AN: Hey, it's Primordial Soul with the second chapter of Sterling Silver.

I probably should be studying for exams, but I'm bored as well as confident for them, so I decided to write.

I was planning on working on my other stories, but people have been wanting me to continue this. So, I thought why not get this chapter out to the readers who want it?

This still will not be worked on much as The Lord of Revenge takes number one priority followed by Altomare Ace.

Sterling's alt-mode will be revealed in this chapter. This is kinda filler with Sterling beginning to acclimatize herself to her new existence and planet around her. She will also meet someone surprising at the end of the chapter.

Mr. Spock: Why, thank you for the compliments! Reactions will be coming soonish.

Shades-Soul: Well, here's an update now!

Lunar Mist: Your review was one of the reasons I'm updating this story now. You're right, I need to continue writing this and then decide later whether to continue this or not.

I've decided to stay in first person when I'm narrating Sterling's POV, but use third person for every other character.

I think that's it. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Cybertronian Time:

Breem: 8.3 minutes

Joor: 6 hours

Vorn: 83 years


Instruments blared around me as my pod descended towards the planets surface. My servos quickly stabilized my pod using knowledge I had never learned, but had been given to me by Primus. Remind me to thank him some day.

It began to get uncomfortably hot and slightly steamy, a sign that I had entered the lowest level of the atmosphere. In response, my cooling fans kicked up again, bringing my body back down to a stable temperature.

I quickly analyzed my position and was dismayed to see that I was going to land in an area of land with lots of mountains, preventing me from escaping or leaving easily. That didn't matter. What did matter was that I landed a fair distance away from any natives who may decide to tear me apart for scarp metal. I needed to figure out where the rest of my kind was as well as secure a decent alternative vehicle to hide myself as.

Several seconds later, I managed to find a spot that was far enough away from native populations to safely land, but close enough that I could find a vehicle form and scout out the planet with little trouble. I smile to myself at the success. That was the first thing I did well since getting out of my prison.

My processor rapidly began overclocking as the memories began to return, sending my systems into a state of panic. I closed my optics in pain as my processor struggled to stay online. In a fit of desperation, I devised and installed a block on the painful memories that will slowly release them over time, allowing me to deal and cope with my terrible memories a little at a time.

I sighed in relief as my processor ceased trying to seize up only to be jarred severely when my re-entry pod crashed onto the planet's surface. I rolled and tumbled uncontrollably as the pod around me slowly lost its force from the constant collisions it endured. Thankfully, the rolling stopped before I purged my tanks. That would have been messy.

With a groan, I hit the release lever and with an alien elegance that baffled me, the top of the pod retracted into itself, granting me exit from the pod.

I hefted myself out and put my pedes down onto the alien surface. So many senses and inputs flooded my sensors, causing my systems to recycle and reset to compensate for the extreme amount of signals I was receiving. Once they reset, I gazed upon a completely alien world.

Despite my... circumstances with the Liege Maximo, I can say that I have one old memory that I overlooked when under constant torture, which I have now uncovered. I was standing on a metal world, surrounded by rising spires and moving machines. Mechanical life was everywhere and a metal moon was setting on the horizon. The memory gave me a sense of contentment and satisfaction, a feeling that I was home. It was Cybertron, my race's home.

And this planet I now walked upon couldn't be more different.

Organic life was everywhere, flourishing where ever it could. Biological life was abundant here and the only machines that vaguely resembled the one's we had back home were artificially created by humans. I quickly accessed a primitive satellite and accessed data about humans.

Humans. Homo Sapiens. Estimated seven billion people. I inwardly winced at that number. There were less than twenty thousand Cybertronians left scattered across the stars, at least I thought so. Originated on the continent Africa and began crafting their first steps of civilization 144 vorns ago. I blinked at that information. They were a young species.

I continued looking though the wireless data about humans as I stretched my aching and cramped servos, sighing in relief as my cables loosened and relaxed. Humans were adept at using symbolic communication to relay information and their drive to live, in innovate, to triumph over anything makes up for their physical fragility and morality.

I was surprised at how quickly humans had evolved. In ten vorns they had went from swinging swords to splitting the atom and sending men into space. Despite our longevity, they are developing a lot faster than Cybertronians did...

How do I know this? Primus was generous enough to give me a history of my race, at least documented history. Apparently, Primus was our god, the one who started our race. That made me laugh a little. I had met God. Who knew?

An internal beep shook me from my research. I cursed in Cybertronian as I realized that over 3 breems had passed. How long was I day dreaming? It didn't matter. I had to go get an alternative form right now before I am spotted.

I quickly sprinted away from the crash site, intent on my destination, the human city of Geneva. Time for some first hand experience.

It didn't take me too long to reach the city, only about an additional four breems. Once I arrived, I stopped and stared out towards the city, optics filled with wonder. This was the first time I had ever seen civilization, at least that I can remember.

The city was built around a bay, obviously an important trading spot when humans crossed the seas. The city was composed of many houses, small and large buildings and alleyways that slightly resembled a Cybertronian city yet much less efficient and much dirtier. Humans are much more primitive technology wise of course.

Although, the back drop was incredible. The sun, high in the sky, cast its rays down onto the surface of the lake, its light reflecting of its surface. It made the water look incredible and a soft glow permeated everywhere around me. Although Crystal City was incredible in its own way, Cybertron never had something as simple as what I was seeing now.

After several human minutes of staring, I shook my head again. Why was I drifting off so much? I was a grown femme by Primus's sake! I was a warrior! … at least I wanted to be. I shouldn't be daydreaming like some youngling!

Furious at myself, I quickly yet quietly approached the city, as well as a fifteen foot robot could be. I needed to get a vehicle mode, but I couldn't enter the city proper without getting spotted and scaring a bunch of humans as well as alerting possible enemies to my aft's location. What to do...

My receptors picked up some faint human voice, muttering some sort of curse words. Intrigued, I quickly moved my chassis over to peer at where the humans were. When I got them into my optics, I grinned. This was perfect.

A big truck hefting a bunch of very shiny and evidently very new cars was pulled over on the side of the road and the two drivers were cursing up a storm while they were replacing a flat tire. This was perfect. I could easily snag an alt mode here!

Before I started, I overheard the two humans talking.

"... We're so screwed, Jim. You know where these cars are headed for, right!"

"Yeah, the Geneva Motor Show, home of the best cars ever created! I'm not stupid, Jeffery."

"But, once they know we have a flat and that we're late..."

"Doesn't matter! As long as we get these awesome cars and prototypes to the show, we'll get paid. Now quick yapping and get back to work!"

After overhearing their conversation, I grinned even more. So these cars were either the best of the best or prototypes? This was like Sparking day times hundred.

My scanners quickly flashed through the cars as I rejected each one as it came to my attention. Too slow, too much drag, too ugly... I shudder as I reject another one. I'm a femme and I have to have some standard of appearance.

I almost rejected the next one out of habit when it caught my attention. I slowly mulled it over, going over its appearance, possible colors, specifications, and everything else about it. As I studied it, my mouth slowly turned upwards into a grin. I had found it.

The humans called it a Koenigsegg Agera R. It was a Swedish prototype created for mass production two years later. It coudl go 0-100 km/h in 2.9 seconds with a max speed of more than 420 km/hour, although it had never been verified. It had a rear wheeled drive and would fit my frame very well. It was very aerodynamic and most importantly, it was gorgeous. A new paint job and it would be perfect.

I scanned the Agera R with my trans-scanner, absorbing every detail about it and improving its design with Cybertronian technology. Once it was finished, I uploaded the data to my spark.

My armor began to change as I adapted to fit my alternative mod. Black plating began covering my silver protoform, covering most of my body in the cars frame. My chest morphed into what would be the front of the car, the headlights over my feminine 'assets'. The doors grew on my arms as well as two of my tires. The other two grew on my legs. My helm softened and curved as it grew plating as well as a mouth guard. Crimson red highlights appeared on my body as it finished reformatting.

Quickly accessing a schematic of my new body, I hummed in satisfaction as I gazed upon my form. I didn't want to be biased or anything, but I liked what I saw. Blue optics peering out of a black helm with a retractable mouth guard. A slim fifteen foot figure, built for speed and battle. Black plating with a nice compliment of crimson highlights.

As I tested my flexibility, my horrible memories began intruding on me yet again. With a mental push, I managed to beat them back, but not before my processor heated up again. I sighed in resignation. It was harder to beat them back than last time. I was going to have to deal with them eventually. My recharge was going to be brutal.

I shook my helm to rid myself of those evil thoughts. Now was not the time to mope. I finally had an alt-mode and I was eager to test it out. I triggered the transformation.

A second later, after my body whirred and clicked as it changed, I was now in my alternate mode, ready to go. With an eager spinning of my wheels and a roar of my engine, I was off, racing down the road away from Geneva.

I was in bliss. I absolutely loved this. The feeling of the wind flashing by, the sheer speed I was going at, the feeling of my wheels scrapping against the pavement. This was incredible. I would do this all day, every day. I eagerly scrunched my frame closer to the ground, increasing my speed. I was a blur on the road. I was in Paradise as the humans would call it.

After breems upon breems of driving, almost a whole joor from when I landed, I was starting to slow down. I needed to make a plan regarding my kind and what side I would join.

A roar brought me out of my muse and I turned my sensors to see another car racing up besides me. It was sunny yellow with some gold tech decals and was some very nice eye candy as the paint was spotless. I accessed the specs to see what it could do.

It was a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4. 0-100 km/h in 3.7 seconds with a top speed of 325 km/h. Around the same age as my own alternate form, but already in mass production. My frame tensed in anticipation. This was going to be fun.

As we drove side by side, racing each other, an EM field suddenly met my own, surprising me. I turned my sensors on to the yellow Lambo and realized that it was a Cybetronian too. I had found a member of my own race.

I quickly debated on what to do. I would definitely talk to him and get some information. I also would probably stay with him until we found more of our kind. Also, since his alt mode was very nice, I wonder how he would look when he was bipedal...

My mind made up, I increased my speed and sped past him. As I did so, I pulled a 180 handbrake right into his way. The Lambo swerved to avoid me and spun out, losing all of its speed. I quickly turned around, wheels squealing and sped towards the Lambo.

I transformed close to the Lambo and jumped over him, gently touching his frame with my servo as I flew over him. As I landed behind him, a shifting sound told me the Cybertronian was transforming too. I turned around and was struck dumb by the Cybertronian.

He was a little taller than me, about half a human foot. He had wheels for feet and his armor was spotless, causing it to glitter in the sunlight. His helm had two big audio receptor fins and despite his scowl, which she could look pass, he looked drop dead gorgeous.

My cooling fans kicked on as I gazed at the male in front of me. As we stared at each other, I could feel my spark tingling, reaching out for him. It was so tiny and so hard to notice that I would have missed it if I wasn't so aware of my body due to my endless torture. I wonder what it was.

"You almost scratched my paint, femme!" the male snapped, bringing me out of my daydream. I frowned at his statement. The male must be incredibly vain, but instead of pissing me off, it was actually kinda... well, cute? Don't ask me why.

"I didn't? I should of tried harder," I said with a frown, playing with him. That served to piss him off.

"No one touches my paint!" He said, eyes boiling with frustration and annoyance. I smiled and put my hand on my hip. I wasn't bothered by his bitching at all. Endless tortured girl, here? This was nothing.

"Okay, Sunny, I'll try my best not to damage that gorgeous paint job." I bit back as good as he gave. The mech blinked and a strange flicker went through his optics. It looked like he was fighting whether to either accept the compliment about his paint, be angry over the name I gave him, or just be plain confused. He chose the second option.

"Don't call me Sunny!" He snapped back, his servos folded over his chest.

"Okay then, what is your name?" I asked, curious over the mech's name. It seemed... important for me to know.

The mech stared at me for a couple seconds and then said, "It's Sunstreaker, former gladiator, Autobot frontline fighter, and sexy mech all rolled into one"

A wicked gleam appeared on my face as I approached Sunstreaker, "Okay, Sunny, my name's Sterling. Current neutral, but willing to join the side against the Unmaker. Also willing to fight and kick a mech's aft any day of the week."

Sunstreaker looked surprised at my statement, then his face turned into a curious one. "I think we need to talk" he replied, his optics trained on mine.

My smile stayed on my face as I replied, "Yes, I think we should."

Far away from Sterling and Sunstreaker, two forces were converging on their position. Both wanted to get the neutral that landed and they were ready to do whatever it took to get that neutral in their army.

AN: I hope you enjoyed that chapter of Sterling Silver!

Sterling has met Sunstreaker! They'll get along great.

As I said above, this story will continue to not be worked on frequently.

Next chapter, discussions and action!

See you later!

Primordial Soul