Slightly later than friday like i said, at least its up, anyway, thank you to all those who read the story and reviewed it noctisluxys,Bitterness1, ghost I-I'm not a-a-afraid,KuroiSpade, douxmaria and SailorSilvanesti :D
And the people who either favorited it or now follow the story :D Lola Royal, noctisluxys, YaoiReaderGalor, Bitterness1, ghost I-I'm not a-a-afraid, Kirei Ryuusei, kuroishuuha, MahegaGame, Chibi Sasori,friesianone, WinterRaineeDay91, SailorSilvanesti, and Hibari Mayumi the more support i get the motivated i am so the faster the chapters will come out :P
I do not own Karneval (damn) and never will, i know shit all about Gareki's past (for now (; )
Sorry for the wait, i've gotten pretty addicted to watching supersize vs superskinny :P
"AAARRRGGGHHH!" the small ship was filled with the agonising screams of the young boy, currently laying unconscious in Yogi's lap.
"HIRATO, hurry, i don't know what's wrong with him, I don't know what to do!" Yogi shouted to Hirato to make the small vessel fly faster to where they were headed.
"Just keep him comfortable, we will be there within five minutes, there's not much that i can do at this moment"
"How am i meant to do that when he's seems to be in so much pain already !?"
"Preparing for landing, once this ship lands i want you to carry him down to where Akari is immediately, he has been informed of the situation already from the doctor so he will be ready to give him a full examination to determine just what is going on with Gareki, got it?" as Hirato was tell Yogi what to do, Gareki's screams of what seemed like agony subsided and now only small moans and grunts of discomfort escaped his lips.
"I think he's calmed down" Yogi said as he ran his hand through the teens sweat covered bangs.
"We're here, quickly take him to Akari"
"Got it, i'm going now then"
As he ran through the many corridors leading to where Akari was waiting for them. Nurses gave them shocked and frustrated looks as Yogi pushed passed them as fast as he could go.
Upon opening the doors to where Akari was, Yogi was met by a frantic Akari clearing a table for Gareki to be placed on for examination.
"Place him on here, and i'll check his vitals first"
Yogi did as he was told without hesitation. With haste Akari started checking his breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, took his temperature and a blood sample. Yogi watched Akari work not understanding what was going on, he became worried when he saw the look of confusion plastered on his face.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Yogi, tell me what was wrong with him back on the ship"
"He fainted in the hall, didn't have an appetite, his temperature was apparently really high, too high for him to be alive is what they said"
"Yes thats everything that Hirato told me too"
"What's wrong with him, do you know?"
"Well the thing is, everything is normal, his temperature is normal as is his heart rate. I cannot see anything wrong with him at the moment, we need to wait for the results to come back from the blood sample i just sent off"
"But, but he started screaming on the way here, like he was in pain, not to mention that he is drenched in his own sweat" Yogi exclaimed, now he was really confused and worried about what was going on with Gareki.
"Well we just have to wait and see what the test resu..." Akari was cut off by the sudden movement coming from the unconscious boy.
"I think he's waking up"
Yogi was quickly by his side waiting to see if he would open his eyes "Gareki? come on Gareki if you can hear me then please open your eyes" he pleaded with him.
Slowly but surely Gareki started regaining consciousness, Yogi and Akari stared at his eyes to see them opening, but they did not like what they saw, his eyes, they were … different.
"Gareki?" yogi hesitated to speak but did nonetheless.
No words came from said boy, instead he proceeded to stare at the two mesmerized faces staring back down at him. At one point Akari could have sworn that he was glaring at them. The staring contest carried on for what felt like hours but in fact had only been about 20 seconds before it seemed as though Garekis head hurt him as he reached to rub his temples with closed eye, upon reopening them, they had reverted back to normal.
"What's going on? where am I?" Gareki seemed confused about what was going on, he remembered walking to his room and nothing beyond that point, he looked from one stunned face to another looking for an answer to his question.
"Yes, that is my name, now tell me what's going on?!" well that confirmed that he was back to normal.
~!~what was going on inside of his head~!~
"You're, no, you can't be... I mean, you're me?!" Gareki was very confused now, standing in front of him was another Gareki, they were identical apart from one thing, their eyes. Garekis normal grey eyes stared into the pitch black eyes of his mirror image, his eyes looked as though his pupils occupied all of his eye, no white, no colour at all, just black.
sorry about the extremely short chapter but i wanted to post this before i go to the party since after that i'm off to London to see MUSE! :D i will do the next chapter as soon as i get home on tuesday :D
Remember the more reviews thew more i feel compelled to update ;D