Hi everybody! Another story! :D I've been working on this one for a while and I'm still not quite done, but it's close. As I said I started this a while ago and have based things on spoilers for the fifth season, but only on the ones I knew at the time I started. I know this is going to be nothing like the actual season 5, but I had all these great ideas and I was forced to write it. I hope you like this story, and so I will stop writing this and just let you read. Enjoy!

Chapter One

It had been a year of near peace. A few mishaps had happened here and there, but nothing momentous and certainly no word of Morgana. It unnerved Merlin that she had not been seen or heard from in such a time. He wasn't even sure if she was alive, but no body had ever been found, and the circumstances of her departure had been suspicious to say the least. Merlin worried what it was she was building up to, or whether there were any new traitors within Camelot. There were a lot of unknown things concerning the future, but for the present, things were going quite well.

Arthur and Gwen were the happiest couple in all the five kingdoms as far as Merlin was concerned. Gwen was a great wife and an even better Queen. Many of the people loved her, especially knowing her roots and those who didn't grew to love her for her kindness and beauty. Arthur had changed little in the past year. His hair had grown a bit longer, but was just the same prat in Merlin's opinion though he said it less often now that Gwen was constantly around. Gwen wouldn't have minded if Merlin did call Arthur a prat all the time, but Merlin figured Arthur wouldn't have liked it so much. Besides, Arthur wasn't so much of a prat anymore. There was no traitor within Camelot that had a great influence over him. It was just Merlin, Gwen and Gaius that Arthur listened to.

Arthur had come to go to Gwen for more and more advice since they had gotten married, but Merlin didn't mind. It was easier for Arthur to accept her advice than to accept the words of his servant if only for the reason that he didn't have to let Merlin 'win' anymore. Much had changed, and yet much had stayed the same, as in magic was still outlawed and didn't seem to have any good prospects in the near future.

As for Gwen transitioning from being a servant, to a queen wasn't the easiest thing. She always felt bad ordering servants around, which only made people love her all the more and all the more willing to aid her. She did take a liking to the new gowns she had received as gifts from several kingdoms as well as from her husband. Gwen looked more stunning than ever, yet was still the person Merlin knew. In political affairs, she was a great queen. She had all the right solutions and truly cared for her people and knew how to get others to see her way. Arthur tried to keep her away from most of the work out of fear she would take total control. At least that's what he would say to Merlin in a joking manner. The real reason was because he didn't want her to work so hard. He never wanted her to feel as worked as she had as a servant. It was a sentimental thing that not many people knew or could see.

As for the knights, life went on as usual. Gwaine still liked to get drunk, although Merlin noticed he did it much less often and stopped calling Arthur a princess. Elyan was proud of his sister and had assumed the role of being her personal body guard whenever she went into town or trouble was about. Percival had remained much the same though it seemed to many he had gotten even bigger and stronger, but how that could be possible no one knew. Leon was as faithful as ever and extended his loyalties to Guinevere easily as he made certain she was as safe as possible since he was in charge over the rest of the military. Security was a little better now, making Merlin's job a little harder since Arthur unknowingly relied on him more since he became king.

All was well in Camelot. At least until Merlin started hearing voices in his head.

Morgana stepped off the boat, glad to be on solid ground again. She looked behind her and smiled. Mordred walked up beside her and offered a small smile. He had grown a lot and his hair was longer. He also now carried a sword with him, though he didn't really need it. Morgana had become closer to him than ever and loved him like a son.

"It won't be long now," Morgana said smirking as she looked behind him.

Mordred didn't speak. He rarely did. His smile just widened.

"They won't see this coming, and they will be helpless," Morgana continued, excited that it was finally coming to an end.

Morgana didn't see the smile he had had on his face turn into a frown before returning to it's normal blank sheet. She was too busy thinking of her fortunes. Since that night the castle had been taken back from her and she had been saved by the dragon, she had found Mordred, or had Mordred found her? She wasn't sure which it was. Her powers had returned soon after that, once Mordred reversed Emrys' spell for her. Then she and Mordred had had a long conversation. Probably the longest conversation the boy had ever had and the most...interesting one that Morgana had ever participated in. One particular piece of their conversation kept coming back to her.

"I would have succeeded if it hadn't been for Emrys. He is the one who took my power from me. He is said to be my destiny and my doom, but I will not let it happen. I will find him and take my revenge," Morgana had said with pure hatred and fear at just the thought of the old man that haunted her dreams.

"Why have you not killed him already?" Mordred had asked.

"I can't seem to ever find him, and the one occasion where I did come face to face with him, he over powered me. With you by my side we can defeat him. I am sure of it."

"You have met him on more than one occasion Morgana," Mordred had said softly.

"What are you talking about? I've never-"

"He is the one who follows Arthur. The one with black hair and brought me to you in the first place."

"He has no magic," Morgana had scoffed. "There is no way he could be Emrys."

"You're wrong. He is powerful, and he is Emrys. Think of how many times he has gotten in your way, how he always seems to know things," Mordred had tried to explain. "Merlin is Emrys."

It had take Morgana some time, some anger and frustration, but she finally realized he was right. She wouldn't rest until she had exposed and killed him. She wouldn't rest until she killed Merlin, or should she say Emrys?

Either way, his secret was out, and things would certainly change for him, and Morgana would make sure it was for the worse.

The voices has started off distant and quiet. So quiet Merlin didn't even notice at first. But then they had begun to get louder yet more muddled. First it was just every other day or so leaving behind a small whispering of unintelligible words that left him with goosebumps. Then they came every day, but always quiet. Merlin didn't say anything to anyone, he knew it was something to do with magic, though a small part of him feared he might be going mad. The voice always set him on edge though he could never tell what it said or recognize who was speaking. Sometimes it came several times a day, and soon it was making it hard to concentrate as he was trying to make out the faded words.

And then they had stopped.

Days passed without so much as a suspicious sigh. Merlin thought that they had gone for good after the fifth day. He had been very wrong.

As he was just cleaning up Arthur's chambers, that he now shared with Guinevere, he listened to Arthur spin off a list of ridiculously stupid chores.

"...After that I want you to polish all my boots, even the ones I don't use very often, then I want you to scrub the ceiling, it's getting rather dusty, and then I need you to mend my shirts-"

Arthur stopped when Gwen entered. He looked rather guilty and Merlin smirked as he gathered laundry in his arms.

"Are you giving Merlin a hard time again?" Gwen said walking over to him and kissing Arthur lightly.

"He deserves it you know," Arthur said as Gwen sat with him at the table where he was sitting with his legs on the table, which mocked Merlin further. "I think he's been getting more lazy since I married you. I know you secretly do some of the chores when I'm not looking."

"Maybe I wouldn't help if you didn't overwork him so much," Gwen shot back.

"He's not overworked, are you Merlin," Arthur asked as a rhetorical question.

That's when Merlin's head exploded. Okay, it didn't actually explode, but it sure felt that way to Merlin. The voice boomed through his head.

'EMRYS' the voice called.

Merlin immediately dropped all the clothes he was carrying and moved his hands to his ears as if it would help. He also cried out in pain and fell to his knees, mostly out of shock. He had thought they were gone. Arthur nearly fell out of his chair at Merlin's cry of pain. At first Gwen and Arthur sat in shock before rushing to Merlin's side in concern. Merlin paid no attention though. All he could pay attention to was the voice that rang inside his head.


"Merlin!" came the worried voices of Gwen and Arthur who were now besides him.

Merlin opened his eyes, he hadn't realized he had closed his eyes in the first place. He removed his hands from his ears and found himself breathing hard. He had been holding his breath without realizing it. Merlin looked Arthur and Gwen in the eyes, which were full of concern. When they realized they had his attention they stopped yelling his name.

"Merlin, what happened? Are you alright?" Gwen asked.

Merlin wasn't sure what to say. So he said the first thing that came to him. "I'm fine," he said as convincingly as he could, leaping to his feet and resumed his chores hoping they would forget anything ever happened. No such luck.

"You are not fine," Gwen said making him stop.

"I'm fine. I'll just get these clothes and-"

"Merlin," Arthur cut him off. "Tell us what just happened," Arthur said. Merlin was about to protest, but Arthur cut him off before he could. "Now," Arthur ordered.

Merlin sighed. He couldn't think of an excuse so he told them the truth. "There was a really loud voice in my head," Merlin said seriously.

"Tell us the truth Merlin," Arthur said rolling his eyes, obviously not believing him.

Merlin opened his mouth in protest. He had told the truth and was about to give Arthur a piece of his mind when Gwen cut in.

"Maybe he is overworked," Gwen said.

"You can't really believe-" Arthur started but stopped at the look on his wife's face.

"You go and rest Merlin," Gwen ordered. "Don't come back until you are well rested. Understood?"

Merlin just nodded, unsure how serious he should take her. One more look at her and he bolted from the room. He heard Gwen and Arthur begin talking again, although it might have been more of an argument. Merlin didn't know, but didn't care. He had five days to stop an army from killing Arthur and Gwen and had no idea how to do it.

So there is the first chapter, I hope you will continue to read it and perhaps if you so desire, drop a helpful review. I do hope writing on this site improves my writing skills and I know the best way is for people to critique, so please do! Anything is helpful. I should have the next chapter up soon (considering it's already done. I just have to edit it). See you all again soon!