Chapter Two

In the rubble of the house a van drove up to where the house use to be. Three people came out of van. They wore white protective suits. Once of the people had a device and swept it back and forth. When it beeped they turned it off and headed in that direction.

In the mist of the rubble there was a coffin like box just sitting there. They lifted the box and carried back to the van. Once it was secured they left the scene.

Rebecca went through her mind there was things she needed to do. Her father wasn't going to be in the best condition right now. He just lost the love of his life. She on the other hand had to figure out what to do with herself. She could leave her father now. It wouldn't be right. They needed to eat, she knew if her father's state he wasn't going to move.

Rebecca went over and looked around the kitchen. First she fixed a bowl of Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for both her father and herself. Once the food was place in front of her father she decided she would make cookies, it always calmed her down and gave her time to think.

She got the ingredient for chocolate chip cookies. She started to make the batter. Her eyes went to her dad every now and again. She continued to make the cookies, she wiped her eye every so often. Tears were coming freely now. There was no stopping them. Rebecca managed to take the cookies out of the oven and cut the oven off, before she fell to the ground and cried.

She didn't know how long it had been or when she had fallen asleep, but when she opened her eyes she was in a room she didn't recognized. At first she wondered where she was and what had happen to her. It was a few second before it all came flooding back to her. Her mother was dead. There was nothing she could do about it. Well nothing she could do until she found out why her mother was dead. If her mother's death happened because of her, then she wouldn't forgive her self. When she got a minute and when she was away from everyone she would call Director Fury and find out exactly what happened.

Rebecca sat up and looked around the room, only to find Steve Rodger who sat in a chair next to her. She had to remember he didn't know her as alter ego. Right now he knew her as Rebecca Barton, the daughter of Hawkeye and Black Widow. He didn't know her as The Black Hawk at this time. How fitting was her alter ego name, it had both a part of her father and mother alter ego name in hers.

"Hello," Steve said.

"Hi, how's my dad?" Rebecca asked.

"We got him to bed. He's resting now. How are you?"

"I am fine." Rebecca said, which was a lie. She was beyond pissed. When she decided to get married, her mother won't be there for her. Her father will walk her down the aisle and give her away, but her mother will be missing from the happy event. Marriage, what is she thinking. She didn't even have a guy so how could the thought of marriage find it way into her mind at this particular time. It was because of Steve. Rebecca wanted to be his wife. Of course it would never happen. She knew that, it was best to nip this particular idea in the bud.

"Okay, if you want to talk about anything I am hear to listen," Steve told her. Rebecca got out of her bed. She headed to her father room. She just wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Director Fury," Maria said.


"They were after The Black Hawk when they attacked Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff resident." Maria told him.

"So, they were after Rebecca…. great this isn't going to end well." Nick told her.

"Why not?" Maria asked.

"Rebecca doesn't know her parents are Hawkeye and Black Widow and Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff doesn't know their daughter is The Black Hawk."

"I see what you mean sir, good luck." Maria told the Director. She wasn't going to be the one to tell Clint that his daughter was a spy as well.

Nick Fury rubbed his forehead. He knew one day this time would come, but he didn't think it would cost him one of his best agents in the process. He would pulled the Avengers in and let them know what was going on. He hit the button to contact Tony Stark.

Tony had picked up on the first ring.


"I need the Avengers on the Hellicarrier briefing room immediately." Fury said.

"Can't it wait," Tony said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"It's about the hit on the Barton's home." Fury said.

"We will be right there." Tony said.

It took about ten minutes to get everyone together. Clint insisted Rebecca comes with them. Tony didn't argue. There were off and to the Hellicarrier in lest them thirty minutes.

Everyone took a seat in the briefing room. Fury was at the font of the table standing there.

"So who attacked them," Tony said getting straight to the point.

"A group by the name of OneXHtc," Director Fury told them. Everyone at the table just looked at him. None of them knew about a group by that name. Rebecca however went white as a sheet.

"Clint do you know anything about the group?" Bruce asked him. Clint looked at the Director then at Bruce.

"No, I don't," Clint said, trying to figure out why the group had targeted his house. Steve noticed Rebecca who looked pale.

"Rebecca you okay?" Steve asked. Everyone looked over at her with concern in their eyes. Rebecca knew it was now to tell them why the group had targeted her parents.

"OneCHtc is a group which is being looked at and about eighty percent of their network is shut down. They have their hands in almost every pie there is. Racketeering, drugs, human trafficking, sell weapons on the black market. They even have a mole in the white house. Not sure who the mole is just yet," Rebecca said. Clint eyes widen a bit. How did his daughter know about that group? He didn't even know about the group.

"How do you know about the group," Clint carefully asked. He wasn't about to jump to conclusion. His daughter was all he had left; he would do his best not to have her in any danger. If he had to lock her up to protect her then he would.

"I am an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., know as The Black Hawk."
Tony let out a whistle. He had heard of The Black Hawk. She was a great agent and had taken down some of the worst scum there was in this world. Steve just looked at her. Rebecca eyes were on his father, who glared at the director.

"Dad, it's not his fault. Director Fury did his best to keep me away from being an agent, but I won in the end. I am glad I am agent, but at this particular moment I really and truly don't like being an agent who took down and the group ended my mother life because of what I did to them," Rebecca said.

Clint brought his eyes back on his daughter. He didn't know what to say. He had everything coming down at him all at once. Clint got up and left the briefing room.
Bruce was about to go after him.

"Let him go, he needs to cool down," Tony said. Bruce looked over at Tony then where Clint had left. For a moment he was going to ignore what Tony had said, but after thinking about it for a moment he sat down.

"What are we going to do director?" Rebecca said. She needed to focus on bringing down the group, which killed her mother. They were not going to destroy any more people lives.

"Right now, we are gathering information. Everyone is going to stay on the hellicarrier just in case we need you guys to go after them." Fury said. He knew he was going to get an earful from Agent Barton once everything sunk in. He was ready for it.
Everyone nodded their head. "Dismissed."

Rebecca was up and out of her chair before anyone else. She headed back to the room, which was assigned to her when she became an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. Her emotions were all over the place and she wouldn't want to do something she would later regret. Now Steve knew the truth about her. Once the door closed to her room. Her body slid down against the wall. Then she cried for everything.

Clint left the room; he needed to think about every thing, which happened tonight. The only place he knew of was the gym on the shooting range. He hoped the others would let him have his space.

Once he got there he got his bow and arrows read to use. He set up his targets when they were in place then he picked up an arrow and places it in the bow. It took a few moments before he lined the arrow to his target, then he let it go. The arrow flew through the air and hit the target, but it was not even close to the bully's eyes. Clint didn't worry about it; right now he just needed to think. It was exactly what he did.

Everything around him melted away as he shot arrow after arrow at his target. His senses were still working. He made he knew everything which was going around him as he continue to shoot.

Steve who sat they just watched Rebecca as she left. It was a surprise to him to find out who The Black Hawk was. Now that he knew his mind went back to the last mission he had with her. They had kissed before the enemy took her away to torture her.

She was only tortured for a day. He had gotten free and rescued her. At least the damage was as bad as it first appeared to be. He still had feeling for Rebecca. Now knowing her identity, he wasn't too sure how everything would turn out. He knew if he hurt Rebecca he would die or be hurt by Clint.

Steve was not sure what to expect. He did care for Rebecca; he knew Rebecca was going through a rough time. He wanted to be there for her, but he wasn't sure if she wanted his company. He was going to go find her now.

Steve wondered the hallway; he asked an agent where Rebecca quarter's were at. Once he got to her door, he heard someone crying. Steve knocked on the door. It was a few moments before the door opened. Steve saw she had ben crying. Rebecca looked at Steve, and the he moved towards her and hugged her.

The door closed behind him. Steve just held her; he was silent the whole time. She felt safe in his arm. In a little while she knew they would have to talk. They would talk about things, all things and everything. It was a little while before she said anything. It wasn't long until Rebecca fell asleep in Steve's arm. Steve picked her up and put her into bed. He was about to leave when her grip on him tightened. He then decided to settle himself beside her.

The three people in the van stopped in an abandon warehouse. They unloaded the coffin like box. They went into a room, which was in a hidden door.