So here a fic that I just wrote cause I was bored. I actually like it and I really hope that you guys do to. It takes place in New Moon after Edward leaves Bella, and in the Vamp Diaries it takes place right after Damon opens the tomb. But as a warning I'm just going to tell you that it might go way off of the Vamp Diaries plot line.

I wont bug you too much. Just read:)

See you at the bottom

"I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence."

~Alyson Noel

Why did he leave?

Maybe there was something wrong with me.

Yeah, that had to be it. There was definitely something wrong with me.

Why else would he leave me? We had something perfect going. He loved me and I had loved him. Sure there was the whole Human Vampire thing, but I would have gone through the change for him. I had been ready to spend my entire life with Edward. We would have had eternity.

But there was something wrong with me.

So he left.

He left me on the damp forest floor crying in agony. I had lost—everything with those two words. Words that I don't think I would ever be able to forget.

We're leaving. We're leaving. We're leaving. Maybe If I say it enough times it won't be true. Maybe if I drive over to their house they'll all be there this time. Not an empty room, but a house full of a family that I loved and the boy I loved even more.

The truth, even if I deny it admittedly, is that life sucks. It's a whole lot of problems, lies, and people that say they love you but really don't. Life is a curvy road waiting for you to be the driver that takes the turn to fast and ends up in a ditch in the middle of nowhere. And because life sucks, and the fact that I'm the unluckiest girl in the world, the Cullen's will not be at their abandoned house, Edward will not be waiting for me at our meadow, and most importantly he will never say I love you again.

Like I said; life sucks.

So there you go. The first chapter of Strangers.

This story is going to have pretty short chapters, but this one is probably shorter than most. I already have a lot of them written and I will tell you that one is around two pages long. I guess it just depends on the day:) Anyways, I promise that Bella wont be too sob story, cry your heart out, love struck girl that she sometimes is. I like strong female characters and I promise she will become one in time.

Damon...well Damon will come in at a later chapter. We'll talk about him then.

I really hope that you guys liked this chapter and I would absolutely love it if you reviewed. It would just make my day. Tell me what you think, and I'm always looking for ideas.

AGAIN:This story takes place in New Moon after Edward leaves Bella, and in the Vamp Diaries it takes place right after Damon opens the tomb. It will not completely follow the story line of either Twilight of the Vamp Diaries.


Love Love2Write DealWithIt