Here's my new story. It's based on this soap opera and on a certain past of mine. I used to suffer just like Cloud when I was in elementary school, until I began to hate my life and wished I died. I used to be fat when I was a child and through my teen years, thank god for my family and friends that supported me and made me lose weight. So here is this fic, I hope you enjoy it. I don't own nothing but a little of the plot.

Full of Love


Cloud P.O.V.

"Hey look there goes chubby," one of the kids said as they walk right behind me.

I ignored them and kept walking to school. My mom goes to work early at ungodly hours, so I walk and get bullied on the way. I tried to walk faster, trying to get away from them as soon as possible, I looked behind me to see that they are right behind me.


I felt one of them grab my backpack and shove me forward to my fall. I landed on my face, pain shot through my face as I get up and dust myself. I glare at them. Only to make their skinny asses laugh out loud and point at my dirty face. More kids came to see what was going on, upon seeing me they all point and laughed along with the bullies. I tried not to cry as they kept insulting me with cruelty in their voices.

"That's were you belong you pig," one of the kids shouted as they kept on laughing.

I ran away crying, but I stopped as I began to pant hard, some of the kids ran after me and began to throw remarks on me. I cried as they called me pig, fat, ugly and disgusting looking. I saw some of the girls also throwing nasty remarks as they walked besides the boys. I hated my life, and I was only in the fourth grade.

I walked as they followed me making my short walk hell. One small girl stood right in front of me and my bullies, she had short chocolate-brown hair with emerald eyes. Another girl stood next to my friend, she had platinum-blonde hair tied in pigtails and glared at the bullies. Naminé, my cousin and Olette, my friend from when we were in dippers. They stood in front of me blocking my teary face as they kept glaring at all of them.

"Leave Cloud alone before we kick your nuts," Naminé glared with her pale-blue eyes.

"What's a couple of nerds gonna do about it?" one of the girls said with an evil glint in her sapphire eyes.

"This," Olette pushed the girl to the floor.

"You pushed me!" the girl gasped, she was on the same grade as us, she scowled looking at Olette getting ready to hit her.

I watched as Naminé punched the girl before she did any harm to Olette. I was shocked because I have never ever seen Naminé use violence before, usually she's the quiet type. I see many people gasp as they watched the fourth grader scream in pain, ah music to my ears. I see that Olette and Naminé grab each side of my hand and they walk away with a small glare. I walk right in the middle of them sniffing once in a while.

"Don't listen to them, Cloud. They are mean and I don't want you sad. We love you." Naminé said leaning to my side giving me a hug.

"We'll kick their asses if they bother you again," Olette smiled innocently, with a giggle.

We walked inside the school watching as many kids were waiting in line for the teachers to call roll call. We went to play on the swings when the bullies from earlier came back to bother me. I see the oldest boy who smirked while he stood tall looking at me with a hatred glare. The girl next to him smirked, her eyes looking at me with a look that she rather see a pig roll over the mud than seeing me. I glare at them to see who will be the first to strike.

"You can't get on the swings," the boy sneered.

"And why not?" Olette crossed her arms around her small frame glaring at the man.

"Not you, you can't break them like Cloud here can. Huh, fats." the girl next to him laughed as she threw her head back as she laughed at his joke.

"Looks like I haven't taught you a lesson," Naminé said showing the girl her fist again.

"Alright everyone, come to class." our teacher said shouting out loud for all of us to hear.

We walked back to the line in alphabetical order, Naminé was the first in line while Olette was right in the middle, I was almost the last one as the girl who was bullying me stood one person behind me, I was silently sighing as the person that was behind me is a nerd that is all a loner and likes it like that. I see the teacher pointing and checking her clipboard. Her chocolate-brown eyes smile with warmth.

"Ms. Rinoa, can I go to the bathroom," Demyx, a hyper-yet annoyingly fun friend to hang out with sometimes. His best friend is behind me, Zexion-who scares people who stare at him for too long. He skipped kindergarten and is a smart boy.

"Go ahead, make sure you meet us at the classroom." Rinoa smiled looking at the bubbly boy run towards the bathroom.


We sat on the desks, my stomach rumbled reminding me that lunch time was near. I smile as I solve the multiplication, the same boy pulls my hair making me cry in surprise. I look back at him who is smirking down on me, I glare at him and go back to work ignoring his whispers.

"Hungry? I heard your stomach growl like a lion." the boy sneered as he leaned forward.

I ignore him, trying to concentrate as the tears stung my eyes. I see paper balls fly towards me, I open it to see a poorly drawing of a hamburger. I look up to see that the girl smirked as she made motions with her hands as if eating a huge hamburger and smiling. I ignore her and smiled when Olette glared at the girl as if ready to punch her. Naminé rose her fist as well making the girl shut up and look back down on her work. She tempts me to hit her, even though I'm a boy and I don't hit girls. I hear the teacher speak that it is lunch time. I quickly get up and move to where the line starts at the door. Olette and Naminé right behind me. Both have their lunch ready with smiles.

"Riku! What are you doing!" Naminé giggled as she watched her friend trying to stand on one hand.

"It's called street dancing," he replied as his short silver hair fell on his face, his aqua-eyes laughing with bright happiness.

"I want to do that!" Olette cheered as she tried to what Riku was doing.

She puts one hand down and tries her best to lift her body up and make her still. I see her shaking, but she manages to stay on that same hand for a while. Riku then tries to spin on the floor using his hips to make a full circle. I clap when I see him, Olette wasn't so lucky as she made only half a circle. We still clap for a good job, Riku is a serious boy with a lot of knowledge that he is too young to know. I admire him, he is what I wish I was. Skinny, with a perfect body, he can beat you up if you look at him the wrong way and he is not afraid to show his true self. That's why the bullies don't bother me when I'm with him, I smile. How I become friends with him? I have no idea?

"Let's go play," Riku says as he gently looks at me with a smile. Olette and Naminé cheer and grab me, with my extra weight, I pull them down with me. Riku helps them and I try to stand on my chubby legs. Right, now we head off to the park.

^v^v^v^ Leon's P.O.V.^v^v^v^

"I said shut up you miserable little bastard," I hear my step-mother screaming at some man from another room. I walk pass them seeing where have my little two brothers ran off.

"Sora, Roxas?" I search for them, but I can't find either of them.

"Leon!" Sora runs at me with a speedy smile on his face.

"Where is Roxas?" I asked looking at his wide eyes.

"I saw him follow mom," Sora said looking at the other side of the house.

^v^v^v^Roxas's P.O.V^v^v^

I followed my mommy cause I see her and another man trying to argue. Why would mommy be arguing with a man? Maybe I should tell my dad about it. I stay hidden behind the door to see my mommy scream at the man, her sapphire eyes are glowing with anger. I see her push the man towards the window. Its open, isn't it dangerous?

"Stupid, I was supposed to get the money. Why did you betray me Sephiroth!" I hear mommy scream clutching her curls.

"Look, I have nothing to say when your husband gave all that money to his oldest son, Leon. He will be starting middle school this fall," the man, Sephiroth tried to reason with mom. She looked beyond mad.

"I have no use for you," my mom smirked.

I watch with slow motion as mommy pushed the man out through the open window making him fall. Aren't we on the fourth floor in the mansion? I watch in horror as the man-made eye contact with me, he yelled as he fell out the window and through the air. I hear a sickening noise of bones clashing with the cement floor. My mom turns around to see me with wide, scared, psychotic eyes.


I am scared of what is going to happen to me as I see my mom come closer to me with a wide insane grin up her beautiful face. I gulp as tears run down my eyes backing up and I backed up in a corner seeing my mom with wide eyes. I shook as I felt her soft hand trace my cheeks, I look up at her eyes, like my own.

"How would you like to go on a trip," she smiled sweetly as she advanced towards me.

^v^v^v^Cloud's P.O.V.^v^v^

Middle school is even more humiliating. I stare at the same people who were my bullies during my whole elementary school. Lucky-fucking-me, I sighed as I entered my p.e. class. Today we were running the mile. Oh joy, but I was always the last one. This makes my bullies laugh hard, thank god I have Riku and Olette here with me. I smiled when I met their smiling face, Riku always came first and Olette comes to a close third.

Riku grew within the small years of our lives. He is strong and his silky hair reached a little past his shoulders, his aqua eyes were glaring at a certain someone as they smirked at him daring him to start something so his sneaky ass would go and snitch at the teacher. Riku smiled my way and I did his, I look up to see Olette as she also glared at the blue-eyed girl, the girl glared back as if making her rend to her knees and ask for forgiveness. Like hell, Olette would make sure hell froze over the world before anything like that ever happened.

Olette grew close to Riku, Naminé and I. We are inseparable, she grew to become a lovely young lady, she is a tomboy who loved to street dance along with Riku. Her hair grew as well with layers and split in half, her eyelashes stayed the same as mine, long and thick. Must be some inheritance, I shrugged as I smile at my best friend who waved from the back.

"Mr. Donald, are you sure we should be running the mile? I mean some of us could barely make it towards the corner..." my bully smirked as he stared at me with his evil eyes.

"Just because of that, you are running an extra lap around the track," Mr. Donald said un-amused as the rest but my friends all laughed out loud.

We heard the whistle go off and we ran. I started to pant as my legs began to burn, I guess he was right, I can't even make it to the corner wich was seven feet away from our starting line. Sad isn't it. I see Riku run as fast as I ever seen him run, I see everyone passing me leaving me behind everyone else. Soon, I'm by myself, I stop; breathing heavy, heart racing to an extreme, and I just want to sit down and drink some Kool-Aid.

"Come on Could," Riku said as he passed me again, he smiled encouraging me to not give up. I smile and keep on running. I feel someone pushing me making me fall on my face. I turn around to see her blue-eyes on me, she smirked as she kept running.

I groan as blood trickled down my lip, whoever made tracks, they need to make them softer. In case I fall again, which I'm pretty sure this isn't the last time I'm falling. I get up feeling Olette helping me, she smiled and ran next to me ignoring all the people laughing at my tragic fall. I tried to ignore them as tears stung my round face.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please review as I love them all. xD