AnimeKiwi369: I'm taking a brief break from "Second War" to publish this short story. It's only about four chapters. So it's should be published relatively quickly. Well, compared to other stories. I'm not completely done with the story, but I'm on the last chapter. And it should get done hopefully within the next week. So without further ado, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's or it's characters. I just own my briefly-appearing OCs and the storyline.

Try to Remember

Chapter 1

"You're WHAT?!" Both Hideo and Setsuko exclaimed as they sat across from their daughter.

"I'm pregnant," Akiza replied calmly, her hands folded in her lap.

Unlike her parents, the burgundy-haired woman was calm about the situation. She was thirty-one after all. It wasn't like she was nineteen or younger and pregnant. And it wasn't like it was some stranger's baby or a former boyfriend's child. She was engaged, and they had only had sex once before marriage, which was a little over a month ago. The two had been engaged for almost a year and a half, but had been living together for the last four months.

Besides, it was only a matter of time before that happened between them. She and the man she loved had been apart for far too long before she returned three and a half years ago. He had stayed in New Domino City while she went off to study medicine in Germany. And after graduating and working in a hospital for almost three years, she applied for a transfer to New Domino General, which was approved after six months after she put in for it. The first thing she had done after finishing moving into her apartment was go to the apartment of man she never stopped loving.

And Yusei was more than glad to see her again.

From there, the love between them just blossomed beautifully. They spent most of their free time with one another. Most of their dates were spent at one another's apartment with dinner and a movie, but they occasionally went out for special occasions. They also had spent a few dates at her parents' home, so the dark-haired former Signer could get to know them a little more, though he'd been getting to know them since she had left. He wanted to get closer to them, so he could stay in touch with her while she was studying medicine.

Akiza had gotten butterflies in her stomach when Yusei told her he had gotten to know her parents so that he could stay close to her. They had gotten even closer after he told her that. The two former Signers had dated for almost two years before the now-scientist popped the question. The burgundy-haired woman had accepted his proposal without hesitation, knowing she had wanted to be with him since the day she realized how much she loved him. He felt the same when he realized his love for her, especially after they had to part ways for almost ten years.

Both the former Signers had started discussing plans almost immediately, after announcing their engagement to Hideo, Setsuko, and Martha. They had discussed the living arrangements for the last several months, deciding whether to live in an apartment or buy a home. They had ultimately decided to get a fair sized apartment for the time being and then save up for a house for a few years before buying. So four and a half months ago they'd finally found the perfect apartment for them to call 'home' for a while.

They started sleeping in the same bed together when they moved into the apartment. They had been immediately comfortable sleeping next to each other. Their bodies just seemed to fit next to each other perfectly. The brown-eyed woman liked how perfect it felt to have her arm resting across her fiancé's chest or how right it felt for his arms to be around her as they slept. Over the last few months, she'd felt even happier because she was waking up in the arms of the man she loved.

When they first got engaged, they had agreed to wait to share themselves completely for their wedding night, thinking that would be when they were ready for it. But the previous month, Yusei has surprised her by dressing up and making her a romantic, candlelit dinner. It had also been a difficult day at work for her, because she had almost lost one of her patients, and that was always hard for her. That surprise, though, had turned her whole day around; she had cried because she felt so loved by him. She couldn't help but not let him go when he started kissing her.

That night, they knew they were ready to share themselves completely, even though they were still a month and a half away from being married. They knew the possible consequences, but were willing to take them. They felt ready though; they'd been together for three and a half years and kept in touch even when they'd apart for almost ten years. Both were ready.

And as a result of that night of pure passion and love, she was pregnant.

"Mom, dad," Akiza started, looking from the small diamond ring on her hand to her parents, "I know Yusei and I should have waited, but we felt ready. And we're going to be married in two weeks, so I don't really mind or see this as a big deal. It's just going to affect our plans for our honeymoon a little bit. I'm sure Yusei's going to be thrilled when I tell him."

"You're sure you're pregnant?" Setsuko asked, looking at her daughter's abdomen.

"Mom," she replied, "I'm a highly trained doctor. I recognize the change in my body. I'm late, I've had morning sickness, I've taken an at-home pregnancy test, and I went to my doctor this morning. She confirmed it. I'm pregnant. Please don't be angry at us, mom, dad. We were ready, and we knew the consequences. And please don't feel like Yusei and I have betrayed your trust. Especially Yusei."

Her father sighed, looking from his wife to his daughter. He smiled a little, "We don't think that the two you betrayed out trust. The two of you are adults. And if the two of you were ready and willing to accept the consequences, then all I can say is I'm happy for the two of you."

"Have you told him yet?" Her mother inquired.

The burgundy-haired woman shook her head, "No, not yet. I'm going to tell him tonight. I'm going to give him my pregnancy test as an early wedding gift."

"He's going to be surprised," Hideo told her, "but I think you're right in that he'll be happy. Congratulations, Akiza."

"Thanks, dad," she responded. She looked at her mother, who nodded in agreement.

She smiled lightly at her parents as she touched her for now flat abdomen. She was personally excited to be a mother, even though she and her fiancé were yet to be married. After seeing all the new mothers in the hospitals she'd worked in over the years and helping them when she was needed, she wanted to be a mother. Nearly all of the women she'd seen become mothers were happy to have their babies. The redhead wanted to feel that joy.

She snapped out of her thoughts, hearing the phone ring. The psychic grabbed the cordless phone that was sitting on the table. She looked at the number. It was Yusei's work. She smiled again, thinking the dark-haired man was calling to check up on her. He usually did that if she was ill or just to talk to her. She put the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" Akiza asked.

"Akiza," a different male voice replied. The voice was strained with worry, "it's Hachiro Kato, Yusei's assistant."

"Oh, hello, Hachiro," she greeted, her voice concerned, "is everything all right? Is Yusei all right?"

"Well, not exactly," the man informed her. "Yusei was involved in an accident."

"What?!" She cried, "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine, physically," the assistant told her. "There aren't any broken bones or anything, we think. He's not in pain. But he hit his head pretty hard, and it knocked him out."

"Has he woken up yet?" She asked.

"No," the man on the other end replied. "He's still unconscious. So we're not completely sure how he's doing. Those of us at work thought we should call since you're his fiancée and you're also a doctor. But the medic here is looking him over, though."

"I'll be there right away," the burgundy-haired woman told him.

"All right," Hachiro responded before hanging up.

Akiza looked at her parents as she hung up the phone, "I have to go. Yusei's been involved in an accident, and he's unconscious. I need to be there for him."

Hideo nodded, "Of course."

The doctor smiled at her parents before she and her parents stood. She grabbed her keys as she showed her parents out, heading down to her car. She drove quickly to the lab where the cobalt-eyed man worked for the city. She noted the lack of emergency vehicles, guessing it was just a small accident that occurred. She parked quickly, heading to her soon-to-be-husband's office. Hachiro, Zigzix, another scientist, and a medic were in Yusei's office, where they had him lying on a couch. He was still unconscious.

"Yusei," she said softly as she went over to where he was laying, kneeling next to him. She looked at her fiancé's assistant, "What happened?"

"We were running a test on one of the new machines regulating Ener-D," he explained. "It began to overload and Yusei didn't want it to cause a meltdown. Granted, it wouldn't have been a catastrophe if it overloaded, but none of us wanted it overloading to a critical level since we had put so much time into this."

"But when he tried to shut it down," Zigzix continued for his colleague, "it would only allow a manual shut down. Not from the computer. So he went over to the control panel shut it down. He managed to get it shut down, but he got a little electrocuted in the process. He was thrown against the other wall due to the shock he received."

"He was unconscious when we got over to him," the other employee, a female scientist named Aoi Takayuki, concluded.

Akiza looked back at her unconscious fiancé and lightly ran her fingers through his thick hair, "Oh, Yusei."

"He doesn't appear to be in shock at all," the medic commented. "Nothing appears broken. And he's not exhibiting any signs of pain. He's just unconscious."

The dark-haired man stirred a little, his eyes twitching. His cobalt eyes slowly opened, and he slowly sat up, grabbing his head. He groaned slightly from the small pounding in the back of his head. The burgundy-haired woman went up on the couch next to him. She ran her fingers through his hair, causing him to relax briefly before tensing up.

"Oh, my head," he moaned lightly.

"Yusei," the brown-eyed woman said, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "You had me worried for a second."

He looked over at her, touching his cheek. But his eyes weren't apologetic, like they normally would if he worried her. His eyes, his beautiful eyes, were questioning, like he wasn't sure what was going on, "Who are you?"

She looked at him incredulously, "Yusei, it's me, Akiza."

There was no recognition in his eyes, "I'm sorry, but I don't know you."

"Yusei…" she trailed off, a thin layer of tears threatening her eyes.

"Professor Fudo," Hachiro addressed, "you don't remember anything?"

"'Professor'?" The dark-haired man repeated, "When did I become a professor? And where am I?"

"You're in New Domino at the research facility for the Ener-D Reactor," Zigzix told him.

"'New Domino'? When did I get into New Domino?" He asked, "Last I remember I was in Satellite."

"What is the last thing you remember?" The burgundy-haired psychic inquired, lightly feeling the back of his head. A large bump was forming on the back of his skull.

The cobalt-eyed former Signer looked at her, "Can you maybe not do that?" He asked, feeling awkward as the woman rubbed his head. She slowly took her hand away, looking hurt, "The last thing I remember was…" He put his head in hand, "I'm not completely sure."

Zigzix looked at the psychic, "It's probably best we get him home."

"Where am I supposed to go?" Yusei asked, "My home is in Satellite and the Daedalus Bridge wasn't completed."

"You, Jack, and Crow completed that bridge almost fourteen years ago," Aoi commented.

"But Jack left Satellite six months ago," the former Signer told them.

"At least we have a time frame of what he remembers," his male assistant said.

Jack left two years before Yusei came to the city, Akiza thought. It's been about fourteen years since then, so Yusei doesn't remember the last sixteen years of his life!

"That was sixteen years ago, though, Yusei," the redhead told him.

"'Sixteen years'?" He repeated again, "Why don't I remember anything?"

"You hit your head," the psychic explained. She smiled sadly at him, "Why don't I get you home to help you sort things out?"

"You'd be willing to do that?" He inquired.

"Of course I would, Yusei," Akiza told him. "Maybe something familiar can help you get your memory back."

"Thank you," he told her sincerely as he stood.

It broke her heart seeing how much he didn't remember her. She stood up, "It's not a problem, Yusei."

She noticed his keys on his desk and grabbed them when he wasn't looking. The two were silent as they left his office and headed towards the parking lot. He looked around as he followed her, feeling unfamiliar with the familiar surroundings. He started to go for the driver's door, but then realized it wasn't a good idea and went to the passenger side of the car. The dark-haired man watched her as she got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"You said your name was Akiza?" He checked.

"Yes," she responded, "though technically I'm Dr. Akiza Izinski."

"So, Akiza," he started, "how exactly did I meet you? And what exactly is our relationship?"

She sighed, tears threatening her eyes again, "We met fourteen years ago at a duel tournament, The Fortune Cup. And we weren't really friends when we met. But you really helped me turn myself around, and you were my first true friend. We were teammates for almost two years before I went off to medical school in Germany."

"All right," he said slowly, "so we're just good friends?"

She shook her head slightly as she stopped at a red light. She showed him the ring on her left hand. His eyes widened, "Yusei, I'm your fiancée. We're engaged."

"'Engaged'?!" Yusei exclaimed.

"For almost eighteen months," she sighed. "We're supposed to be married in two weeks."

"'In two weeks'?" He reiterated.

"Yes," She repeated. "Everyone is supposed to be coming back into the city next week."

"What do you mean by everyone?"

She sighed again, "I'll show the guest list when we get back to the apartment. Maybe that'll help."


Yusei looked around as the city passed him by. He was in utter confusion. He had lost his memory and didn't remember anything from the last sixteen years? He was thirty-two? He was engaged to be married to the woman driving him back to his apartment? How did he lose his memory? What happened the last sixteen years? Did he and Jack ever settle the score? And how did he end up in New Domino City? Had he used the pipeline, like his friend had?

He looked over at the woman driving. From what he remembered, he hadn't been into dating or even noticed women last he checked. And now he was set to be married in a couple of weeks. She was very beautiful, though. Long burgundy hair that was tied up in a bun with two long bangs framing her face, warm catlike brown eyes, and slender, yet well-endowed, figure, all of those made her incredibly beautiful. There was a slight glow about her, but he couldn't exactly place it.

Although he didn't remember the last sixteen years, he didn't feel like a teenager. He felt like his age, even though he didn't remember it. He closed her eyes, trying to think of something…anything… Calculus. He was recalling he knew calculus like the back of his hand. And physics seemed familiar as well. He already knew how to build a duel runner. Quantum physics…sounded familiar, but he couldn't really make out what it was about it that he remembered.

He felt the car come to a stop and opened his eyes, seeing a parking garage, "Is this it?"

His fiancée nodded, silently getting out of the car. He noticed how her blouse accentuated her figure. He shook his head as his eyes stared at her figure. There was obviously more to her than just her body; she was doctor. And he wasn't one just for a pretty face. It was clear that this Akiza really cared about him by the way she had acted when he'd regained consciousness.

She'd kissed his cheek…..

Yusei quietly got out of vehicle and followed the burgundy-haired woman up to the apartment on the seventh floor. She opened the door and led him inside. The apartment was fairly large, enough for a family of three or four to live comfortably. He looked around, feeling familiarities. He saw a few picture frames in the living room of the apartment. He walked over to them. Most were of him, his fiancée, or of them together. But there were a few that were more than just them.

There was one of a team he and the brown-eyed woman were a part of. It was next to a trophy. There were two kids, a boy and a girl, that were maybe twelve or thirteen with teal-colored hair. Twins. He also noticed Jack and Crow in the photograph. He picked it up, studying it. His blonde friend looked like he was about nineteen or twenty, while he looked about nineteen, and his ginger-haired friend was about eighteen or nineteen. There was also another man in the photo next to the ginger, who had blue hair and was a little less than his blonde friend's height; he looked about the violet-eyed man's age.

His childhood friends, the young boy, and his now fiancée had what almost looked like Champaign bottles in their hands, the contents going everywhere. He looked at himself, holding the trophy that was sitting next to the photograph. All of them looked so happy.

He noticed that the ginger-haired duelist had more markers on his face than the last time he remembered. There was a small dot next to the "M" on his forehead, and he had a marker at the corner of each eye and one below on each cheek. He looked at himself, his eyes widening as his gaze fell on his own left cheek. A jagged yellow marker ran down his left cheek below the corner of his eye with a small sideways triangle next to it. He touched his cheek where the marker would be.

"That was taken after Team 5D's won the WRGP," Akiza told him, coming up behind him.

"The what?"

"The World Racing Grand Prix. It was a turbo duel tournament of teams of three," she explained. "But our team was seven. You, Jack, and Crow were our main duelists," she pointed to the twins and the blue-haired man, "Leo, Luna, and Bruno were the pit crew, and I was the benchwarmer."

"You're a turbo duelist?" He guessed.

She nodded, "Well, was. But you inspired me to become a turbo duelist, Yusei. And you helped me to become one, too. You even took me to a skating rink to help me learn to ride backwards."

He looked at himself in the photo again and at the other photos, studying his marker, "So I've really been to The Facility?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes, but that was before Satellite and New Domino were connected. You were arrested for entering the city without a permit. It's no longer an issue though. You weren't even there for very long."

"But I was still there," he replied, clenching his fists as he set the photograph down.

The burgundy-haired came right up behind him, wrapping her arms around him and putting her chin over his left shoulder, "Just because you were there doesn't mean I love you any less."

He stayed still, the feeling of her arms wrapped around him feeling familiar. But it just didn't feel right since he didn't remember their love. He lightly shrugged her off and turned to her with apologetic eyes, "Akiza, I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable with you really holding me like that. I know we're supposed to be married, but without remembering anything, it just doesn't feel right."

The psychic looked hurt and covered her mouth, tears finally falling. She turned away and sat down on the couch. She mentally cursed her emotions, knowing they were more sensitive due to her pregnancy. She took a couple deep breaths, "I understand. It's just that I can't help it. You always hold me when I'm having issues, and I do the same for you."

Yusei sighed and went over to the chair next to the couch. He put his head in his hands again, "I don't like this. How am I supposed to marry you, Akiza? When I don't remember anything about us?"

She looked down, "I don't know. We have two weeks to get your memory back, though." She stood up and went to the kitchen counter that contained a folder. She grabbed the wedding guest list and then retrieved an icepack from the freezer. She handed both to her amnesiac fiancé, "Here. This is the list of our wedding guests."

He held the icepack to the back of his head and looked at the list. One name caught his attention right away, "Kalin Kessler? He's coming?!"

"Yeah," the woman replied, "he was the first person to respond to the invitation after my parents and Martha. He and Crow are both are supposed to organize your bachelor party."

"But we were told he was dead!"

"He's not," she stated calmly.

"Then what caused him to stop hating me?" Yusei asked, looking at her, "And how did he get out of The Facility?"

"I guess I'll have to explain," she sighed a little.

"Explain what?" He inquired.

"The Signer-Dark Signer war," She told him. He looked at her questioningly, "Essentially, it was how we met, you made up with Jack, and how we met the twins."

For the following hour and fifteen minutes, she told him about the Signer-Dark Signer war and the Marks they once had. She explained about Dark Signers, The Fortune Cup, and her psychic powers. She had also emphasized how much he helped her change size and overcome Sayer's control on her. She'd grabbed her sketchbook and drawn their former Marks. The only one that looked familiar to him was the Crimson Dragon's Wings. But that was because Jack had had that Mark since he was born, until The Crimson Dragon took all the Marks away.

She continued on and explained everything about the WRGP and what had happened in the Ark Cradle. His eyes widened as she mentioned how he almost died trying to protect the city. She showed him his cards, namely his dragons, to see if anything jogged his memory. Of course he remembered Stardust, but he was surprised he had it back after Jack had stolen it. He didn't remember how he got it back. And he didn't remember Majestic Star very well and definitely didn't remember Shooting Star Dragon or Shooting Quasar Dragon.

Akiza sighed again, resting a hand on her abdomen as made dinner. How was she supposed to marry her fiancé when he had amnesia? Let alone raise their child? She'd spent the entire afternoon trying to help him recall anything. All he really seemed to be remembering from the last sixteen years was technical stuff that was involved in his job.

She looked towards their bedroom. Yusei was taking a shower before dinner. The psychic wondered how he would react seeing her own bathroom items next to or near his. She hadn't mentioned their living and sleeping together yet, feeling it'd be awkward between them since he no longer remembered anything. The burgundy-haired woman didn't know what she was going to do when it came time for them to go to bed for the night. With the cobalt-eyed scientist having amnesia, it would be like sharing a bed with a total stranger.

She turned back to the stove and stirred the shrimp stir-fry. It was one of her fiancé's favorites. Maybe if he had something familiar like that, it would help. She was grasping at straws, she knew. But Akiza didn't know what else to do. She wasn't a neurosurgeon. She vaguely knew how the brain worked. The brown-eyed woman only knew that amnesia sometimes wore off or was permanent. If the latter was the case, she'd have to fall in love with the love of her life all over again and vice versa.

"Why did this happen to Yusei before our wedding?" She asked herself quietly. She looked down at her abdomen, lightly rubbing her flat stomach. She sighed again, "And I was looking forward to telling him about you."

"Who were you talking to?" The dark-haired man inquired, startling her as he came out from his shower.

She looked back at the stir-fry, "No one. I was just talking to myself."

He didn't buy it, but let it go, since he didn't remember her still, even though she'd been helping him try to remember all day. He dropped the subject, going to a new one, "Akiza, do we live together?"

She looked at him, knowing she'd have to tell him before the end of the night, "Yes. We started discussing living together when we got engaged, but we didn't start living together until four months ago."

"If we live together, then I'm assuming we sleep together as well?" He guessed.

"Yes," she responded. "I understand if you don't want to sleep together tonight with you having amnesia."

"No," he replied, surprising her. "I know it will be weird, but who knows? Maybe sleeping together will bring back some old feelings."

"All right," she said uneasily.

"I know earlier I said I didn't feel comfortable with you touching me so intimately," Yusei started, "but if we're supposed to be married in two weeks, we have to do everything to get my memory back. And maybe being close to you would help since we're engaged."


He went up behind her and lightly put his hands on her upper arms. He looked over at what she was cooking, "Shrimp stir-fry?"

"Yes. I know it's one of your favorites," Akiza replied. She looked over at the small liquor cabinet, "Do you think you'll want something to drink with or after dinner? You usually like a brandy after something like this."

He looked over at the cabinet, "No. I shouldn't if I don't remember."

"All right," she responded. "If you want any later, just tell me."

He nodded and let go of her as she turned off the stove. Dinner was awkward between them, like everything else. Personally, the psychic wasn't in the mood for conversation anyway. The rest of the evening was quiet and still and going much too slowly. She quietly changed in their bathroom as he got ready for bed in their bedroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, placing her hand on her abdomen again. She sighed again.

She wrapped her robe around her and went back into the bedroom, where the dark-haired man was sitting up in bed. She stood in front of him, taking off her robe slowly, revealing her short, red, satin-like nightgown. She had worn that nightgown plenty of times. His eyes scanned over her body, and his face flushed like when they were first dating. The psychic went over to him and climbed into his lap.

"Akiza, what are you…doing?" He asked, trying not to look at her body.

"Trying anything to get you back, Yusei," she whispered, beginning to run out of ideas. She put her hands on his face and placed her lips on his. There was no recognition on his end. She pulled away and looked at him; his eyes were wide with surprise. Tears moistened her eyes, but did not fall. She sighed and detached herself from him, moving over to her side of the bed. She lied on her side, her back facing him, "Good night, Yusei."

"Good night…Akiza," he replied slowly, touching his lips.

Though no memory came back specifically, he knew that that kiss—that sensation—was a familiar feeling for him.

AnimeKiwi369: There's the first chapter. Not my normal torture. But it's enough. I'll probably update this alongside "Second War" or maybe even sooner. Everyone's getting back to school though, so most people won't have time to read or write. And with being in my school play, which starts at the end of the next month, it's going to be even more hectic for me. But I won't stop writing! I'll be trying to write in the free time I have. I really appreciate any reviews, favorites, and/or follows I receive. So please be kind and please review! :]