Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail at all! That right belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Chapter 5: Bruises

Her body was freezing. The moist, cold stone pressed against her body as the ropes binding her wrists and legs together tightened. Her eyes were blindfolded. All she could hear were the footsteps and murmurs of people around her, but the voices were dark, almost demonic. The sound sent chills up her spine. "W..Who are you? What do you want with m-" before she should finish she felt a strong fist connect with her right cheek then her stomach. The impact felt like it caused her to see stars while choking for breathe. The assaults on her body told her it was her they were after, but they didn't care if she was hurt. "P..Please...Stop..." She cried and begged. The laughs of her kidnappers became more demonic and she could feel cold fingers wrap around her throat, squeezing the air from her little by little. She struggled to get free but failed due to the tight restraints on her arms and legs. 'N..No! This can't be happening!' Her mind screamed for air as she slowly felt her life slipping from her. 'I'm sorry everyone, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't...protect..." Suddenly a rush of heat surrounded her and her life was dragged back into her body. This heat felt familiar. "N..Nat..s..u" She crocked out

"Natsu!" She yelled as her torso sprung up. She quickly scanned her surroundings. The room was dark and damp. Boards were broken and the wallpaper was peeling. She was laying in a dusty, cold bed. The blood suddenly rushed to her head making her dizzy and she quickly retreated to her pillow. She could feel tears falling down her face. The dream just felt so real. It was just like her previous nightmare and she felt that they somehow connected. The thought sent shivers down her spine. "I..I don't want it to happen.." She whispered to herself. Suddenly a certain pink-haired mage and blue feline walked into the room with a small wooden bowl and what looked like to be stew or some sort of soup.

"Lucy! How are you feeling?!" Natsu exclaimed as he rushed to his partner's side. In tail was Happy with a fish in his hand.

"Luuuuuuccccccyyyyyyy!" He exclaimed as he flew into the woman's breasts. "I was so worried! You scared all of us!" Tears ran down the tiny cat's face.

"I'm alright, thank you guys." She said with a hoarse voice, her hand petting the cat comfortingly. Her throat felt dry and it hurt to speak.

"Lucy, you need to eat, you've been sleeping for 3 days now. Erza made this for you." Natsu said, handing her the bowl and a spoon. "Though it isn't Mira's cooking it's still edible." He looked at his frail partner and he could feel his heart being squeezed from his chest. His eyes watched her movement then was drawn to small bruises on his partner's neck. "Lucy, what happened? That wasn't there before."

Lucy looked at him, her spoon half way to her mouth. "What are you talking about Natsu?" She asked, then grabbed her throat as a sudden sharp pain ran through her throat.

"Here look at this." He pulled out a small mirror, his facial expression showing concern and pain. When she looked into the mirror she felt her heart drop and she almost threw up. Right where the fingers squeezed her in the dream were round bruises. They looked as of long, slender fingers pressed down with the intention to kill. On her cheek was another bruise. Then she quickly threw off the covers, the soup spilling onto her floor. She slowly pulled up her shirt, a sudden pain shooting through her whole body. Again, there was another bruise. "No...No.. That can't be possible." She threw her head into her hands and her whole body shook.

"Lucy! Lucy, are you alright?!" Natsu quickly got up and placed his hands on his partners shoulders. He could feel her shaking and sensed her fear. He didn't know what to do so he quickly crushed her in a tight embrace. This got her to stop crying, but her body still shook. "It's alright Luce, remember? I'm here. Don't worry." He held her and caressed her hair comfortingly. "Can you tell me how they appeared?" He asked an a calm yet firm tone.

Lucy closed her eyes, nodded and took a deep breathe. She began telling Natsu about her dream and how the kidnappers assaulted her and as she opened her eyes she jumped, letting out a small shriek along with it. Natsu's fists were clenched so tight his palms began to bleed and his face had darkened. "N-Natsu? Are you okay?" Lucy asked as her hand slowly reached out for his shoulder.

Suddenly Natsu stood quickly, not taking a single glance toward his injured teammate. "I'll KILL whoever hurt you." He said in the darkest and most serious tone Lucy has ever heard come from the usually cheerful Dragonslayer. Then he jumped out of her window, the pressure of his anger scaring everyone that glanced at him. Lucy just sat in bed watching as he walked down the sidewalk toward the guild, unable to speak or even breathe.

Just then she jumped out of bed and quickly put on a turtleneck sweater and make-up, covering up her bruises. "I have to stop him. If he tells the guild about this.." She shuddered at the thought. She hurried out of her apartment toward the guild. "Please don't let me be too late." Lucy said to herself.

It felt like years once Lucy finally reached her destination. It was unusually quiet and she knew this was the worst possible situation. She slowly approached the wooden doors which right now seemed to secrete a black, murderous aura. Lucy gripped the hard golden doorknob, a chill running through her whole body. As if opening Pandora's Box, the swampy aura enveloped her and dragged her into the abyss. In defense she shut her eyes tight, fighting hard to breathe while the miasma seeps into her body and stuns her senses. She quickly reopened her eyes and came face to face with the most horrifying sight she could imagine. Eyes of monsters peered at her like daggers, stabbing and piercing the covered marks on her body.

The nearest monster, one with scarlet hair quickly rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulders tightly. It was Erza. Lucy let out a squeak as she came face to face with the terrifying Titania. "Lucy." She said sternly looking into her teammates eyes. "Show me the marks."

The scared celestial mage knew that if she valued her life she would not disobey orders from Erza. Lucy looked toward Nastu who was currently sitting at a table with Gray, Juvia, Levy and Gajeel, but she couldn't get his attention. The whole table had a murderous aura shrouding them. Lucy sighed and took off the turtleneck sweater. Instead of the usual "Oooh~" and "Ahhh~"s from the men in the guild the pressure from their rage increased, Natsu's especially after having another look at the marks. This time the marks had darkened to a deep purple and blue color.

Erza grabbed her face and wiped at the make up that concealed the other bruise. "Damn Natsu told them everything." Lucy thought to herself. She knew she couldn't hide it forever...but she was hoping to have a couple of days at least! "Lucy. We're going to find whoever did this to you." She said, her tone dark and sinister. "We'll find them and give them hell."

"N-No! Erza! Guys! Don't worry I'm fine! Plus, I'm not really sure who exactly did it and how it even happened." Lucy said, struggling to reassure them. "Please..Don't do anything."

Suddenly the doors of the guild swung open, revealing the fellow guild member Warren. "I've found some information you all might want to hear."

I always write such short chapters. I'll write longer next chapter, please forgive me! (。┰ ω┰) Let me know how you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading again! That's it for the update, please review and favorite! :3