Clint was in France eight days later. It was about nine at night as walked into the SHIELD safe house- AKA an apartment on the top floor to a pretty decent apartment building.

He just killed off his last target. The jet would get him in about three hours and he would be able to go home.

He was practically skipping into his room as he rushed around to double check everything and get his weapons packed.

Clint sat on the couch when he was done. A bag sitting next to him with weapons and a back pack at his feet with mostly clothes and other necessities along with a knife or two. His quiver was on his back and his bow was resting next to him. He knew he would have to pack them but something was telling him not to just yet.

He was good at staying in one spot for hours at a time and he was very patient but he never experienced anything like this. He just wanted to go home and see Natasha.

He looked around the apartment and eyed the window behind him. He left it open and the cool January night breeze blew in.

He scanned the rest of the room before settling back into the couch and closing his eyes.

He didn't sleep though, he literally counted each second, at least until there was a knock at the door. He starred up at it without making a sound.

It was knocked again.

"Barton." He heard a soft tone and Clint recognized it immediately. Daniel Payne. Clint smiled and moved to open the door.

Daniel smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Clint asked.

"I'm here to pull you out of your assignment."

"I'm finished, but why-?"

Daniel laughed. "No questions, we should hurry."

Clint looked as confused as ever. "Why?"

"Barton, she's in labor."

Clint's eyes widened as he stood frozen. Daniel smiled at him. "Congrats, by the way." He added.

Clint broke out in a smile.

"Yeah, that's right, so grab your bags, and let's go."

Clint turned a centimeter before the gunshot was heard. He saw Daniel fall with a shocked expression. Clint couldn't even make a noise but he was trained well enough to know that he needed to get out of there.

He turned, not even bothering to shut the door. He eyed the open window and thanked God he didn't take off his quiver full of arrows.

He ran for it, snatching his bow from the couch and hesitated only for a moment before he put his foot on the ledge and jumped out the window.

A gunshot was fired.

Author's Note:

The end!

Obviously there will be another so don't worry, you just have to be patient!

Hope you liked it and will read the sequel to this series! Also, while waiting you can catch up with 'Better Together' if you haven't read it yet.

Also, Better Together will be ending within this next week or so, and while I'm in between stories I might write some one-shots in the past from this side or pieces of missions on the Better Together side that happens after that story takes place. So keep your eye out and I'll make sure to tell what side of the series each one-shot is on and when it takes place! I already got a few of ideas of my own and some suggestions but if you have something you want to see just let me go!

Review Please and thanks for reading!