This chapter takes place shortly after the final scene in "Endgame Part II". The triumphal ceremonies were broadcast all across Cybertron, and thanks to a video comm link, on earth as well.

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers Animated or Sari.

Professor Sumdac sat alone in his office after the board meeting. It had been quite a day at Sumdac Systems; thanks to the live connection Bulkhead had set up, everyone had the opportunity to watch the ceremony welcoming the Autobots return on Cybertron.

It was late in the afternoon, and everyone had gone for the day. He sat back and looked at the picture of Sari on his desk. "Oh, Sari, my beautiful girl" he sighed. "How I miss you."

Just then, his video phone began to ring. "Incoming message from Cyberton!" it said. Isaac sighed; probably a message from Bulkhead asking how the transmission went. He pressed the button to accept.

It wasn't Bulkhead's image that appeared on the screen however. Instead it was that of a young robot with two triangle-shaped things above her Autobot-style helmet. "Hi, Dad!"

"Sari? Sari! Oh, Sari, is that you? I was just thinking of you! How are you? We watched the ceremonies on the video link that Bulkhead had set up for us."

"I'm doing great, Dad! Cybertron is incredible! What a place! I've never seen so many Autobots!"

"Oh Sari," beamed Isaac, "We are all so very proud of you! You should have seen the board here; everyone erupted in applause when you were introduced."

Sari laughed "You sure they could see me? I was kind of the tiniest person in the group, you know."

"Oh, we saw you, Sari, we saw you. And maybe you didn't know it, but when they introduced you, the camera zoomed in. 'Everyone, please give your cheers for Sari Sumdac!' they yelled. The board members jumped up and everyone kept slapping me on the back – oh my back! Although, to be honest, I'm wondering if they were just excited for the great advertising plug it gave to broadcast the name 'Sumdac' around the world," Isaac chortled.

Sari rolled her optics "Oh, Dad."

Oh, and Sari, the board is very happy with the repairs you made on the automaton assembly line systems . You have increased efficiency 250%! They told me to tell you any time you want a job as Vice President of operations the job is yours. I told them I think you have some more important tasks to attend to right now."

"Thanks, Dad. Tell the board I appreciate their offer, but yeah, I think I've got my hands full for now."

Professor Sumdac sat up in his chair and cleared his throat. "So, Sari, tell me: what are your plans from this point? I'm sure there are lots of things that will be keeping you busy up there – or, over there – or, however it's expressed. Do they have things in store for you?" Isaac privately hoped Sari wasn't about to say she was going to make Cybertron her permanent home!

"Well, so far, I've been told about a few things," Sari explained. "First, Bumblebee's taking me to something called "Team Stunticon" – sounds like fun! And Ratchet and Arcee know an Autobot medic who specializes in technorganics. They want me to go see him for a full examination of my mods, especially the ones Ratchet had to bypass after my malfunction. I'm hoping he can help me understand the ones that weren't affected by the malfunction, too. And finally, Optimus is taking me to The Metroplex. He said I've been requested to make an appearance at the Autobot High Council."

"Oh my goodness! That last one sounds very important! Better be on your best behavior, Sari!"

"OK, Dad," Sari laughed. "I'll try not to be like Bumblebee or anything. So anyway, what's the time there on earth? It's very different here on Cybertron – hard to tell from the sky what time it is."

"It's late afternoon. We just finished our board meeting. Your ceremony was the high point of our day. So, how's the environment on Cybertron? Are you able to breathe there? I see you are still in your robot mode."

"Oh, slag! You know what? I forgot to ask! I've been in robot mode since we left earth – I had to to be like this on the moon, you know." Sari turns away from the monitor for a minute. "Hey, Bee! Can I breathe here? I can? OK, thanks!" A flash of blue light streaks across the monitor, and Sari arrives back in human form. She sniffs around a bit. "Hmm – interesting smells. Kinda metallic – oh yeah, Bee, it's probably IS you! Oh go away!" She laughs. "This is a private conversation with my Dad! Geesh!"

"Ah! Now THERE'S my beautiful girl!" Isaac beamed. "Well Sari, I hope, if you aren't able to come back to earth anytime soon, you can call me like this from time to time. I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too, Dad," Sari said, suddenly serious. "I promise you, I will give you calls every chance I get. OK, gotta go for now. Headed to that performance with Bumblebee. I will let you know what I find out from that technorganic expert, and especially what happens with the Autobot High Council."

"Sounds good, Sari. Everything's going well down here, don't you worry. Give my best to everyone up there! I Love you!"

"I love you, Daddy! Yes, Bee, I'M COMING!"

"Connection ended" the video phone declared, as Professor Sumdac hung up. Turning back to his desk, he slumped back in his chair, happy, yet sad at the same time. "Good luck, my Sari."

Well, that's Chapter 1. What do you think? I have a few ideas for Sari in the upcoming chapters as hinted in her conversation. I'll submit them as time permits. Thanks for reading!