Neko Train story
The black cat stalked down the streets searching for one thing, milk. He was thirsty and in need for his milk. He found a man selling milk and smiles this was great.
"How much for a bottle?" Train asks as he pulls out his wallet looking at the guy who was wearing a cloak and his face was hidden in the shadows.
"First bottle is free," the milk man says in a smooth voice that sounded familiar to Train but he was getting free milk so it didn't matter to him.
"Thanks," Train says and takes the milk before heading back to Sven and Eve at the motel.
"I'm back," Train says looking around finding Sven and Eve at the table looking over their next target. He walks over to look over the posters.
"Where did you go?" Sven asks glaring up at Train with his one eye that wasn't covered.
"Went out to get milk," Train says with a pout that Sven was jumping on him for leaving without a word.
"We're almost broke, how did you get it?" Sven asks with a hint of anger in his voice that maybe Train was taking money to fund his milk love.
"A guy was giving away free milk," Train says crossing his arms. "If you are going to yell at me then I'm leaving," Train growls and storms out.
He walks down the streets and sighs looking at his milk. He pops the lid off and downs the milk before putting the empty bottle in a glass box.
He walks to the park with a sigh. That's when he felt a spike of pain run through his pain making him double over in pain. He groans holding his stomach. He walks off the trail into a small patch of trees and bushes to hide not wanting people to see him if the milk fought back.
"Damn man gave me bad milk," Train growls holding his stomach feeling another spike of pain. He reaches out to find something to lean on. His hand landed against a hard thing that had clothes on it. Confused, Train felt up the thing finding nipples and that it was a male's chest.
He jerks his head up to come face to face with Creed in the same cloak as the milk male but the hood was down now.
"Creed, what did you do?" Train snarls but another roil of pain hit him causing him to fall to his hands and knees. His back and head throbbed with pain as he crouched on the ground trying to push through the pain as he reached for his gun finding it gone. He jerks his head up to see that Creed had it. That made the man growl in anger.
Creed laughs a little and leans down to his love with a smirk before moving Train's pants down a little to let lose a furry black tail. Train on the other hand let out a low moan as the pain in his back went away before seeing the tail sticking off him. He looked at it as it twitched before fluffing up as Train cried out lowly in pain in his head.
"Sorry my love, transforming like this isn't easy on you at all is it? Being made into a neko," Creed says and strokes Train's head brushing over the forming black ears. Creed loved this sight of his man being both cat and man.
"I had the doctor make this for you and me, sadly there is a small side effect besides the pain of the transformation. You'll be in heat for the next two weeks. Meaning you'll want someone fucking you during the time and I will happily be that person," Creed says petting the pain Train.
"Fuck you," Train growls in pain the ears formed now on his head and twitching in displeasement.
Creed growls and jerks the still tender cat parts making Train scream out in pain before Creed hit Train hard in the back of the head to knock his cat out.
Creed then signaled to be taken back home as the shadows opened under him and Train returning the two to Creed's castle.
Creed placed his kitten on the bed before putting away the gun that his cat loved so much. He then looked at his cat and smiles stroking the other's head to hear a small pur with made him smirk. He then undressed Train knowing clothes were going to be useless when his cat woke up.
Creed then slithered up on the bed to lie besides his cat with a smirk on his face. He would have his cat for two weeks and hopefully he would win over his cat so that he wouldn't leave once he came out of his heat.
Kain: Don't worry there will be lemon soon enough ye hornies.
Train: why do I have to be in heat?
Kain: cause you're a cat
Train: yeah but isn't it the girl cats that go in heat? I thought Eve read that to me one time
Kain: (irk mark) Train, shut up or I'm going to have the doctor rape you in this story too
Train: Wait, what do you mean this story?
Kain: Creed, come get your cat
Creed: Here kitty kitty kitty (catnip bag shaking) (train comes running for it)
Kain: review, don't review, vote in my poll, don't vote. I am just going to write what I want but I'm thinking maybe to expand into other pairings of other animes