Anger management

Session 2

Daniel Bryan didn't do the assignment needless to say. After the week he had, he refused to be told what to do. Besides, he had strong faith that Kane wouldn't stoop himself to the same level as everyone else in the room when it came to "managing" their anger.

The room filled up once more as Dr. Shelly went around the room. One by one everyone revealed their creation. Yet when it came to Bryan, he refused to show anything. "I didn't make one, since I don't believe it would help me with my anger!" he snapped back.

The door opened.

Just as he came in last week, Kane walked into the room with the black mask and took a seat next to Bryan once again. He removed the masking as he glared about the room. "Ah, Kane, did you do the assignment?"

"Of course he didn't!" snapped Bryan. "What the hell makes you think he would!"

Suddenly, Bryan saw the paper emerge out from Kane's binder. He help it up reluctantly, the room ooed and awed over his creative piece. "Oh that is lovely Kane, it looks colorful." His picture had bits and pieces of colorful substances. Yet the bits came together to form an image. Dr. Shelly leaned in and marveled. "Beautiful butterflies and moths you made! What was your medium?" Dr. Shelly asked.

Kane gave a small smirk. "Butterflies and moths"

"Yes, we know that's what you made. But what was your medium?" Dr. Shelly asked.

Kane didn't smile that time. "Butterflies… and moths…" he said slower.

Suddenly the chairs shifted farther away from him. Even Bryan moved back a few inches as Kane put the piece away. "Uh… Kane… we are aiming for a way to channel your anger without hurting anything… butterflies and moths count as hurting something"

Kane's glare turned to the doctor. "You never specified the medium." He said lowly. "At least I did it" his sight then turned to Bryan who refused to look him in the face.

"Uh… ok, I do believe we need some more clarification on our assignments. That's fine, don't be afraid to ask next time. Alright?"

Kane said silently.

"Don't you see! He's untreatable! You cannot treat a man who thinks he's the devils favorite demon! I mean, what the hell is wrong with you people!" Bryan yelled.

"Bryan… calm down"

"NO! NO! NO!"

"Mr. Bryan, please calm down," Dr. Shelly begged. Bryan began standing out of his chair and started to yell. He refused to go through with this any longer and left the room in a rush.

Everyone soon stared at Kane who had yet to flinch. "I don't think he understood the assignment"