Hello, and welcome to my first story! I apologize for the first-person POV. Third-person isn't my forte, but I'll work on it, I promise

My feet met concrete with a dull splash, coating my body with more water as I pumped damp air into my lungs. Each raindrop hit me like a thousand bullets with each step I took. The realization of how sick I would be when I finally got dry came and went in seconds. I've had one thing on my mind since the first blanket of rain, the first soft tremors of thunder: Get to her, and get to her fast.

I didn't think about grabbing a coat. I didn't think about alerting my driver. All I knew was she needed me, and I hoped she would be at home.

I felt my phone ringing in my pocket. Thinking it was her, I picked up. "Hello?" I gasped, running across an intersection.

"Tamaki, you moron. Why haven't you answered? I've been calling, and calling-"

"Kyouya, I don't have time."

"You sound out of breath, what in the hell is going on?"

"I just sprinted across an intersection in the rain, and I have been running for almost an hour. What do you think?"

"I think you're crazy. I could have driven you-"

"Damn it, Kyouya, I don't have time for this. Haruhi needs me."

Without waiting for a response, I hung up the phone and nearly dropped it as I put it back in my pocket.

I started recognizing street signs for the first time in nearly an hour, and saw the familiar brown chimneys of Haruhi's apartment building.

The elderly land-lady saw me running and smiled, "Hello there, young man! Haven't seen you for a while-"

"I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry," I gasped out, only stopping for a second but remembering my manners, "Please, is Haruhi home?"

She nodded briskly, "Yes, but her father isn't I can give him a call if you'd like-"

"Later," I nodded my head in respect as I bolted up her steps, "Thank you."

I ran passed the doors on her floor until I arrived, finally, at her door. Next to the doormat was a small pot of flowers. Underneath was the spare key I had made for emergencies, and only emergencies.

After I unlocked the door, I opened it slowly, calling out her name as softly as I could, "Haruhi?"

No response.

"Haruhi." I called louder, stepping in, shutting the door and removing my soaked shoes.

My eyes scanned the dark apartment. I could barely see my hand in front of my face. Lightning flashed and I saw a figure in the corner of my eye.

I made my way over to where I remembered the living room was and saw a small candle lighting up the darkness. Next to it... was Haruhi, cuddled underneath a blanket and shivering.

In a second, she was in my arms, still shaking and crying into my chest. I closed my eyes and stroked her hair. "Hush now, Haruhi... you're safe now. I'm here."

Her sobs became louder and she clutched the back of my shirt, nuzzling her head into my shoulder. I smiled, kissing the top of her head like a father would to his child. "I'm here, Haruhi. I'm here."

"I-I-I know-" More thunder resumed her shaking, and I held her closer.

We stayed this way for what felt like hours. It could have been days, but I didn't care. My Haruhi was safe, and I was there to protect her.

Her cries quieted and she looked up at me with tear-stained cheeks. "Thank you, senpai... thank you."

I cupped her cheek with my palm, pressing my lips to her forehead. "I love you, Haruhi."

"I-I love you too."