A/N: This was written for the Heat Wave Challenge. The pairing was a friendship between JJ and Prentiss. The prompts used were swim trunks, swimming pool, thunderstorm, and soaring temperatures.

August 27, 2012

"Let's go to the beach!" SSA Jenifer Jareau exclaimed when she ran into SSA Emily Prentiss in the elevator on a very hot Friday morning. Prentiss, who had been deep in concentration on her phone, jumped at the overly excitement filled behavior of her usually mild mannered friend.

"What has you so perky today?" Prentiss asked, watching JJ very closely.

The blonde agent shrugged her shoulders and grinned widely. "Will and Henry are at Will's parents which means I'm alone in the house. The temperatures keep soaring- 101 yesterday, 103 today, and 106 tomorrow. I want to do something fun and the beach was the first thing that popped into my head this morning."

"That still doesn't explain your perkiness, missy."

JJ rolled her eyes. "Alright, Miss Kill Joy. Last night was the best night's sleep I've had in months because I have no husband, who snores to keep me awake or a three year old who likes to wake Mommy up at 5:30 in the morning, regardless if she has work or not. So- to the beach!"

JJ took off towards the bullpen, her short blonde ponytail bobbing as she walked. Prentiss snorted before following JJ into the bullpen. Both women found three team members sitting in chairs around Prentiss' desk: SSA Derek Morgan was laughing while flicking though photos on his tablet, SSA Spencer Reid was swatting a bug that whirled around his head, and oddly, SSA Aaron Hotchner was standing and watching both agents with a deep amusement. The bullpen was nearly empty as many agents had volunteered to work either at home or in a different city for the day because the heat was not only effecting people's health, it was having a detrimental effect on traffic, electricity, and people's behaviors.

"Don't mean to sound mean, but what are you doing out of your office, Hotch?" JJ asked out of curiosity. The man was rarely seen sitting and hanging out in the bullpen. To make things even stranger, the usually ecstatic and conversational Penelope Garcia and David Rossi were nowhere to be seen.

The Unit Chief replied plainly, "I felt like spending time out here. I don't do that enough."

"Ah, it's amazing what the heat does to people….." Prentiss commented.

"What's that supposed to mean- you know what? I'm going to ignore that," JJ said proudly, "I propose a trip to the beach. It's supposed to be continue to be ridiculously hot and I personally don't plan on spending my days baking at home or here."

Suddenly, a large crank erupted from the ceiling and soon the quiet buzzing of the A/C stopped. The agents exchanged nervous looks before Prentiss turned to JJ and said, "You know Jay, you may have a point to this beach trip thing. Let's go to Virginia Beach- ooh, let's go right now."

"We can't just up and go to the beach. We actually have to work, Emily," Morgan gently reminded her.

"Weren't you complaining about the amount of paperwork we have like five minutes ago?" Reid asked. Morgan ignored his comment, deciding to do payback against the young genius another time. In the meanwhile, Prentiss and JJ were staring Hotch down, giving the Unit Chief their best puppy eyed look. Oddly enough, it was working.

"We can't just up and go to the beach," Hotch stated, "As appealing as it sounds, we'd all get in trouble-"

He stopped when the group heard a squeal from the entrance of the bullpen. Technical analyst Penelope Garcia stood next to SSA David Ross, clapping her hands excitedly. "Did I just hear what I thought I heard? We're going to the beach?! Oh my God, it's like the BAU meets 90210 or Laguna Beach!"

JJ put her hands on her hip and shot Rossi a What did you do to her?

The eldest agent seemed to get the message and explained, "I wanted to treat Garcia to the new coffee places on 9th and she got a large booster with three shots of espresso. She's been a little…..perky ever since."

"Thanks, Rossi," Morgan replied in annoyance. Garcia bounced over to his side which made him groan. "Thanks a lot."

"Why don't we go to the pool by my house after work?" Reid suggested. Six pairs of eyes fell on him then quickly traveled over to the eldest member.

Rossi narrowed his eyes. "What had happened last summer was not my fault-"

"So us- not Jack or Henry- all 7 of us grown adults getting banned from the pool was not your fault?" JJ laughed, "And that little boy's mother threatening to sue was just….."

"That nine year old shouldn't have been playing rough with our little guys. All I did was tell the mother whose family she was messing with," Rossi stated proudly.

"Yes and telling her that the BAU would come down on her full force was a great idea."

"Hey, everything that needed to be said was said-"

"Guys!" Prentiss exclaimed, "The A/C has just died and I do not want to spend my day here arguing about Rossi's mistake! I want to go to the beach! And due to group consensus, we'll go today!"

From his spot next to Reid's desk, Morgan snorted, "It's not like the beach is going to up and walk off, Em."

"It will at the rate we're going," the brunette muttered. She stopped to take a break before calmly suggesting, "Let's leave in 2 hours for Virginia Beach. Sound good?"

Before anyone could agree or disagree, Hotch stepped into the middle of the group. "I never said that we could go today. There are-"

"Hey, Hotch. A word?" JJ asked before pulling him over towards his office. The two agents turned their backs and started talking. After a minute, JJ turned to the team and said happily, "Beach trip is a go. Wheels- although, car wheels- up in 90 minutes."

Garcia dropped her jaw and looked between the uncomfortable looking Unit Chief and a smug JJ. She muttered, "Wow," before standing and giving JJ a slow clap. "You convinced him in less than a minute, Jay. I'm- wow."

"I know," JJ laughed. "It's amazing what blackmail can do."