Title: Blood and Venom

Fandoms: Harry Potter and ½ Prince crossover

Pairings: Guiliastes(Min Gui Wen)/Viper(Harry), Prince(Feng Lan)/Wicked(Zhuo Ling Bin)

Nekkyo: Hello all. If you're reading this, that hopefully means you know what ½ Prince is! I love that story so much, it's addicting. It's not a widely known manga though. Well this is a crossover between ½ Prince and Harry Potter. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1

"So this is the lair of the Gorgon," Prince asked as he scouted out the area. His silver hair was lightly ruffled as was his outfit from fighting all of the demon snakes guarding the cave.

Wolf nodded. "The NPC who sent us on this quest said the Gorgon will be found in a cave guarded by demon snakes," he stated calmly. He too was roughed up in appearance form all the fighting. Not as much as his two team mates though. As a beast healer he stayed on the sidelines and healed, only fighting the enemies that came close enough.

Lolidragon huffed. "Those snakes weren't that strong, but they had larger numbers on their side."

Princes nodded his agreement before stepping into the cave.

Though dark and eerie, the cave had a certain sense of beauty to it. Giant cloudy crystals peered out from the sides of the cave, leaving only a thin path to follow. The floor looked like it was dusted with shimmering glitter but was it was actually particles eroded from the large crystals. Snake like veins of mossy green minerals wound their way through the crystals.

As they progressed further into the cave, the group started hearing a hissing noise. This by itself wasn't surprising considering the Gorgon lurked within. What was surprising was that the hissing almost sounded as if it was an ongoing conversation.

The three teammates looked at each other and nodded. Each took up a more defensive stance as they started walking towards a now visible light source.

When they finally reached the source of light, it turned out to be coming from a large cavern inside the cave that had a hole that opened to the sky. Large brick like emeralds lined the walls in all different shades of green. A waterfall cascaded from the opening in the ceiling, gathering in a deep green pool at its base. Torches lit with green fire lined the walls, dancing in the gentle breeze from the rushing water. The floor was padded with a vibrant green moss that was soft to walk on. In the back of the cave was a pile of black silk pillows. It was there that the Gorgon sat, her back to the group, hissing a conversation with someone or something in front of her.

As the party of three moved further into the room, the Gorgon finally took notice and turned to face the group. Although twice the height of any in the group; the Gorgon was exotically beautiful. She had pale white skin with high cheekbones and full green lips. Her torso was covered by a beautiful green and silver corset that hugged her shapely curves. She had no legs, in their place a long elegant snake tale emerged from her hips. Where hair should be, a mass of thin black snakes writhed on her head. Each of the snakes moved on its own, though they were all now focused on the newcomers.

"So another party has come to challenge me," she hissed. She slithered closer to the group and towered over them with her immense height. "The last group was pathetic. What makes you think you could do any better?"

A chuckle came from behind her, turning the attention away from the snake woman.

"Must you taunt them Sanaa," a gentle voice inquired. The same hissing quality could be heard in the new voice that was heard in the Gorgon's voice.

As the source of the voice stepped forward, the group could only stare. It was obvious this person was male, but he was none the less stunning. Long wild black heir with emerald streaks cascaded down his back. His pale porcelain like skin was accented by patches of emerald scales. His nails were black and had a claw like quality to them. Two fangs poked out from beneath his lips which had formed into a gentle smile. His outfit consisted of a light, silvery armor that moved perfectly along his body gaining the appearance of snake scales. What got them, however, were his eyes. All Second Life characters maintained their original eye color. This person's eyes were as green as the emeralds that coated the walls of the cavern.

The Gorgon pouted. "But it's so fun to scare them."

The teen gave her a fond smile, and then turned to scan the newcomers. When his eyes fell upon the thief of the group, his grin widened.

"Miss Lolidragon, how nice it is to see you again," he chirped happily.

Finally snapping out of her daze, Lolidragon leapt forward and engulfed the small teen in a hug.

"Viper! It's so good to see you too!" She let go and put her hands on her hips. "Why didn't you contact me earlier?"

Viper ducked his head sheepishly. "I couldn't remember your player name. After I awakened in the game, I was mobbed by girls all wanting to mother me to death."

Prince could only look at him in sympathy. The same thing had happened to him, but instead they all wanted a piece of him. Like dogs chasing a stake or the mailman.

At the large, wide puppy eyes Viper was giving her, Lolidragon could do nothing but crumble. She hugged him close while petting his head like a prized dog.

"That's ok cutie, Prince had the same problem except it was rabid fangirls instead," she cooed at him.

Viper blushed heavily while half-heartedly attempting to escape her grasp.

"I would have contacted you if I had remembered, Miss Lolidragon." He finally escaped her grasp and gave her a sincere smile. "I am, however, happy that Lady Luck was kind enough to bring us together again!"

Lolidragon and Prince couldn't help but melt at the adorable smile Viper presented them with. Lolidragon couldn't resist the urge to hug him again while Prince just barely managed to restrain himself from doing the same.

Sanaa, for the most part forgotten, regained everyone's attention by slithering up behind Viper and placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Please introduce me to your friends, Viper," she insisted.

Before Viper could even open his mouth, Lolidragon had, once again, took front stage and bounced forward.

"Hi! My name is Lolidragon, as I'm sure you've picked up by now." She pointed at the silver haired elf. "The bishie is Prince and," she moved her arm to point at the humanoid wolf. "The big guy is Wolf!"

The teen stepped forward and bowed politely. "My in game name is Viper," he motioned towards the Gorgon. "My friend here has been given the name Sanaa. Sanaa is the level 40 Gorgon you need to defeat in order to complete the quest. She was originally a normal NPC, but it seems that all the time I spent here with her has caused her to evolve into an AI. It was after that happened that I gave her the name Sanaa."

Lolidragon looked confused. "Although a learning program was built into all game bosses and pets, it should be complex enough to AI in the bosses."

The GM went silent, obviously consulting her higher ups. Her eyes blinked back into focus and she grinned at Viper.

"My bosses have stated that they will be temporarily closing down this quest while they create a new simpler, less intelligent Gorgon." At Viper's despondent look, she quickly continued. "The original Gorgon will be transferred to pet status and will be given to Viper as a companion."

Viper's eyes lit up as he let out a joyous laugh and leapt into Sanaa's arms which closed around him, holding him close.

"Did you hear that Sanaa," he exclaimed. "You can come with me now! I'll even buy you one of those comfy cottages so you have somewhere to stay when I finally start school!"

"School," Wolf questioned.

Viper nodded. "As I'm sure you can tell from my accent, I'm not from Taiwan. My home country is England. I've recently moved to Taiwan but it was too late to start at the nearby school. So I'm simply going to start next year."

"What school are you transferring to?" It was again Wolf who asked this question.

Viper tapped his chin as he tried to remember. He let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, I can't think of the name of it. I'll be sure to tell you when I remember it. Unfortunately, that might not be till I actually start school I'm just so busy with unpacking and getting everything settled. I only play this game at night when I sleep."

Wolf nodded in sympathy, knowing the difficulty in getting settled after a move.

"So what are you guys going to do now that the quest is cancelled," Viper asked, walking towards the entrance of the cave. The rest of the group followed close behind him.

"We're actually looking for more members to add to our party," Prince said.

Wolf nodded. "Yes. More specifically, a mage and archer."

Lolidragon suddenly perked up. "Viper," she exclaimed, causing said person to jump in surprise.

"Yes, Miss Lolidragon?" His voice was hesitant. You could tell he was weary of her mood.

"What job do you have?"

Viper's eyes widened as he finally got where she was going with this. "My job is a necromancer. A mage with the ability to summon the dead to their aid."

Princes eyes glinted in determination. "Then how about you join our party?!"

Shaking his head in amusement, Viper let out a chuckle. "I'm alright with that as long as Sanaa is also fine with it."

All eyes turned to Sanaa, most of them silently pleading with her.

"I am fine with it as long as I remain with Viper."

Viper again laughed as Lolidragon and Prince cheered loudly while Wolf smiled. Well, it seemed as if he had a party now and honestly, Viper couldn't help but think things were going to be interesting now.