Here it is. The final chapter. yes I know it is incredibly late. I got caught up in Nanowrimo and finals and just trying to figure out how to end it. I've left it open so that there could possibly be a sequel, but it is unlikely to happen anytime soon. Still I will let you all know. Thank you for staying with me and I hope you enjoy the last chapter for 'Trust Me.'

Chapter Sixteen

Morgana stared into the small fire, arms folded around herself. Mordred sat opposite of her, also glaring into the flames. Morgana was less than happy about how the battle had gone. She had been thrown off by Emrys, had no chance of acquiring the throne (this time) due to the sorcerers helping Arthur. She wondered how he had forced those witches and wizards to help him. Blackmail or threatening probably, she thought. The thought disgusted her. An even worse thought plagued her mind that maybe it was Emrys who had cajoled them to do it. Turning their own kind against one another, how...evil. She had even lost Aithusa. There were only a few upsides to what happened during this battle.

She and Mordred had lived to fight another day. You had to count that as a good thing on principle. Second, she now no longer owed the Saxons anything since they were all mostly slaughtered or captured. Lastly, and most importantly, they had acquired the Crystal of Nietid. As if reading her thoughts, Mordred slowly pulled the crystal out from the bag he had been carrying it. A small smile graced his lips briefly before returning to his normal cold stare. He glanced up and saw Morgana watching him. He placed the crystal back in the bag.

Mordred smiled at her. A fake smile she could read right through. Mordred didn't need her around anymore. If she got in his way, she didn't doubt the consequences would be dire. He was in control now, but Morgana decided to let it stay that way.

"What do we do now?" She asked ready to follow his every order.

Merlin was saying goodbye to all those who had come to help fight for Camelot. Alator, Isildur and all their men (well those who hadn't died) all leaving with them. Gilli was nearly completely well due to the great healing powers of the druids as well as Merlin himself and would be leaving the next day. After his goodbyes he had to do the thing he was least looking forward to.

Explaining himself.

They were all waiting for him in the throne room. All of them, waiting for an explanation. At least he wasn't in jail. He made his way down to the room full of waiting friends after his final goodbyes. He stood before the door cautiously, wondering what would happen once he stepped through those doors. He knew everything would change.

He opened the doors.

Arthur had gathered all those he thought deserved an explanation from Merlin. Those people were Gwen, Gaius, Leon, Elyan, Percival, and Gwaine. Though he did suspect Gaius already knew from the nervous looks he kept shooting towards the doors. He hadn't told them all why they were there yet, but figured he should before Merlin showed up. He looked into all their curious faces. The knights were fidgeting, wanting to get back to helping rebuild the city along with the other knights. Gaius looked completely still, staring off into the distance as if he already knew which Arthur suspected. Gwen sat calmly, but kept trying to catch Arthur's eye. He did his best to avoid it.

"I've asked all of you to come here to learn of some new and very important information. I myself am not entirely sure what we shall hear, but I do know it will not be easy, least of all for me."

They all looked at him uneasily. "Who will we be hearing these things from? Is it news of another attack?" Leon immediately asked.

"No, nothing like that," Arthur placated. "It's about Merlin," this got quite a response.

"Is he alright?" Gwen asked voicing their immediate concern.

"He's fine," Arthur said noticing Gaius' contemplative look. "He just has quite a few things to explain to us," he said carefully.

"About what?" Percival asked.

Arthur took in a deep breath and let it out quickly. "It has come to my attention that Merlin is a sorcerer," he said looking at the ground. "He has quite a bit to explain."

"Magic?" Gwen asked. "No, that can't be true."

Gaius avoided Arthur's eye and said nothing. The knights were speechless, shaking their heads in disbelief. "I know it's hard to believe," Arthur continued. "I myself am not happy about this, but I will listen as openly as possible. I hope you all do the same."

They each nodded in turn and Arthur sighed in relief. He then allowed himself to allow his feelings to overwhelm him. He felt anxiety and anger and betrayed all at once. He finally realized just how strange the thought of Merlin having magic was. It was completely ridiculous, and he wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. Yet he had, and he felt betrayed and angry though not enough to hurt his friend. He just wanted some answers. Soon enough the doors opened revealing a rather grim looking Merlin. He stood stiffly and paused before entering the room.

"Merlin," Arthur greeted sternly yet as unemotionally as he could.

Merlin just gave a nervous nod before sitting at the head of the table. "I suppose I have a lot to explain," he said.

"Indeed you do," Arthur said settling into his seat.

Merlin looked around the table, they all looked at him intently, yet not in a mean or overly confused way.

"I suppose Arthur all told you that I... have magic," Merlin started with a nervous breath. They all nodded slowly. "Alright," he said trying to calm his nerves. "I suppose you would all like me to start at the beginning," he said. More nods, an encouraging smile came from Gaius. "You may not believe me, but I was born with my magic." Merlin paused, looking to see who would argue against his claim. Surprisingly he found none.

Arthur noticed his confusion and understood. "It's alright Merlin. We trust you."

Merlin smiled and visibly relaxed. He settled into telling his friends about his life, glad they would finally know the real him. It was the moment he had been waiting for his whole life. All the people he cared about sat around him, willing to listen to his tale and he was ready to tell it. Merlin couldn't help feel that as he began to talk that things would never be the same, but that they would be better. Much much better.

Outside the city was being rebuilt, the change in the air could be felt. Somewhere out there they knew Morgana and Mordred plotted against them, but that didn't seem to matter at the moment. Merlin was finally free. Free to be a friend. Free to use magic. Free to be finally and truly trusted. There was nothing more Merlin could have dreamed to ask for.

The End