Ch.14: Nia's Light
From her position on Littlefoot's back, the silent form of Nia could only gaze up in horror as she watched the dinosaur that had took her in when she was lost and abandoned, swallowed between Ragnar's jaws. The thought of losing her second father nibbled endlessly at her stricken heart, and tears threatened to flow from her eyes.
Her mind instantly flashed back to all the good times she and Pterano had shared, and as the scenes of love danced before her, her resentment for the floating reptile in the sky grew. Scales on her body taking on a bright red glow, Nia pumped out her wings and soared towards Ragnar.
It was time for the Ultimate Sharptooth's reign to end, once and for all!
Guido was still shaking in absolute fear and relief as he and Syndra carefully guided the Flyers over to where Littlefoot and the others had the grownups stored. They had nearly all landed down in safety when they all witnessed Ragnar's cloud form take a bite and swallow Pterano. Never before, even after all that occurred, had Guido seen so terrifying in his life.
"How in the world can we beat this guy?" thought Guido in panic " He's unstoppable! He's unbelievable! He's...What is she doing?!"
"Gasp!" sounded Ducky's voice from down below.
"Nia!" shouted Littlefoot.
The rose-colored flyer ignored the shouts of her friends, and continued to fiercely pound her wings to climb into the deadly gaze of Ragnar. Everyone, on both ground and sky, yelled at her to fly away, but her mind was already set. She was going to save Pterano!
Sierra was among the shocked as the young flyer zoomed past him and inched closer and closer to the monstrous beast.
"Kid don't!" yelled Sierra " you'll get killed!"
But once again the cries for safety were ignored, and soon Ragnar was laughing at the face of the young, silent rebel that now stood before him.
"Hahaha!" laughed Ragnar " A child? Could it be that the Flyer that I ate was a father to you of some sort? Well, then you must wish join him then don't you? Go ahead...step inside,"
With that said, Ragnar opened up his mouth wide, revealing the gleaming set of fangs for all the Great Valley to see. Making no move to fly out of the way, Nia stayed still as the jaws shut tightly around her, and she was swallowed down to join the contents of Ragnar's stomach.
Sliding down the sticky slime of the throat, Nia tumbled head over wings until she reached her destination over a burning lake of acid. Thrusting out her wings at close to the last second, she had barely managed to dodge a searing death in the digestive juice, gliding upon the unnatural thermals that erupted from down below.
There were signs of bones deep in this bubbling lake, but none considered flyer size. Heart filling with hope that Pterano was still here, Nia was about to make her way out of the stomach to search when another bone, with an orange lump on it, floated in.
The bone itself was from the thigh of a T-Rex, and on its surface, the orange lump that lay upon it was unconscious lump of a groaning Pterano.
Swooping down with instant worry, Nia hovered close to the still form of her adoptive father. Tears of joy and sadness both threatened to leak from her eyes, as her heart, gilded with happiness, began pink-red scales on her body glow.
Nia could feel the power of the light radiate through her skin, and at once, the knowledge that Syndra had shared about the legend of the Shaman came back and made sense. This is the power for which she had been cursed, and now she would use that power to end a curse.
Concentrating hard in her mind, Nia made her wish, and the red light around her body grew. The stomach grumbled, as outside Ragnar shook, and a growl shouted in pain.
Back in the Great Valley, no one could quite believe it. One second they had been crying in horror for seeing a young one get herself eaten, and now the bane of all their terror was twisting around in the sky as if in pain.
"What's going on?" asked Cera.
Unlike the rest of the crowd, it didn't take Syndra long to find the answer. Turning quickly to the other Flyers she shouted...
"Come! The Shaman fights for you! Circle Ragnar and we can seal him away! Fight for the freedom of your valley!"
Pumped up by the speech, all the Great Valley's flyers took off in a giant pack and ringed themselves around the writhing Ragnar. Even in pain from Nia's assault on the inside, Ragnar was well aware of the danger outside too, especially when Syndra started to chant.
The Flyers that had ringed themselves around the dark dragon slowly lit into a trail of green flames, growing brighter and brighter with every rotation that passed. Ragnar felt himself grow smaller as the magical assault lasted through. His power had weakened greatly, and tough he tried to lash out, his claws and tail touched nothing but air.
Finally, in to much pain to last any longer, Ragnar let out one last roar, erupting in red light as his last howl shattered through the skies. The light's from Sydra's spell and Nia's body dimmed, and the sullen sky cleared to let the Great Circle shine through. Everyone in the Valley cheered.
"Ah" said Pterano, gently hugging his savior " I'm so proud of you Nia,"
Nia grinned under her now official father's wings, smiling in satisfaction that everything was all well. The citizens of the Great Valley had their homes back, and Littlefoot and the others were playing peacefully about in the field.
Pterano continued to live with Petrie's family, as did Guido, who after a generous offer from Syndra to see his homeland, reluctantly chose to stay. Syndra was desperate to get back and apologize to her sister. If she could be forgiven then maybe all the resentment towards her past sins would be gone.
Sierra also decided to stay in the Valley, refusing to go back to the Beyond cause it only reminded him to much of his old partner Rinkus. The tough, silver flyer became like a second uncle to Petrie, and a first to Nia. Guido was a little reluctant to go anywhere near Sierra, his mind still shaking from the first encounter.
Nia loved her new life here in the Great Valley. She had truly been blessed. Her curse had turned into a blessing, and she hugged Pterano, she knew that a blessing it will forever be.
The End