Early Thursday morning sucked.

A kitten had thrown up in the middle of my bedroom carpet when I was sleeping, and Alfred still wouldn't let me out of his sight. Not only was it getting annoying, it kept me from doing my job to the fullest. Since I was an English teacher for 8th graders, I technically wasn't allowed to bring Alfred to school, I had a talk with the principle, and she said that as long as he didn't disturb my teaching, that she was fine with it. So here we were, on Thursday morning, with me trying to teach a bunch of rowdy 8th graders in third period.

Alfred was actually being very good, and I had considered allowing him to come with me to work all the time, since the day care was very expensive. He was sitting in his little portable bed when one of the boys that usually threw bits of paper around the room accidentally hit Alfred.

Thank god for yellow cards and ISS. I had been waiting for an excuse to send the little brat to the office, and here it was, throwing paper and disrupting my class.

"But Professor Kirkland I swear I didn't do it!" Jose cried, glaring at Katyusha.

Katyusha was a very quiet girl, and she was seated up close to Alfred because she liked babies, and had seen Jose throw the paper and saw it hit Alfred in the head, causing him to cry. I had already calmed Alfred down, but I hadn't managed to get Jose to the AP's office.

"That's it!" I yelled, silencing the entire class, "Now if you don't go down their this minute I will call them and have them escort you out of my classroom!"

Jose's mouth turned to a sneer, "I'm not going, I didn't throw the paper, that little slut is just trying to get me in trouble."

I nearly struck him at that point, "No man ever insults a lady." I said, my voice deadly. I stalked over to the phone, picking it up and dialing the AP's office, "Yes, hello? I need you to come down here and remove a student from my class. He has been throwing paper, and has disrupted my class, along with insulting a lady and using fowl language in front of me. The young boy," I said, emphasizing 'boy', "Refuses to leave my class." I finished, listening to what they had to say. "Thank you very much, I will see you in a second." I hung up the phone staring at Jose.

His mouth was open in shock, "What- what the-?!"

"One more word and I can have you expelled. Now come with me out into the hall so we can wait for Mr. Beilschmidt to get here. The rest of you, please take out the sheets 125, and 127 from your workbooks and begin working on them. You can work in pairs or independently." I instructed, carrying Alfred with me so he wouldn't wail.

It wasn't a long wait. Mr. Beilschmidt came storming around the corner, a murderous expression on his face. His white hair and red eyes were the dominant features, along with his angry scowl as he grabbed Jose by his collar and began shouting at him in German.

"Sie hatten besser bekommen Ihren Esel unten zu meinem Büro! Wer beleidigt eine Dame?! Ein FEIGLING IST ES WER! Sie wertloser kleiner Bastard! Ich werde Ihnen Strafe seit einem kompletten MONAT geben! HÖREN SIE MICH?!" (A/N: Lol! I had fun with this: "You had better get your ass down to my office! Who insults a Lady?! A COWARD THAT'S WHO! You worthless little bastard! I will give you punishment for an entire MONTH! DO YOU HEAR ME?!")

I didn't understand what he was saying and apparently neither did Jose. I tapped his shoulder to make him stop, "Gilbert you know that my son is right here." I said, frowning at him, "Just take the kid and yell at him in English elsewhere, it doesn't do any good to yell at someone and not have them understand it." I sighed, opening my door again and closing it.

Everyone was staring at me as I went back to my desk. A few of the boys in the back were glaring at me while a group of girls were also glaring at me. My best students looked as if they were about to jump out of their seats and have a party.

Everyone was working quietly though, which was a blessing. I placed Alfred back into his little portable bed thing and sat down, going over tomorrow's lesson plans and grading papers until the bell rang.

"Alright, I want you to turn in whatever you have completed, you can finish tomorrow. Have a nice day." I called as they rushed out of the room. I was stacking random papers when one landed right in front of me. I looked up, but couldn't see anybody left in the room. I ignored the paper and just threw it away.

I stood and erased the board, getting ready for the next class...

After school...

Detention was being held in my room this afternoon, so I had some extra time to go over things and make sure today wasn't a total waste.

I was almost done entering in the last few grades when I glanced up and noticed that it was time to dismiss them all so they could leave, and so I could leave.

"Pack up, detention is over." I announced, standing and grabbing my bag from the floor. I placed the papers in the correct filing cabinet, and ushered the students out, carrying Alfred in my arms with my bag slung over one shoulder, not to mention the portable bed in my other hand.

I set down the bed and locked the door, picking everything up again and proceeding down the hallway, saying goodnight to other teachers that had to finish up their work.

"Oh, Mr. Kirkland, thank you about that one boy Jose, he's always interrupting my class, but since you sent him to the AP's office, I'm sure he'll straighten out." Mr. Honda said, smiling at me as I passed him.

"It was no problem, I'm happy you were able to teach properly today without him." I replied, going out the double doors to the teacher's parking lot.

On my way to my parking spot, I had to pass by the empty band hall, along with the gym. As I passed by the gym, I noticed that there was a group of boys that were standing around there. I glanced at them, and noticed they were all silently staring at me.

I smiled, and waved, walking on. I got to my car, and felt chills up my spine, but ignored it. Those boys were probably just staring at me still, waiting for me to leave so they could resume talking about some naughty thing or another. I shrugged my shoulders, placing Alfred in his car seat and strapping him in, tightening a loose strap in the front.

I closed the door and sidled over to my own door, not turning to look at the boys that must've still been staring at me.

"Yo, what cho' name?" one called out, a smirk clearly heard in his voice.

I turned to look at them, some of the boys had been glaring at me when I had sent Jose to the AP's office. I couldn't tell which one had spoken, but I didn't reply either. I turned back to my door, having paused in opening it.

"'Ey! I'm talking to you!" the same one yelled, his voice pulsating with anger.

I glanced back again, "Am I supposed to care?" I rolled my eyes, sliding into the seat and closing the door. Just as it was about to click shut, a hand slid in between and stopped it, forcing the door back open. It was one of the boys, possibly the one that had been shouting at me.

"Oh boy, you's about to care!" he snarled, grabbing at my collar.

I frowned, not budging as he fruitlessly tugged at my collar, making him look weak. "Now why on earth would I?" my drawl was insulting even to my ears, I knew that I was only egging him on. So why...?

"That's it you little fucker!" he yelled, pulling back his fist and letting it fly. I dodged easily, smirking as I heard the crunch of his hand hitting the metal of the car. "You bitch!" he yelled, his other hand loosening from my collar and closing around my throat.

I was startled, and rather alarmed, he could kill me accidentally at this point.

"Hey look! It's Jose!" one of them cried, backing off from the beat down to rush up to the other boy walking forward. It was Jose, and he was smirking, his long legs walking quickly over to me.

I had been dragged out onto the pavement at this point by the boy that had been choking me. Jose motioned for him to let go and I gasped, sucking in air.

"So... Professor Kirkland? Do you want to rethink this morning?" his sneer warped his tan face, making it more disgusting than usual.

I tried to glare up at him, but it only made them all laugh, kicking at me in a terrible circle, over and over again. When had they all surrounded me?

Eventually my body became numb, shutting down to avoid the pain. The dull thudding of their hands and feet eventually stopped, and I think they left; laughing.

It was only when I heard Alfred crying that I tried to drag myself into a standing position. Pain reverberated throughout my body and I groaned, falling into the drivers seat.

"Daddy!" Alfred cried, tears streaming down his face as he sobbed, not understanding what was wrong with me.

I forced a smile, my head swimming. "It's alright, we're going on home." I reassured him, stroking his soft blonde hair. Tears still ran down his face, but I had to get moving before I was positive it would be too dangerous for me to drive at all.

I started my car, before driving out of the parking lot and into the lamp lit streets. I rolled down my window, trying to get the cool air to help keep me conscious.

The drive home was mostly a blur, the pain putting a dangerous haze in front of my eyes.

My driving only got slightly dangerous when I was pulling into the driveway.

I cursed when I nearly ran over my trashcan before stumbling out of the car, opening the door and grabbing Alfred and his mobile bed. I was surprised I could even still hold him.

I sat the bed and Alfred down as soon as I walked over the threshold into my kitchen.

Alfred had already left to go play with the kittens. I looked at the clock; it was just past 6:30.

The phone rang, and I considered ignoring it, in too much pain to really feel like moving. What if it was Francis? He might be able to help...

I dragged myself to the phone and stretched, my body screaming as I did so. At this point everything was a blur, nothing had a defined shape, and it was a miracle that I could still control my body. I grabbed the phone, answering it on the fifth ring.

"Arthur! Thank goodness, I almost thought that you wouldn't pick up~! So, how was your day?" Francis' friendly accented voice asked cheerfully.

"I need help..." I said, my voice scarring me at how weak it sounded, how quiet.

"Arthur? What's wrong? Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

"Can you come to my house? My address is..." I trailed off, black dots swimming behind blurry vision.

"Arthur?! Answer me Arthur!" Francis yelled into the phone, worry and fear bleeding into his voice.

I looked down and saw an alarmingly large pool of blood seeping from my leg.

"Shit..." I whispered, "My address is 1470 Bethany... do you know where that is?" I asked, hoping he did.

"Yes, I'm coming, but you're going to have to stay awake until I get there-! Arthur?! ARTHUR?!" Francis yelled.

I had dropped the phone, the strength draining from my limbs even as I heard Francis shouting. The black dots had almost obscured my entire vision when I heard crying, and could vaguely see Alfred's small form near me.

"C-come here... it's alright..." I whispered, giving a surge of strength to hug my son. He grasped my neck desperately, and clung to me even after my arms dropped back down to my sides.

I heard very distant shouting.



I could hear Alfred crying on the other end of the phone. Arthur must have dropped it.

Something was very, very wrong.

I hung up my cell phone, slamming on the gas when the light turned green. I forced myself to slow down. Getting a ticket or in an accident would not help.

I glanced in the rear-view mirror, seeing the sleeping Matthew in the back seat, making sure he hadn't been disturbed. I looked forward again, making sure I turned onto the correct street.

I knew where his house was, it was one I had lived near at one point in my life.

I stopped in front of his house, shutting off the car and grabbing Matthew out of the back. Panic crept up on me as I ran to the back of the house, calling for him.

"Arthur!" I called, knowing he would be inside. I ran into the backyard, grabbing the back door and yanking it open. "ARTHUR!" I shouted, freezing when I saw his still form lying on the ground, a pool of his blood surrounding him, a sobbing Alfred clutching his neck.

"Back away from your father Alfred, I'm going to help him." I spoke, my voice shaking. Alfred didn't seem to hear me, but seemed to clutch tighter.

I pulled him away, bringing him to my chest as he screamed. I tried to soothe him as I grabbed the fallen phone and dialed 911.

"Hello 911. What is the location of your emergency?" a kind man said from the other end.

"I don't know what happened. I had called my friend and when he picked up he asked for my help. I just got here but he's surrounded by a pool of his own blood. I-it's at 1470 Bethany... Please we need help!" I explained frantically.

"Alright. I've notified the ambulance to your location. Is she conscious sir?" the man asked, almost making me laugh.

"It's a man, and no he isn't, he passed out before he could hang up. I think he drove home like this..." I said, worry choking my voice.

"How long have you known your friend?" the man asked.

"Why is that relevant?" I asked, staring at the phone.

"To keep your mind occupied so that you don't have a meltdown. Does either you, or him have any children?" the man asked, making sense.

"Yes, we each have one son. They're only babies though, not older than a toddler." I answered, watching as Matthew curled up next to Alfred on a rug that didn't have blood on it. "They're both beautiful..." I murmured, stroking Alfred's head. "Do you have any children?"

"Ahh... Nien, I do not have any children. But my partner and I are thinking about adopting." the man almost sounded uncomfortable.

"'Partner'? You're homosexual?" I asked, surprised at this random fact about a man I was probably never going to meet.

"Umm... You know this is being recorded right?" the man asked, very uncomfortable with the subject.

"Yes, but since you said partner I thought..." I sighed, "What's your name?" I asked, trying to keep my mind off of what I was doing; trying to keep pressure on Arthur's wound so he wouldn't bleed out buy the time the ambulance got here.

"Ahh, Ludwig, Ludwig Beilschmidt... Yours?" the man asked awkwardly.

"Francis, Francis Bonnefoy. Do you know how long it's going to take for the ambulance to get here?" I asked desperately, feeling Arthur's body grow colder.

"I am sorry, no I don't Francis. What's wrong? If he is getting cold, then you need to give him CPR, you don't have to do Mouth-to-Mouth, but chest compressions yes you do." Ludwig said calmly, instructing me.

I did as he told me, putting the phone on speaker so we could still talk and so I could keep sane. I began giving Arthur CPR, checking to make sure that Alfred and Matthew weren't looking. Matthew was asleep, curled up in a very awake, and very terrified-looking Alfred's lap. Shit, how was I going to explain this? The poor kid was going to have nightmares about this forever!

"Oh my god..." I said, too loud. Ludwig heard me.

"What is it? Is he still breathing? What is it Francis?!" his harsh voice rang out in the kitchen, and Alfred's eyes began to tear up as he stood, waddling over to his father that I was trying to save.

"No, no, go back and sleep with Matthew, okay Alfred? Your daddy is going to be fine, but just go over there and make sure Matthew doesn't wake up. Your daddy needs you to be the hero and keep Matthew safe from monsters..." I said weakly, knowing my lies would never fool him.

"'Alfred'? Wait a second, you have your kids in the ROOM with you?!" Ludwig exclaimed, after pausing on Arthur's son's name.

"What was I supposed to do?! Wait I hear- oh thank God they're here! The ambulance is here!" Frantically I kept giving him CPR, ignoring Alfred even as he began to cry and pull on his daddy's sleeve.

"You can hang up now Francis. Now what was your friend's name?" Ludwig said, his voice more relaxed.

"His name is Arthur, Arthur Kirkland." I replied, watching as the police ran through the door and spotted us on the ground.

"Wait, his name is Kirkland?!"

"Yes, and thank you, I want to meet you sometime after Arthur is alright..." I murmured, hanging up the phone. A doctor picked up Matthew, but I gave her a look and she handed him to me, instead picking up a sobbing Alfred.

She held him, but he began screaming, wailing and crying.

"PAPA!" he screamed, kicking at the lady and reaching for me.

"This is your child too?" she asked, puzzled.

I shook my head but held Alfred anyway.

"P-Papa... wha's goin' to happen to D-Daddy?" he asked, clutching my collar. I stiffened. 'Daddy'? 'Papa'? We weren't a couple...

"Awww! You're a gay couple?!" the nurse cooed, opening the door for us. The doctor had long wavy brown hair and deep forest green eyes. Her scrubs were green and brown, and she had a large flower in her hair. Maybe a poppy?

I floundered, "Umm, no we aren't dating, and I highly doubt he's gay."

She shrugged, "Oh well." I saw a dark glint in her eye, and nervously followed the gurney to the ambulance.

We flew to the hospital, Alfred crying in my lap, curled around a nervous Matthew.

"Papa?" Matthew murmured, curling into my stomach.

"Shh... it'll be okay." I pet his hair, rocking the toddlers as the truck began to slow. The nurse that had made the comment turned to me, a relieved smile on her face.

"Don't you worry... he'll be fine."

I slumped in my seat, hugging Matthew and Alfred hard to my chest. "Oh thank God..."

"He won't be up and walking very well for a few weeks, if not a whole month, but the wound didn't hit an artery, otherwise he would have been dead before we got there. Whoever did it nearly hit the bone though, so it was clearly a stab wound... would you happen to know?" A doctor had walked up, and was now eying me suspiciously.

We were now hurrying through the hospital, but the doctor signaled us to go to the waiting room, sitting down in a chair. I followed suit, cradling the little ones.

I glared, then turned to Alfred, "Al? Would you tell Papa how Daddy got hurt?" I asked, cradling him still.

Alfred began sobbing, "Meanies!"

I nodded, "Yes they were, but where was it?"

"A-at skwool..." he murmured, hugging Matthew in a strangle hold.

"School? Your Daddy is in college?" I was surprised, he looked older than that. Alfred shook his head, squinting his eyes. "Then what Alfred?"

"T-easher..." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, he teaches at a school? So... students of his did this?" I asked, trying to figure out why a student of his would.

Alfred nodded vigorously. His small body was trembling. I held him closer, rocking the toddler slowly. "Shh, it's okay Alfred, your Daddy is gonna be okay..." I reassured him.

Alfred still burst into tears anyway, sobbing into my shirt. I leaned back in the chair, looking at the doctor whom frowned, but stood up.

"You'll need to sign in over there." he said, gesturing to a welcome desk, "I am sorry that this happened to your husband."

I blushed, "I don't think he's gay sir, and we aren't dating, just friends."

"Sure," and with that he disappeared, walking briskly down the corridor where Arthur had disappeared to.

A/N: Go ahead and shoot me, i know i deserve it... making y'all wait this long for a chapter that was only six pages on word, and is only about 3500 words? Pathetic, i should be hung.

A great thank you to:






Yami Mizuna


Guest(who doesn't feel like logging in XD)

Hungarian With a Frying Pan




Thank y'all so much for your patience, I loved reading your reviews so much~ Also afew things that were addressed, to clear up confusion:

It's just a fun fiction story, and reading back on the first chapter I wanna smack myself at how incoherent it is to me. This is what happens when authors don't plan anything out for the story XD so, I apologize if it was rather sporatic, I hope this one was better~