Train awoke once more to that cat room and again came that unbearable heat. He grunts and grabs hold of himself hoping that he could deal with it himself as he quickly quickly went about stroking himself but he was only becoming hotter. He sucks on his fingers hoping that adding some fingering would help as he slide a finger inside him with a groan and kept working but all he was doing was making this heat worse as he dully heard the door open before closing. He was leaning against the wall pumping himself hard and fast but it wasn't good enough as he thrusted his fingers in and out of himself.
He looked up with tears streaming down his face as Creed looked at his poor cat unable to do anything to stop this heat he must be suffer.
"I-I can't," Train sobs unable to get a release or cool himself off. Creed knew the way though as he was quick to making Train suck his fingers as he petted the poor cats tail.
He then forced his fingers inside Train who moaned out loudly. Creed then helped work his cat's hole open before unzipping his pants which brought Train's attention to him as he brought out his throbbing sex. Train shook his head no though his body was pleading for this as Creed finally took his cat.
Train screamed out in pleasure and pain as his heat boiled down to his gut to pool there. Creed started to thrust as much as train wanted to hate this he was left mewing for more under Creed. His body begged for Creed's touch as Train stroked himself hard but in pace with Creed's thrusts.
Creed stopped Train earning a growl from the male under him as the furry tail lashed about until Creed caught it in his hand. His other hand took Train's place allowing Train to claw at the ground as he moaned out loudly as Creed worked him until he felt his body ready for release he cries out loudly as his seed hit the floor.
Creed moans out as those tight muscles clench around him causing him to climax. He released his seed with a deep thrust before pulling out of his cat with a smirk.
"Better my sweet kitten?" Creed asks with a smirk.
Train tried to glare back at Creed only to feel tears leaking down his face. He quickly wiped at them with a small sob.
"Why-can't-I-get mad- at you?" Train asks sobbing a little.
Creed could only grin and pet Train's head.
"You can't get mad because of you cat human mix. I just gave you what you needed and your body is too pleased to get angry," Creed says playing with the cat ears on Train's head.
"Now I have some things to deal with so I'll leave you here. You know where the bathroom is. There is a tv as well as some movies and toys. Be good," Creed says and pulls his pants up before fixing his clothes so it looked like he never head sex before leaving Train alone once more.
He wiped at his eyes once more as his tail drifted across the fluffy floor.
"God damn it, I don't want to be some horny boy begging for his touch," Train groans as he closed his eyes. What could he do to get out of this place?
He opened his eyes needing something to do as he finds the tv and turns it on finding good on for a while until he found an anime called Fruits Basket.
He watched it until he started to feel sleepily. He yawns largely as he stretches before curling up on the bed.
Kain: sorry that the chapters are short but I'm just at a block I guess
Train: yes writer's block means no problems for me
Creed: no I was looking forward to more time with my kitten
Kain: not to fear, I do have some ideas I just don't have theattention span to do them yet