the ability to lift anything up to 50 tons. Very protected over Kyle and seems to forget his own strength at times. Shortish black hair, about 6ft. Blue eyes. Plays football and is 17 years old.

Kyle- telekinesis. He has the power to read minds and move things with it. His power's are very unstable and things will occasionally go wrong if he's mad or upset. If he really focus and learns to control his power, he could shape shift, move water, create fire and create a force field. Red hair that is curly, about 5'7. Green eyes. Runs track and is 16 turning 17.

Kenny- could bring the dead back to life. Has the ability to bring back the dead if their not dead for to long. This power effects himself as well. He cant die. Well, he could but he'll come back. If there's anything to come back to. Shaggy blond hair, about 6'2. Light blue eyes. 17 years old.

Cartman- he's basically a blob. He can take any blast and not be injured. He may start to get weak after awhile and his power will die but he can go pretty long. Short brown hair, about 5'11. Brown eyes. 17 years old.

Might add a couple of other south park mutans.

I got this idea from this story a person wrote. Tried to find it but couldnt.

If that person reads this and thinks im copying, im not. I'll still delete this story if you want me to.