A/N: This was a quick update. o.o I'm still quite surprised. Though this chapter is kind of short, lol. Once again. Now, that Term 1 is done, it's a 2 weeks holiday XD But I'm probably going to much around for the first week, and cram in all my homework in the second ==

But I have many goals for this holidays, so don't expect too many/quick updates. ^^;

"Kuroko no Basuke" rightfully belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi, I don't own any of the original characters.

|Chapter 6|
-Game Start-

Himuro stared at the panting girl in front of him. Her eyes were bright but filled with wavering emotions that could be easily answered with a response. Her messy blue hair clashed with her flushed cheeks, as she stared at him with…hope?

"Tatsuya!" The girl repeated his name again.

Himuro blinked, not believing his eyes. He opened his mouth, but his mind suddenly became blank.

The girl frowned slightly, as the hope faded from her eyes. "Tatsuya?" She asked quietly, his brows creasing.

'Wasn't she supposed to be in America? Where's Alex and Taiga? Why is she here?' Himuro thought, shaking his head.

He was normally cool and composed, but now his mind is in a crazy frenzy. Despite the fact that his mind is filled with so many running thoughts, he couldn't even comprehend one word to his childhood friend. It is as if his throat died on him.

He only managed one word that escaped from his lips, without even comprehending it.


The girl's eyes brightened, and her lips curved into a smile.


Tetsuko couldn't help but allow her lips to form into a smile.





Tetsuko stared at the black haired boy. "Are you playing jokes again, Tatsuya?" She questioned.

Himuro smiled, "No…" His voice trailed off as he shook his head. "I'm…just really happy and shocked at the same time, that I don't even know what to say." He chuckled lightly.

"Ah…" Tetsuko stared up at the sky, her lips forming into a soft smile again. "Me too."

Himuro followed her actions, and his eyes trailed up to the sky. "Is it just me or does the sky looks brighter today?" He questioned softly.

"Eh…" Tetsuko agreed, nodding her head slightly, "It does."

A smile flitted over Himuro's lips. Then he pulled Tetsuko into a headlock, a grin replacing the smile, ruffling her sky blue hair as he did.

Tetsuko's eyes slightly widened. "Tatsuya," she grunted, as strands of blue hair fell over her face. "Please stop that."

"Didn't Taiga and Alex always do this do you?" Himuro released her, and smirked slightly at the memory.

Tetsuko's eyes widened slightly, and then narrowed down slightly at the black haired boy. "And that gives you permission to? You quite out of character today, Tatsuya."

Himuro shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know," as a gentle smile appeared on his lips. "Maybe it's that I don't have to come to practice for a few days, or maybe it' seeing a childhood friend again after several months."

"I can't agree any more."

"Teikou…" Himuro mused, "That's hard to believe. You and the school just don't fit well."

"I know," Tetsuko's eyes hardened, as she spoke her school's motto, "Absolute Victory."

"Alex would punch the lights out of your principle," Himuro chuckled lightly.

"She will. I wish she'll come here and do that to him."

"I know about Teikou's basketball club," Himuro quietly spoke, "They're a strong team filled with talented and strong members… but currently five stand out. Five geniuses."

"Geniuses?" Tetsuko raised an eyebrow.

Himuro nodded, his eyes hardening. "Last year, when they played on separate schools – they were known as geniuses. They're legends, the best players of the league – and some people see that those five geniuses are the reason why those teams are on national level."

Tetsuko stayed silent, though her eyes slightly hardened.

"And they known as the Generation of Miracles, players with talents that you'll see once every ten years," He continued, "Are they're all gathered in one high school." His eyes travelled to Tetsuko sitting beside him, "Teikou High."

"But their philosophy…" Tetsuko muttered, "I don't like it. Winning is everything, and losing…is not accepted."

"And what do you think will happen to those five geniuses," Himuro questioned, "Because of their talent and victories, there's no doubt that they're arrogant. And with Teikou's philosophy…they will forget what basketball is really about. They want to win before and now…"

"Winning will become a need. There's no doubt about it," Tetsuko muttered, her brows creasing.

"They will lose sight of what it's like to have fun again. Victory is absolute for them," Himuro finished. "Despite their talent, I have to feel sorry for them." His eyes lowered with sadness, "Taiga was like once. Glad you and Alex were there to punch some sense into him." The corners of his lips quirked up in amusement, "Quite literally."

Tetsuko refrained a snort. "That idiot… He deserved it."

Himuro leaned back against the bench. "Tetsuko. Heard of the Inter-High?"

"Of course."

"The finals of the preliminaries. Your school verse my school. Teikou verse Seirin," Himuro's eyes travelled to her, "Who do you think will win?"

Tetsuko's eyes widened. Her fists clenched together. "I want Seirin to win," She said, her eyes narrowing. "For those five geniuses. Losing…will be a way to regain back their passion, I hope."

"The game's tomorrow. But…I can't play." Himuro tapped his left knee. "I've been pushing my body to the limits ever since I heard about the Generation of Miracles. But that puts a lot of strain of my body, but I tell myself to keep on going." He sighed heavily, "And this is what it got me."

Tetsuko stared at him in shock. Himuro smiled at her "What's with the look, Tetsu – Ow!" He rubbed the forehead which Tetsuko had ever so kindly flicked him with her finger.

"You idiot," Tetsuko said, her blue eyes staring holes into his, "You know better than that."

Himuro chuckled. "Sorry, but in a week, I'll be good as new."

"Please don't train as recklessly as you did before," Tetsuko stated, "Otherwise, I'll arrange Alex to come here and beat some sense into you."

Tetsuko stared up at the ceiling, as she laid down onto her bed.

"Teikou verses Seirin," She murmured, "I wonder who will win…"

Even though she wasn't part of the game, she felt her heart racing. But why is she like that?

"Don't you want to go to your teammates?" Tetsuko questioned, pointing down at the Seirin bench on the court.

"No," Himuro shook his head, "If I go down, I'll definitely want to play, and Coach will kill me for that."

Tetsuko quirked an eyebrow. "She sounds like Alex."

"Coach can be even worse…" Himuro muttered, "Especially the food that she makes."


"The game's starting…and it's looks like Teikou is sending out all the geniuses at once," Himuro muttered. Then his eyes gleamed. "Seirin won't lose."

"Seriously?" Aomine yawned, as he lazily stretched his arms. "Look at them. They're so weak and puny."

"I don't even think I need to play in the first half," Murasakibara muttered, casting a longing look at his bag of sweets.

"Don't underestimate you opponents, Dai-chan! Muk-kun!" Momoi reprimanded them, clutching her clipboard to her chest, "Let me give you're your opponents specialties and stats – "

"Don't need them," Aomine and Murasakibara deadpanned.

Kise grinned as he bend down to stretch his legs. "Don't worry, Momoicchi! We'll beat them in no time!"

"Daiki, Atsushi, Ryouta," Akashi spoke suddenly, causing Kise to jump out of fright. "Don't underestimate your opponents." His heterochromatic eyes travelled to the Seirin bench. "Some of them are quite strong." His eyes narrowed. "Kiyoshi Teppei, one of the Uncrowned Generals."

Midorima turned to stare at the Seirin bench. "Him?" He raised an eyebrow, "He's looks ridiculously happy and irresponsible."

"That's 'Iron Heart'?" Kise's voice rose in disbelief, "He looks so goofy!"

"I believe you went against him, two years ago, Atsushi," Akashi spoke.

Murasakibara squinted. "Don't remember…"

The corners of Akashi's lips twitched upwards. "Not strong enough for Atsushi to remember?"

"Then there's no worry," Midorima snorted, placing his lucky item of the day, a kuma bear plush toy down onto the bench.

"Why bother sending us all out then," Aomine smirked. "After all, the only one who can beat me, is me."

Kise snorted and waved his hand. "Too arrogant, Aominecchi!"

Aomine shot a glare at the blond model. "I can beat you one on one, Kise! Don't get cocky!"

"You're one to talk, Daiki," Akashi narrowed his eyes at the ace, "Now, get onto the court. We're starting now." He turned around, and walked towards the court, where the referees were. "Let's go."

"Since we're in the finals, our place in the Inter-High is guaranteed," Aida muttered, "But…" Her eyes travelled to the Teikou bench.

"The Generation of Miracles," Hyuuga finished for her.

Koganei's legs trembled. "T-T-To be h-honest, I'm q-quite n-n-n-nervous," He stuttered.

Large hands patted him on the back, nearly toppling the poor boy over. "Relax, Koganei!" Kiyoshi grinned, "Let's go and have some fun!" Though his grin slowly faded, when he turned back and stared at the monstrous, purpled haired giant.

"This is no easy feat though defeat is not the feat," Izuki punned lamely.

"Shut up, Izuki."

Mitobe's shoulders shook with laughter.

Hyuuga spun to face the tall, silent boy. "M-Mitobe!" The captain spluttered, "You actually found that funny?!"

Mitobe nodded.

Aida shook her head, smiling slightly. "You idiots…" She muttered.

"Good luck, everyone!" The freshmen trio cheered.

"Seirin, fight!" Tsuchida pumped his fists into the air, "Let's give it our all!"

"Make this a match you'll never forget," Hyuuga declared.

"You make it sound like we're dying or something, Captain," Koganei sweat dropped.

"I wish Himuro was here," Tsuchida sighed, "But he's definitely cheering with us right now, I bet!"

"Yosh! Everyone!"

Everyone crowded in a circle.



Aida grinned and jerked his thumb back at the court, "Good luck, everyone! Generation of Miracles or not, give it your all as always!"

"If we don't win this, then let's go training in the mountains again," Hyuuga smiled, his glasses winking evilly as he stared at his teammates.

Everyone gulped.

Hyuuga couldn't help but stare. And stare. His heart thumped heavily in his chest. He breathed. In. Out. In. Out. He took a step forward, forcing his eyes to look directly into the heterochromatic ones staring back.

Akashi smirked.

Hyuuga swallowed, and took another step forward. "Hyuuga Junpei, captain of Seirin basketball club. Let's have a good match," he forced out gruffly and held out his hand.

Akashi stared at him in cool amusement, his smirk never leaving his lips.

'That's not how you treat your upper-classmates, you stupid!' Hyuuga thought, as rage began building up in his chest. He hated the way that the Generation of Miracles had those arrogant smirks as they stared down at them, as if victory was already in their hands. A vein popped on his forehead, as he fought back to cuss at the redhead of how lower-classmates should treat the upper-classmates. 'Stupid, ignorant, cocky brats…no respect for their seniors…'

"Akashi Seijuro, captain of the Teikou basketball club,' Akashi replied coolly, his heterochromatic eyes boring eyes into Hyuuga's, as they shook hands. Then the redhead smirked, "Let's have a good match, senpai. But Teikou will win this. And that is true, since I always win, I am always right." With a final smirk, Akashi turned around and walked back to his teammates.

Hyuuga felt another vein pop. Then another. And another. He turned around to his teammates, his glasses glinting as he glared down at them. "We cannot those to those disrespectful brats," he snarled, cracking his neck, "Stupid overconfident brats…no respect for their seniors at all! If we lose, we're undergoing Coach's training. Again."

Izuki stared at his captain, as he sweat-dropped. Though everyone else paled, and beads of sweat began dripping down their faces.

"Izuki. Shut. Up."

"B-But I didn't say anything!"

"Captain's already in clutch mode…"

Kiyoshi threw back his head and laughed. "This is quite interesting!" He grinned. His eyes travelled to a purple haired giant, and his eyes narrowed. "I won't lose," he whispered determinedly. "No matter what kind of guys we're up against, I'll be someone who can protect anyone." He closed his eyes, and opened them. He smirked.

"Ready, everyone? Let's go and have some fun!~"

"I think you made the captain angry, Akashicchi," Kise whispered to his captain, his brows creasing with worry.

Akashi snorted lightly, "Don't worry, Ryouta. It seems as if Seirin's captain's abilities sharpen when he gets angry."

"What a strange guy…" Murasakibara murmured.

"Humph," Midorima pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "I agree."

"You're one to talk," Aomine grunted, and cracked his neck. "Let's hope this match will be a tough one."

Akashi nodded. "The past few matches had been quite easy."

"Seihou was quite a challenge though," Kise mused.

Aomine snorted. "Their defence are good, but we're too strong for them."

"Let's line up," Akashi ordered, "The game's about to begin."



"Let's have a good match!"

Akashi and Hyuuga shook hands once again.

Akashi smirked. "I do believe that I don't need to repeat myself."

'Why you…' Hyuuga twitched. "I don't think you'll need to either!" He snapped, standing straight and tall, looking down at the redhead, "After all, Seirin will win this!"

Akashi blinked with surprise. "Heh," he smirked. "We'll see."

Murasakibara blinked. "Ah, I remember you know," he said lazily, pointing at Kiyoshi. "Last time we met was two years ago. Shoei verses Yosen." His eyes then drooped dangerously, "You didn't protect anything. But it seems like you haven't changed. I'll start by crushing you down, Iron Heart Kiyoshi Teppei."

Kiyoshi smirked. "Nice to see that you remembered me. But we won't lose."

"Things getting quite sense down there," Tetsuko noted.

"Heh," Himuro smirked. "Captain and Kiyoshi have guts. Looks like Seirin is putting up a strong fight. This will be a good match."

"The game's starting," Tetsuko murmured. Her eyes travelled to a certain tanned blue haired boy. She squinted and shook her head. 'Is it him?' She thought, her heart thumping heavily against her chest. Her grip on her jeans tightened.

The referee whistled, and threw up the basketball.

"Tip off!"

A/N: Another low quality chapter again. == Sorry if my writing sucks, it's nearly 1am right now, but I think I using all the energy that came from the chocolate I ate earlier.

And yes. Another cliffhanger.

And yes. Himuro and Tetsuko's reunion was mainly, talk, talk and talk. I couldn't really think of anything more. If they were to play basketball again as a reunion which is a pretty bad idea, since Himuro is injured, Tetsuko is wearing her school skirt and there is no free basketball and court. Ai yah.

I wish Kuroko no Basuke manga would update quicker, because I want to see Akashi's powers as soon as possible. There must be more than the Emperor's eyes and everything! Ugh. But seeing Haizaki's bashed up face (probably courtesy of Nijimura) in Chapter 209 was quite funny. As well as Aomine's old man face in Chapter 208. Ah...those faces...pfft.

Himuro is once again OOC in this chapter. *face palm* Sorry about that...

*sighs* Anyway, I should get to sleep now... By the way, I update my profile - and it shows the stories status. You might want to look at that when I haven't update anything in a month or so. I probably change it once a week, so you'll see how lazy I can be. Maybe I should put an Author's status there too...

Note: About this Inter-High, I'm changing it so that four schools in Tokyo will meet in the Inter High. So, you might see...Seirin, Teikou, Touhou, Shutoku. I'm still think about this. But instead of 3 schools from Tokyo playing in the Inter High, it would be four. I want Touhou and Shutoku to be a challenge - especially to Aomine and Midorima respectively.

Note: Everyone in Teikou is strong == But as I said in the previous chapter, they haven't reached some of the "skills/powers" they have in manga already. (E.g. Kise with Perfect Copy).

Please read: I've noticed that I have been getting a lot of favourites, alerts, and a lot of visitors. I'm really happy and appreciate the fact that you guys are reading my story, but I'm slightly disappointed because I got over 10,000 views, but ~90 reviews. I would really, really appreciate it if my readers were able to give me some criticism and more of their opinions than simply "I love it" or "Update soon". I smile at those kind of reviews, but sometimes I'm lost because I don't really know what my readers want (apart from pairings). For example, the story is kind of slowed pace (I'm fully aware of that, and thank you to one of the reviews who pointed that out lol [reply is below]), or that the characters are OOC (I feel that Himuro is rather OOC in this chapter) or that kind of thing. I enjoy writing this story, and once I even stayed up to 3am just to update one chapter - and that really happened. I'm a bit disappointed of how my readers aren't really expressing their opinions much (aside from enjoying it), and just seeing this as to "read", "read", and "read". How am I suppose to know if there are anything to fix up, or to make it better? I'm not "begging" for more reviews, in fact what I really want is criticism, so that I can make this story more enjoyable and interesting to read and write. Thank you.


Kuruizaki-hime: Thank you very much! Well...hehehe...their reunion wasn't very much lol ^^; Thanks again!

Kuroshiroryuu: I probably won't add those people in Seirin. But I'm planning to make Seirin stronger - because of Kagami, Himuro and Alex. I'm still planing about it though. The other teams would make an appearance, as far as I have planned. But currently, it's undecided. Thank you!

shadowmarialove: Yup, she sure did XD Kagami and Tetsuko probably won't be in the same school and team. Thank you so much! I apologise because I felt that the chapter was a bit...slow and bad... Ahaha, thanks again!

Lady Syndra: Yup! XD Thank you so much! Ehehe, well sadly, here's another cliffhanger ^^; Thanks again!

CherryPop0120: Thank you so much! :D You're too kind

Rigoudon3: Your welcome! And thank you so much! That's not true - I have a lot to improve on. Well, here's another update...and cliffhanger ^^; Yup, Teikou Days! And Chapter 209 - Haizaki's bashed up face XDD Thank you so much! You're too kind /

KitsuneNaru: Yup! Thank you! :)

Alternative Angel: Ooh? Really? I'll look into that soon! XD Yosh, I shall prepare 100 hankies, since sometimes I can be a bit of a sap. Thank you!

Yea, I found that rather Mary Sue-ish, unless she has a really good reason to. (lolol, But I won't have her cross-dressing in here. She would be found out sooner or later, and I don't think anyone would want Teikou to be disqualified). American Squad - reminds me of Cheering squad, lol. Yup, they are very close since they've been friends for 8 years XD And it looks like there would be more reuniting time later on in the story XD Are you a mind reader by any change? o.o

XD Thanks for the tip! I'm aware that things are rather going slow, but I'm planning for a lot of tension later on. I feel like around this time is rather... "not ready" yet, as well as pulling the final thoughts together. I try to make it more interesting though. Nonono, you're not insulting - I haven't been getting much criticism lately, and I highly appreciate it! Thank you so much!

Kupuruu: Himuro: *hair flick* Me: Thank you! XD

SJWONG3: Good day, fellow Aussie! XD Really? Thank you so much! It is? I haven't been looking into those lately ^^ Yes...and another cliffhanger, lol That sucks :/ But I feel that he's rather OOC in these chapters == I don't think Haizaki will be part of Teikou though. I have other plans for him. Thank you so much! XD